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Germans had different styles of dealing with western(french,british and maerican) and eastern POWS.Kietel for example refused to treat french POWs in the soviet manner.
On to the polsih POW luxury,i'm coming to that lol.I don't have time right now for detailed post,but will be posting tonight or tomorrow to clear that up -along with wehrmacht foreign recruitment,life in conc camps.
France was a signatory to the Geneva Convention on treatment of POW's, Soviet Union wasn't a Signatory to the Geneva Convention since it would obligate the Soviet state to treat enemy POW's with respect and dignity. The Soviets preferred to massacre Polish POW's at Katyn rather than feed and cloth them.
So in other words, you agree with me that thousands of Jews served in Nazi Germany's Armed Forces, good to know.

"Bryan Mark Rigg, history professor at the American Military University in Virginia, told Reuters on Thursday that the issue of soldiers of partial Jewish descent was long a somewhat taboo subject, overlooked by most academics as it threw up thorny questions.

"Not everybody who wore a uniform was a Nazi and not every person of Jewish descent was persecuted," he said.

According to the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, Jews or those of partial Jewish descent were unfit for military service, but Rigg tracked down and interviewed more than 400 former soldiers of partial Jewish descent -- labelled "Mischlinge" ("half-caste") by the Nazis.

He estimates there were about 60,000 soldiers with one Jewish parent and 90,000 with a Jewish grandparent in the Wehrmacht, the regular army as distinct from the Nazi SS.

Many senior officers with Jewish ancestry won special permission to serve from Hitler himself.

"History is not so black and white. History about Mischlinge shows how bankrupt the Nazi racial laws were," said Rigg."
As Many As 150,000 Jews Served In Hitler's Military

Sorry but i agree with Winston Churchill on this over you anytime:

Speaking in the House of Commons on 4 July 1922, Winston Churchill asked rhetorically,

Are we to keep our pledge to the Zionists made in 1917...? Pledges and promises were made during the war, and they were made, not only on the merits, though I think the merits are considerable. They were made because it was considered they would be of value to us in our struggle to win the war. It was considered that the support which the Jews could give us all over the world, and particularly in the United States, and also in Russia, would be a definite palpable advantage. I was not responsible at that time for the giving of those pledges, nor for the conduct of the war of which they were, when given, an integral part. But like other members I supported the policy of the War Cabinet. Like other members, I accepted and was proud to accept a share in those great transactions, which left us with terrible losses, with formidable obligations, but nevertheless with unchallengeable victory."

COLONIAL OFFICE. (Hansard, 4 July 1922)

Fact is, America's entrance into the war with the help of German Zionist Jewish Bankers was the turning point in favor of the Allies. Prior to that Britain and France made little to no gains against Germany and suffered humiliating losses. It wasn't German "unrestricted" sub warfare, rather deliberate attempts on the part of the US gov.t influenced by the Zionist bankers to find a pretext to enter the war, which eventually did bring America into the war.

Secondly, coming to Communist Jewish subversion of German war industries, Of course the supplies weren't disrupted 100% percent as you're accusing me of having implied such because most German workers were patriotic and remained faithful to the German cause. However the Communist Jewish attempts at subversion of German war industry was there and the effects were felt on the front lines when the German army could not sustain supplies to the front line troops to make Operation Michael effective. You're attempts at denying this historically documented fact is futile.

