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Deutsche Welle: A trip to Tehran

Man fekr kardam shoma Tehran hasti ... Raasti, oun agha farsi balad nist ;) aadam e cool va khoubi hast
midoonam farsi bala nist...vali kheili az najafi ha baladan...

man ke nagoftam mashhad zendegi mikonam!! arabit zaeef shode ha...

goftam man alan mashhadam agar doost dari bia join shim behet shahro neshoon bedam ye 6lik to shandiz bezanim va yekam dokhtar bazi konim
I'm talking about Sycthian500, he's learning Arabic and visited Iraq and Lebanon. Do you believe the respective governments give them citizenship? I have heard many Iranians in Iraq got citizenship from the government.
How old are you my Palistinian friend?

There were hundreds of thousands of Iranians living in Iraq for decades (a long time a go though)... They were Iranians who settled around holy cities of Karbala and Najaf responding to their love to these ahl al beit al al rasoul. Another part of them settled in Iraq because they were religious and could not stand Iranian Western Fisad by that time. Another layer of Iranians were there since the days of IRaq Ajam and Iraq Arab where both countries were one. Another part were religious studies scholars and students who gathered up in prestigous Najaf Howza. Although, after Islamic revoultion in Iran, Qom started to replace Najaf for Shia Islamic Studies.

Most of these Iranians were expelled back to Iran by Saddam accusing them of being Iranian spies. Salehi (Iranian atomic organization chief), Shahroudi (ex-head of judges), Larijani brothers (dalton brothers!!), etc are from this clan.

Some of them still are in Iraq. The big example is Ayatullah ali Sistani who is an Iranian Mujtahid from Mashhad but spent most of his life in Iraq and is somehow even more Iraqi than Iranian now.

But regarding the citizenship issue, I never heard of Iranians go apply for Iraqi citizenship in modern times. Opposite is almost true. During 8 year Saddam invasion of Iran, millions of Iraqis took refuge in Iran. Most of them returned back to Iraq after 2003. Although still hundreds of thousands of Iraqis live in Iran. They are very well absorbed into Iranian population. Iranian government gives them special treatment. I personally encountered many of them in Iran, speaking Persian better than Iranians, working in jobs that need Arabic as a plus (tourist sector).... A big part of Iraqi brothers and sisters had a life left behind in Iraq, most of them preferred to go back home.

Today, remaining Iraqis in Iran have Green Cards and they can live legally in Iran, work, study, etc... These cards can be converted to Iranian citizenship of they marry an Iranian.

Today, Iranian and Iraqi shia feel again to be border-less. Many of our political figures are Iraqi born (Iranian Iraqi born), some of them have high ranks in Iraqi politics even now (Mahmoud Shahroudi)... At the same time, the major Iraqi and other shia Mujtahid is Iranian (sistani)...

once again and after a long time... Iraqi tourists are coming to Iran in millions and Iranians go visiting Iraq in millions. Last year Arbaeen festival was the biggest festival ever witnessed by human being. There were around twenty or something million pilgrams walking on bare feet a long distance to co-memorate Imam Hussein and Karbala incident. Iraqi people were providing food, drink, massage, accommodation and ect for free to total strangers... Even poor village women Iraqis were donating their few left food to people who were heading to Karbala.... Iranian and Iraqi borders just let the borders open after a few days of trying to issue Visas!! In only few days, the population increased in a way that Iraq had no Visa papers available for them... therefore, Iranians used their National ID card and got flew in!!
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How old are you my Palistinian friend?

There were hundreds of thousands of Iranians living in Iraq for decades (a long time a go though)... They were Iranians who settled around holy cities of Karbala and Najaf responding to their love to these ahl al beit al al rasoul. Another part of them settled in Iraq because they were religious and could not stand Iranian Western Fisad by that time. Another layer of Iranians were there since the days of IRaq Ajam and Iraq Arab where both countries were one. Another part were religious studies scholars and students who gathered up in prestigous Najaf Howza. Although, after Islamic revoultion in Iran, Qom started to replace Najaf for Shia Islamic Studies.

