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Aaand i have nothing more to really say....ur quoting irving and weber-prominent neo-nazi white supremacists ,ur great men with credentials.Now i can again go back here bring photos of the crematorium and thousands of survivor testimonies,i even showed u the conc camp film of nuremberg.But i guess they are all fake,all thousands of testimonies worldwide were controlled by CIA.
First u asked for proof of documents,i gave u photoes of the original documents for generalplan ost page by page,himmler's posen speeches,testimonies,letters,even an audio extract,hundreds of interviews,i didn't even post the horrific posts-i guess they all starved themselves so as to pose for the staged films.The millions of people just vanished-poof..magic.You see whatever proof is given,u drop that subject and i try to divert the topic with more drivel.You can't get over ur own self-denial-can't admit to ur pride u were wrong about ur hero hitler.So u keep searching for whatever half-bit nonsense u can find anywhere,especially u have now lowered urself to the level of weber and irving for ur 'sources'.
U asked for original documents,books of reputable authors,interviews-i gave everything on generalplan ost and otehrs.You said you would expalin-now u can't because i showed u photoes of the original document page by page.So now u go around wildly denouncing everything is fake and CIA conspiracy.I'm largely disappointed because till now you were atleast making an effort to give point by point source sto each argument..now u realise u have nothing to respond to after i showed u original documents and interviews,so have now resorted to drowning in ur own self-denial.Goodbye.

so you opened a VS thread and now leaving dejected?-
so you opened a VS thread and now leaving dejected?-

When he has answered properly his explanations on how he supports hitler,after my posts refuting the photoes of original documents that i gave and thousands of testimonies then i will bother replying.It took me quite a while to put that all together....he had no answer...simply denounced it all fake(i don't even know how u can do that) and then brought up irving and weber as his beloved sources with credentials.Just before that he had the temerity to ask me for reputed unbiased sources which i did,and then he goes and does this..... and after this u say i'm leaving dejected?Boy,if u knew the slightest thing about history u would know dejection sets in when in desperation one begins to clutch at straws -like he is doing now to somehow preserve his own self-denial.

Btw if u can refute all the original documents with ur 'insight' ,ur welcome to.And yeah..all pictures fake,all camps fake,all testimonies fake.Non one actually died-they all vanished.Everything else was a handiwork of cia and mossad.Jews,evil jews-mind controlling everyone.Oh yes,And the illuminati,and the freemasons and whatnot.

Refute the documents directly,shouting at the top of ur voice-they are fake,trying to divert the topic by bringing up stalin's crimes,declaring everything to be cia controlled ,every confession coerced,and quoting weber and irvinga s ur sources is not an argument.
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Aaand i have nothing more to really say....ur quoting irving and weber-prominent neo-nazi white supremacists ,ur great men with credentials.Now i can again go back here bring photos of the crematorium and thousands of survivor testimonies,i even showed u the conc camp film of nuremberg.But i guess they are all fake,all thousands of testimonies worldwide were controlled by CIA.
First u asked for proof of documents,i gave u photoes of the original documents for generalplan ost page by page,himmler's posen speeches,testimonies,letters,even an audio extract,hundreds of interviews,i didn't even post the horrific posts-i guess they all starved themselves so as to pose for the staged films.The millions of people just vanished-poof..magic.You see whatever proof is given,u drop that subject and i try to divert the topic with more drivel.You can't get over ur own self-denial-can't admit to ur pride u were wrong about ur hero hitler.So u keep searching for whatever half-bit nonsense u can find anywhere,especially u have now lowered urself to the level of weber and irving for ur 'sources'.
U asked for original documents,books of reputable authors,interviews-i gave everything on generalplan ost and otehrs.You said you would expalin-now u can't because i showed u photoes of the original document page by page.So now u go around wildly denouncing everything is fake and CIA conspiracy.I'm largely disappointed because till now you were atleast making an effort to give point by point source sto each argument..now u realise u have nothing to respond to after i showed u original documents and interviews,so have now resorted to drowning in ur own self-denial.Goodbye.
Sigh, the age old straw man tactic i see. The last resort of the desperate. I won't even bother addressing this gibberish.

1). @AUSTERLITZ could you again explain to me why there is not a single autopsy report of any Nazi gassing victims from any western doctors. Even though there were many thousands of corpses available in German concentration camps by the end of the war and despite at least 1,000 autopsies were performed, none showed any evidence of death by poison gas or poison???

2). Why did the number of inmates Rudolf Hoss admitted to "exterminating" in Auschwitz differ from those now officially recognized as the real number of victims of gassings today?? Does that not put his "confession" under serious doubt of credibility and reliability??

3). The eyewitness testimonies contradict each other.

4). German POW's, particularly the high ranking Nazi's and SS officers were tortured after the war, and thus their so called "confessions" cannot be considered reliable evidence.