As documented by Pulitzer Prize Winning Author and Historian John Toland in his best selling book Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography:

"Strikes erupted in Vienna and Budapest, set off not only by hunger but by Germany's failure to make peace with the new Bolshevik government in Russia. They spread to Germany itself, which had been under virtual military dictatorship for several months, and on Monday, January 28, 1918, workers throughout Germany went out on strike. Peace was their main demand but they also insisted on workers' representation in negotiations with the Allies, increased food rations, the abolition of martial law, and a democratic government throughout Germany. In Munich, another insurrection broke out. It was led by Kurt Eisner, a small elderly Jew wearing a black floppy hat which, large as it was, couldn't contain a shock of wild hair. Epically untidy, he was a living cartoon of the bomb-throwing Red. He had already spent almost nine months in prison for his wartime strike activities. In Friedrichshafen workers at the Zeppelin plant formed a council. The factory workers in the Stuttgart area, including the vast Daimler motor works, struck and, led by socialists with views similar to Eisner's, made similar demands. Government after government throughout Germany collapsed as workers' and soldiers' councils took control" - Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography

Jews serving in nazi forces were not revealed as jews,under fake identities.Like milch,a prominent example.They were considered german,not jews.So if u think this demonstrtes 'tolerance' of hitler i would only like u to go google concentration camp victims,read up on einstazgruppen.

January 28 1918 strikes erupted-lol.March 21 ludendorff,hindenburg were confidently proclaiming victory and about to launch massive operation michael.The contradiction speaks for itself.

Yes,yes you have been blabbering on about churchill's quote for quite some time.Do you know the same churchill wrote in his autobiography how a german jew protested and walked out during his lecture for the injustice done to his country in the versailles.In any case churchill mainly speaks of the american jewish lobby which could hasten the process of us entry,however never in his quote he mentions german jews - without which stab in the back is no stab at all.As jews outside germany are free to do as they please.You are so blinded by hatred you are completely ignored the main reasons for germany's defeats again.
The allied tanks were not created out of thin air by jewish magicians...the royal navy was not made of jews..austria didn't collapse because of jews but because of her unsustainable multi-national character.Geramny brought usa into the war by her own use of unrestricted sub warfare.Droning on jew,jew ,jew with a few cherrypicked quotes and links to prove ur conspiracy theories will get u nowhere.
France was a signatory to the Geneva Convention on treatment of POW's, Soviet Union wasn't a Signatory to the Geneva Convention since it would obligate the Soviet state to treat enemy POW's with respect and dignity. The Soviets preferred to massacre Polish POW's at Katyn rather than feed and cloth them.

True,the NKVD under stalin was brutal no doubt.But are u really justifying starving 2.5 million POWs to death?If USSR followed the policy of nazi germany in its occupation,today there would be no germans left in former east germany.
I said prejudice, not genocide. You do know the difference between the two words right??

This part i will address, don't worry about it.

Scroll back,u challenged me to prove nazis planned genocide of slavs.
And as for prejudice lol-after seeing those plans u think they could have carried them out if they were not prejudiced ,but here are some prominent quotes.

Reflections on the Treatment of Peoples of Alien Races in the East: (Himmler)

Concerning the treatment of peoples of alien races in the East we have to see to it that we acknowledge and cultivate as many individual ethnic groups as possible, that is, outside of the Poles and the Jews, also the Ukrainians, the White Russians, the Gorals [Goralen], the Lemcos [Lemken] and the Cashubos [Kaschuben]. If other small and isolated national groups can be found in other places, they should be treated the same way.

What I want to say is that we are not only most interested in not unifying the population of the East, but, on the contrary, in splitting them up into as many parts and fragments as possible.

But even within the ethnic groups themselves we have one interest in leading these to unity and greatness, or perhaps arouse in them gradually a national consciousness and national culture, but we want to dissolve them into innumerable small fragments and particles.

We naturally want to use the members of all these ethnic groups, especially of the small ones, in positions of police officials and mayors. Only the mayors and local police authorities will be allowed to head those ethnic groups. As far as the Gorals are concerned the individual chieftains and elders of the tribes, who live in continuous feud with each other anyhow, should fill these positions. There must be no centralization toward the top, because only by dissolving this whole conglomeration of peoples of the Government General, amounting to 15 million, and of the 8 million of the eastern provinces, will it be possible for us to carry out the racial sifting which must be the basis for our considerations: namely selecting out of this conglomeration the racially valuable and bringing them to Germany and assimilating them there.