Most of these Iranians were expelled back to Iran by Saddam accusing them of being Iranian spies. Salehi (Iranian atomic organization chief), Shahroudi (ex-head of judges), Larijani brothers (dalton brothers!!), etc are from this clan.

Some of them still are in Iraq. The big example is Ayatullah ali Sistani who is an Iranian Mujtahid from Mashhad but spent most of his life in Iraq and is somehow even more Iraqi than Iranian now.

But regarding the citizenship issue, I never heard of Iranians go apply for Iraqi citizenship in modern times. Opposite is almost true. During 8 year Saddam invasion of Iran, millions of Iraqis took refuge in Iran. Most of them returned back to Iraq after 2003. Although still hundreds of thousands of Iraqis live in Iran. They are very well absorbed into Iranian population. Iranian government gives them special treatment. I personally encountered many of them in Iran, speaking Persian better than Iranians, working in jobs that need Arabic as a plus (tourist sector).... A big part of Iraqi brothers and sisters had a life left behind in Iraq, most of them preferred to go back home.

Today, remaining Iraqis in Iran have Green Cards and they can live legally in Iran, work, study, etc... These cards can be converted to Iranian citizenship of they marry an Iranian.

Today, Iranian and Iraqi shia feel again to be border-less. Many of our political figures are Iraqi born (Iranian Iraqi born), some of them have high ranks in Iraqi politics even now (Mahmoud Shahroudi)... At the same time, the major Iraqi and other shia Mujtahid is Iranian (sistani)...

once again and after a long time... Iraqi tourists are coming to Iran in millions and Iranians go visiting Iraq in millions. Last year Arbaeen festival was the biggest festival ever witnessed by human being. There were around twenty or something million pilgrams walking on bare feet a long distance to co-memorate Imam Hussein and Karbala incident. Iranian and Iraqi borders just let the borders open after a few days of trying to issue Visas!! In only few days, the population increased in a way that Iraq had no Visa papers available for them... therefore, Iranians used their National ID card and got flew in!!

The relationship between the peopleof iraq and iran is amazing. Saddam forced the two nations to have an 8 year destructive war but now, both sides dont look at is a source of hate. What other two nations could have an 8 year war and not let it damage their brotherhood?
The relationship between the peopleof iraq and iran is amazing. Saddam forced the two nations to have an 8 year destructive war but now, both sides dont look at is a source of hate. What other two nations could have an 8 year war and not let it damage their brotherhood?
Have you been in Mashhad or Qom? I've seen millions Shia Iraqis.
The fuuny thing is that Iranians lived in heavy injustice at time of Sasanian empire especially after khosro parviz. Achaemenid and Parthian empires were great empires but the kings of of Sasanian empire did not treat their people well.
Pretty much Roman-Christian and modern Islamist propaganda (everything was GOOD because and after Islam)
Sassanids were much better than both Achaemenids and Parthians.
For your info, I'm 16. That doesn't discredit me at all, though.
No. I can go to Europe anywhere, say **** you to the police, government, etc. and not get arrested. However, if you do that in developing countries, they will arrest you, because you "insulted the great leaders' feelings."

