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Developed cancer drug for 'western patients' who could afford, not 'for Indians': Bayer's CEO

1. New molecule, cost,
No one is denied of it.
its g8 work pharma guys are doing ...
but again for whom you are working for .. that matters.
if you want to care only reach in europe ple do it.
dont come to india..
if you are in india.. play by our rules which are as per international treaty ( Compulsory licening allowed as per WTO .. india is 1st country to do it.. )

Almost all the MNC and even Indian majors in Pharma are playing their part in supplying good quality medicine (in free of cost to required peoples) in India.. Its a social duty we need to do at any cost... But the attitude in India is not favourable for competitive market... Thus hindering the chances of investment and launches of new/novel products in India.. that the whole basic problem...

2.cost of medicine in usa
if generic cost more than indian branded... in usa then that govt should take care.
its like petrol wil cost rs 35 /lit if other 35 tax is removed..
who wil remove tax.and other added cost.. govt.

You misunderstood the whole point... The quality of medicine decides the cost of it... cGMP and GLP makes the cost high.. Its the requirement in USA to have higher quality (in lay man language)... The regulations there are much more stringent than that of here... If you (government and health agencies) want all those regulations to be followed in India as well, the cost will surge to the existing one...

3. bayer and india
india and china are rising both in term of PPP financial and population.
indian govt is still low on health allocation in budget means more can be done .. means more business.
US is largest market and will remain but japan is going down..so the europe.
china have huge IPR issue.they even copy russian the other super power.. think about others then.. .. even fake apple store .. right
we respect IPR so follow international norms ...go as per judicial procedure
there are many companies who can substitute bayer..
how many nation can substitute india?

Not much option to India for US market and vice-e-versa.. We are the largest generic supplier to US market.. But if you consider these Indian Pharma Inc. then their 60-70 of sales/revenue is from US/EU/Japan.... rest is in India or CIS countries...
If you must know, then 2017-18 would be the phase where we Pharma generics would face Patent peak which would result in merger and aquisitions, resulting in further soaring of cost...

respond as per your time
all we need to have a better deal
for both
who made hard work to invent it and whom it needed the most..

Glad that you had patients for my reply...
1. Medicine to africa
you mean indian medicine generally i think cipla don't follow international practice which in case applicable to PEPFAR?

No, Cipla is a Domestic giant, a 90 years old company.. But yet they have revenue from US/EU.. I dont have Idea about their PEPFAR plan/Pipeline... You know its business strategies...

2. Doctor fees
yes.. its imp issue.
i saw many doc taking heafy fees.
but it complicated matter.
fees many ways depend upon, specialization , location, his treatment effect, so on
but their should be some guideline from ministry or MCI ..is there any?
please do post if anyone knows.

Exactly my point.. If drug is also required to be given enough tech to get effective, then the cost should be respected... and I agree on your point on MCI... They should have a regulation...

3. Innovatos act
Druken monke can you brief on this ..

Innovation act??
this might help you.. There is always a fierce battle in in federal court over grabbing or claming a troll patent.. The act is for prevention of the same...

House passes Innovation Act by vote of 325-91: a small solution to a big patent problem — Tech News and Analysis
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any molecule that they produce effectively earns them revenue in perpetuity, even after patents expire and generics flood the market. This is because firms like Bayer have a brand name, and there are many patients who will buy more expensive branded drugs against cheaper generics. So the argument that generics damage pharma profits is complete crap. This has been shown by decades of growing revenue numbers for big pharma.

Sir, We need to study for 4 years bleachers degree requiring 50% passing in each subject, after that 2 month Industrial training for getting degree.. After this we have to clear GATE for M. Pharma, 2 years in post graduate, where 1 year completely in research.. We need to publish our work in Journals.. After that 3.5 years in PhD... thats a lost of time... and study is not cheap... Maintaining a pharma manufacturing facility in not like a Dhaba... If you ask me about injectable area, then its class 100 area where 1 cubic meter volume of air has 100 partials (invisible to eyes)... such a high standard has be maintained.. and mind you, its very expensive... Finished product and raw material HPLC testing machine cost ranges between 30 lacks to 5 crores.. and chemicals and solvents cost is extreamly high... You know we use water for HPLC has cost Rs 1000 per liter (approx) and others solvents are near to 9k per liter... which are used in high amount.. calculate if mfg requires 100 rupees then testing requires roughly the same amount... not to mention, operators, officers, chemist and other things.. and am talking about manufacturing only.. not mentioned about the RND and their scientist....

A lot of standard pharma (and movie & music) industry propaganda - but ultimately filled with BS.