Within a very few years--I should think about 4 to 5 years the name of the Cashubes, for instance, must be unknown, because at that time there won't be a Cashubian people any more (this also goes especially for the West Prussians). I hope that the concepts of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large emigration of all Jews to Africa or some other colony. Within a somewhat longer period, it should also be possible to make the ethnic concepts of Ukrainians, Gorals and Lemcos disappear in our area. What has been said for those fragments of peoples is also meant on a correspondingly larger scale for the Poles.

A basic issue in the solution of all these problems is the question of schooling and thus the question of sifting and selecting the young. For the non-German population of the East there must be no higher school than the four-grade elementary school. The sole goal of this school is to be--

Simply arithmetic up to 500 at the most; writing of one's name; the doctrine that it is a divine law to obey the Germans and to be honest, industrious, and good. I don't think that reading is necessary.

Apart from this school there are to be no schools at all in the East. Parents, who from the beginning want to give their children better schooling in the elementary school as well as later on in a higher school, must take an application to the Higher SS and Police Leaders. The first consideration in dealing with this application will be whether the child is racially perfect and conforming to our conditions. If we acknowledge such a child to be as of our blood, the parents will be notified that the child will be sent to a school in Germany and that it will permanently remain in Germany.

Cruel and tragic as every individual case may be, this method is still the mildest and best one if, out of inner conviction, one rejects as un-German and impossible the Bolshevist method of physical extermination of a people.

The parents of such children of good blood will be given the choice to either give away their child; they will then probably produce no more children so that the danger of this subhuman people of the East [Untermenschenvolk des Ostens] obtaining class of leaders which, since it would be equal to us, would also be dangerous for us, will disappear--or else the parents pledge themselves to go to Germany and to become loyal citizens there. The love toward their child, whose future and education depends on the loyalty of the parents, will be a strong weapon in dealing with them.


''Our comrade Fegelein once captured a Russian general like that. Look, they're cheap. They're Slavs. Full of humour, as Fegelein is, Fegelein told his staff: "We'll treat this one real good. We'll act like we're going to recognize him as a General. So, when he comes in, stand up, stand at attention, keep quiet, say 'General Sir, this' and 'General Sir, that', show him how much respect you have for him". Of course, this worked. You don't need to give a Russian general any political ideas, political ideals, or political plans for the future. You can get them cheaper than that, gentlemen. The Slavs are known for that.

The Slav is never able to build anything himself. In the long run, he's not capable of it. I'll come back to this later. With the exception of a few phenomena produced by Asia every couple of centuries, through that mixture of two heredities which may be fortunate for Asia but is unfortunate for us Europeans — with the exception, therefore, of an Attilla, a Ghenghis Khan, a Tamerlaine, a Lenin, a Stalin — the mixed race of the Slavs is based on a sub-race with a few drops of blood of our blood, blood of a leading race; the Slav is unable to control himself and create order. He is able to argue, able to debate, able to disintegrate, able to offer resistance against every authority and to revolt. But these human shoddy goods are just as incapable of maintaining order today as they were 700 or 800 years ago, when they called in the Varangians, when they called in the Ruriks .''

''It is basically wrong for us to project our whole harmless soul and heart, all our good nature, our idealism, onto foreign peoples. This applies to Herder, who wrote the "Voices of the Peoples", probably in a drunken hour, and caused us, in later generations, such boundless suffering and misery. That applies to the Czechs and Slovenes, to whom, after all, we brought their national feeling. They themselves were absolutely incapable of it; rather, we invented it for them''

''For the SS Man, one principle must apply absolutely: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood, and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, the Czechs, is totally indifferent to me. Whatever is available to us in good blood of our type, we will take for ourselves, that is, we will steal their children and bring them up with us, if necessary. Whether other races live well or die of hunger is only of interest to me insofar as we need them as slaves for our culture; otherwise that doesn't interest me. Whether 10,000 Russian women fall down from exhaustion in building a tank ditch is of interest to me only insofar as the tank ditches are finished for Germany.

