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German) M. Rössler & S. Scheiermacher (editors), Der `Generalplan Ost' Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Plaungs-und Vernichtungspolitik, Berlin, 1993.

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The term Generalplan Ost first appears in two documents of the Ministry for the occupied Eastern Territories. (Reichsministerium für die besetzten Ostgebiete), prepared by Wetzel, an employee in the Racial Policy Office of the N.S.D.A.P., who from 1941 simultaneously held an important post in the Political Department of Rosenberg´s ministry. The first document is Wetzel´s minute of the session on questions of the Germanization of the Soviet Baltic republics, held on February 4th , at Dr. Kleist´s.

This minute refers to S.S.-Obersturmbannführer Gummitsch (representative of S.S.Standartenführer Ehlich) as taking part on behalf of the Security Office of the Reich (R.S.H.A.), on account of his association with the institution from which the Generalplan Ost (hereafter referred to as GPO) by Wetzel, dated April 27th, 1942. It bears the title Stellungnahme und Gedanken zum Generalplan Ost des Reichsführers S.S., and has already been published in several historical periodicals.

Judging from the provenance of the document and its contents, we may be justified in assuming that it was intended for Rosenberg´s use. The skepticism evident in it regarding the actuality of a number of steps proposed by the R.S.H.A. indicates the atmosphere of antagonism that existed between Himmler and Rosenberg at that time regarding their scope of competence in the occupied Soviet territories. Wetzel writes that in November 1941 he had already known that the R.S.H.A., then enjoying the strongest position in the Reich and - in the opinion of the institutions under Himmler - also operating as a Commissariat for Germanization, was worked on a general plan for the eastern territories. A competent employee of that office, Ehlich (mentioned earlier), had then given him the figure of 31 million "aliens" destined for deportation.

Certain elements of the Generalplan Ost elaborated by the R.S.H.A. can be singled out in Wetzel´s appraisal, because he often takes them as a starting point for his counter-arguments. He quotes the following estimate of the number of future settlers provided for in the GPO:

  1. immediate resettlement

    110,000 persons ready to settle with their wives 220,000
    peasant families in resettlers´camps 20,000
    families of German origin in Russia - 4 children each 600,000
    total 840,000

  2. later resettlement

    peasant families 880,000
    further resettlers 30,000
    Volksdeutsche from overseas (3 children each) 200,000
    total 1,110,000

  3. further resettlement

    during the first 10 years 45-50,000 families 200,000
    during the next 20 years, 20-30,000 families annually 2,400,000
    total during 30 years

Together with settlers from other Germanic countries and Volksdeutsche, the authors of the GPO expected to have 10 million persons for the colonization of the eastern territories. These territories included the occupied Polish lands, the Soviet Baltic republics (Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia), the "West Ukraine" (the provinces of Zhitomir and Kamieniec Podolski, part of Vinnitsa) and areas assigned for settlement: the Leningrad region (Ingermanland), the Crimea and hinterland and the bend of the Dnieper (Dnieprbogen). These territories were populated by about 45 million "aliens" including 5-6 million Jews. For racial reasons, the authors of the GPO planned to deport 31 million of these people to western Siberia. On the other hand, one may accept the hypothesis that the remaining 14 million people were to be annihilated, or considered suitable for Germanization and left where they were, or else used as manpower to work in the Reich or in the annexed territories.

Wetzel also writes that the GPO gave the percentage of Polish and Byelorussian population and that of the "West Ukraine" and the Baltic countries that was to be deported to West Siberia in the course of thirty years. Wetzel, who opposed the resettlement of the population from the Baltic republics, made an exception here and did not quote the percentage. Of the Polish population 80-85% was to be deported, i.e., from 16 to 20l4 million;65% of the population was to be deported from the "West Ukraine" and 75% from Byelorussia.

The first information of the provisions of the GPO was probably not that (previously mentioned) given by Ehlich to Wetzel in 1941. Much goes to show that were first mentioned in a speech made by Heydrich, head of the RSHA, in Prague on October 2nd , 1941, just after he had taken up the post of Protector of Bohemia and Moravia, where he presented the plans for the future of the Czech nation according to the general principles for the Bohemia. These principles are worthy of close attention. True, the name GPO did not figure in Heydrich´s speech, but the outline of expansion to the east in stages is in striking agreement with many of the elements contained in Wetzel´s appraisal. Polish territory, the Baltic republics and the Ukraine, towards which Heydrich did not clearly define the intentions of the Third Reich, were to fall within it range.

In May 1942, Himmler received a memorandum from Professor Konrad Meyer-Hetling, headed Generalplan Ost, Rechtliche, wirtschaftliche und räumliche Grundlagen des Ostaufbaues, which we shall print below. Only the six-page summary of this memorandum under the title Kurze Zusammenfassung der Denkschrift Generalplan Ost - rechtliche, wirtschaftliche und räumliche Grundlagen des Ostaufbaues, among the documents of the Nuremberg Trial (No 2225), was known until recently. It was thought, that the memorandum itself had been lost.

The first information of its content was given by Robert L. Koehl in RKFDV: German Resettlement and Population Policy 1939-1945, published by the Harvard University Press in 1957. Further references to it existence were made in 1960 in the West Germany quarterly "Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte". The memorandum and its summary were enclosures in the letter sent by SS-Oberführer Professor Meyer-Hetling on May 28th, 1942 to Himmler, Reichsführer SS and Commissary for Germanization.

As early as the spring of 1940, Professor Meyer-Hetling was Head of the SS planning office for the Polish territories incorporated into the Reich. From the following year, he was head of the planning office of the Commissariat for Germanization, the Stabshauptamt, and of the Central Land Office (Zentralbodenamt). He was also Director of the Institute for Agrarian Affairs and Agrarian Policy (Institut für Agrarwesen und Agrarpolitik) at the Berlin University. It was at this university that the published document was prepared. Dr. J. Boesler cooperated in financial questions. Perhaps it was coincidence that in the summer of 1942, that is, shortly after the preparation of the memorandum and it favourable reception by Himmler, Professor Meyer-Hetling was given further powers in the field of planning resettlement. He took up the post of Beauftragter für die Siedlung und Landesraumordnung beim Reichsleiter für Agrarpolitik in the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and of Bauernführer of the Reich. He was also appointed Head of the Committee for Resettlement in the occupied eastern territories.

It follows from Professor Meyer-Hetling´s previously mentioned letter of May 28th that the published memorandum was prepared in connection with instructions received on July 115th, 1941, and Meyer´s report of January 27th, 1942. Here is some information concerning these dates.

In the spring of 1941, Meyer-Hetling was entrusted with the preparation of a memorandum on planning resettlement and on development planning in the Polish territories "incorporated into the Reich". For this purpose he made use of the results of research carried out by the Technical College in Berlin.

He made the results of this research known in a paper he read on July 15th, 1941, and at the opening of an Exhibition Planung und Aufbau im Osten on October 23rd. Himmler expressed his appreciation of Professor Meyer-Hetling´s elaboration, which included exemplary model villages and farms.

On January 27th, 1942, the SS Reichsführer received Professor Meyer and entrusted him with the further task of elaborating the legal, economic and political foundations for the "further reconstruction of the East", also including the Crimea and the Leningrad region. It follows from the evidence given by Meyer at the VIII Nuremberg Trial that the Generalplan Ost elaborated by him had been based on suggestions made by Himmler and the head of the Stabshauptamt Greifelt during conversations.

In his letter of May 28th, 1942, to Himmler, Meyer wrote that the Generalplan Ost which he had submitted as well as the directives to this plan and the recommendations of the Reichsführer had called for further research on basic questions, the result of which he was presenting for consideration. In the published memorandum, he recalls that the Generalplan Ost of July 15th, 1941, envisaged the assignment of new areas for resettlement, taking into account the development prospects over a period of 30 years. As can be seen, the term Generalplan Ost is used by Meyer with many meanings. In the letter he uses it rather in the same sense as he did during the VIII Nuremberg Trial. In this sense, it was a plan for resettlement solely of the Polish territories "incorporated into the Reich". In the published document part B. with several tables and graphs, constitutes the continuation of the elaboration of the plan. It deals almost exclusively with calculations of the cost of the resettlement campaign and the sources from which these costs might be covered in the Polish territories "incorporated into the Reich". Detailed considerations is given to the measures essential for the rapid Germanization of these territories, and for the completion of resettlement in the rural areas within five years after the end of the war and in town within ten years. The cheapness of labor is striking in the financial calculations. This results from the planned use of prisoners-of-war and the inmates of prisons as man power.

Parts A and C, on the other hand, have the character of a long-term plan, of long-term imperialist expansion, ranging over further Polish territories and Soviet areas under German occupation. As compared with the summary already known to us, it does not introduce any new factors in the basic principles. What is new is the detailed elaboration of these principles. The maximum of control was to be guaranteed to the SS in the colonized territories, by a planned system of ownership and jurisdiction based on the feudal pattern (Zeitlehen - 7 years, Erblehen - 20 years, Leheneigentum, Lehensgericht, Oberlehensgericht), and a State monopoly of land, both in the towns and in the rural areas. They were to cover an area the size of 1-2 districts in the Reich (about 2,000 sq. Km) and to relocated at distances of about 100 km along two communication routes. One was to lead from the Reich in the direction of the Leningrad region (Königsberg-Leningrad, Wilno-Leningrad) and the other, also from the Reich, in the direction of the Crimea (Warsaw-Lublin-Rowne or Cracow-Lwow-Rowyne and then Biala Cerkiew-Krivoi Rog-Nikokajew). A plan was hurriedly prepared for building a motor road from the Reich to the Crimea. Fourteen bases were to be set up in the General Gouvernement, in the Zamosc region among others, 8 in the Ukraine and 14 in the so called Ostland. Also note worthy is the intention of reducing the population of the towns. In the Leningrad region the population of the towns was to decrease from the pre-war figure of 3,200,000 to 200,000 and in the Crimea, from 790,000 to 680,000. And lastly, a rather curious thing, Professor Meyer-Hetling included 80,000 Polish mountaineers in the reserve population for resettlement.

The question arises as to the relation of the document published below to the GPO, the subject of E. Wetzel´s elaboration (Stellungnahme und Gedanken zum Generalplan Ost des Reichsführers SS). The Generalplan Ost of the Central Security Office of the Reich most probably concentrated on the population policy, and on ways and methods of deportation or annihilation of certain European peoples. In these genocidal plans, the questions of deportation, the extent of Germanization among the people who were to be deported and the resettlement of Germanic peoples were dominant. In Professor Meyer-Hetling´s GPO, the legal and economic aspects of the Nazi colonization of the occupied Polish and Soviet territories were brought to the fore. Nevertheless, the GPO elaborated by the Central Security Office of the Reich contained estimates of the reserves of population needed for resettlement and a fairly precise determination of the territories assigned for colonization. In the estimate of the population reserves for the purpose of German resettlement in the east, the RSHA gave a figure known to us from Hitler´s statement in the Chief Headquarters on October 18th, 1941.