1.) You clearly said "you are Takfiri then you can cross the customs border in airport (in pieces)."
2.) There were no "Syrian-Iranian" relations, they were relations between the two governments. We know that you Persians hate our guts for being Arab. Hell, you call Syrians "Sons of Muawiyah" as if that's supposed to be an insult :omghaha:
I clearly stated many times on this forum, I hate Saddam Hussein, I hate US & Saudi foreign policy, and I hate Israel. You can even see death to Israel in my signature. Are you that blind? Seems like you're the one who lacks reading skill here, bud.
Iran told Bashar to give reforms? Hahahahaha
Bashar fucking shot at us, those were his "reforms." I have plenty of video evidence, but I do NOT want to get banned. Again. I'll PM you, too.
Saudi Arabia & Qatar supported rebels in 2012 after Iran started supporting him in 2011. Their support was reactionary. Israel never supported rebels, or people, at all.
The "anti-Israel" axis that never attacked Israel. Hmm. Assads hadn't attacked Israel since 1982, and up until 2009 Assad had been doing peace negotiations with Israel, mediated by Turkey. Such "resistance."
Assad dumped Hamas when they said they didn't like him shooting at protesters. So did Iran. Hezbollah didn't do anything for Palestinians.
Medical support from Israel goes to the people who need it most, whether they are SAA, FSA, or civilian. Hospitals in Dara'a-held areas are not always able to treat severe cases so they are handed over to Israelis for medical treatment, and they aren't sent back to fight btw, Israel hasn't sent back a single one (minus civilians.)
Intel and air support? Now you're going in to retard conspiracy theory territory. Intel = nonexistent, and air support is nonexistent. We don't get anything from Israel, at all.
Nusra formed in September 2011, AFTER Assad got help from Russia and Iran. Nusra only gained traction in late 2011. ISIS only came in late-2013, and by January 2014 rebels were fighting them.
You clearly are delusional. All you Iranians can do is call us Takfiri. Big bad Sunni Takfiris! :(
Some advisers? We have killed over 100 IRGC commanders, and hundreds of IRGC troops. "Advisers."
3.) No, I would not get arrested for burning the flag here. Nor anywhere else in developed countries.

Aww, you're making me cry. I know you don't give a flying **** about us, because you hate us. I've clearly admitted that.
kidoo... before "you are Takfiri then you can cross the customs border in airport (in pieces)." there was an IF... seems it is pointless to educate a 16 yo Arab! so the correct form was:

"IF you are Takfiri then you can cross the customs border in airport (in pieces)."

Secondly, would you please call your hated Israeli enemy to help Syrian, Hizbullah fighters who are wounded too since they only do this because they care about human being!!

All you mentioned is lies who Saudi-led propaganda put into your heads... IF you were not 16 yo or an Arab you would know it immideiately that most of your points here is just a mis-information... You are not old enough to remember what was happened with Syria and you either left school due to war hense having no chance to learn about the contemporary history of your country.

Although, I really believe that trying to convince or educate an Arab is the toughest job in this world. This is why trillions of dollars have been spent on Arab children in many Arab countries in last century but still Arabs are one of the most backward nations on earth..both educationally, scientifically, politically!!

ok, what about this... I have no time wasting it no you to tech you the facts about your country... You deserve to see and feel the consequences of your and your fellas analysis of the current situation in ME. You tasted it deep but will taste the taste of truth even deeper very soon...

I wonder why Allah sent its prophets to Arabs!! Because Arabs were they best civilized people on earth hense no need to be changed or just because they were the most needy to be changed from their ugly reality... Even Muhammad could not make you people right, even though his teachings is very rich...

so, as you see above, I just admitted my failure toward you... you defeated me badly... I'm sorry If I though Syria and Iran had good relations before the civil war... I'm sorry If I added an IF before "you are a takfiri"... I,m sorry that you hate Israel so much but when they help you, you come up with saying "they do this for everyone in need!" .... I'm sorry that there is no Sunni Takfiri in Syria... and I'm sorry if Iran sent Iranian Army to Syria but failed to crush Takfiris....either you are so strong or Iranian forces are weak...

I was misinformed... I'm sorry... I try to watch more of Al Ebriyeh... maybe I get unlighted with the truth someday...

Piece for Syria ...

For your info, I'm 16. That doesn't discredit me at all, though.
No. I can go to Europe anywhere, say **** you to the police, government, etc. and not get arrested. However, if you do that in developing countries, they will arrest you, because you "insulted the great leaders' feelings."

Okay, bro, in respect to your age, allow me to mention that having principles is great, but its also important to not be in a state of hyperactive ideological warfare all the time. It's like going to funeral and saying that the dead person is an asshole. He might be, but why go there just to be a dick?

