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Deutsche Welle: A trip to Tehran

Dont talk nonesense mullah as.s kisser. How about you shut your GOD DAMN mouth and FUK OFF ? Just as i suspected, a fucking loser on mullah payroll whose duty is to defend that garbage regime on internet forums. That lion flag IS THE REAL Iranian flag unlike that ugly flag with arabic words on it with the ugly spider/union symbol.

Yes, this is today, today Iran is being fucked by the world powers economically, meaning you are so pathetic that not even military action is needed, they just strangle you to death with sanctions. Unfortunately it only hits the average Iranians not the mullahs or their as.s kissers like you who only get enriched by the misery of Iranians.

And btw mofo, Iran is never going forward under this regime. Maybe Iraqi,lebanese shia or mercenaries like you get fooled by their propaganda but the majority knows what for pathetic state your beloved regime is in. How about going choke on a mullah dick and die your favorite way ?

Listen my friend. Mullah payroll? I've never even been there, you dumb Canadian rat. Iran wasn't fukced with by world powers in the 60's? Are you completely insane? I know you like Western culture, as do I, but that's not Iran. So you get all wet downstairs when thinking of how 'Western' Iran was, those days are over. Fool. Iran needs to be STRONG and prosperous, and to attain that goal, it needs to not listen to rats like you who 'wish Iran well'.

My dad fled Iran some 30 years ago, so no, nobody gets enriched around here. Your little as5 needs to jerk off to some Tehran circa 1975 photos, and go to sleep.
It seems one of your mullah forum staff member has deleted my post (just like the mullah forum staff member's rolemodels in tehran LOL :) ) so i will post it again but much shorter since a rat like you are not worth my time.

YOU HAVE NOT BEEN TO IRAN like you admit so STFU about matters you do not know of.

And your dad must be proud that his son is cheerleading for mullahs on the internet. Same mullahs that forced him to escape from the country.
I myself wonder if you have ever been there (to iran)? stop arguing over something ridiculous, if you love iran you would support her regardless of mullahs, hijabs, turks and arabs. iranian/ persian culture is not dead, it lives on in iranian diaspora and Iran. Treason to one's homeland is treason regardless of reason and should be punished. Keep in mind this was about Iran as a tourist destination, THIS WAS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A POLITICS THREAD!
That is all and you should respect all iranian's regardless of their race (persian, turkish, uzbek or arab), it's not like they can help it.
who supports the MEK.
exactly... Mullah whatever they are they are absolute virtue comparing to MEK traitors who no one gives a X for them anymore... a terrorist group who killed 17000 of civilian Iranians directly and thousands more through serving their masters in Israel and USA by selling info of IRanian strategic stuff... They are behind most of the sanctions... When I see that old bitchh in internet... I literally want to through up... she is turning into a frog...
Epic Failure!! The Lion and Sword first came to Iranian flag by Shia Safavi density and the lion is a representative of Imam Ali.... these afghanis don't know sh it and have a big mouth... yeki nist bege boro koone host statet ro lis bezan..toro che be iran va irani!!

تغییر نمادهای روی پرچم با ورود اسلام
با ورود اسلام به ایران محتوای روی پرچم و بیرق تغییری اساسی کرد و به سمت دینی شدن رفت. در این دوره معمولاروی پرچم عبارت «لااله الاالله» نقش بسته بود و البته پرچم ها یک ویژگی دیگر هم داشت؛ بیرق های این دوره بعضا به شکل عمودی بود و نه مستطیل یا مثلثی و افقی. از این دوره تا زمان صفویان همه سلسله ها به نوعی پرچم مخصوص به خود را دارند، اما بی توجهی مورخان به این پدیده باعث شده از جزئیات پرچم ها اطلاع چندانی در دست نباشد. در دوره صفویه علم ها یا پرچم های متفاوتی توسط دولت مورد استفاده قرار می گرفت. از جمله این پرچم ها پرچمی مثلثی و نوک تیز بود که نقش شیر و خورشید روی آن نقش بسته بود. شیر و خورشید نمادی است که هم عنصری ایرانی تحت عنوان خورشید را در خود دارد و هم بنا بر برخی تفاسیر از شیری استفاده می کند که نماد حضرت علی(ع) است.