In this situation, Himmler´s instructions to Professor Meyer-Hetling to make further estimates seems to indicate that the SS leader and commissary for Germanization was interested in developing the basic provisions and in checking up on the calculations of the RSHA by an institution outside it apparatus - the Institute of the Berlin University. The hypothesis may be advanced that the Generalplan Ost was a plan prepared by the RSHA, constituting a further development of the plan for the treatment of the conquered territories of the Soviet Union revealed by Hitler on July 16th, 1941 in the General Headquarters, while, Meyer-Hetling´s GPO was partly an analytical checking of the principles of that plan and partly a development of those principles.

Himmler took action very quickly on receiving Meyer´s memorandum and sent his opinion to Greifelt, the Head of the Stabshauptamt, on June 12th. The general commander of the SS and police expressed his approval of Meyer´s plan. He intended to present it to Hitler at an appropriate moment, but considered it essential first to link it up into one whole (Gesamtsiedlungsplan) with earlier plans prepared for the various Polish territories "incorporated into the Reich", for Bohemia and Moravia, for Alsace-Loraine and also for Upper Austria and Lower Styria. In addition, Himmler demanded that the estimates for the settlers, workmen and financial means, which Meyer had drawn up solely for the Polish territories "incorporated into the Reich", should be extended to cover all the territories included in the GPO, and that the Generalsiedlungsplan prepared on the model of the Generalplan Ost; at the same time he demanded that the period of realization should be shortened from 25-30 years to 20 years. On the other hand, the range of Germanization in the eastern territories as envisaged by Meyer, particularly the limitation of the resettlement campaign in the General Gouvernment and Ostland to restricted bases, met with Himmler´s disapproval. He demanded that the GPO should provide for the complete Germanization of Esthonia, Latvia and the General Government within 20 years. Lithuania was to be colonized.

References to Meyer´s memorandum can be found in Himmler´s speech to the leaders of the SS and the police at Zhitomir in the southern Russian sector on September 16th, 1942. He then gave an assurance to his subordinates that the Reich would be victorious in the following year and announced - as in his correspondence with Meyer - that all the Polish territories would be colonized and that the Soviet Baltic countries and Byelorussia (Ostland), the Crimea and the Leningrad region would be Germanized and colonized. Himmler made another announcement of something new in his speech, namely, that resettlement bases (as proposed in the document published by Meyer on the General Gouvernment and part of the occupied Soviet territories) were to be established in the eastern areas as far as the Don and Volga and even perhaps as the Urals.

On January 12th, 1943, Himmler sent a letter direct to Meyer concerning the eastern plan. In this letter, the chief of the SS expressed his opinion on the table of basic figures (Grundzahlen) and the maps prepared by Meyer for the Generalsiedlungsplan which had been sent to him by Greifelt on December 23rd, 1942. In turn, he demanded that, besides Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonia, the Leningrad region, the Crimea and the Chersonese, resettlement in the east should also include Byelorussia. The GPO was to be amended also these lines without delay. Copies of the letter of December 23rd, 1942, to Meyer were sent to SS-Obergruppenführer Wolff, chief of the SS personal staff, to SS-Gruppenführer Berger, head of the Chief Command Office of the SS, who from 1942 also carried out the function of liaison officer between the Ministry for the East and the institutions under the Reichsführer SS, and to the chief of the police and the security service.

Meyer-Hetling answered the letter of the Chief of the SS after a month (February 15th), giving an assurance that he was prepared the basic materials for the Generalsiedlungsplan and enclosing some tables, which have not so far been found. In the face of the declaration of total war after the defeat at Stalingrad, Meyer-Hetling asked, without any great enthusiasm, if he was to continue to elaborate basic materials for the Generalsiedlungsplan. According to information given in the "Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte", it was only in April that Himmler gave a rather evasive reply. It is probable that planning of the colonization in the east was soon abandoned, for Hitler, in connection with the declaration of total war, suspended all further planning until peacetime.

One sometimes meets with the opinion that the GPO was only fantasy, an extravagance, a utopia that brought no practical consequences. This view should be confronted with the already known facts and measures taken by the authorities of the Third Reich, particularly Himmler and his apparatus, which in the years 1941/42 gained an unquestionably key position in the eastern policy. The moves made to facilitate the realization of the GPO and all the initial measures for it realization are also important. The period of military successes in the east was too short to achieve anything more.

The period of work on the GPO coincided with the greatest intensification of Nazi crimes in the east. This applies, above all, to the mass "liquidation" of millions of Soviet prisoners-of-war and Jews. The data contained in the version of the GPO available to Wetzel had become obsolete. According to these data, 45 million persons were living in the territories assigned for colonization, including 5-6 million Jews. A large percentage of this population perished; the losses in Poland reached six million and in the territory of the USSR over 20 million, including about seven million civilians. Moreover, at least one and a half million Polish civilians and prisoners-of-war ware taken to the Reich for forced labor. And the Nazis intended to act even more ruthlessly after achieving victory. In November 1941, that is at the time when Hitler and his close associates considered that the result of the war was already decided, Göring gave some indications of this in a conversation with Ciano, the Italian Foreign Minister. During this conversation the question of the famine threatened Greece war raised. Göring advised Ciano not to worry about this too much, just as he was not worrying about the fact that the Soviet prisoners-of-war were dying of hunger.
"This year, 20 to 30 million people will die of hunger in Russia. Perhaps it is a good thing that this is happening, because certain peoples must be decimated".
It should also be borne in mind that the colonization of the annexed Polish territories and the Germanization of Silesia and Pomerania, by means of the general or very large-scale imposition of citizenship of the Third Reich upon Poles, were far advanced and progressing at a terrific pace, but the results were superficial and miscarried. In the Poznan and Lodz regions there were two chief resettlement staff headquarters and 17 district resettlement staff headquarters operating in August 1942. Pomerania, Silesia and the Polish lands incorporated into East Prussia had each one chief resettlement staff headquarters, with a total of 34 district staff headquarters (Pomerania 18, Silesia 7, East Prussia 9). Altogether, they deported about one million Polish citizens, at the same time resettling about three quarters of a million Germans from the Reich and Volksdeutsche of various kinds At Riga, there was a chief resettlement staff headquarters for the Soviet Baltic republic; a resettlement staff headquarter was also set up at Kowno as well as ten district statt headquarters. A resettlement staff headquarters was also set up in Prague.

In January 1942, Himmler came forward with the project of creating an area of German resettlement under his auspices in the south-western part of the occupied Lithuanian Republic, to which the Lithuanian Volksdeutsche who hat not yet been resettled were to return. As is known, "West Lithuania" was an area assigned for colonization in the plan evaluated by Wetzel. True, up to December 1942, Rosenberg was opposed to Himmler´s project; nevertheless, by autumn 1942, the SS authorities had expropriated 6,597 farms in Lithuania and had resettled on farms 16,786 persons who had been repatriated to the Reich in the years 1939/40. In March, 1942, while in Cracow, Himmler set himself the aim of starting the colonization of the Polish territories included in the General Gouvenment, territories which Hitler, in a conversation with Governor Frank in March 1941, had destined for Germanization within 15 to 20 years. The head of SS and police designated the south-eastern part of the Lublin province, known as the Zamosc region, as the first area for colonization. Over 100,000 Poles were expelled from the Zamosc region between November 1942 and July 1943. A little earlier, in the second half of 1942, it was decided to create a resettlement area in the Zhitomir-Vinnitsa area which was to receive Volksdeutsche from the Ukrainie, who were threatened by the partisans. At this time steps were also made taken to prepare the Crimea to receive Germans repatriated from Italian Tyrol and Palestine after the war. Among others, the SS-Krimkommando was set up.

Finally, preparations were being made for the resettlement in the east of people from Holland and undesirable population from Alsace-Lorraine, Luxembourg and Slovenia.

These were preliminary steps towards colonization in the east, sometimes intended to sound the reaction of the population of some particular territory. These measures included the deportation of "aliens", the settlement of Germanic population and the concentration of Volksdeutsche in the occupied eastern territories. It is a striking fact that all the territories where these attempts at various kinds of colonization ware made were those included in the territorial range of the GPO elaborated by the RSAH.

And yet another argument. The year 1942 spelled failure for the Nazi leaders who did not prove ruthless enough in realizing the expansionist aims of National Socialism. Governor Frank suffered a defeat in the disputes on the extent of competence of the SS and police in the General Gouvernment; his suggestion that the Germanization of this area should be started after the war was rejected in 1942. A. Dallin, in his German Rule in Russia 1941-1945, pointed out how quickly the proposals for the dismemberment of the USSR put forward by Rosenberg, the minister for the occupied eastern territories, were quashed and how powerful was the position of the head of the SS, and police in the occupied territories of the USSR. Earlier in autumn 1941, the cautious Neurath had been replaced by none other than Heydrich, head of the Chief Security Office of the Reich, who became head of the Bohemian Protectorate.

This, and the fact that Himmler, in preparing the GPO, was realizing Hitler´s directives and suggestions to treat the east as Lebensraum (which Hitler expressed clearly in conversations known to have taken place at the General Headquarters), show all the more clearly that the threat of these criminal projects being put into practice in the east was a very serious one. This threat could only be averted by a Nazi defeat; and paradoxically, the armies of the nations whose population was to be sent to distant Siberia entered Berlin in 1945.

We received the microfilm of this document from the Microfilm Copies of Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part II), National Archives Microcopies No. T - 84 (Part II), roll 73, item E.A.P. 66-c-12-2/20.

We are publishing the whole text, leaving the conventional abbreviations: ca (circa), evtl. (eventuell), z.Z. (zur Zeit), z.B. (zum Beispiel), verg or vgl. (Vergleiche), d.h. (das heisst), usw (und so weiter), S. (Seite), We have also left the original notes marked on the document.

Der Generalplan Ost

Here u will find photos of the original documents-page by page in german.

Add to this,this plan was not hypothetical-Reichskommissariats had already begun to be set up.I have already quoted the reichskomissar of ukraine.
We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here.
— Erich Koch, March 5th 1943(Reichskommissar Ukraine - Ukraine was one of the 'provinces' under generalplan ost)

Koch's first act as Reichskommissar was to close local schools, declaring that "Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters." His brutality is best exemplified by his remark, "If I meet a Ukrainian worthy of being seated at my table, I must have him shot.''

We can also find several quotes from himmler and hitler-

16 July 1941, Hitler Comments, Conference in Führer Headquarters
“The Crimea must be cleared of all [racially] foreign peoples, as must the parts of Galicia which formerly belonged to the Austrian Empire. …We must make a Garden of Eden out of the newly won eastern territories; this is important for our future existence; [overseas] colonies play a subordinate role. … All of the Baltic lands must be annexed to the Reich. Similarly, the Crimea, with a significant adjoining region (the region north of the Crimea) must become Reich territory. The annexed territory must be as large as possible. … The Reich must also annex the Volga Colony and the area around Baku.”