5). Your proof is pictures of dead bodies and emaciated camp inmates. Again, those deaths and starvation was a result of allied bombing raids that crippled Germany's transportation network. There is more proof to prove this than the gassing allegation.

6). How come many reputable sources mention six (6) million Jews being exterminated and persecuted before Hitler and the evil Nazis came along?? Could you explain that??

@Hazzy997 @al-Hasani @Akheilos @Arabian Legend @Pakistani shaheens @Yzd Khalifa @Bratva @Tameem @p(-)0ENiX
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so you opened a VS thread and now leaving dejected?-
As you have observed he's resorted to desperate tactics. By attacking my sources (again, i have used a variety of sources, NOT JUST Mark Weber and David Irving) he's trying to avoid addressing the valid points i brought up. Typical straw man argument on his part.
Sigh, the age old straw man tactic i see. The last resort of the desperate. I won't even bother addressing this gibberish.

1). @AUSTERLITZ could you again explain to me why there is not a single autopsy report of any Nazi gassing victims from any western doctors. Even though there were many thousands of corpses available in German concentration camps by the end of the war and despite at least 1,000 autopsies were performed, none showed any evidence of death by poison gas or poison???

2). Why did the number of inmates Rudolf Hoss admitted to "exterminating" in Auschwitz differ from those now officially recognized as the real number of victims of gassings today?? Does that not put his "confession" under serious doubt of credibility and reliability??

3). The eyewitness testimonies contradict each other.

4). German POW's, particularly the high ranking Nazi's and SS officers were tortured after the war, and thus their so called "confessions" cannot be considered reliable evidence.

5). Your proof is pictures of dead bodies and emaciated camp inmates. Again, those deaths and starvation was a result of allied bombing raids that crippled Germany's transportation network. There is more proof to prove this than the gassing allegation.

6). How come many reputable sources mention six (6) million Jews being exterminated and persecuted before Hitler and the evil Nazis came along?? Could you explain that??

@Hazzy997 @al-Hasani @Akheilos @Arabian Legend @Pakistani shaheens @Yzd Khalifa @Bratva @Tameem @p(-)0ENiX

As you have observed he's resorted to desperate tactics. By attacking my sources (again, i have used a variety of sources, NOT JUST Mark Weber and David Irving) he's trying to avoid addressing the valid points i brought up. Typical straw man argument on his part.

No autopsy reports were done because the camps were in the middle of the war zone,the bodies were largely infected with typhus and diseases and required immediate burial for health reasons for remaining survivors as well as troops.Nazis did this by creamting teh bodies.Thirdly the liberating troops largely had field medics with them not large scale specialized medical staff.Even the film photographers were called up from the rear to photograph teh atrocities to use as proof.Do you deny that because there were no autopsy reports that the atrocities never happened?Do u think everyone was lying?The hundreds of thousands of prisoners liberated in skeletal state starved themsleves so as to stage the whole thing,the numerous corpses and mass graves staged?Are u really that deep in denial?

Hoess sent a private letter before his death confessing.This was after his testimony had been delivered at nuremberg.There was no further need for him to be coerced,his testimony had already incriminated the nazi defendants.So his lying in the letter just before his death is nonsensical.
Also there are numerous other confessions from ss-commanders.

Testimonies of SS camp guards.
Testimony of SS Scharf�hrer Erich Fuchs, in the Sobibor-Bolender trial, Dusseldorf.

We unloaded the motor. It was a heavy Russian benzine engine, at least 200 horsepower. we installed the engine on a concrete foundation and set up the connection between the exhaust and the tube.
I then tested the motor. It did not work. I was able to repair the ignition and the valves, and the motor finally started running. The chemist, who I knew from Belzec, entered the gas chamber with measuring instruments to test the concentration of the gas.
Following this, a gassing experiment was carried out. If my memory serves me right, about thirty to forty women were gassed in one gas chamber. The Jewish women were forced to undress in an open place close to the gas chamber, and were driven into the gas chamber by the above mentioned SS members and the Ukrainian auxiliaries. when the women were shut up in the gas chamber I and Bolender set the motor in motion. The motor functioned first in neutral. Both of us stood by the motor and switched from "Neutral" (Freiauspuff) to "Cell" (Zelle), so that the gas was conveyed to the chamber. At the suggestion of the chemist, I fixed the motor on a definite speed so that it was unnecessary henceforth to press on the gas. About ten minutes later the thirty to forty women were dead.

From the testimony of SS-Unterscharfuehrer Wilhelm Bahr in his trial at Hamburg.

Q: Is it correct that you have gassed 200 Russian POW's with Zyklon-B?
A: Yes, on orders.

Q: Where did you do that?
A: In Neuengamme [concentration camp].

Q: On whose order?
A: The local doctor, Dr. Von Bergmann.

Q: With what gas?
A: With Prussic acid [another name for Zyklon-B].

Q: How long did the Russians take to die?
A: I do not know. I only obeyed orders.

Q: How long did it take to gas the Russians?
A: I returned after two hours and they were all dead.