مهم ترین و اصلی ترین پرچم دوران صفویه
نشان شیر و خورشید برای اولین بار به طور رسمی از اینجا وارد پرچم ایران شده است

or in another perception:

شیر و خورشید نشانی است که تا پیش از انقلاب ایران در سال ۱۳۵۷ نماد ملی ایران بود. این نشان آمیزه‌ای از فرهنگ‌های کهنمیان‌رودان، ایران، تازی، ترک، یهودی و مغول است. ریشه نماد شیر و خورشید نشان ستاره‌بینی، خورشید در صورت فلکیِ اسد (شیر) درمنطقةالبروج بوده‌است.

در هنگام زمامداری دودمان‌های ترک و نزدیک سده ششم هجری، نشان شیر و خوشید از ستاره‌بینی به کارهای هنری در قلمرو اسلامی از مصر تا آسیای میانه وارد شد. از دوران سلجوقیان روم سکه‌هایی با نقش شیر و خورشید را می‌توان یافت و سپس این نشان از سده نهم هجری (پانزدهم میلادی) به طور ناپیوسته بر روی پرچم‌های ایران نقش بسته‌است.

نشان شیر و خورشید در هر دودمانی از تاریخ ایران به گونه‌های مختلفی تعبیر شده‌است. در آغاز تنها نشانی اخترشناسانه بوده‌است نه نمادی حکومتی. در دوران صفویه این نشان تعبیری شیعی/ایرانی پیدا می‌کند. از زمان شاهان پس از آغامحمدخان قاجار و همزمان با دگرگونی‌های فکری و اجتماعی در آن هنگام، تعبیر شیعی این نشان رفته‌رفته کمرنگ شد. در این دوران این نشان، نادرست به ایران پیش از اسلام نسبت داده‌می‌شود.

I know the origin of the lion. The point is, it's an 'anti revolutionary' flag. Normally, I couldn't give two sh!ts about that. But what this flag SEEMS to represent now is HATE of Iran, and wanting another revolution. So those who want this flag, can go F themselves.

I don't have anything against Afghans. I had some Afghan friends (herati, not 'chinky eyed') and they were very nice about Iran always. Also the Hazaras are patriots. So no, I don't care about that. This guy is a hater though. So I hate him. Go skiing in Canada and khafe sho.
I know the origin of the lion. The point is, it's an 'anti revolutionary' flag. Normally, I couldn't give two sh!ts about that. But what this flag SEEMS to represent now is HATE of Iran, and wanting another revolution. So those who want this flag, can go F themselves.

I don't have anything against Afghans. I had some Afghan friends (herati, not 'chinky eyed') and they were very nice about Iran always. Also the Hazaras are patriots. So no, I don't care about that. This guy is a hater though. So I hate him. Go skiing in Canada and khafe sho.
Brother , just ignore these creatures . and F the lion BTW .
I know the origin of the lion. The point is, it's an 'anti revolutionary' flag. Normally, I couldn't give two sh!ts about that. But what this flag SEEMS to represent now is HATE of Iran, and wanting another revolution. So those who want this flag, can go F themselves.

I don't have anything against Afghans. I had some Afghan friends (herati, not 'chinky eyed') and they were very nice about Iran always. Also the Hazaras are patriots. So no, I don't care about that. This guy is a hater though. So I hate him. Go skiing in Canada and khafe sho.
I know... I don't hate Afghanis...but love them somehow... but this guy is an afghani who pretend to be an Iranian... he has huge hate for Iran and can not even do it properly... He is a kid... I bet on this... He even pretends to be a patriot Iranian!! what a patriot...what an Iranian!! I explained Lion and Sword for that banned guy not you... you,re a decent Iranian and I like you man...:smitten:
How old are you? A majority of the tourist destinations have laws that will prevent tourists insulting their leaders.

The reason none of them are rushing to change their laws is because no countries care if they miss out on certain psychotic tourists who want to go and visit countries and insult their leader.

As a tourist, if you plan to be disrespectful to the country you are visiting, its better you don't travel. Even if there is no law against it.
For your info, I'm 16. That doesn't discredit me at all, though.
No. I can go to Europe anywhere, say **** you to the police, government, etc. and not get arrested. However, if you do that in developing countries, they will arrest you, because you "insulted the great leaders' feelings."
1- Seems your writing skill is fine but you lack reading skills... where I said, Syrian Sunni = Takfiri!!? I just said just opposite... read again or use a translator and then come respond!!