We will never be hard and heartless when it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans, the only ones in the world with a decent attitude towards animals, will also adopt a decent attitude with regards to these human animals; but it is a sin against our own blood to worry about them and give them ideals, so that our sons and grandchildren will have a harder time with them.''

More -

We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here.

— Erich Koch, March 5th 1943(Reichskommissar Ukraine - Ukraine was one of the 'provinces' under generalplan ost)

Koch's first act as Reichskommissar was to close local schools, declaring that "Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters." His brutality is best exemplified by his remark, "If I meet a Ukrainian worthy of being seated at my table, I must have him shot.''

Prejudice?-Lolz.You are just embarassing yourself here .
6). On The Alleged German Atrocities Committed Upon The Soviet/Russian Peoples During The Eastern Campaign:


Stalin's "Torch-men-Order" #0428 confirmed by Russia

The so-called "torch-men order" (Fackelmännerbefehl) is the command No. 0428, issued November 17th, 1941 by Stalin. It declares that Russian partisans in German uniforms, particularly those of the Waffen-SS, were to destroy all settlements within a swathe of about 40 - 60 km depth from the main battle lines and to ruthlessly kill the civilian population. With these tactics it was important to leave a few survivors, which would report the supposed German terror attacks. This method of warfare was also confirmed by German soldiers who captured many Russian partisans wearing German uniforms.

Stalin, in a Radio announcement from 3rd June 1941, had called on all peoples of the Soviet Union to wage a merciless partisan war against Germany.

Almost daily, reports were being issued by the media, that the German forces advanced with the declared politics and aim of a "scorched earth" approach, which devastated the vast Russian lands in the most horrific way. Apart from the logical fact that no invader destroys the infrastructure necessary for his advancement in an occupied territory, there is also other evidence running counter to Stalin's command No. 0428 from Nov. 17th 1941:

At the contrary: Germany's Program, called "Ostacker Programm" (Eastern fields program) was designed to restore the devastated lands.

The Stawka headquarters of the highest commands orders:

"All settlements, in which German troops are found, up to a depth of 40 - 60km from the main lines of battle, are to be destroyed and set on fire, also 20-30km from the roads. For the destruction of the settled areas in the required radius, the air force will be made available, also artillery and rocket-launchers will be used extensively, as well as intelligence units, skiers and Partisan divisions, who are equipped with bottles with flammable liquid. These hunting expeditions in their activities of destruction are to be dressed to the greatest extent in German soldier's uniforms and uniforms of the Waffen-SS looted from the German army.

This will ignite hatred toward all fascist occupiers and make the conscription of partisans from the outlaying areas of fascist territories easier. It is important to have survivors who will tell about "German atrocities". For this purpose every regiment is to form hunter-units of about 20- 30 men strong with the task to detonate and incinerate the villages. We have to select brave fighters for this action of destruction of settled areas. These men will be especially recommended to receive bravery awards when working in German uniforms behind enemy lines and destroying those settlement outposts. Among the population we have to spread the rumor that the Germans are burning the villages in order to punish the Partisans."

(Archive Series 429, Rolle 461, General's Headquarters of the Army, Division, foreign Units East II H 3/70 Fr 6439568. Filed: National Archive Washington) [1] [in progress] "Fackelmänner Befehl" (torch men-order) confirmed. Russian Security Service FSB published Stalin's order No. 0428.

It is obvious that scientific knowledge receives constantly new views and information. Historic events count among these as well, even if "Revisionism", particularly in Europe, attracts the greatest opposition of reactionary dogmatists. When we published Stalin's so-called torch-men order ("Fackelmänner-Befehl") for the first time in spring 1997 (OB 12/97) , we had nothing else to support us but the files found in the Washington National Archive, filed away under: (Archive Series 429, Roll 461, General's Headquarters of the Army, Division, Foreign Units East II H 3/70 Fr 6439568.