17 October 1941, Hitler Monologue, Führer Headquarters

“The [eastern] region must lose the character of the Asiatic steppe, it must be Europeanized! It is for this purpose that we are building great highways to the southern tip of the Crime and to the Caucasus. German cities established along these roadways will stretch like a string of pearls, and around these will be German settlements. The two or three million people we need [for this program] can be found quicker than we think. We will take them from Germany, the Scandinavian lands, Western Europe, and America. Chances are that I will not live to see this, but in twenty years twenty million people will inhabit this territory. In three hundred years we will have a blossoming parkland of extraordinary beauty!

As for the people indigenous to the area, we will be sure to select those [of importance]. We will remove the destructive Jews entirely. … We will not enter Russian cities, they must die out completely.I intend to stay this course with ice-cold determination. I feel myself to be the executor of the will of History.

24 October 1939, Heinrich Himmler: Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945 und andere Ansprachen

“When we consider the issue [of eastern people], we first have to recognize that we have already long occupied ourselves with the Polish-Slavic problem … then we must clearly conclude, and thus have I received my tasks from the Führer, that in at least in the provinces which currently belong to Germany, the problem of the Polish minority must be solved, it must be eliminated in our lifetime. The problem must be eliminated.
This is a small piece of Asia into which we have come, and we want to push the borders of Germany still farther to the east; and with that the frontiers of Europe.”

Himmler in the Kharkow speech April 1943 expressed the position and situation of the war:

''The decision, therefore, lies here in the East; here must the Russian enemy, this people numbering two hundred million Russians, be destroyed on the battle field and person by person, and made to bleed to death''.

"Fuhrer is firmly determined to level Moscow and Leningrad to the ground.To dispose fully of their population, which otherwise we shall have to feed during the winter."-Diary of Franz Halder 1941,german army chief of staff.

According to a Hitler directive sent to Army Group North on 29 September, "After the defeat of Soviet Russia there can be no interest in the continued existence of this large urban center. [...] Following the city's encirclement, requests for surrender negotiations shall be denied, since the problem of relocating and feeding the population cannot and should not be solved by us. In this war for our very existence, we can have no interest in maintaining even a part of this very large urban population." - Adolf hitler.

"Early next year we enter the city (if the Finns do it first we do not object), lead those still alive into inner Russia or into captivity, wipe Leningrad from the face of the earth through demolitions.''

Now i have seen u use Mark weber as a historian source in a post,don't do it because he has zero credibility.This man is a prominent affiliate of far-right white supermacist neo-nazi group and well known revisionist.Also avoid david irving.I similarly will not use any jewish sources since u may claim that as biased.Infact i will mostly use german researchers.

Next post - The einsatzgruppen,issue of forced labour since u claimed slavs 'enjoyed' being nazi rule,sources of himmler's posen speeches,then conc camps.

Einsatzgruppen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will find the sources at the end of the wiki article-there are many.Take ur pick.
Einsatzgruppen brigades were attatched to each army group.


Testimony of a chief einsatzgruppen commander.Some excerpts.

Col. Amen: So that before you commenced to march into Soviet Russia you received orders at this conference to exterminate the Jews and Communist functionaries in addition to the regular professional work of the Security Police and SD; is that correct?


(original image taken from einsatzgruppen reports in german depicting the progress of liquidation)

Ohlendorf: Yes.

Col. Amen: Did you, personally, have any conversation with Himmler respecting any communication from Himmler to the chiefs of army groups and armies concerning this mission?

Ohlendorf: Yes. Himmler told me that before the beginning of the Russian campaign Hitler had spoken of this mission to a conference of the army groups and the army chiefs - no, not the army chiefs but the commanding generals - and had instructed the commanding generals to provide the necessary support.

Col. Amen: So that you can testify that the chiefs of the army groups and the armies had been similarly informed of these orders for the liquidation of the Jews and Soviet functionaries?

Ohlendorf: I don't think it is quite correct to put it in that form. They had no orders for liquidation; the order for the liquidation was given to Himmler to carry out, but since this liquidation took place in the operational area of the army group or the armies, they had to be ordered to provide support. Moreover, without such instructions to the army, the activities of the Einsatzgruppen would not have been possible.

Col. Amen: Did you have any other conversation with Himmler concerning this order?

Ohlendorf: Yes, in late summer of 1941 Himmler was in Nikolaiev. He assembled the leaders and men of the Einsatzkommanos, repeated to them the liquidation order, and pointed out that the leaders and men who were taking part in the liquidation bore no personal responsibility for the execution of this order. The responsibility was his, alone, and the Führer's.

Col. Amen: And you yourself heard that said?
Ohlendorf: Yes.


(page of an einstazgruppen report from german federal archive)

Col. Amen: Do you know how many persons were liquidated by Einsatz Group D under your command?
Ohlendorf: In the year between June 1941 to June 1942 the Einsatzkommandos reported ninety thousand people liquidated.

Col. Amen: Did that include men, women, and children?
Ohlendorf: Yes.

Col. Amen: On what do you base those figures?
Ohlendorf: On reports sent by the Einsatzkommandos to the Einsatzgruppen.

Col. Amen: Were those reports submitted to you?
Ohlendorf: Yes.

Col. Amen: And after they were shot what was done with the bodies?
Ohlendorf: The bodies were buried in the antitank ditch or excavation.(numerous pics on net of mass graves in anti tank ditches)

Col. Amen: What determination, if any, was made as to whether the persons were actually dead?
Ohlendorf: The unit leaders or the firing-squad commanders had orders to see to this and, if need be, finish them off themselves.

Col. Amen: And who would do that?
Ohlendorf: Either the unit leader himself or somebody designated by him.

Col. Amen: In what positions were the victims shot?
Ohlendorf: Standing or kneeling.

Col. Amen: What was done with the personal property of the persons executed?
Ohlendorf: All valuables were confiscated at the time of the registration or the rounding up and handed over to the Finance Ministry, either through the RSHA or directly. At first the clothing was given to the population, but in the winter of 1941-42 it was collected and disposed of by the NSV.

Col. Amen: All their personal property was registered at that time?
Ohlendorf: No, not all of it, only valuables were registered.

Col. Amen: What happened to the garments which the victims were wearing when they went to the place of execution?
Ohlendorf: They were obliged to take off their outer garments immediately before the execution.

Col. Amen: All of them?
Ohlendorf: The outer garments, yes.(This is why mass graves bodies had no clothes,infact i can post a picture i came across of naked women desperately trying to cover up being hounded into line for shooting)

Col. Amen: Were all victims, including the men, women, and children executed in the same manner?
Ohlendorf: Until the spring of 1942, yes. Then an order came from Himmler that in the future women and children were to be killed only in gas vans.

Col. Amen: How had women and children been killed previously?
Ohlendorf: In the same was as the men - by shooting.

Col. Amen: What, if anything, was done about burying the victims after they had been executed?
Ohlendorf: The Kommandos filled the graves to efface the signs of execution, and then labor units of the population levelled them.

Col. Amen: Referring to the gas vans that you said you received in the spring of 1942, what order did you receive in respect to the use of these vans?
Ohlendorf: These vans were in the future to be used for killing of women and children.

Col. Amen: Will you explain to the Tribunal the construction of these vans and their appearance?
Ohlendorf: The actual purpose of these vans could not be seen from the outside. They looked like closed trucks, and were so constructed that at the start of the motor, gas was conducted into the van causing death in ten to fifteen minutes.


Ohlendorf: Whenever possible I sent a member of the staff of the Einsatzgruppen to witness the executions but this was not always feasible since the Einsatzgruppen had to operate over great distances.

Col. Pokrovsky: For what purpose was an inspector sent?
Ohlendorf: To determine whether or not my instructions regarding the manner of the execution were actually carried out.

Col. Pokrovsky: Am I to understand that the inspector was to make certain that the execution had actually been carried out?
Ohlendorf: No, it would not be correct to say that. He was to ascertain whether the conditions which I had set for the execution were actually being carried out.

Col. Pokrovsky: What manner of conditions had you in mind?
Ohlendorf: One: exclusion of the public; two: military execution by a firing-squad; three: arrival of transports and carrying out of the liquidation in a smooth manner to avoid unnecessary excitement; four: supervision of the property to prevent looting. There may have been other details that I no longer remember. At any rate, all ill-treatment, whether physical or mental, was to be prevented through these measures.

Col. Pokrovsky: You spoke of ill-treatment. What did you mean by ill-treatment at the executions?
Ohlendorf: If, for instance, the manner in which the executions were carried out caused excitement and disobedience among the victims, so that the Kommandos were forced to restore by means of violence.

Col. Pokrovsky: What do you mean by "restore order by means of violence"? What do you mean by suppression of the excitement amongst the victims by means of violence?
Ohlendorf: If, as I have already said, in order to carry out the liquidation in an orderly fashion it was necessary, for example, to resort to beating.

Documentary on einstazgruppen with interviews.
You said slavs actually prefered nazi rule and serve them as labourers -well let's hear from the ones who actually were there and find out.

Forced Labor 1939 - 1945:

Interviews about Nazi Forced Labor - The Collection

This site hosts around 600 interviews with testimonies of the survivors.Be sure to listen in on how they enjoyed their time.

Ost-Arbeiter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A more simple source.

Here something more.How nazis systematically slaughtered innocent old,disabled or mentally ill people in germany itself for being 'useless eaters'.

Letter from chief of institution for feeble-minded in Stetten to Reich Minister of justice Dr. Frank, September 6 1940.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 854.
Dear Reich Minister,

The measure being taken at present with mental patients of all kinds have caused a complete lack of confidence in justice among large groups of people. Without the consent of relatives and guardians, such patients are being transferred to different institutions. After a short time they are notified that the person concerned has died of some disease...

If the state really wants to carry out the extermination of these or at least of some mental patients, shouldn't a law be promulgated, which can be justified before the people - a law that would give everyone the assurance of careful examination as to whether he is due to die or entitled to live and which would also give the relatives a chance to be heard, in a similar way, as provided by the law for the prevention of Hereditarily affected Progeny?

Letter from Dr. Wurm, of the Wuerttemberg Evangelical Provincial Church, to Reich Minister of interior Dr. Frick, September 5 1940.
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1946, Supp. A, p. 1223.
Dear Reich Minister,

On July 19th I sent you a letter about the systematic extermination of lunatics, feeble-minded and epileptic persons. Since then this practice has reached tremendous proportions: recently the inmates of old-age homes have also been included. The basis for this practice seems to be that in an efficient nation there should be no room for weak and frail people. It is evident from the many reports which we are receiving that the people's feelings are being badly hurt by the measures ordered and that the feeling of legal insecurity is spreading which is regrettable from the point of view of national and state interest.

