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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

I love this stance of India, when it comes to medicines its always Life > Profits.
NATCO is already making drug without patent ....as allowed by Drug Controller General of India in interest of Indian patients ...

As i said, a parasitic society that kills its future generations with short sight. Without profit no further development will happen. Its interesting to see that all india can do is being a parasite on others work.
Ignore him or else he will kill you with his shiny watch:lol:

that's the only thing he has got to show off ...seems the Natco has stripped him of all allowances ...he must have been kicked off by Bayer as part of ..laying off due to Natco having eaten into its market share .

As i said, a parasitic society that kills its future generations with short sight. Without profit no further development will happen. Its interesting to see that all india can do is being a parasite on others work.

Parasitic society is one which imposes bloody wars and commits holocaust to burn its own jewish brethren ...

and whole world knows who had been parasites !!!
Oh, commando back, i see we already pushed penalty tax on indian steel. We will take 3,7 % for all steel from india as well as 27,8 % on high quality steel from india. This was put into place for 5 years now. This will generate 1,2 billion € per year, so in five years roughly 6 billion € profit for our corporations on the expense of indian steel producers.

Stahlindustrie: EU verhängt Strafzölle auf indischen Stahl « Startseite « INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN - Das Magazin für Ihren unternehmerischen Erfolg

You can have the patent lol Since Bayer is a 15% shareholder of the Hagener Feinstahl, i understand the move now. They make almost 1.5 the profit now with the penalty tax than they made with the old patent.

Smart move, India imports 20% from us...but we import only 1.2 % from india. And the largest part is indian steel, so they targeted the best option in that case.
without profits -> no investment->no development-> no life...

its that simple.

So its alright to fleece patients out of life saving meds under the pretext of R&D and profits. I have no qualms over profit but to be that arrogant and immoral brings meaning to a whole new level of douchiness. Hence i support India's stance on this.
So its alright to fleece patients out of life saving meds under the pretext of R&D and profits. I have no qualms over profit but to be that arrogant and immoral brings meaning to a whole new level of douchiness. Hence i support India's stance on this.

I again ask, who will take the enormous financial R&D risks in investments when parasitic countries like india steal the profits?
I again ask, who will take the enormous financial R&D risks in investments when parasitic countries like india steal the profits?

In a huge country like India, selling drugs cheap will net huge profits. Thats the benefit of huge populations, take benefit of it. Sell cheap and more.

Pharma giants dont invest for love of medicine, but it is nothing but a business. So to offset huge development costs be considerate in prices especially in less developed countries. I see you reside in Germany, the healthcare system there wont let you feel the pinch of high cost incursions on one healthcare bill. I have seen some unlucky people who couldnt afford to get on lifesaving medicines/procedures because they could't afford.

So one who cant afford is essentially awarded a death sentence?
In a huge country like India, selling drugs cheap will net huge profits. Thats the benefit of huge populations, take benefit of it. Sell cheap and more.

Pharma giants dont invest for love of medicine, but it is nothing but a business. So to offset huge development costs be considerate in prices especially in less developed countries. I see you reside in Germany, the healthcare system there wont let you feel the pinch of high cost incursions on one healthcare bill. I have seen some unlucky people who couldnt afford to get on lifesaving medicines/procedures because they could't afford.

So one who cant afford is essentially awarded a death sentence?

And you think we should pay for indians tratment? Is that what you try to say? And you also think it is ok to steal our property for your own? Who else will you give our patent?

Why don't you make a healthcare system like we have? That way you dont need to steal from others i think.
And you think we should pay for indians tratment? Is that what you try to say? And you also think it is ok to steal our property for your own? Who else will you give our patent?

Why don't you make a healthcare system like we have? That way you dont need to steal from others i think.

One way or another India is a powerhouse, me being a Pakistani actually support the Indian stance. They wouldnt have to resort to "stealing" as you so eloquently put it, had the prices been somewhat attainable. A huge population plus a leading world powerhouse, India can toe this line.
One way or another India is a powerhouse, me being a Pakistani actually support the Indian stance. They wouldnt have to resort to "stealing" as you so eloquently put it, had the prices been somewhat attainable. A huge population plus a leading world powerhouse, India can toe this line.

Are you kidding me? We already did strike back and pushed penalty tax on indian steel, that way india has to pay even more than before.

Beside that i find your arguments laughable. You think theft is ok if you cant afford the price. Maybe steal Mercedes too, because you cant afford it?
I really support the development of generic drugs for saving lives. However we must ask , when was the last time an Indian company(or chinese/african etc) made a drug from scratch rather than making generics, or tweaking ( changing a few atoms and molecules) here and there of a tested drug and manufacturing it? Maybe if we spend on R&D and make new drugs available to the world at lower prices, we would have a much higher moral ground justifying making these generics.

Imagine one of the major indian pharma companies actually developed a breakthrough drug, do you think they would allow western nations or other third world countries to make cheap generic copies or not wanting to do the same? The same Indians that are carping on about saving lives and the indian gov would be jumping up and down calling them thieves.
we are not copying japanese, russian or western electronic tech like you to make money ...we are producing best in quality medicines which can be afforded by mass population….we are doing best in lifesaving drugs and you chindis are doing just unwanted junk things….


If Chinese pharmaceutical firms do what their Indian counterparts do today,you lot will be out of biz in a few years。

Making generics is cakewalk。Even a middle school lab in China can do it and do it better than you Indians。

Life saving?You shameless Indians are thieves and the biggest and worst hypocrites。
Saroglitazar completed phase III trial and was approved last year itself !

The First Approved Agent in the Glitazar's... [Curr Drug Targets. 2014] - PubMed - NCBI
The drug has been approved and launched in India.. But you must understand that, benchmark for quality of NCE is based upon its filing and approval in US market. In India, Lipaglyn contributes merely 100 crores (16-17 million USD) while they spec 300 million USD on development...

Requirement of US market is extreamly stringent (Japan has most stringent regulations). Unless drug does not get approved and launched in USA, it does not come under the roof of global NCE..
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