But in the meantime the Russian State Security Service FSB decided to officially publish Stalin's command Nr. 0428 of 17th November 1941. The command released by Stalin, popularly named the 'torch men order' ("Fackelmänner-Befehl") envisaged, that Soviet "hunting commandos" would penetrate deeply, by about 40- 60km into territory of the Soviet Union of that time, already occupied by the German army, in order to "destroy it and set it aflame." For this "the hunting units would be dressed for the most part in uniforms of Germans soldiers and in particular the Waffen-SS units, looted from the Germans, in order to be able to execute the commanded 'destruction activities'."

"This," according to the context of the order, "will ignite hatred toward the fascist occupiers and makes the conscription of partisans from the outlaying areas of fascist territories easier. It is important that some survivors remain, who will be able to tell about the "German atrocities." Furthermore, according to the order, "every regiment is to form hunter-units of about 20-30 men strong with the task of detonating and incinerating the targeted villages. We have to select brave fighters for these bold actions of destruction in settled areas. These men will be especially recommended to receive bravery awards, when working in enemy uniforms behind German lines, destroying those settlement outposts."

It is evident, that with this order, Stalin laid the foundation and practice of the "scorched Earth" tactics, which the German side had repeatedly been accused of and even charged with for obvious propaganda reasons.
These criminal mercenary acts were clearly outside the convention of land warfare as stipulated in Den Haag in 1907 and which occurrences were vehemently denied by the German side.

The news magazine Der Spiegel (6/2000) quotes an example of the partisan Sonja Kosmodemjanskaja, who came to be honoured (by force), even in the "young pioneer" movement of the DDR, for her part of setting aflame the village Petrischtschewo near Moscow together with other mercenaries who followed the Stalin order.

This woman was eventually betrayed into the hands of the German army by the Soviet side and hanged but later declared to be a "heroine of the great patriotic war." The Stalin order, now confirmed by Moscow, forces historians, researching into the events of German-Soviet war, to see the occurrences in the light of criminal offences, as from the viewpoint of Stalin's "torch-men" order ("Fackelmänner-Befehls").

Without doubt, in this scenario belongs the propaganda show by the tobacco millionaire Reemtsma, who, for reasons of untrue fabrications and falsified pictures was busted and who had to take into consideration these revealed facts. As reported, the scientific examination of his anti-Wehrmacht (anti-German army) exhibition took longer than the originally planned three months. Is this the first sign of some integrity? [2]

1. Stalin's "torch-men" order, fabricated German atrocities.

2. Peter Fischer in Das Ostpreussenblatt Newspaper for the compatriots of of East Prussia eV. 12th Feb. 2000.

Friedrich Paul Berg

Friedrich Paul Berg's "NaziGassings.com"

• Stalin's Fackelmännerbefehl No. 0428 (Torch-Men-Order) As Revealed In This Report By The Reputable German Institut für Zeitgeschichte:

Stalins Torch-Men-Order Confirmed by German media.jpg

PART 2, Alleged German Atrocities Committed Upon The Soviet/Russian Populations:

"Ponomarenko described – in a book by the English authors Dixon and Heilbrunn “Communist Guerilla Warfare”the ‘dress code’ of partisans: Whoever observed the Bogdan group could not know what to make of it. More than half of them were dressed in German uniforms, some wear civilian cloth manufactured in Rovno or Lutsk, others Slovakian and Polish uniforms. In the supply wagon clothing’s for all sorts of partisan activities are carried along: SS uniforms, Italian uniform pants, etc. Ponomarenko admits here that his partisans were bandits, dressed in German and other uniforms and thus not protected by any convention (p. 185)."