Letter from Dr. Hilfrich, Bishop of Limburg, to the Reich Minister of Justice, August 13 1941.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 845-846.

Regarding the report submitted on July 16 by the Chairman of the Fulda Bishops' conference, Cardinal Dr. Bertram, I consider it my duty to present the following as a concrete illustration of destruction of so-called "useless life".
About 8 Kilometers from Limburg in the little town of Hadamar, on a hill overlooking the town, there is an institution which had formerly served various purposes and of late had been used as a nursing home. This institution was renovated and furnished as a place in which, by consensus of opinion, the above mentioned Euthanasia has been systematically practiced for months- approximately since February 1941. This fact is, of course, known beyond the administrative district of Wiesbaden...

Several times a week buses arrive in Hadamard with a considerable number of such victims. School children of the vicinity know this vehicle and say "here comes the murder-box again". After the arrival of the vehicle, the citizens of Hadamar watch the smoke rise out of the chimney...

The effect of the principles at work here that children call each other names and say "you're crazy; you'll be sent to the baking oven in Hadamar"...
All God-fearing men consider this destruction of helpless beings a crass injustice...
Officials of the State Police, it is said, are trying to suppress discussions of the Hadamar occurrences by means of severe threats...
I beg you most humbly, Herr Reich Minister, in the sense of the report of the Episcopate of 16 July of this year, to prevent further transgressions of the Fifth Commandment of God.

Letter from Reichsfuehrer-SS
Himmler to SS-Oberfuehrer Brack, 19 December 1940.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 856.

Dear Brack,

I hear there is great excitement on the Alb because of the Grafeneck Institution.

The population recognizes the gray automobiles of the SS and think they know what is going on at the constantly smoking crematory. What happens there is a secret and yet is no longer one. Thus the worst feeling has arisen there, and in my opinion there remains only one thing, to discontinue the use of the institution in this place and in any event disseminate information in a clever and sensible manner by showing motion pictures on the subject of inherited and mental diseases in just that locality.

May I ask for a report as to how the difficult problem is solved?

Testimony of Brack, regarding gassing of insane people in Germany.
Quoted in "Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals" - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 876-886.

Q: Witness, when adult persons were selected for euthanasia and sent by transport to euthanasia stations for that purpose, by what methods were the mercy deaths given?

A: The patients went to a euthanasia institution after the written formalities were concluded - I need not repeat these formalities here, they were physical examinations, comparison of the files, etc. The patients were led to a gas chamber and were there killed by the doctors with carbon monoxide gas (CO).

Q: Where was that carbon monoxide obtained, by what process?

A: It was in a compressed gas container, like a steel oxygen container, such as is used for welding - a hollow steel container.

Q: And these people were placed in this chamber in groups, I suppose, and then the carbon monoxide was turned into the chambers?

A: Perhaps I had better explain this in some detail. Bouhler's basic requirement was that the killing should not only be painless, but also imperceptible. For this reason, the photographing of the patients, which was only done for scientific reasons, took place before they entered the chambers, and the patients were completely diverted thereby. Then they were led into the gas chamber which they were told was a shower room. They were in groups of perhaps 20 or 30. They were gassed by the doctor in charge.
. Q. What was done with the bodies of these people after mercy deaths were given?

A. When the room had been cleared of gas again, stretchers were brought in and the bodies were carried into an adjoining room. There the doctor examined them to determine whether they were dead.

Q. Then what happened to the bodies?

A. After the doctor had determined death, he freed the bodies for cremation and they were cremated.

Q. After he had freed the bodies, had determined that they were dead, they were then cremated? Is that correct?

A. Yes.

Q. There was a crematory built for every one of these institutions?

A. Yes. Crematoriums were built in the institutions.
. Q. And these people thought that they were going in to take a shower bath?

A. If any of them had any power of reasoning, they had no doubt thought that.

Q. Well now, were they taken into the shower rooms with their clothes on or were they nude?

A. No. They were nude.

Q. In every case?

A. Whenever I saw them, yes.

This topic is so vast and the crimes so many its difficult to put in any single post and without any graphic pics.

Nazi concentration camps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For a gist.

Testimonies of SS camp guards.
Testimony of SS Scharf�hrer Erich Fuchs, in the Sobibor-Bolender trial, Dusseldorf.

We unloaded the motor. It was a heavy Russian benzine engine, at least 200 horsepower. we installed the engine on a concrete foundation and set up the connection between the exhaust and the tube.
I then tested the motor. It did not work. I was able to repair the ignition and the valves, and the motor finally started running. The chemist, who I knew from Belzec, entered the gas chamber with measuring instruments to test the concentration of the gas.
Following this, a gassing experiment was carried out. If my memory serves me right, about thirty to forty women were gassed in one gas chamber. The Jewish women were forced to undress in an open place close to the gas chamber, and were driven into the gas chamber by the above mentioned SS members and the Ukrainian auxiliaries. when the women were shut up in the gas chamber I and Bolender set the motor in motion. The motor functioned first in neutral. Both of us stood by the motor and switched from "Neutral" (Freiauspuff) to "Cell" (Zelle), so that the gas was conveyed to the chamber. At the suggestion of the chemist, I fixed the motor on a definite speed so that it was unnecessary henceforth to press on the gas. About ten minutes later the thirty to forty women were dead.

From the testimony of SS-Unterscharfuehrer Wilhelm Bahr in his trial at Hamburg.

Q: Is it correct that you have gassed 200 Russian POW's with Zyklon-B?
A: Yes, on orders.

Q: Where did you do that?
A: In Neuengamme [concentration camp].

Q: On whose order?
A: The local doctor, Dr. Von Bergmann.

Q: With what gas?
A: With Prussic acid [another name for Zyklon-B].

Q: How long did the Russians take to die?
A: I do not know. I only obeyed orders.

Q: How long did it take to gas the Russians?
A: I returned after two hours and they were all dead.

Q: For what purpose did you go away?
A: That was during lunch hour.

Q: You left for your lunch and came back afterwards?
A: Yes.

Q: Were they dead when you came back?
A: Yes.

Q: Did you look at their bodies?
A: Yes, because I had to load them.

Q: Why did you apply the gas to the Russians?
A: I only had orders to pour in the gas and I do not know anything about it.

SS-Doctor Kremer at a hearing on 18 July 1947.
Quoted in 'The Good Old Days' - E. Klee, W. Dressen, V. Riess, The Free Press, NY, 1988, p. 258:

I remember I once took part in the gassing of one of these groups of women [from the women's camp in Auschwitz]. I cannot say how big the group was. when I got close to the bunker I saw them sitting on the ground. They were still clothed. As they were wearing worn-out camp clothing they were not left in the undressing hut but made to undress in the open air. I concluded from the behavior of these women that they had no doubt what fate awaited them, as they begged and sobbed to the SS men to spare them their lives. However, they were herded into the gas chambers and gassed. As an anatomist I have seen a lot of terrible things: I had had a lot of experience with dead bodies, and yet what I saw that day was like nothing I had ever seen before. Still completely shocked by what I had seen I wrote on my diary on 5 September 1942: "The most dreadful of horrors. Hauptscharf�hrer Thilo was right when he said to me today that this is the 'anus mundi', the anal orifice of the world". I used this image because I could not imagine anything more disgusting and horrific.


Aerial photo of concentration camp taken by allied aircraft.


Children being herded for extermination,can't post the actually corpses so this will have to do.

''As we got close to the camp and saw what was inside... a terrible, terrible fear and horror entered our hearts. We thought, what is this? Where are we going? Why are we here? And as you got closer to the camp and started to enter [it] and saw these human skeletons walking around—old men, young men, boys, just skin and bone, we thought, what are we getting into?''-Canadian airman Ed Carter-Edward's recollection of his arrival at Buchenwald

''I asked to see one of the barracks. It happened to be occupied by Czechoslovaks. When I entered, men crowded around, tried to lift me to their shoulders. They were too weak. Many of them could not get out of bed. I was told that this building had once stabled 80 horses. There were 1,200 men in it, five to a bunk. The stink was beyond all description.

They called the doctor. We inspected his records. There were only names in the little black book, nothing more. Nothing about who these men were, what they had done, or hoped. Behind the names of those who had died, there was a cross. I counted them. They totalled 242. 242 out of 1,200, in one month.

As we walked out into the courtyard, a man fell dead. Two others, they must have been over 60, were crawling toward the latrine. I saw it, but will not describe it.''
”—Extract from Edward R. Murrow's Buchenwald report

''...Here over an acre of ground lay dead and dying people. You could not see which was which... The living lay with their heads against the corpses and around them moved the awful, ghostly procession of emaciated, aimless people, with nothing to do and with no hope of life, unable to move out of your way, unable to look at the terrible sights around them ... Babies had been born here, tiny wizened things that could not live ... A mother, driven mad, screamed at a British sentry to give her milk for her child, and thrust the tiny mite into his arms, then ran off, crying terribly. He opened the bundle and found the baby had been dead for days. This day at Belsen was the most horrible of my life'' -

From BBC correspondent accompanying british troops into bergen-belsen camp.

The British comedian Michael bentine, who took part in the liberation of the camp, wrote this on his encounter with Belsen:
We were headed for an airstripe outside Celle, a small town, just past Hanover. We had barely cranked to a halt and started to set up the "ops" tent, when the Typhoons thundered into the circuit and broke formation for their approach. As they landed on the hastily repaired strip – a "Jock" [Scottish] doctor raced up to us in his jeep.
"Got any medical orderlies?" he shouted above the roar of the aircraft engines. "Any K rations or vitaminised chocolate?"
"What's up?" I asked for I could see his face was grey with shock.

"Concentration camp up the road," he said shakily, lighting a cigarette. "It's dreadful – just dreadful." He threw the cigarette away untouched. "I've never seen anything so awful in my life. You just won't believe it 'til you see itfor God's sake come and help them!"

"What's it called?" I asked, reaching for the operations map to mark the concentration camp safely out of the danger area near the bomb line. "Belsen," he said, simply.

Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Auschwitz concentration camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bergen-Belsen concentration camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will find wiki links for each individual camp from one.(there are over 20 major ones)

Josef Mengele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nazi doctor death -conducted human experiments,cut open individuals for pleasure and 'research'.

Testimony of a survivor-u will find thousands more.

A touching testimony of a old russian soldier.How american(western) and russian POWs recieved different rations in teh same camp(what i emphasized earlier),how soviet pows were being systematically starved to death.How americans in teh camp smuggled their food to save the lives of russian soldiers.A story of courage and humanity across nations and boundaries.

conc.camp- contd.
You alleged that Rudolf hoss the commandant of auschwitz was coerced into giving his confession.Well was thsi also coerced?
Four days before he was executed, Höss sent a message to the state prosecutor, including these comments:

“ My conscience compels me to make the following declaration. In the solitude of my prison cell I have come to the bitter recognition that I have sinned gravely against humanity. As Commandant of Auschwitz I was responsible for carrying out part of the cruel plans of the 'Third Reich' for human destruction. In so doing I have inflicted terrible wounds on humanity. I caused unspeakable suffering for the Polish people in particular. I am to pay for this with my life. May the Lord God forgive one day what I have done.''