That's how it is with tourism. When we travel for tourism purposes, we don't go to make political statements. If I decide between going to two countries, I might research the hotels, prices, historical sites, etc, and at no point would "I wonder if it's legal to shit on their flag" come into my decision making process. You won't find that in TripAdvisor or Lonely Planet. "Top Destinations for Flag Burning Tourists", " 2016's Best Cities For Tourists That Enjoy Drawing Dicks on State leaders Posters", etc.
kidoo... before "you are Takfiri then you can cross the customs border in airport (in pieces)." there was an IF... seems it is pointless to educate a 16 yo Arab! so the correct form was:

"IF you are Takfiri then you can cross the customs border in airport (in pieces)."

Secondly, would you please call your hated Israeli enemy to help Syrian, Hizbullah fighters who are wounded too since they only do this because they care about human being!!

All you mentioned is lies who Saudi-led propaganda put into your heads... IF you were not 16 yo or an Arab you would know it immideiately that most of your points here is just a mis-information... You are not old enough to remember what was happened with Syria and you either left school due to war hense having no chance to learn about the contemporary history of your country.

Although, I really believe that trying to convince or educate an Arab is the toughest job in this world. This is why trillions of dollars have been spent on Arab children in many Arab countries in last century but still Arabs are one of the most backward nations on earth..both educationally, scientifically, politically!!

ok, what about this... I have no time wasting it no you to tech you the facts about your country... You deserve to see and feel the consequences of your and your fellas analysis of the current situation in ME. You tasted it deep but will taste the taste of truth even deeper very soon...

I wonder why Allah sent its prophets to Arabs!! Because Arabs were they best civilized people on earth hense no need to be changed or just because they were the most needy to be changed from their ugly reality... Even Muhammad could not make you people right, even though his teachings is very rich...

so, as you see above, I just admitted my failure toward you... you defeated me badly... I'm sorry If I though Syria and Iran had good relations before the civil war... I'm sorry If I added an IF before "you are a takfiri"... I,m sorry that you hate Israel so much but when they help you, you come up with saying "they do this for everyone in need!" .... I'm sorry that there is no Sunni Takfiri in Syria... and I'm sorry if Iran sent Iranian Army to Syria but failed to crush Takfiris....either you are so strong or Iranian forces are weak...

I was misinformed... I'm sorry... I try to watch more of Al Ebriyeh... maybe I get unlighted with the truth someday...

Piece for Syria ...

SAA (who btw are mostly Alawite or not Syrian at all) & Hezbollah fighters are sent to SAA held hospitals. SAA wouldn't send them over to rebel held areas. I didn't say Israel did it because they cared about human beings. As a doctor, you are supposed to treat all patients that come your way, no matter who they are.
You're really trying to educate me and what goes on in my country? Hahaha. I lived in Syria half my life. I know what conditions there were like. I don't need an Iranian to tell me anything about my country. I had plenty of chance learning about my country, considering my grandfather (who was in the SAA in the 1970s btw, he was a Malyutka gunner) is a history intellectual, he definitely taught me about the history of Syria. You have no right whatsoever judging my history skills, considering it is my favorite subject. And good job showing your racism towards Arabs, just proves my point further. Funny because I argued with a Shia earlier today and he was racist against black people. Seems like a recurring pattern.

Again, more racism against Arabs. Proves my point even further.

I would love to see these "consequences." You just proved yourself that Iranians, in general, hate the guts of Arabs. Therefore, you have no business whatsoever in Arab affairs, and it would be nice if you GTFO the Middle East. Once Iran leaves Arab affairs, 50% of Arabs' problems will be gone.

Allah (swt) sent his prophets to everyone - even you farsis (although you clearly killed/ignored your prophet), and yes, I will admit, many Arabs were/are ignorant, but that was because of the lack of education. Persians are just as ignorant if not more ignorant than Arabs.

Syrian gov't and Iranian gov't had good relations before the war. True. Syria and Iran? No. Gov't = / = country.
You assumed I was a takfiri, that's quite obvious.
I never said Israel do it to everyone. FSA only do it when they are low on medical supplies or when the case is extremely critical.
There are no Sunni Takfiris in Syria. There are Syrians, then there are foreign Shias, and then there are Khawarij. That's it.
Your Iranian Army was defeated by Saddam. That's how pathetic you guys are. Saddam, a man who didn't know his hand from his ***.
Of course Iranian Army can't defeat us, we live in a land blessed by Allah (swt). Bilaad al Sham will never again be bullied around by foreigners.
Did I tell you to go watch al Arabiyah?