"To be successful, and to ensure cooperation, the partisans also terrorized the population. Anyone suspected of collaborating with the Germans was killed, because the population was at first friendly toward the Germans, as those who were part of the eastern campaign know (p.180). This changed when the partisans unleashed their terror against the populace. When they entered a village they immediately killed the village elder, then they locked the family into the house and burned it down. The villagers fled into the forest, but when discovered by the partisans they were killed. The partisans left mountains of bodies behind, as well as distraught woman and horrendous destruction (p. 181). And to be sure, all of those killed by the partisans were no doubt also blamed on the Germans. And as attacks by partisans on civilians were carried out with partisans at times doubtlessly wearing German uniforms, hatred towards Germans was the result, which was part of what was intended."

6). On The Alleged German Atrocities Committed Upon The Soviet/Russian Peoples During The Eastern Campaign:

View attachment 149993

Stalin's "Torch-men-Order" #0428 confirmed by Russia

The so-called "torch-men order" (Fackelmännerbefehl) is the command No. 0428, issued November 17th, 1941 by Stalin. It declares that Russian partisans in German uniforms, particularly those of the Waffen-SS, were to destroy all settlements within a swathe of about 40 - 60 km depth from the main battle lines and to ruthlessly kill the civilian population. With these tactics it was important to leave a few survivors, which would report the supposed German terror attacks. This method of warfare was also confirmed by German soldiers who captured many Russian partisans wearing German uniforms.

Stalin, in a Radio announcement from 3rd June 1941, had called on all peoples of the Soviet Union to wage a merciless partisan war against Germany.

Almost daily, reports were being issued by the media, that the German forces advanced with the declared politics and aim of a "scorched earth" approach, which devastated the vast Russian lands in the most horrific way. Apart from the logical fact that no invader destroys the infrastructure necessary for his advancement in an occupied territory, there is also other evidence running counter to Stalin's command No. 0428 from Nov. 17th 1941:

At the contrary: Germany's Program, called "Ostacker Programm" (Eastern fields program) was designed to restore the devastated lands.

The Stawka headquarters of the highest commands orders:

"All settlements, in which German troops are found, up to a depth of 40 - 60km from the main lines of battle, are to be destroyed and set on fire, also 20-30km from the roads. For the destruction of the settled areas in the required radius, the air force will be made available, also artillery and rocket-launchers will be used extensively, as well as intelligence units, skiers and Partisan divisions, who are equipped with bottles with flammable liquid. These hunting expeditions in their activities of destruction are to be dressed to the greatest extent in German soldier's uniforms and uniforms of the Waffen-SS looted from the German army.

This will ignite hatred toward all fascist occupiers and make the conscription of partisans from the outlaying areas of fascist territories easier. It is important to have survivors who will tell about "German atrocities". For this purpose every regiment is to form hunter-units of about 20- 30 men strong with the task to detonate and incinerate the villages. We have to select brave fighters for this action of destruction of settled areas. These men will be especially recommended to receive bravery awards when working in German uniforms behind enemy lines and destroying those settlement outposts. Among the population we have to spread the rumor that the Germans are burning the villages in order to punish the Partisans."

(Archive Series 429, Rolle 461, General's Headquarters of the Army, Division, foreign Units East II H 3/70 Fr 6439568. Filed: National Archive Washington) [1] [in progress] "Fackelmänner Befehl" (torch men-order) confirmed. Russian Security Service FSB published Stalin's order No. 0428.

It is obvious that scientific knowledge receives constantly new views and information. Historic events count among these as well, even if "Revisionism", particularly in Europe, attracts the greatest opposition of reactionary dogmatists. When we published Stalin's so-called torch-men order ("Fackelmänner-Befehl") for the first time in spring 1997 (OB 12/97) , we had nothing else to support us but the files found in the Washington National Archive, filed away under: (Archive Series 429, Roll 461, General's Headquarters of the Army, Division, Foreign Units East II H 3/70 Fr 6439568.