This was the documentary shown in 1945 nuremberg trials on the conc camps.The Nuremberg prosecution's turn to the filmic witness can thus be understood as an attempt to secure an adequate representation of "an order of reality which the human mind had never confronted before."
Do you know the reactions of the nazi leaders in the dock?
''Funk covers his eyes ... Sauckel mops brow ... Frank swallows hard, blinks eyes, trying to stifle tears ... Frank mutters "Horrible!" ... Rosenberg fidgets, peeks at screen, bows head, looks to see how others are reacting ... Seyss-Inquart stoic throughout ... Speer looks very sad, swallows hard ... Defense attorneys are now muttering, "for God's sake – terrible." ... Fritzsche, pale, biting lips, really seems in agony ... Doenitz has head buried in his hands ... Keitel now hanging head.''
Schacht turned his back on the screen to show that he had had no connection with such bestiality; Goering tried to brazen it out; the weaker ones like Ribbentrop, Frank, and Funk appeared shattered.
''Funk was often seen crying during the presentation of prosecution evidence and needed sleeping pills at night.

Do you know something,not a single one of them denied the crimes-they all tried to shift the blame to hitler and himmler.

"Politicians brought the Nazis to power and started the war. They are the ones who brought about these disgusting crimes, and now we have to sit there in the dock with them and share the blame!"-Admiral Donitz

"Don't let anybody tell you that they had no idea. Everybody sensed there was something horribly wrong with the system." (11/29/45) "Hitler has disgraced Germany for all time! He betrayed and disgraced the people that loved him!...I will be the first to admit my guilt."-Hans frank,governor-general,poland.

"Hitler didn't want to do things my way. I wanted things done legally. After all, I am a lawyer." (4/24/46).... "The mass murders were certainly not thought of as a consequence of the Nuremberg Laws, [though] it may have turned out that way."-Frick,minister of interior.

"I have been tricked and trapped by the Himmler murder machine, even when I tried to put a check on it...Let us explain our position to the world, so that at least we won't die under this awful burden of shame." (11/21/45) "I have the feeling I am drowning in filth....I am choking in it."--(2/21/46, after watching film of atrocities).-Fritzche,propaganda ministry.

"I joined the Party precisely because it was revolutionary, not because of the ideological stuff." (12/11/45)...."The whole conspiracy idea is cockeyed. We had orders to obey the head of state. We weren't a band of criminals meeting in the woods in the dead of night to plan mass murders...The four real conspirators are missing: The Fuhrer, Himmler, Bormann, and Goebbels.'' -Goering,number 2 nazi.

"It is just incomprehensible how those things [atrocities] came about...Every genius has the demon in him. You can't blame him [Hitler]--it is just in him...It is all very tragic.'' -Hess,deputy fuhrer.

"The indictment knocked me on the head. First of all, I hand no idea at all about 90 per cent of the accusations in it. The crimes are horrible beyond belief, if they are true. Secondly, I don't see how they can fail to recognize a soldier's obligation to obey orders. That's the code I've live by all my life." -Jodl,chief of staff OKW.

"We all believed so much in him [Hitler]--and we stand to take all the blame--and the shame! He gave us the orders. He kept saying that it was all his responsibility."-Keitel,army chief,OKW.

Schacht spent 10 months in 1944 in a concentration camp because of suspicion he was plotting against Hitler....Said Schacht of the experience, "I could hear the people being forced to undress and march out to their death--and the shooting in the woods. It was beastly.".-Schacht,former economics minister.

"I would like to sit down and write one final blast about the whole damn Nazi mess and mention names and details and let the German people see once and for all what rotten corruption, hypocrisy, and madness the whole system was based on!-Speer.

"The Jews are making a mistake if they make a martyr out of me; you will see.''-Streicher.

Now onto the pictures of lavish living u posted of polish pows.

Oflag VII-A Murnau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These are taken from the small POW camp at murnau,a officer's camp with high ranking generals such as brigadiers,divisional generals.The number never exceeded 5000.Most of all this was a propaganda camp .It was regularly inspected by the international red cross,the inetntion being to show to the world a 'model camp' -how nazis were adhering exactly to the geneva convention and rules..the reality has been posted above.

Documentary on the famous diary of a little girl anne frank who died in the camps.
The Diary of a Young Girl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Diary of a russian girl who died after watching her entire family starve to death in front of her in leningrad.
Zhenya died on Dec. 28th at 12:00 P.M. 1941

Grandma died on Jan. 25th 3:00 P.M. 1942
Leka died on March 17th at 5:00 A.M. 1942
Uncle Vasya died on Apr. 13th at 2:00 after midnight 1942
Uncle Lesha on May 10th at 4:00 P.M. 1942
Mother on May 13th at 7:30 A.M. 1942
Savichevs died.
Everyone died.
Only Tanya is left.


You also bragged about diversity in the SS.I'm glad u atleast were honest enough to admit hitler did so out of his desire to create unrest in the many ethnicities of the british empire,rtaher than a genuine affection for these people despite giving propaganda pics .Also note most of these foreign legions were raised after late 1942 when germans began to feel the manpower pinch.Some joined the germans as revenge for stalin's policies.The following extract from himmler's posen speech will make clear the nazi view on these troops.

''We must be also clear in our minds that we have 6 or 7 million foreigners in Germany. There may even be 8 million. We have prisoners in Germany. They are not all dangerous, as long as we strike hard at the smallest minor problem. It's a small matter to shoot 10 Poles today, instead of maybe having to shoot tens of thousands in their place later, and compared to the fact that shooting those tens of thousands would also cost German blood, too. Every little blaze must be immediately stamped out, smothered, extinguished''-Himmler,on slave labour(forgot to add this earlier)

Attitude towards Osttruppen of the head of the ss-himself (foreign legions in the east)

''One thing is a matter of course in this war: it is better for a Russian to die than a German. If we use the Russians, then they must be mixed with Germans in a ratio of 1:2 to 1:3. The best thing is to use individual Russians; then you can drive with them in a tank. One Russian with 2 or 3 Germans in a tank, magnificent, nothing wrong. But you must never let one Russian meet other tank-driving Russians, otherwise the boys will conspire. But if you wish to have Russian-only companies for some reason, then be careful, gentlemen — and that is not just a thought, gentlemen, that is an order, gentlemen — they must have their informer apparatus, their NKVD, in this company. Then you can sleep in peace. Otherwise, this is one of the earliest warnings I've issued, take care that these sub-humans always look at you; they must always look their superior in the eye. It's like with animals. As long as an animal looks his tamer in the eye, he won't try anything. But have no doubt about one thing: he is a beast. We will able to utilize the Russians with this attitude; with this attitude we shall be superior to the Slavs at all times. But not with any other attitude.'' -Himmler at posen.

I have posted already parts of his posen speeches earlier.But i'll still post some gems.

''Our comrade Fegelein once captured a Russian general like that. Look, they're cheap. They're Slavs. Full of humour, as Fegelein is, Fegelein told his staff: "We'll treat this one real good. We'll act like we're going to recognize him as a General. So, when he comes in, stand up, stand at attention, keep quiet, say 'General Sir, this' and 'General Sir, that', show him how much respect you have for him". Of course, this worked. You don't need to give a Russian general any political ideas, political ideals, or political plans for the future. You can get them cheaper than that, gentlemen. The Slavs are known for that.

The Slav is never able to build anything himself. In the long run, he's not capable of it. I'll come back to this later. With the exception of a few phenomena produced by Asia every couple of centuries, through that mixture of two heredities which may be fortunate for Asia but is unfortunate for us Europeans — with the exception, therefore, of an Attilla, a Ghenghis Khan, a Tamerlaine, a Lenin, a Stalin — the mixed race of the Slavs is based on a sub-race with a few drops of blood of our blood, blood of a leading race; the Slav is unable to control himself and create order. He is able to argue, able to debate, able to disintegrate, able to offer resistance against every authority and to revolt. But these human shoddy goods are just as incapable of maintaining order today as they were 700 or 800 years ago, when they called in the Varangians, when they called in the Ruriks .''

''It is basically wrong for us to project our whole harmless soul and heart, all our good nature, our idealism, onto foreign peoples. This applies to Herder, who wrote the "Voices of the Peoples", probably in a drunken hour, and caused us, in later generations, such boundless suffering and misery. That applies to the Czechs and Slovenes, to whom, after all, we brought their national feeling. They themselves were absolutely incapable of it; rather, we invented it for them''

''For the SS Man, one principle must apply absolutely: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood, and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, the Czechs, is totally indifferent to me. Whatever is available to us in good blood of our type, we will take for ourselves, that is, we will steal their children and bring them up with us, if necessary. Whether other races live well or die of hunger is only of interest to me insofar as we need them as slaves for our culture; otherwise that doesn't interest me. Whether 10,000 Russian women fall down from exhaustion in building a tank ditch is of interest to me only insofar as the tank ditches are finished for Germany.

We will never be hard and heartless when it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans, the only ones in the world with a decent attitude towards animals, will also adopt a decent attitude with regards to these human animals; but it is a sin against our own blood to worry about them and give them ideals, so that our sons and grandchildren will have a harder time with them.''

More gems -

''[...] Thus I have basically given the order to also kill the wives and children of these partisans, and commissars. I would be a weakling and a criminal to our descendants if I allowed the hate-filled sons of the sub-humans we have liquidated in this struggle of humanity against subhumanity to grow up.''

''I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.'

In case u want proof.


Original page of the final edition manuscript of the speech authorised by himmler.

File:Himmler Posen Speech - Extermination of the Jews excerpt, Oct 4, 1943.ogg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Audio recording of excerpts of the speech to SS officers 1943..

Now i have provided original documents photos plus sources from books in einsatzgruppen,generalplan ost,conc camps and posen speeches.If this doesn't convince you i'm afraid nothing will.
You alleged that Rudolf hoss the commandant of auschwitz was coerced into giving his confession.Well was thsi also coerced?
Four days before he was executed, Höss sent a message to the state prosecutor, including these comments:

“ My conscience compels me to make the following declaration. In the solitude of my prison cell I have come to the bitter recognition that I have sinned gravely against humanity. As Commandant of Auschwitz I was responsible for carrying out part of the cruel plans of the 'Third Reich' for human destruction. In so doing I have inflicted terrible wounds on humanity. I caused unspeakable suffering for the Polish people in particular. I am to pay for this with my life. May the Lord God forgive one day what I have done.''