"Piece (even though it's peace) for Syria :lol:"
Shows that you don't actually want peace.
Okay, bro, in respect to your age, allow me to mention that having principles is great, but its also important to not be in a state of hyperactive ideological warfare all the time. It's like going to funeral and saying that the dead person is an asshole. He might be, but why go there just to be a dick?

That's how it is with tourism. When we travel for tourism purposes, we don't go to make political statements. If I decide between going to two countries, I might research the hotels, prices, historical sites, etc, and at no point would "I wonder if it's legal to shit on their flag" come into my decision making process. You won't find that in TripAdvisor or Lonely Planet. "Top Destinations for Flag Burning Tourists", " 2016's Best Cities For Tourists That Enjoy Drawing Dicks on State leaders Posters", etc.
My point is, I'm not going to be an asshole. But if a country's government is so sensitive that it cannot take an insult, it does not deserve to be in power. Whether it be Erdogan, Rouhani, whoever it may be.
Also my point is that the Iranian government will persecute me for obvious reasons. Someone who doesn't agree with them and is a Sunni? Off to the Gulag. Which is why I will never go to Iran, unless there is regime change. Which is highly unlikely.
My point is, I'm not going to be an asshole. But if a country's government is so sensitive that it cannot take an insult, it does not deserve to be in power. Whether it be Erdogan, Rouhani, whoever it may be.
Also my point is that the Iranian government will persecute me for obvious reasons. Someone who doesn't agree with them and is a Sunni? Off to the Gulag. Which is why I will never go to Iran, unless there is regime change. Which is highly unlikely.

Dude, this is about who about tourism not changing the world and regime change. I don't like Erdogan and dislike their foreign policy but I love going to Turkey.

And come on. No one in government or security forces gives a shit if a Syrian Sunni person comes to Iran IF its for tourism. Sure, if he wants to come, insult the religion, the country, the leaders, and walks around with his dick out, he would get arrested. So for those sort of tourists, I'd recommend to choose a better destination that meets their unique travelling fetishes.

And by the way, for tourists that enjoy burning flags, I'm sorry to say that your choices are very limited,
Flag desecration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shame, the world is such an interesting place, and tourists like that will miss out on all of it, because they can't do their number 1 activity.
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SAA (who btw are mostly Alawite or not Syrian at all) & Hezbollah fighters are sent to SAA held hospitals. SAA wouldn't send them over to rebel held areas. I didn't say Israel did it because they cared about human beings. As a doctor, you are supposed to treat all patients that come your way, no matter who they are.
You're really trying to educate me and what goes on in my country? Hahaha. I lived in Syria half my life. I know what conditions there were like. I don't need an Iranian to tell me anything about my country. I had plenty of chance learning about my country, considering my grandfather (who was in the SAA in the 1970s btw, he was a Malyutka gunner) is a history intellectual, he definitely taught me about the history of Syria. You have no right whatsoever judging my history skills, considering it is my favorite subject. And good job showing your racism towards Arabs, just proves my point further. Funny because I argued with a Shia earlier today and he was racist against black people. Seems like a recurring pattern.

Again, more racism against Arabs. Proves my point even further.

I would love to see these "consequences." You just proved yourself that Iranians, in general, hate the guts of Arabs. Therefore, you have no business whatsoever in Arab affairs, and it would be nice if you GTFO the Middle East. Once Iran leaves Arab affairs, 50% of Arabs' problems will be gone.

Allah (swt) sent his prophets to everyone - even you farsis (although you clearly killed/ignored your prophet), and yes, I will admit, many Arabs were/are ignorant, but that was because of the lack of education. Persians are just as ignorant if not more ignorant than Arabs.