With all due respect, can you extend the umbrella to the software sector as well, who charge heftily for software.. Coz we have to use genuine ones and its one of our heavy investment... The ultimate cost of software mfg is Rs 10 (for a CD)....

Bayer currently has thousands of drugs in the market - any molecule that they produce effectively earns them revenue in perpetuity, even after patents expire and generics flood the market. This is because firms like Bayer have a brand name, and there are many patients who will buy more expensive branded drugs against cheaper generics. So the argument that generics damage pharma profits is complete crap. This has been shown by decades of growing revenue numbers for big pharma.

If you consider the market trend, more the suppliers (generic) less will be cost of goods.. Cost errosion is so high that innovator hardly gets any market share once more than two generics comes in the market...So your point of having many products in the market is absurd... One may have many products, but how much revenue generate after years is questionable.. Bayer was the innovator fofr Paracetamol.. They are still selling it. what is the revenue they generate?? very less... yet they continue for the public service, and not for profit... and with good strategies business will grow fore over... If you had been through fortune 500 list, there are

Similarly, the argument that compulsory licensing and similar patient-friendly acts will "limit innovation" is another lie - most of the high drug prices go towards paying the high salaries of the big pharma management (Mr Marjin Dekkers earned 6 Million Euros in salary in 2012). Their ongoing revenue is more than enough to support R&D costs - the $60K range prices are only meant to provide what we managers called supernormal profits for the shareholders. And if the threat of limiting innovation was true, these companies would have stopped selling drugs in India decades ago - I haven't seen that happening. Have you?

So you mean, that those who have done hard work, should not be paid enough after all those hardship?? Mr. Marjin Dekkers is the chairman of board of directors. What about those who are down the line???
Well, I will not support the comments made by Bayer's Chairman about SORAFENIB TOSYLATE (Nexavar)... About you saying about their RND investment, let me tell you, they put 10% of their revenue in RND.. and thats a big chunk of money.. rest, I let you to to decide....

For years, big pharma has also been trying to take advantage of the weaknesses in the patent regime to earn supernormal profits. They would try to get patents for methods or ideas instead of actual molecules, sneak in new patents for virtually identical molecules to extend patent coverage without doing new research, etc. Pharmas have also colluded to deliberately limit supply of raw materials to prevent the manufacture of out-of-patent generics. The Indian government - otherwise supremely incompetent - have been very proactive in this regard, and have successfully resisted selling out to the big businesses in the area of intellectual property (unlike US & EU). For this, I and the many poor people of India are truly grateful.

Oh, these poor of my India, who have cellphones and wines and cigarettes... I rather support Narendra Modi's idea of India with able hands (and not being a beggar).. About bolded part, hands down, you are out of your mind....

Most of the rest of your comment is useless filler - medical costs in India (even including doctors’ fees and the overcharging Apollo’s and Fortis') are among the lowest in the world, not the least because drug costs are low. This is in stark contrast to the western markets - the US has so many issues with Medicare and Health Insurance costs because of their absurdly high product prices. For example, recently a hospital in North Carolina charged a patient $89,000 for $750 snakebite anti-venom.
SnakeBite Causes $89,000 Hospital Bill for North Carolina Couple | TIME.com

Off course many of drugs are charged exorbitantly and they have reasons we feel... You are free to feel otherwise
And about Indian healthcare, no NCE (New chemical entity) has been there since last 90 years of Indian Pharma world nothing else... We just steal innovations of others...

And the most important fact remains is that when you work in medicines and pharmaceuticals, if you look at your drugs only as an avenue to earn money and build your next bungalow, then you will be considered by everyone as a insub-human greedy b--tard. In this field, you have a responsibility yo care about human life and well-being and this is what Mr Dekker and you don't seem to understand. You don't care if patients with cancer, aids or other life threatening illnesses live or die, if their families go bankrupt trying to save their lives, you only care if your bank accounts are adequately padded or not. You are cribbing so much because the Indian government won't allow you to do that.

So excuse me if I don't sympathise and also if I make sure to avoid all drugs made by Mylan Labs going forward.


Your comments are very outrageous against me and my profession... You are not aware that we continuously work for next generation medicine which requires a lot of funding.. where this fund will come from???

And let me tell you one thing, mylan is Generic organization and not branded... Each Pharma orgs distribute medicines to under previllaged ones... No need to take cheap shots to my current employers... You dont know the hardship of a chemist...

and my post is not filler.. am the person from the faculty.. if not interested in my post, dont waste your and mine time..