This was the documentary shown in 1945 nuremberg trials on the conc camps.The Nuremberg prosecution's turn to the filmic witness can thus be understood as an attempt to secure an adequate representation of "an order of reality which the human mind had never confronted before."
Do you know the reactions of the nazi leaders in the dock?
''Funk covers his eyes ... Sauckel mops brow ... Frank swallows hard, blinks eyes, trying to stifle tears ... Frank mutters "Horrible!" ... Rosenberg fidgets, peeks at screen, bows head, looks to see how others are reacting ... Seyss-Inquart stoic throughout ... Speer looks very sad, swallows hard ... Defense attorneys are now muttering, "for God's sake – terrible." ... Fritzsche, pale, biting lips, really seems in agony ... Doenitz has head buried in his hands ... Keitel now hanging head.''
Schacht turned his back on the screen to show that he had had no connection with such bestiality; Goering tried to brazen it out; the weaker ones like Ribbentrop, Frank, and Funk appeared shattered.
''Funk was often seen crying during the presentation of prosecution evidence and needed sleeping pills at night.

Do you know something,not a single one of them denied the crimes-they all tried to shift the blame to hitler and himmler.

"Politicians brought the Nazis to power and started the war. They are the ones who brought about these disgusting crimes, and now we have to sit there in the dock with them and share the blame!"-Admiral Donitz

"Don't let anybody tell you that they had no idea. Everybody sensed there was something horribly wrong with the system." (11/29/45) "Hitler has disgraced Germany for all time! He betrayed and disgraced the people that loved him!...I will be the first to admit my guilt."-Hans frank,governor-general,poland.

"Hitler didn't want to do things my way. I wanted things done legally. After all, I am a lawyer." (4/24/46).... "The mass murders were certainly not thought of as a consequence of the Nuremberg Laws, [though] it may have turned out that way."-Frick,minister of interior.

"I have been tricked and trapped by the Himmler murder machine, even when I tried to put a check on it...Let us explain our position to the world, so that at least we won't die under this awful burden of shame." (11/21/45) "I have the feeling I am drowning in filth....I am choking in it."--(2/21/46, after watching film of atrocities).-Fritzche,propaganda ministry.

"I joined the Party precisely because it was revolutionary, not because of the ideological stuff." (12/11/45)...."The whole conspiracy idea is cockeyed. We had orders to obey the head of state. We weren't a band of criminals meeting in the woods in the dead of night to plan mass murders...The four real conspirators are missing: The Fuhrer, Himmler, Bormann, and Goebbels.'' -Goering,number 2 nazi.

"It is just incomprehensible how those things [atrocities] came about...Every genius has the demon in him. You can't blame him [Hitler]--it is just in him...It is all very tragic.'' -Hess,deputy fuhrer.

"The indictment knocked me on the head. First of all, I hand no idea at all about 90 per cent of the accusations in it. The crimes are horrible beyond belief, if they are true. Secondly, I don't see how they can fail to recognize a soldier's obligation to obey orders. That's the code I've live by all my life." -Jodl,chief of staff OKW.

"We all believed so much in him [Hitler]--and we stand to take all the blame--and the shame! He gave us the orders. He kept saying that it was all his responsibility."-Keitel,army chief,OKW.

Schacht spent 10 months in 1944 in a concentration camp because of suspicion he was plotting against Hitler....Said Schacht of the experience, "I could hear the people being forced to undress and march out to their death--and the shooting in the woods. It was beastly.".-Schacht,former economics minister.

"I would like to sit down and write one final blast about the whole damn Nazi mess and mention names and details and let the German people see once and for all what rotten corruption, hypocrisy, and madness the whole system was based on!-Speer.

"The Jews are making a mistake if they make a martyr out of me; you will see.''-Streicher.

Now onto the pictures of lavish living u posted of polish pows.

Oflag VII-A Murnau - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These are taken from the small POW camp at murnau,a officer's camp with high ranking generals such as brigadiers,divisional generals.The number never exceeded 5000.Most of all this was a propaganda camp .It was regularly inspected by the international red cross,the inetntion being to show to the world a 'model camp' -how nazis were adhering exactly to the geneva convention and rules..the reality has been posted above.

Documentary on the famous diary of a little girl anne frank who died in the camps.
The Diary of a Young Girl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

View attachment 151090

Diary of a russian girl who died after watching her entire family starve to death in front of her in leningrad.
Zhenya died on Dec. 28th at 12:00 P.M. 1941

Grandma died on Jan. 25th 3:00 P.M. 1942
Leka died on March 17th at 5:00 A.M. 1942
Uncle Vasya died on Apr. 13th at 2:00 after midnight 1942
Uncle Lesha on May 10th at 4:00 P.M. 1942
Mother on May 13th at 7:30 A.M. 1942
Savichevs died.
Everyone died.
Only Tanya is left.

This topic is so vast and the crimes so many its difficult to put in any single post and without any graphic pics.

Nazi concentration camps - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For a gist.

Testimonies of SS camp guards.
Testimony of SS Scharf�hrer Erich Fuchs, in the Sobibor-Bolender trial, Dusseldorf.

We unloaded the motor. It was a heavy Russian benzine engine, at least 200 horsepower. we installed the engine on a concrete foundation and set up the connection between the exhaust and the tube.
I then tested the motor. It did not work. I was able to repair the ignition and the valves, and the motor finally started running. The chemist, who I knew from Belzec, entered the gas chamber with measuring instruments to test the concentration of the gas.
Following this, a gassing experiment was carried out. If my memory serves me right, about thirty to forty women were gassed in one gas chamber. The Jewish women were forced to undress in an open place close to the gas chamber, and were driven into the gas chamber by the above mentioned SS members and the Ukrainian auxiliaries. when the women were shut up in the gas chamber I and Bolender set the motor in motion. The motor functioned first in neutral. Both of us stood by the motor and switched from "Neutral" (Freiauspuff) to "Cell" (Zelle), so that the gas was conveyed to the chamber. At the suggestion of the chemist, I fixed the motor on a definite speed so that it was unnecessary henceforth to press on the gas. About ten minutes later the thirty to forty women were dead.

From the testimony of SS-Unterscharfuehrer Wilhelm Bahr in his trial at Hamburg.

Q: Is it correct that you have gassed 200 Russian POW's with Zyklon-B?
A: Yes, on orders.

Q: Where did you do that?
A: In Neuengamme [concentration camp].

Q: On whose order?
A: The local doctor, Dr. Von Bergmann.

Q: With what gas?
A: With Prussic acid [another name for Zyklon-B].

Q: How long did the Russians take to die?
A: I do not know. I only obeyed orders.

Q: How long did it take to gas the Russians?
A: I returned after two hours and they were all dead.

Q: For what purpose did you go away?
A: That was during lunch hour.

Q: You left for your lunch and came back afterwards?
A: Yes.

Q: Were they dead when you came back?
A: Yes.

Q: Did you look at their bodies?
A: Yes, because I had to load them.

Q: Why did you apply the gas to the Russians?
A: I only had orders to pour in the gas and I do not know anything about it.

SS-Doctor Kremer at a hearing on 18 July 1947.
Quoted in 'The Good Old Days' - E. Klee, W. Dressen, V. Riess, The Free Press, NY, 1988, p. 258:

I remember I once took part in the gassing of one of these groups of women [from the women's camp in Auschwitz]. I cannot say how big the group was. when I got close to the bunker I saw them sitting on the ground. They were still clothed. As they were wearing worn-out camp clothing they were not left in the undressing hut but made to undress in the open air. I concluded from the behavior of these women that they had no doubt what fate awaited them, as they begged and sobbed to the SS men to spare them their lives. However, they were herded into the gas chambers and gassed. As an anatomist I have seen a lot of terrible things: I had had a lot of experience with dead bodies, and yet what I saw that day was like nothing I had ever seen before. Still completely shocked by what I had seen I wrote on my diary on 5 September 1942: "The most dreadful of horrors. Hauptscharf�hrer Thilo was right when he said to me today that this is the 'anus mundi', the anal orifice of the world". I used this image because I could not imagine anything more disgusting and horrific.

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Aerial photo of concentration camp taken by allied aircraft.

View attachment 151071

Children being herded for extermination,can't post the actually corpses so this will have to do.

''As we got close to the camp and saw what was inside... a terrible, terrible fear and horror entered our hearts. We thought, what is this? Where are we going? Why are we here? And as you got closer to the camp and started to enter [it] and saw these human skeletons walking around—old men, young men, boys, just skin and bone, we thought, what are we getting into?''-Canadian airman Ed Carter-Edward's recollection of his arrival at Buchenwald

''I asked to see one of the barracks. It happened to be occupied by Czechoslovaks. When I entered, men crowded around, tried to lift me to their shoulders. They were too weak. Many of them could not get out of bed. I was told that this building had once stabled 80 horses. There were 1,200 men in it, five to a bunk. The stink was beyond all description.

They called the doctor. We inspected his records. There were only names in the little black book, nothing more. Nothing about who these men were, what they had done, or hoped. Behind the names of those who had died, there was a cross. I counted them. They totalled 242. 242 out of 1,200, in one month.

As we walked out into the courtyard, a man fell dead. Two others, they must have been over 60, were crawling toward the latrine. I saw it, but will not describe it.''
”—Extract from Edward R. Murrow's Buchenwald report

''...Here over an acre of ground lay dead and dying people. You could not see which was which... The living lay with their heads against the corpses and around them moved the awful, ghostly procession of emaciated, aimless people, with nothing to do and with no hope of life, unable to move out of your way, unable to look at the terrible sights around them ... Babies had been born here, tiny wizened things that could not live ... A mother, driven mad, screamed at a British sentry to give her milk for her child, and thrust the tiny mite into his arms, then ran off, crying terribly. He opened the bundle and found the baby had been dead for days. This day at Belsen was the most horrible of my life'' -

From BBC correspondent accompanying british troops into bergen-belsen camp.

The British comedian Michael bentine, who took part in the liberation of the camp, wrote this on his encounter with Belsen:
We were headed for an airstripe outside Celle, a small town, just past Hanover. We had barely cranked to a halt and started to set up the "ops" tent, when the Typhoons thundered into the circuit and broke formation for their approach. As they landed on the hastily repaired strip – a "Jock" [Scottish] doctor raced up to us in his jeep.
"Got any medical orderlies?" he shouted above the roar of the aircraft engines. "Any K rations or vitaminised chocolate?"
"What's up?" I asked for I could see his face was grey with shock.

"Concentration camp up the road," he said shakily, lighting a cigarette. "It's dreadful – just dreadful." He threw the cigarette away untouched. "I've never seen anything so awful in my life. You just won't believe it 'til you see itfor God's sake come and help them!"

"What's it called?" I asked, reaching for the operations map to mark the concentration camp safely out of the danger area near the bomb line. "Belsen," he said, simply.

Mauthausen-Gusen concentration camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Auschwitz concentration camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bergen-Belsen concentration camp - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You will find wiki links for each individual camp from one.(there are over 20 major ones)

Josef Mengele - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nazi doctor death -conducted human experiments,cut open individuals for pleasure and 'research'.