Syrian gov't and Iranian gov't had good relations before the war. True. Syria and Iran? No. Gov't = / = country.
You assumed I was a takfiri, that's quite obvious.
I never said Israel do it to everyone. FSA only do it when they are low on medical supplies or when the case is extremely critical.
There are no Sunni Takfiris in Syria. There are Syrians, then there are foreign Shias, and then there are Khawarij. That's it.
Your Iranian Army was defeated by Saddam. That's how pathetic you guys are. Saddam, a man who didn't know his hand from his ***.
Of course Iranian Army can't defeat us, we live in a land blessed by Allah (swt). Bilaad al Sham will never again be bullied around by foreigners.
Did I tell you to go watch al Arabiyah?

"Piece (even though it's peace) for Syria :lol:"
Shows that you don't actually want peace.

My point is, I'm not going to be an asshole. But if a country's government is so sensitive that it cannot take an insult, it does not deserve to be in power. Whether it be Erdogan, Rouhani, whoever it may be.
Also my point is that the Iranian government will persecute me for obvious reasons. Someone who doesn't agree with them and is a Sunni? Off to the Gulag. Which is why I will never go to Iran, unless there is regime change. Which is highly unlikely.
I don't expect anything spectacular from a teenager.

I have learnt a lot today though:

1- that Government is not people (Arab perception of government is as we all know)
2- Exactly because we hate Arabs we should interfere in their affairs... Iran empowers suppressed Shia (for thousand years) so she is an Empire and want to enslave Arabs!! This is very naive... Iran is after adjoining all Arab states to its empire!! these are what you hear on Al ebriyeh 24/7... and it funny how naive the believers are...
Iran empowers other shias in Arab countries... sign security treaties with some Arab countries... empower some of them to defend themselves against their major enemy Israel, and with all this Iran is interfering with Arab issues, while USA practically enslaved every Arab nation and Arabs can decide nothing serious if they don't take the permission of Western daddies...and yet, this is not interfering.. it is ally!!... maybe West only is ally with governments and governments are not people in Arab countries!
3- Israel is a very responsible doctor...this is why they treat Takfiri terrorists in Syria... give them intel and weaponry!! I wonder why Israel feel the same responsible doctor and help Hizbullah and Syrian legit government when they need urgent medical treatment.... This excuse of yours reveales your true feelings about Israel and you can not hide it behind your moto anti-Israel fake words....
4- so there is no Takfiri or Sunni ... they all are Syrian... except for Shia who lived in Syria for over a thousand years now!! What a modern mindset you next generation Syrian have..
5- Saddam defeated a broke Iran... with no Army... with no money to buy weapons and ammunition... with no country to sell her weapons and ammunition... with a revolutionary country that most of its structure is changed overnight and there is a chaos in at least 3 of its provinces!! Yes, saddam defeated Iran..this is why his goals for his invasion all are realized back then and now!! Quite the opposite... Iran not only never lost a meter of land but also owned Saddam's too!!

Saddam army was way well equipped than Irans... but what happened? Iran destroyed Iraqi army once.... then Saddam asked for money from his beloved GCC arabs... they gave him tens of billions... he renewed his destructed army with even better and more weapons... what happened then? Funny... their army got destroyed again!... It is at the middle of the third Iraqi army destruction that he asked Iran for peace... what a victory!!

Saddam invaded Iran promising to MARCH in Tehran in 2 or 3 weeks if I'm not mistaken... wow, he really made that march... is n't it? He owns Iran and still marching in Tehran Azadi square every year!

Saddam with the help of both West and East... with the help of Western built Chemical weapons killed thousands of civilians in Iran... He had the full support and help of the whole world except for Syria... Iran had problems acquiring helmets by then... but what happened at the end?

Iranian High Tech Industries

leave your previous Al Ebriyeh provided info and go wiki Iran-Iraq war to see how victorious Saddam was!! poor child... It's not your fault... I understand...

I have Syrian Sunni friends from both Homs and Damascus... they literally laugh at kind of your analysis... we are good friends and we will meet again after the war, like it or not...