2- seems you are not old enough to know the history behind Iranian-Syrian relations... Iran was supported by Syrian government when it was under attack and invasion by your hero Saddam hussein and the whole world behind him... Syria helped Iran and Iran soon after the war was over, signed a pact of security, means, Iran will help Syria when they ask for help militarily... Funny thing is that Iran does not even start to perform this security pact yet... The same as USA has security promises to some Arab states... When USA comes helping regimes like Saudi or Israel, it is not intervention but when Iran helps his ally, it is all the ugly things that you describe!! When Saudi comes supress civil democratic demonstrations of Bahraini people, it is not an evil!!

For you info, 4 years ago when first civil demonstration started in Syria, (if you read those days' stories), Iran asked Bashhar to respond to demands in form of giving the people what they want in form of political reforms... Then bashhar responded to it and announced reforms... then said, he will apply more reforms soon... but suddenly, Saudi, Qatar and ISrael jumped into Syrian civil movement and made it a devastating civil war... you perhaps understand why these should do so? Yes, Syria was a part of Anti-Israel axis and one of the biggest ones who had supported Hamas, Hizbullah... Israel and USA ordered their puppets to jump in destroying Syria in a way that it never could rise her head up again... now, the same Israel that helps terrorists with medical, intel and air support in south Syria, cheers Terrorists in syria.... why... because they did a job that Israel would only dream of...

Iran and Russia only started to help Syrian legit government when thousands of ISIL, AL QAEDA terrorists from hundred different countries flew into Syria. Iran is an enemy of Takfiri minds so she started to help Syria as the first state... You see now that what Iran was saying became true... now, even USA is after crushing terrorists in Syria...

Not only Iran but many other nations never can afford to see Syria in hands of Takfiri Terrorists... Syrian Free Army first was the party that both Iran and Syrian government wanted to start a negotiation to avoid destruction but soon world seen that even SFA is filled with Takfiris who get separated and form Takfiri units!

Even today, after all this destruction, Iran will support a non-takfiri opposition for talks and I'm sure Iran will force Bashar to even leave the government if opposition is rational and non-takfiri...

Now, thanks to your Saudi, Qatari, Israeli and Turk brothers things got out of control... you thought this is all Iran, Russia and Syrian government can offer to Syrian war? Iran did nothing so far but to send few advisors, financial help, some non-strategic weaponry... but we hear whispers that Iran is going to activate her security pact with Syria... This means, Iran will interfere directly if Iran come to the point that Syrian gov and Hizbullah can not defeat them... There is still hopes...but don't bet on losers..

3- Even in USA if you burn USA flag you will be arrested... No country allow its tourists to come with hatred and insult to the host country...
1.) You clearly said "you are Takfiri then you can cross the customs border in airport (in pieces)."
2.) There were no "Syrian-Iranian" relations, they were relations between the two governments. We know that you Persians hate our guts for being Arab. Hell, you call Syrians "Sons of Muawiyah" as if that's supposed to be an insult :omghaha:
I clearly stated many times on this forum, I hate Saddam Hussein, I hate US & Saudi foreign policy, and I hate Israel. You can even see death to Israel in my signature. Are you that blind? Seems like you're the one who lacks reading skill here, bud.
Iran told Bashar to give reforms? Hahahahaha
Bashar fucking shot at us, those were his "reforms." I have plenty of video evidence, but I do NOT want to get banned. Again. I'll PM you, too.
Saudi Arabia & Qatar supported rebels in 2012 after Iran started supporting him in 2011. Their support was reactionary. Israel never supported rebels, or people, at all.
The "anti-Israel" axis that never attacked Israel. Hmm. Assads hadn't attacked Israel since 1982, and up until 2009 Assad had been doing peace negotiations with Israel, mediated by Turkey. Such "resistance."
Assad dumped Hamas when they said they didn't like him shooting at protesters. So did Iran. Hezbollah didn't do anything for Palestinians.
Medical support from Israel goes to the people who need it most, whether they are SAA, FSA, or civilian. Hospitals in Dara'a-held areas are not always able to treat severe cases so they are handed over to Israelis for medical treatment, and they aren't sent back to fight btw, Israel hasn't sent back a single one (minus civilians.)
Intel and air support? Now you're going in to retard conspiracy theory territory. Intel = nonexistent, and air support is nonexistent. We don't get anything from Israel, at all.
Nusra formed in September 2011, AFTER Assad got help from Russia and Iran. Nusra only gained traction in late 2011. ISIS only came in late-2013, and by January 2014 rebels were fighting them.
You clearly are delusional. All you Iranians can do is call us Takfiri. Big bad Sunni Takfiris! :(
Some advisers? We have killed over 100 IRGC commanders, and hundreds of IRGC troops. "Advisers."
3.) No, I would not get arrested for burning the flag here. Nor anywhere else in developed countries.
Pfff ... it's funny that goons like you try to cry crocodile tears. Guess what? We know your type very well, and don't even care for you. No one in Iran gives a **** about you or your fucking sect of religion and you know it.