But in the meantime the Russian State Security Service FSB decided to officially publish Stalin's command Nr. 0428 of 17th November 1941. The command released by Stalin, popularly named the 'torch men order' ("Fackelmänner-Befehl") envisaged, that Soviet "hunting commandos" would penetrate deeply, by about 40- 60km into territory of the Soviet Union of that time, already occupied by the German army, in order to "destroy it and set it aflame." For this "the hunting units would be dressed for the most part in uniforms of Germans soldiers and in particular the Waffen-SS units, looted from the Germans, in order to be able to execute the commanded 'destruction activities'."

"This," according to the context of the order, "will ignite hatred toward the fascist occupiers and makes the conscription of partisans from the outlaying areas of fascist territories easier. It is important that some survivors remain, who will be able to tell about the "German atrocities." Furthermore, according to the order, "every regiment is to form hunter-units of about 20-30 men strong with the task of detonating and incinerating the targeted villages. We have to select brave fighters for these bold actions of destruction in settled areas. These men will be especially recommended to receive bravery awards, when working in enemy uniforms behind German lines, destroying those settlement outposts."

It is evident, that with this order, Stalin laid the foundation and practice of the "scorched Earth" tactics, which the German side had repeatedly been accused of and even charged with for obvious propaganda reasons.
These criminal mercenary acts were clearly outside the convention of land warfare as stipulated in Den Haag in 1907 and which occurrences were vehemently denied by the German side.

The news magazine Der Spiegel (6/2000) quotes an example of the partisan Sonja Kosmodemjanskaja, who came to be honoured (by force), even in the "young pioneer" movement of the DDR, for her part of setting aflame the village Petrischtschewo near Moscow together with other mercenaries who followed the Stalin order.

This woman was eventually betrayed into the hands of the German army by the Soviet side and hanged but later declared to be a "heroine of the great patriotic war." The Stalin order, now confirmed by Moscow, forces historians, researching into the events of German-Soviet war, to see the occurrences in the light of criminal offences, as from the viewpoint of Stalin's "torch-men" order ("Fackelmänner-Befehls").

Without doubt, in this scenario belongs the propaganda show by the tobacco millionaire Reemtsma, who, for reasons of untrue fabrications and falsified pictures was busted and who had to take into consideration these revealed facts. As reported, the scientific examination of his anti-Wehrmacht (anti-German army) exhibition took longer than the originally planned three months. Is this the first sign of some integrity? [2]

1. Stalin's "torch-men" order, fabricated German atrocities.

2. Peter Fischer in Das Ostpreussenblatt Newspaper for the compatriots of of East Prussia eV. 12th Feb. 2000.

Friedrich Paul Berg

Friedrich Paul Berg's "NaziGassings.com"

• Stalin's Fackelmännerbefehl No. 0428 (Torch-Men-Order) As Revealed In This Report By The Reputable German Institut für Zeitgeschichte:


Yees,more handiwork of stalin the great-part of his scorched earth policy.But this proves what exactly?Because i never contradicted you on stalin,only ur hero hitler.Better stop trying to divert the topic after running out of excuses and explain generalplan ost,hunger plan,conc camps,einsatzgruppen,plan to level russian cities.
Yees,more handiwork of stalin the great-part of his scorched earth policy.But this proves what exactly?Because i never contradicted you on stalin,only ur hero hitler.Better stop trying to divert the topic after running out of excuses and explain generalplan ost,hunger plan,conc camps,einsatzgruppen,plan to level russian cities.
I see you're evading the facts due to your own incompetency in refuting the fact that Soviets were butchering their own people dressed in German uniforms to incite hatred against the Germans, who were in fact treated and viewed as liberators by the Russian populace, in order to incite animosity between the population and the Germans.