But as for Takfiri Sunnis... I invite them to come conquer Iran... Millions of Iranians are counting seconds for them to become in reach... but non-Takfiri sunnis are our brothers... we have nearly 7 millions of them in Iran and few of Iranian sunnis here in PDF... I like them like my own brothers and defend them where they needed to be defended the same as I do for Shia or Christian... but Takfiri Wahhabi minds... come on... their place is down the toilet with extra leaching...

now, go finish your high school and instead of watching adult-TV al Ebriyeh go watch Tom & Jerry... it is more true than Al Ebriyeh facts!!
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Dude, this is about who about tourism not changing the world and regime change. I don't like Erdogan and dislike their foreign policy but I love going to Turkey.

And come on. No one in government or security forces gives a shit if a Syrian Sunni person comes to Iran IF its for tourism. Sure, if he wants to come, insult the religion, the country, the leaders, and walks around with his dick out, he would get arrested. So for those sort of tourists, I'd recommend to choose a better destination that meets their unique travelling fetishes.

And by the way, for tourists that enjoy burning flags, I'm sorry to say that your choices are very limited,
Flag desecration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shame, the world is such an interesting place, and tourists like that will miss out on all of it, because they can't do their number 1 activity.
Still, my point stands. You can still burn a US flag here in the US and it is the right of anyone to speak their mind wherever they want to, whenever they want to, it is a human right. Sure, it's not always the best thing to do, but it still a right.
I don't expect anything spectacular from a teenager.

I have learnt a lot today though:

1- that Government is not people (Arab perception of government is as we all know)
2- Exactly because we hate Arabs we should interfere in their affairs... Iran empowers suppressed Shia (for thousand years) so she is an Empire and want to enslave Arabs!! This is very naive... Iran is after adjoining all Arab states to its empire!! these are what you hear on Al ebriyeh 24/7... and it funny how naive the believers are...
Iran empowers other shias in Arab countries... sign security treaties with some Arab countries... empower some of them to defend themselves against their major enemy Israel, and with all this Iran is interfering with Arab issues, while USA practically enslaved every Arab nation and Arabs can decide nothing serious if they don't take the permission of Western daddies...and yet, this is not interfering.. it is ally!!... maybe West only is ally with governments and governments are not people in Arab countries!
3- Israel is a very responsible doctor...this is why they treat Takfiri terrorists in Syria... give them intel and weaponry!! I wonder why Israel feel the same responsible doctor and help Hizbullah and Syrian legit government when they need urgent medical treatment.... This excuse of yours reveales your true feelings about Israel and you can not hide it behind your moto anti-Israel fake words....
4- so there is no Takfiri or Sunni ... they all are Syrian... except for Shia who lived in Syria for over a thousand years now!! What a modern mindset you next generation Syrian have..
5- Saddam defeated a broke Iran... with no Army... with no money to buy weapons and ammunition... with no country to sell her weapons and ammunition... with a revolutionary country that most of its structure is changed overnight and there is a chaos in at least 3 of its provinces!! Yes, saddam defeated Iran..this is why his goals for his invasion all are realized back then and now!! Quite the opposite... Iran not only never lost a meter of land but also owned Saddam's too!!

Saddam army was way well equipped than Irans... but what happened? Iran destroyed Iraqi army once.... then Saddam asked for money from his beloved GCC arabs... they gave him tens of billions... he renewed his destructed army with even better and more weapons... what happened then? Funny... their army got destroyed again!... It is at the middle of the third Iraqi army destruction that he asked Iran for peace... what a victory!!

Saddam invaded Iran promising to MARCH in Tehran in 2 or 3 weeks if I'm not mistaken... wow, he really made that march... is n't it? He owns Iran and still marching in Tehran Azadi square every year!

Saddam with the help of both West and East... with the help of Western built Chemical weapons killed thousands of civilians in Iran... He had the full support and help of the whole world except for Syria... Iran had problems acquiring helmets by then... but what happened at the end?

Iranian High Tech Industries

leave your previous Al Ebriyeh provided info and go wiki Iran-Iraq war to see how victorious Saddam was!! poor child... It's not your fault... I understand...

I have Syrian Sunni friends from both Homs and Damascus... they literally laugh at kind of your analysis... we are good friends and we will meet again after the war, like it or not...