Aww, you're making me cry. I know you don't give a flying **** about us, because you hate us. I've clearly admitted that.
بابا فروم نظامی همه خبراش اقتصادی شده

احساس نمی کنید که یه 6 ماهی هست که هیچ چیزی رونمایی نشده ؟

دریغ از رونمایی یه فشنگ

بابا فروم نظامی همه خبراش اقتصادی شده

احساس نمی کنید که یه 6 ماهی هست که هیچ چیزی رونمایی نشده ؟

دریغ از رونمایی یه فشنگ


Inke rounamaayi nasheh behtar hast ya inke yeh chert va perti mesl e Aghareb rounamaayi beshe?
بابا فروم نظامی همه خبراش اقتصادی شده

احساس نمی کنید که یه 6 ماهی هست که هیچ چیزی رونمایی نشده ؟

دریغ از رونمایی یه فشنگ

Thanks Rouhani!

No offense but the bold parts of the article that my favorite extinct Central Asian nomad highlighted are ridiculous considering the fact that road safety in Iran is worse than anywhere else in the Arab world and pollution wise Tehran too is worse.

55 people per day: Iranian official reveals shocking car accident statistics

Iran’s crisis on the roads - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

Iran comes top in the number of global road accident deaths - BBC News

Tehran Air Pollution


Also I don't think that the author has visited the GCC for instance or even more than 1 Arab country if any. He probably visited Cairo or Baghdad (giant cities) and that's about it. Major cities in the GCC are obviously on average much better planned than Tehran and any Iranian city due to much better infrastructure.

Dubai alone (1 city in the Arab world) receives 10 if not 15 times as many tourists than all of Iran put together.

Also there are many, many more liberal Arab countries than Iran and KSA's 35 year old ban on women driving (moronic indeed) only concerns that country and last time I checked there are 20 + Arab countries. Countries were MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of Western tourists visit. From Morocco to Oman.

Lastly, for sure it looks more "European" than the Arab world which is next door to Europe (unlike Iran) or North African or Levantine cities for instance. Another nice joke.

Hilarious that one feels the need to bold such parts of an article that is meant to promote. Inferiority complexes much? I rest my case.


Funny, the author of that article is also unaware of the fact that the regime of the country that he is visiting helped destroy the oldest city on the planet (Damascus) which in beauty is one of the most beautiful cities in the Arab world. The irony. A city which was not "chaotic" by any means ever but famous for its beauty and charm across the world.


Having said that it would be ideal for the region if the regimes grew up and the people too. Millions of Iranians are already visiting the GCC and Iraq so why not the other way one day - other than just Shia Arab pilgrims from 4-5 Arab countries (KSA, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait and Lebanon only)? Or Iranian tourists visiting the huge Arab world which stretches from Morocco to Oman. Why the hell not? I am sure that the Iranian Arabs for sure would love to visit if the visa rules were less strict for Iranians in most Arab countries.

Bro is these off topics and trolls in a thread which has a German source and wants to show beauty of Iran and Tehran allowed??? I do believe such as these mischiefs from wahhabis shouldn't be allowed in a professional forum...

This forum is about military but we see even in a thread which is about Tehran we can't be free from the obsession.
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@Shahryar Hedayati bro, I agree with @rmi5
If they're going to show something, it's best to wait and see something good.

Oon zamine ke Iran har hafteyi yebar cheezi roonamihi mikard ye moshte copy bodan...copy az chiza shoravi ya chin.

Frankly I prefer to wait to see things for months on end as long as they're tarahi irani vs na ye moshteh copy va chizaheyeh alaki ke abroomoono bordan.
Islam ruined Iran's superior culture long ago
So what your culture that ruined by Islam looks like?

The last time I checked it it was ok for the brother to marry his sister what a great culture.

Have they reached the moon have they discovered the electricity?

for millinia Iranian culture like any culture lives in darkness they never achieved something valuable.

Just like the European Chinese and Indian the human never made any progress until the birth of Islam within centuries the human civilization made all the progress so no nation need to boast about it's culture since all yours where nothing really matter even nomadic nations had a better culture at least with morality.
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