Testimony of a survivor-u will find thousands more.

A touching testimony of a old russian soldier.How american(western) and russian POWs recieved different rations in teh same camp(what i emphasized earlier),how soviet pows were being systematically starved to death.How americans in teh camp smuggled their food to save the lives of russian soldiers.A story of courage and humanity across nations and boundaries.

conc.camp- contd.

Well, to make this simple and straight to the point:

1). On The Evidence In Favor Of The "Gassing" Allegations:

The only evidence that favors this narrative of mass extermination of Jews and other inmates through the use of Zyklon-B gas are the so called SS camp guard "confessions" and the "eyewitness accounts" of the Holocaust survivors as well as a few photos which are rarely even clear and don't necessarily prove that the method of gassing was utilized as a means to exterminate inmates. There is no forensic/scientific evidence that supports the claim Jews (or anyone) was gassed.

The issue with the Nazi Confessions is that most were either extracted through coercion using physical, emotional, and psychological torture or through promises of decreased sentences or even having charges dropped in favor for concocted confessions and allegations.

The SS soldiers in particular by no means were spared of inhumane treatment by their Allied captors, whether it was the Soviets or the Americans and British, due to their strong ideological involvement with the Nazi leadership.

So, again, those so called confessions are unreliable.

The Nuremberg Trials (part 2)

How Britain Tortured Nazi POW's During Interrogations- The Daily Mail

How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss

So one has to question the genuine nature of these confessions.

Regarding Rudolf Hoss's quote which you posted:

“ My conscience compels me to make the following declaration. In the solitude of my prison cell I have come to the bitter recognition that I have sinned gravely against humanity. As Commandant of Auschwitz I was responsible for carrying out part of the cruel plans of the 'Third Reich' for human destruction. In so doing I have inflicted terrible wounds on humanity. I caused unspeakable suffering for the Polish people in particular. I am to pay for this with my life. May the Lord God forgive one day what I have done.''

How are you so sure he didn't state this after his torture?? Or that he was being honest or was not under pressure of any threat to his well being?? There is plenty of evidence to prove his confession was extracted through torture.

• Rudolf Hoss's Confession Contradicts Official Extermination Casualty Numbers:

"He appeared before the International Military Tribunal as a witness on 15 April 1946, where his deposition caused a sensation. To the amazement of the defendants and in the presence of journalists from around the world, he confessed to the most frightful crimes that history had ever known. He said that he had personally received an order from Himmler to exterminate the Jews. He estimated that at Auschwitz 3,000,000 people had been exterminated, 2,500,000 of them by means of gas chambers. His confessions were false. They had been extorted from Höss by torture, but it took until 1983 to learn the identity of the torturers and the nature of the tortures they inflicted upon him."

@AUSTERLITZ Thus, this confirms that these so called "Nazi confessions" are unreliable and were induced through torture and fear due to their inconsistency with the constantly changing official casualty figure. So there goes you're argument out the window.


Jewish Statistician Admits Not More Than 363,000 Interned At Auschwitz from 1940-1945

"It has continued to be maintained that about half of the entire six million Jews said to have been gassed by the Germans were gassed at Auschwitz, but even the Jewish statistician, Gerald Reitlinger, admits that only 363,000 inmates were registered at Auschwitz from January, 1940, to February, 1945, and not all -of these were Jews. The supporters 4 the genocide legend con-tend that many at Auschwitz were not registered but they have brought no proof of this. Even if one admits that there were as many who were unregistered as were registered, that would make fewer than 750,000 altogether. It would have been very difficult to have gassed about three millions with only 750,000 to work on, although it has been frequently asserted by dogmatic but uninformed writers that from four to five million Jews were gassed at Auschwitz. Moreover, many who were sent to Auschwitz were shifted elsewhere, especially toward the end of the war when the Russians were advancing.

Here, again, logistics supplement registration and population data in undermining the extermination myth. To have brought three million Jews, and a considerable number of Gentiles to Auschwitz would have placed an insuperable burden upon German transportation facilities which were strained to the limit in supporting the far-flung eastern military front, especially after the war began to turn against the Germans. There is no probability that the Germans would have risked their military fortunes to the extent required to convey three million persons to Auschwitz and care for them there. Hence, both population figures and logistics combine to discredit the legend of six million Jews being gassed in all camps under German control, as well as of about three millions being gassed at Auschwitz."

The Myth of the Six Million -- Legend of Hitler's Depravity
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2). No Forensic/Scientific Evidence To Prove Claim Jews Gassed:

There is not a single autopsy report of any Nazi gassing victims from any western doctors. Even though there were many thousands of corpses available in German concentration camps by the end of the war and despite at least 1,000 autopsies were performed, none showed any evidence of death by poison gas or poison.

"When American and British forces overran western and central Germany in the spring of 1945, they were followed by troops charged with discovering and securing any evidence of German war crimes.

Among them was Dr. Charles Larson, one of America's leading forensic pathologists, who was assigned to the US Army's Judge Advocate General's Department. As part of a US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. After his grim work at Dachau, he was questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors. [1]

Dr. Larson's findings? In an 1980 newspaper interview he said: "What we've heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax." [2] And what part was the hoax? Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he "was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European Theater" of Allied military operations, [3] confirmed that "never was a case of poison gas uncovered." [4]"

The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies

Here Holocaust Scholar and Zionist Jew Raul Hillberg admits in defeat that there is not a single shred of evidence to prove Jews were gassed by the Nazis:


"Reproduced here in facsimile is the widely-quoted 1960 letter by Dr. Martin Broszat, as it appeared in the Hamburg weekly Die Zeit under the headline "Keine Vergasung in Dachau" ("No Gassing in Dachau"). It appeared in the German edition of August 19, 1960, and in the US edition of August 26, 1960 (p. 14). Dr. Broszat writes in the name of the prestigious Institute for Contemporary History (Institut fuer Zeitgeschichte). He later served as director of the Munich-based archive and research center, which is funded by German taxpayers.

Here is a translation of the complete text of Broszat's letter:

Neither in Dachau nor in Bergen-Belsen nor in Buchenwald were Jews or other prisoners gassed. The gas chamber in Dachau was never entirely finished or put "into operation." Hundreds of thousands of prisoners who perished in Dachau and other concentration camps in the Old Reich [that is, Germany in its borders of 1937] were victims, above all, of the catastrophic hygienic and provisioning conditions: according to official SS statistics, during the twelve months from July 1942 through June 1943 alone, 110,812 persons died of disease and hunger in all of the concentration camps of the Reich. The mass extermination of the Jews by gassing began in 1941-1942 and (allegedly) occurred exclusively in a few facilities selected and equipped with appropriate technical installations, above all in the occupied Polish territory (but at no place in the Old Reich): in Auschwitz-Birkenau, in Sobibor on the Bug [river], in Treblinka, Chelmno and Belzec (all of these camps fell under Soviet occupation zone, thus could not be investigated independently to confirm claims).

It is at those places, but not in Bergen-Belsen, Dachau or Buchenwald, where the mass extermination facilities, spoken of in your article [in an earlier issue of Die Zeit], were built and disguised as shower baths or disinfection rooms. This necessary differentiation does not, of course, change anything regarding the criminal character of the facility that was the concentration camp. However, it may perhaps help eliminate the annoying confusion that arises from the fact that some ineducable people make use of a few arguments that, while correct, are polemically torn from the context, and that, rushing to respond to them are other people who, although they have the correct overall view, rely upon false or mistaken information.

Dr. M. Broszat
Institute for Contemporary History

'No Gassing In Dachau'


It should be noted that in all of the so called "extermination" camps that came under American and British zones of occupation it was discovered through forensic investigations that none were utilized for "gassing" Jews. It was only in Soviet occupied territories where camps like Auschwitz were claimed to be extermination camps for gassing Jews and no independent investigations could be conducted to confirm or disprove these claims due to Soviet secrecy.

"In December 1944 US Army officers Colonel Paul Kirk and Lt. Colonel Edward J. Gully inspected the German concentration camp at Struthof-Natzweiler in Alsace. They submitted their findings to their superiors, who subsequently forwarded their report to the US War Crimes Division. While, significantly, the full text of their report has never been published, it has been revealed, by a historian supportive of Holocaust claims, that the two investigators were careful to characterize equipment exhibited to them by French informants as a "so-called lethal gas chamber," and to claim it was "allegedly used as a lethal gas chamber." [15] (Emphasis added)

Both the careful phraseology of the Natzweiler report, and its effective suppression, stand in stark contrast to the credulity, the confusion, and the blaring publicity that accompanied official reports of alleged gas chambers at Dachau. At first, a US Army photo depicting a GI gazing at a steel door marked with a skull and crossbones and the German words for: "Caution! Gas! Mortal danger! Don't open!," was identified as showing the murder weapon. [16]

Later, however, it was evidently decided that the apparatus in question was merely a standard delousing chamber for clothing, and another alleged gas chamber, this one cunningly disguised as a shower room, was exhibited to American congressmen and journalists as the site where thousands breathed their last. While there exist numerous reports in the press as to the operation of this second "gas chamber," no official report by trained Army investigators has yet surfaced to reconcile such problems as the function of the shower heads: Were they "dummies," or did lethal cyanide gas stream through them? (Each theory has appreciable support in journalistic and historiographical literature.)

As with Dachau, so with Buchenwald, Bergen-Belsen, and the other camps liberated by the Allies in western Germany. There was no end of propaganda about "gas chambers," "gas ovens," and the like, but so far not a single detailed description of the murder weapon and its function, not a single report of the kind that is mandatory for the successful prosecution of any assault or murder case in America at that time and today, has come to light.

Furthermore, a number of Holocaust authorities have now publicly decreed that there were no gassings, no extermination camps in Germany after all. (We are now told that "gassing" and "extermination" camps were located exclusively in what is now Poland, in areas captured by the Soviet Red Army and made off-limits to western investigators.)

Dr. Martin Broszat of the Munich-based Institute for Contemporary History, which is funded by the German government, stated categorically in a 1960 letter to the German weekly Die Zeit: "Neither in Dachau nor in Bergen-Belsen nor in Buchenwald were Jews or other prisoners gassed." [17] Professional "Nazi hunter" Simon Wiesenthal stated in 1975 and again in 1993 that "there were no extermination camps on German soil." [18]

Dachau "gas chamber" No. 2, which was once presented to a stunned and grieving world as a weapon that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, is now described in the brochure issued to tourists at the modern Dachau "memorial site" in these words: "This gas chamber, camouflaged as a shower room, was not used." [19]"

The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies

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3). On The "Eyewitness Accounts":

• What The CIA Report Established:

According to a CIA report,“The Holocaust Revisited,” Feb 1979, page 11:Although survivors recalled that smoke and flame emanated continually from the crematoria chimneys and was visible for miles, the photography we examined gave no positive proof of this.“ That is an understatement because the CIA had more than fifty high resolution photos from large format negatives taken by US reconaissance aircraft when gassings were supposedly most frequent, every day during the summer of 1944 (4 April through 13 September 1944). The CIA experts could NOT find the slightest trace of smoke from any crematoria. Clearly, the “eyewitnesses” lied.