Shrikant sir, doctors have to study for 5 and half years just to graduate, then 3 years PG after that we charge 300 inr for a diagnosis and after those 9 years without earning much, you are saying that diagnosis should be free cause the medications cost less than that, then i don't know what i should say.
Can you give us a model where will can charge less and still maintain our private practise, paying all our employees salary (General Duty Assistants, Nurses, watchmen. etc), the rents and the taxes.

I don't think anywhere in the world the gov. specifies how much the physician should charge for their service. And yes MCI do have a guideline that we have to follow.

Code of Medical Ethics Regulations, 2002

We have to study for 4 years for bachlers, 2 years for postgraduate and 3.5 yers for doctorate ...

About investment, its huge....
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Almost all the MNC and even Indian majors in Pharma are playing their part in supplying good quality medicine (in free of cost to required peoples) in India.. Its a social duty we need to do at any cost... But the attitude in India is not favourable for competitive market... Thus hindering the chances of investment and launches of new/novel products in India.. that the whole basic problem...

You misunderstood the whole point... The quality of medicine decides the cost of it... cGMP and GLP makes the cost high.. Its the requirement in USA to have higher quality (in lay man language)... The regulations there are much more stringent than that of here... If you (government and health agencies) want all those regulations to be followed in India as well, the cost will surge to the existing one...

Not much option to India for US market and vice-e-versa.. We are the largest generic supplier to US market.. But if you consider these Indian Pharma Inc. then their 60-70 of sales/revenue is from US/EU/Japan.... rest is in India or CIS countries...
If you must know, then 2017-18 would be the phase where we Pharma generics would face Patent peak which would result in merger and aquisitions, resulting in further soaring of cost...

Glad that you had patients for my reply...

No, Cipla is a Domestic giant, a 90 years old company.. But yet they have revenue from US/EU.. I dont have Idea about their PEPFAR plan/Pipeline... You know its business strategies...

Exactly my point.. If drug is also required to be given enough tech to get effective, then the cost should be respected... and I agree on your point on MCI... They should have a regulation...

Innovation act??
this might help you.. There is always a fierce battle in in federal court over grabbing or claming a troll patent.. The act is for prevention of the same...

House passes Innovation Act by vote of 325-91: a small solution to a big patent problem — Tech News and Analysis
thanks for reply..
it helped to understand the other perspective
will revert soon .. delay regretted..
7. new molecule.
india did not invented single molecule .. i dont know may be .. yes
but what wrong in copy past if its under regularity mechanism and legal as per wto , world trade rules?

Unrelated question:

Why do pharma reps use the term "molecules" to signify patents? I once had a great conversation with a pharmacist and he kept repeatedly using the phrase "XYZ corporation owns the molecule for ABC drug."

All the while, I was thinking to myself, "Why is he using such a vague and confusing term?"
Off course many of drugs are charged exorbitantly and they have reasons we feel... You are free to feel otherwise
And about Indian healthcare, no NCE (New chemical entity) has been there since last 90 years of Indian Pharma world nothing else... We just steal innovations of others.

Correction. we do have a New Chemical Entity discovered , developed ,tested and approved in India . so you are not factually correct . The drug is named Saroglitazar.

I know it's not something great or encouraging ...but definitely a good sign.

I hope Indian pharmas will continue the streak ...It is possible . Indian Pharma companies have wherewithal to do it .

Unrelated question:

Why do pharma reps use the term "molecules" to signify patents? I once had a great conversation with a pharmacist and he kept repeatedly using the phrase "XYZ corporation owns the molecule for ABC drug."

All the while, I was thinking to myself, "Why is he using such a vague and confusing term?"

It's matter of lingo and convention ...that's it . nothing scientific about .

may be just to emphasize originality ...in terms of patent rights .

Because previously IPR recognized patenting of ' process ' rather than ' molecule ' which was used as gateway by Indian pharma companies to make minor tweaks in ' processes' in making same 'molecule ' to circumvent the patent rules ...
I don't deny that the cost of development is huge...but most who need the meds can't afford it. A way must be found to cover development cost while providing affordable health care to those who need it.

An Open source drug discovery platform could be a way forward, it will cost way less than in house R&D. Though, do not know the technicalities but this should be promoted to break the monopoly of large drug manufacturer and to reduce the cost.

How effective it can be and what are the problems with it, care to shed some insight.
Open Source Drug Discovery
some indians think others own them something? The development of such stuff costs billions of €. You can´t afford it? You can´t have it. Its that simple. I support Bayer 100% on that. I don´t want that i support your people with my taxmoney.
thanks for reply..
it helped to understand the other perspective
will revert soon .. delay regretted..
Your reply will be always welcomed, delay means you are preparing a good response which is always desirable...