I didn't think you would have an issue understanding that point. At least read before making yourself look dimwitted. Truly embarrassing for a think tank.
They didn't do it for 'subhuman slavs' ,they did it to consolidate their power bases.Its a matter of power.Islamic generals have slaughtered millions throughout history - so what should islam be called?See if u want to twist a topic i can do the same.
Mate, i understand that you're desperate, but do keep Islam out of this thread, it has absolutely nothing to do with what you guys are debating over.
@AUSTERLITZ blames Germans for starving Russians meanwhile it was Stalin and his "noble" (according to @AUSTERLITZ) Communist Partisans and Soldiers who burned peasant crops, looted the grains, and slaughtered the cattle en mass in order to "deprive the Fascist" of food supplies.

In the process millions of Soviet civilians were murdered in cold blood by the noble Soviets.
I see you're evading the facts due to your own incompetency in refuting the fact that Soviets were butchering their own people dressed in German uniforms to incite hatred against the Germans, who were in fact treated and viewed as liberators by the Russian populace, in order to incite animosity between the population and the Germans.

I didn't think you would have an issue understanding that point. At least read before making yourself look dimwitted. Truly embarrassing for a think tank.

Are u implying that germans were actually 'liberators'?That all these atrocities were actually perpetuated by soviets themselves..germans were minding their own business?What was happening in the cities and towns?Soviet partisans?

The 'perfect, pitiless, Nazi': Soldiers' interviews reveal how German troops driven by 'bloodlust' killed for fun | Daily Mail Online

Here the reality behind ur self-denial.

Nazi troops shooting defenseless civilians

Laughing german soldiers posing before hanged defenseless RED CROSS nurse.

Your heroes of the waffen ss laughing as they walk away after burning a russian village.

Wehrmacht soldier posing before burning russian village.

Unfortunately i can't post anything more graphic-like mass graves with german officer standing or slaughtered children.But i guess its all staged propaganda-hitler,the ss all clean good soldiers.Criminalized by the evil world,the evil jews.
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So @AUSTERLITZ 's faulty arguments in a nutshell:

1). The Germans were evil Nazis who wanted to slaughter any and every non-German/Aryan/European, YET a Negro American Pilot states he was treated like a gentlemen in German captivity, and not to mention millions of "subhuman" Slavs and other "subhuman" non-Germans served under German command through their own free choice and will.

2). Why evil racist Nazi Hitler shook hands and enjoyed cordial ties with inferior non-Germans?? Still no convincing reply from @AUSTERLITZ in this regard, other than drivel.

3) @AUSTERLITZ You promised you would post something regarding German extermination camps, am still waiting.
Mate, i understand that you're desperate, but do keep Islam out of this thread, it has absolutely nothing to do with what you guys are debating over.

Mate i understand ur clueless about history,but since he insisted an ideology is automatically evil if its followers kill millions in its name(in this case communism).If that is the case then such a flawed argument applies to islam equally,and all organized religion actually.The point was to show how shallow his argument was.Did i touch a nerve?I apparently did.
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So @AUSTERLITZ 's faulty arguments in a nutshell:

1). The Germans were evil Nazis who wanted to slaughter any and every non-German/Aryan/European, YET a Negro American Pilot states he was treated like a gentlemen in German captivity, and not to mention millions of "subhuman" Slavs and other "subhuman" non-Germans served under German command through their own free choice and will.

2). Why evil racist Nazi Hitler shook hands and enjoyed cordial ties with inferior non-Germans?? Still no convincing reply from @AUSTERLITZ in this regard, other than drivel.

3) @AUSTERLITZ You promised you would post something regarding German extermination camps, am still waiting.

Persecution of black people in Nazi Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Toleration.The pow was treated as such because he was american.
The real face u will find in the link above.

Enjoyed cordial ties?Lol.Posing a propaganda pic to advance ones own interest is not cordial.Its i need to use you,until my current enemies are destroyed..then i can dispose of you untermensch.

I am,i just need time to organize it into posts-i don't do this all day u know.You have already delayed my battle reports for over a week.

By the way i'm still waiting for ur reply on hunger plan,generalplan ost,conc camps,einsatzgruppen,plan to level citie siwth populations.
You are not running away now are you?You said u were looking into them.Well i'm waiting.
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