• Contradictory "Eyewitness Accounts":

Elie Wiesel and many tens of thousands of Jewish “survivors” chose to leave Auschwitz and go west by January of 1945 with the very same people who had supposedly been murdering them by the thousands every day for years. How is that possible if Auschwitz had been any kind of “extermination camp?”

According to Night, just before Auschwitz was to be “liberated” by the Soviets, both Elie and his father trekked west with the Nazis in a terrible winter on foot by their own choice. They had both chosen, in effect, to collaborate with the Nazis and work (no free ride waiting in a Gasthaus) to defend the Reich. Some of Wiesel's exact words in Night, paperback edition (Bantam Books, 1960) page 78 are:

The choice was in our hands. For once we could decide our fate for ourselves. We could both stay in the hospital, where I could, thanks to my doctor, get him [the father] entered as a patient or nurse. Or else we could follow the others. ‘Well, what shall we do, father?’ He was silent. ‘Let's be evacuated with the others,’ I told him.

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4). How Allied Bombing Raids Immensely Contributed To Lack Of Food & Medicine In German Camps:

Now, you brought up the subject of the images and video footage of dead bodies and emaciated camp inmates as proof of a Nazi orchestrated plan to "mass exterminate" Jews and others.

By displaying such graphic images and video footage (out of context) you're aiming to manipulate the emotions of the audience rather than appealing to their logic
. That is pure psychological torturing techniques and a effective form of propaganda.

The historical reality as documented by Western medical experts during their visit to these liberated camps:

"Perhaps the most authoritative statement of the facts as to typhus and mortality in the camps has been made by Dr. John E. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of preventive medicine and epidemiology at the Harvard University School of Public Health, who was with US forces in Germany in 1945. Dr. Gordon reported in 1948 that "The outbreaks in concentration camps and prisons made up the great bulk of typhus infection encountered in Germany." Dr. Gordon summarized the causes for the outbreaks as follows: [5]

Germany in the spring months of April and May [1945] was an astounding sight, a mixture of humanity travelling this way and that, homeless, often hungry and carrying typhus with them ...

Germany was in chaos. The destruction of whole cities and the path left by advancing armies produced a disruption of living conditions contributing to the spread of the disease. Sanitation was low grade, public utilities were seriously disrupted, food supply and food distribution was poor, housing was inadequate and order and discipline were everywhere lacking. Still more important, a shifting of populations was occurring such as few countries and few times have experienced.

Dr. Gordon's findings are corroborated by Dr. Russell Barton, today a psychiatrist of international repute, who entered Bergen-Belsen with British forces as a young medical student in 1945. Barton, who volunteered to care for the diseased survivors, testified under sworn oath in a Toronto courtroom in 1985 that "Thousands of prisoners who died at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during World War II weren't deliberately starved to death but died from a rash of diseases." [6]

Dr. Barton further testified that on entering the camp he had credited stories of deliberate starvation but decided such stories were untrue after inspecting the well equipped kitchens and the meticulously maintained ledgers, dating back to 1942, of food cooked and dispensed each day.

Despite noisily publicized claims and widespread popular notions to the contrary, no researcher has been able to document a German policy of extermination through starvation in the German camps."

The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies

"One of the most important aspects of the Red Cross Report is that it clarifies the true cause of those deaths that undoubtedly occurred in the camps toward the end of the war. Says the Report: "In the chaotic condition of Germany after the invasion during the final months of the war, the camps received no food supplies at all and starvation claimed an increasing number of victims. Itself alarmed by this situation, the German Government at last informed the ICRC on February 1st, 1945 ... In March 1945, discussions between the President of the ICRC and General of the S.S. Kaltenbrunner gave even more decisive results. Relief could henceforth be distributed by the ICRC, and one delegate was authorised to stay in each camp ..." (Vol. III, p. 83). Clearly, the German authorities were at pains to relieve the dire situation as far as they were able. The Red Cross are quite explicit in stating that food supplies ceased at this time due to the Allied bombing of German transportation, and in the interests of interned Jews they had protested on March 15th, 1944 against "the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies" (Inter Arma Caritas, p. 78). By October 2nd, 1944, the ICRC warned the German Foreign Office of the impending collapse of the German transportation system, declaring that starvation conditions for people throughout Germany were becoming inevitable. In dealing with this comprehensive, three-volume Report, it is important to stress that the delegates of the International Red Cross found no evidence whatever at the camps in Axis- occupied Europe of a deliberate policy to exterminate the Jews. In all its 1,600 pages the Report does not even mention such a thing as a gas chamber. It admits that Jews, like many other wartime nationalities, suffered rigours and privations, but its complete silence on the subject of planned extermination is ample refutation of the Six Million legend. Like the Vatican representatives with whom they worked, the Red Cross found itself unable to indulge in the irresponsible charges of genocide which had become the order of the day. So far as the genuine mortality rate is concerned, the Report points out that most of the Jewish doctors from the camps were being used to combat typhus on the eastern front, so that they were unavailable when the typhus epidemics of 1945 broke out in the camps (Vol. I, p. 204 ff)- Incidentally, it is frequently claimed that mass executions were carried out in gas chambers cunningly disguised as shower facilities. Again the Report makes nonsense of this allegation. "Not only the washing places, but installations for baths, showers and laundry were inspected by the delegates. They had often to take action to have fixtures made less primitive, and to get them repaired or enlarged" (Vol.III, p. 594).
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Now i have seen u use Mark weber as a historian source in a post,don't do it because he has zero credibility.This man is a prominent affiliate of far-right white supermacist neo-nazi group and well known revisionist.Also avoid david irving.I similarly will not use any jewish sources since u may claim that as biased.Infact i will mostly use german researchers.

Now i see you have attacked my sources in an attempt to undermine my refutations through discrediting them. Not all of my sources were from David Irving and Mark Weber and i did reference other reliable sources as well. But nonetheless i will address this portion of your post regarding my sources.

Regarding David Irving, perhaps there is no other better source on WW2 History, Adolf Hitler, and Nazi Germany alive today than him, and he has the credentials and the reputation to back his credibility. His work has been praised by many a well known personalities throughout the West, and thus his well backed and researched work has more credibility than anyone on this forum.

David Irving and his work Hitler's War in the words of others:

"IT IS wonderful how Mr Irving, without any confusion or any dull stretches, ranges over the entire German war effort. He shows us the precise importance of each problem, from the squabbles between Rumania and Hungary to the decay of the Luftwaffe, from the sources of raw materials to the roles that individual generals played. The book is a brilliant study of war which makes military problems fascinating, and -- possibly because the loosing side becomes so vivid -- war loathsome.-- Naomi Bliven, The New Yorker

"IRVING IS a tireless and adroit researcher, whose forte is coaxing unpublished material out of private hands . . . By documenting Hitler's activities in the detail that he has, Irving has refined considerably our picture of this extremely complex man." -- Liberal Journey

"AND IT IS wryly, bitterly amusing to reflect that a British historian, David Irving, perhaps the greatest living authority on the Nazi era, has recently asserted in his book HITLER'S WAR that there is not a shred of evidence to prove that Hitler himself knew anything about the methods adopted by Himmler to achieve the 'final solution of the Jewish problem.'"
-- Stephen Spender, The New York Times review of books,Sunday . . . March 1977.

"TWELVE YEARS in the making, this massive volume is a model of careful scholarship, historical objectivity and readability . . . Irving could scarcely be described as a Hitler fan, but he does enable us to understand why the German leader held such absolute power for so long." -- Publishers Weekly

"THE AUTHOR has combined impressive research and beautiful writing to produce a meticulously recorded portrait of the man who led his nation to disaster."
-- Boston Herald American

"DAVID IRVING has ransacked the world's archives; he has discovered eye-witness accounts; he has unearthed diaries and correspondence which were thought to have been destroyed; he has interviewed survivors of the Hitler entourage and he has drawn significance from the memoirs of men whose part in the story hitherto passed unconsidered.
"All this evidence he has welded into a narrative which is, for all its inevitable complexities, remarkably comprehensible and, for all that is both dense and long, surprisingly readable."

-- Professor J.E. Molpurgo, The Yorkshire Post.

From: Told You So

On Mark Weber:

Weber was born in Portland, Oregon in 1951. After graduating from Jesuit High School in 1969, he studied history in Chicago at the University of Illinois.[1] He continued his studies for two semesters at the University of Munich, and, returning to Oregon, took a B.A. degree in history with high honors from Portland State University. In graduate school, he continued his study of history at Indiana University, receiving an M.A. degree in modern European history in 1977.[4] Beginning in 1978 Weber became involved with the National Alliance, a far-right white supremacist organization. In 1979 Weber served as the editor of the group's magazine, the National Vanguard. Throughout the 1980s Weber functioned as the treasurer of the National Alliance's Cosmotheist Church. During this period Weber became more heavily involved with the IHR as well as collaborating with Bradley Smith and the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH).[5]

Mark Weber - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mark Weber still has more credentials than anyone here on this forum. And if re-known Communists like Mandela can win Nobel "peace" prize then i believe there should be no qualms over men like Mark Weber, who BTW references his work with well researched sources.

@Hazzy997 @al-Hasani @Akheilos @Arabian Legend @Pakistani shaheens @Yzd Khalifa @Bratva @Tameem @p(-)0ENiX
Aaand i have nothing more to really say....ur quoting irving and weber-prominent neo-nazi white supremacists ,ur great men with credentials.Now i can again go back here bring photos of the crematorium and thousands of survivor testimonies,i even showed u the conc camp film of nuremberg.But i guess they are all fake,all thousands of testimonies worldwide were controlled by CIA.
First u asked for proof of documents,i gave u photoes of the original documents for generalplan ost page by page,himmler's posen speeches,testimonies,letters,even an audio extract,hundreds of interviews,i didn't even post the horrific posts-i guess they all starved themselves so as to pose for the staged films.The millions of people just vanished-poof..magic.You see whatever proof is given,u drop that subject and i try to divert the topic with more drivel.You can't get over ur own self-denial-can't admit to ur pride u were wrong about ur hero hitler.So u keep searching for whatever half-bit nonsense u can find anywhere,especially u have now lowered urself to the level of weber and irving for ur 'sources'.
U asked for original documents,books of reputable authors,interviews-i gave everything on generalplan ost and otehrs.You said you would expalin-now u can't because i showed u photoes of the original document page by page.So now u go around wildly denouncing everything is fake and CIA conspiracy.I'm largely disappointed because till now you were atleast making an effort to give point by point source sto each argument..now u realise u have nothing to respond to after i showed u original documents and interviews,so have now resorted to drowning in ur own self-denial.Goodbye.
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