Correction. we do have a New Chemical Entity discovered , developed ,tested and approved in India . so you are not factually correct . The drug is named Saroglitazar.

I know it's not something great or encouraging ...but definitely a good sign.

I hope Indian pharmas will continue the streak ...It is possible . Indian Pharma companies have wherewithal to do it .

It's matter of lingo and convention ...that's it . nothing scientific about .

may be just to emphasize originality ...in terms of patent rights .

Because previously IPR recognized patenting of ' process ' rather than ' molecule ' which was used as gateway by Indian pharma companies to make minor tweaks in ' processes' in making same 'molecule ' to circumvent the patent rules ...

You are partially correct about Saroglitazar. Its a Zydus cadilla molecule.. its in clinical phase 3.. Apart from this molecule there are 3 more molecules in the pipeline of Cadilla.. What I am emphasizing is, "A drug is called NCE once it has cleared clinical phase 3 and enter market"... Meanwhile, this product has highest potentials amongst the Indian NCE project to be first Marketed NCE...
About patents, you got spot on bro...
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Your reply will be always welcomed, delay means you are preparing a good response which is always desirable...

You are partially correct about Saroglitazar. Its a Zydus cadilla molecule.. its in clinical phase 3.. Apart from this molecule there are 3 more molecules in the pipeline of Cadilla.. What I am emphasizing is, "A drug is called NCE once it has cleared clinical phase 3 and enter market"... Meanwhile, this product has highest potentials amongst the Indian NCE project to be first Marketed NCE...
About patents, you got spot on bro...

Saroglitazar completed phase III trial and was approved last year itself !

The First Approved Agent in the Glitazar's... [Curr Drug Targets. 2014] - PubMed - NCBI
An Open source drug discovery platform could be a way forward, it will cost way less than in house R&D. Though, do not know the technicalities but this should be promoted to break the monopoly of large drug manufacturer and to reduce the cost.

How effective it can be and what are the problems with it, care to shed some insight.
Open Source Drug Discovery
Chemical research in Pharmaceuticals is focused on discovering Chemical entity with desirable chemical property, physicochemical property, conformational (shape and dimension of molecule) view of molecule which would simulate certain enzymes/bio molecules which would impart the pharmacological effect...

Chemistry is a art where the following the rules of nature of chemical bonds, one can synthesize the molecule.. Open source DD is a web based system where scientist from across the world share their ideas.... Its like following picture...

Also the this way of research is more productive since it bring more ideas and best can be chosen from the available pool of ideas.. Also use of software in Chemical research can utilize all permutation and combinations which gives a sequential results with varying degree of agreability..
some indians think others own them something? The development of such stuff costs billions of €. You can´t afford it? You can´t have it. Its that simple. I support Bayer 100% on that. I don´t want that i support your people with my taxmoney.

If we think our people need particular drug and if we think we can't afford it ...then we will issue compulsory licence to allow generic production.

and we are not violating any International law ...we are within our rights to exercise provisions of Doha agreement towards realizing TRIPS by which we became party to this International law and it became viable ....

no matter what MNC pharma companies and their stooges may cry hoarse ..we will do what is within rights granted by TRIPS agreement to us !!!
If we think our people need particular drug and if we think we can't afford it ...then we will issue compulsory licence to allow generic production.

and we are not violating any International law ...we are within our rights to exercise provisions of Doha agreement towards realizing TRIPS by which we became party to this International law and it became viable ....

no matter what MNC pharma companies and their stooges may cry hoarse ..we will do what is within rights granted by TRIPS agreement to us !!!

In other words you are acting like a parasite, live from our science without contributing to it. Thanks for making this clear.
In other words you are acting like a parasite, live from our science without contributing to it. Thanks for making this clear.

If Internationally agreed law provides us to do it ..we will do it in interest of our people .

We don't care what you call us ....we only know that we are within rights granted to us by the International agreement .

The 20 million HIV patients who got new lease of life due to cheap Indian generic drugs world wide ...call us saviors !!!

The MNC pharma companies have been parasites to live off last drops of bloods of dying patients ...and not Indian pharma companies ....!!!
If Internationally agreed law provides us to do it ..we will do it in interest of our people .

We don't care what you call us ....we only know that we are within rights granted to us by the International agreement .

The 20 million HIV patients who got new lease of life due to cheap Indian generic drugs world wide ...call us saviors !!!

The MNC pharma companies have been parasites to live off last drops of bloods of dying patients ...and not Indian pharma companies ....!!!

lol without profit no new meds will be developed. Thats the fact. And you are one of the reasons for this. Beside that, i don´t want fund your patients with my tax money. You should develop your own meds. And not be a parasite.
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