But as for Takfiri Sunnis... I invite them to come conquer Iran... Millions of Iranians are counting seconds for them to become in reach... but non-Takfiri sunnis are our brothers... we have nearly 7 millions of them in Iran and few of Iranian sunnis here in PDF... I like them like my own brothers and defend them where they needed to be defended the same as I do for Shia or Christian... but Takfiri Wahhabi minds... come on... their place is down the toilet with extra leaching...

now, go finish your high school and instead of watching adult-TV al Ebriyeh go watch Tom & Jerry... it is more true than Al Ebriyeh facts!!
Let me tell you something, the idiocy in your post almost gave me a stroke.
1.) Government = / = country. That is fact. I hate the US's gov't's ineptness at getting anything done, I hate their foreign policy, etc...but the US is still a great country to live in, comparatively speaking.
2.) Iran does NOT empower Arab shias in any way, shape, or form. In turns them into mass murderers, and throws them around like pawns and meatshields. The Arabs in Ahwaz know exactly the game you play. That's why the absolutely hate Iran, even if they are shia.
3.) Weaponry and intel? If we got weaponry and intel from Israel Assad would've been gone in 2012. Hezbollah & SAA DO NOT SEND THEIR TROOPS INTO ISRAEL TO RECEIVE TREATMENT, THEREFORE THEY DO NOT GET ANY. Is that so hard to understand? If they did send their troops in, they would receive treatment. A doctor is a doctor.
Also, don't pretend to hate Israel.
Israeli support for Iran during the Iran–Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
4.) I didn't say there are no Sunnis. I said there are no Takfiris. And there are Shias in Syria, but a very small minority, which btw, were NEVER OPPRESSED. Under every single damn popular Sunni empire, everyone was treated well. Under every single damn Shia empire, Sunnis were forced to convert, kicked out, or subjugated.
5.) Neither Iraq nor Iran lost any land, and technically, no one lost. But in reality, Iran lost, Iran after the war was left with no functional Army. Meanwhile, Iraq was left with one of the largest armies in the middle east. Saddam the monkey kicked Iran's ***, that says a lot. Also, a broken Iran? WIth no money to buy weapons? Well, $75 million in weapons from Israel seems like "no money." :omghaha:
Israeli support for Iran during the Iran–Iraq war - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He's a crazy dictator. What do you expect him to say? Assad promised he'd kill off all the rebels by 2014. Now he's losing. :omghaha:
Iran bought weapons from China. And Israel. And received Hawk missiles from USA. Both sides got help from everyone, so cut the bullshit.
you have Syrian friends? That is fucking hilarious. From Homs? Homs is the most ANTI-REGIME PLACE IN SYRIA AFTER HAMA. You really are an idiot. Taqiyya all day.
By defended do you mean not allowed to build Mosques, highly under surveillance, and often executed? K.
Don't worry, this is a promise from me. And a promise from the Syrian people. We will come over to you, and tear Iran brick by brick. We will not leave a single abusive Mullah alive. We will not leave a single person who has oppressed Syrians or anyone else alive in Iran. We will send you straight to hell along with Khomeini, Hafez, and Abu Jahl. Say hi to them for me, too.
Tom & Jerry is a good show. Has more facts in it than the average Mullah's brain.
Still, my point stands. You can still burn a US flag here in the US and it is the right of anyone to speak their mind wherever they want to, whenever they want to, it is a human right. Sure, it's not always the best thing to do, but it still a right.

Fair enough, no problem, enjoy not touring 99% of the countries in the world then because you cant burn their flags. Myself, I'm going to travel as many countries i can, and respect their culture, norms, and laws, and enjoy my *** off being exposed to the world.

To each their own.
Fair enough, no problem, enjoy not touring 99% of the countries in the world then because you cant burn their flags. Myself, I'm going to travel as many countries i can, and respect their culture, norms, and laws, and enjoy my *** off being exposed to the world.

To each their own.
I'm not saying I'm going to go to places to piss people off. But if Iran is so sensitive to having Khomenei, Khamenei, etc. disliked in public, then there is something wrong. I do respect other peoples' cultures, livelihoods, etc. but I will not respect a government that violates free speech.
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