Q: For what purpose did you go away?
A: That was during lunch hour.

Q: You left for your lunch and came back afterwards?
A: Yes.

Q: Were they dead when you came back?
A: Yes.

Q: Did you look at their bodies?
A: Yes, because I had to load them.

Q: Why did you apply the gas to the Russians?
A: I only had orders to pour in the gas and I do not know anything about it.

SS-Doctor Kremer at a hearing on 18 July 1947.
Quoted in 'The Good Old Days' - E. Klee, W. Dressen, V. Riess, The Free Press, NY, 1988, p. 258:

I remember I once took part in the gassing of one of these groups of women [from the women's camp in Auschwitz]. I cannot say how big the group was. when I got close to the bunker I saw them sitting on the ground. They were still clothed. As they were wearing worn-out camp clothing they were not left in the undressing hut but made to undress in the open air. I concluded from the behavior of these women that they had no doubt what fate awaited them, as they begged and sobbed to the SS men to spare them their lives. However, they were herded into the gas chambers and gassed. As an anatomist I have seen a lot of terrible things: I had had a lot of experience with dead bodies, and yet what I saw that day was like nothing I had ever seen before. Still completely shocked by what I had seen I wrote on my diary on 5 September 1942: "The most dreadful of horrors. Hauptscharf�hrer Thilo was right when he said to me today that this is the 'anus mundi', the anal orifice of the world". I used this image because I could not imagine anything more disgusting and horrific.

Wrong,there are hundreds of thousands of testimonies all over europe.All lies.All the diaries lies?
All the troops liberating the camps-russian and allied -liars.Everything staged-lol.Google
From page 1-10 all testimonies -lies i guess.And these are only the jewish ones.I already gave u one of a russian POW.
Where did all the people go?Answer this - did they disappaear?

Yes keep telling urself that.I have already posted a testimony from a russian POW showing how the germans were systematically starving them to death.This applies for jewish ghettos as well.

As you have observed he's resorted to desperate tactics. By attacking my sources (again, i have used a variety of sources, NOT JUST Mark Weber and David Irving) he's trying to avoid addressing the valid points i brought up. Typical straw man argument on his part.

Ha,look who is desperate.First u calimed slavs enjoyed being treated under nazi rule.My answer was this -

Forced Labor 1939 - 1945:

After that i recieved no answer from u on this,u fled because u recognized how ridiculous u would look.

U asked for sources on generalplan ost and the crimes in the east.
Ostkrieg: Hitler's War of Extermination in the East - Stephen G. Fritz - Google Books

This is a researched book on this topic.
Stephen j fritz is a writer with multiple books on ww2.
inauthor:"Stephen G. Fritz" - Google Search

German) M. Rössler & S. Scheiermacher (editors), Der `Generalplan Ost' Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Plaungs-und Vernichtungspolitik, Berlin, 1993.

Der Generalplan Ost

Here u will find photos of the original documents-page by page in german.

Add to this,this plan was not hypothetical-Reichskommissariats had already begun to be set up.I have already quoted the reichskomissar of ukraine.
We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here.
— Erich Koch, March 5th 1943(Reichskommissar Ukraine - Ukraine was one of the 'provinces' under generalplan ost)

Koch's first act as Reichskommissar was to close local schools, declaring that "Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters." His brutality is best exemplified by his remark, "If I meet a Ukrainian worthy of being seated at my table, I must have him shot.''

We can also find several quotes from himmler and hitler-

16 July 1941, Hitler Comments, Conference in Führer Headquarters
“The Crimea must be cleared of all [racially] foreign peoples, as must the parts of Galicia which formerly belonged to the Austrian Empire. …We must make a Garden of Eden out of the newly won eastern territories; this is important for our future existence; [overseas] colonies play a subordinate role. … All of the Baltic lands must be annexed to the Reich. Similarly, the Crimea, with a significant adjoining region (the region north of the Crimea) must become Reich territory. The annexed territory must be as large as possible. … The Reich must also annex the Volga Colony and the area around Baku.”

17 October 1941, Hitler Monologue, Führer Headquarters

“The [eastern] region must lose the character of the Asiatic steppe, it must be Europeanized! It is for this purpose that we are building great highways to the southern tip of the Crime and to the Caucasus. German cities established along these roadways will stretch like a string of pearls, and around these will be German settlements. The two or three million people we need [for this program] can be found quicker than we think. We will take them from Germany, the Scandinavian lands, Western Europe, and America. Chances are that I will not live to see this, but in twenty years twenty million people will inhabit this territory. In three hundred years we will have a blossoming parkland of extraordinary beauty!

As for the people indigenous to the area, we will be sure to select those [of importance]. We will remove the destructive Jews entirely. … We will not enter Russian cities, they must die out completely.I intend to stay this course with ice-cold determination. I feel myself to be the executor of the will of History.

24 October 1939, Heinrich Himmler: Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945 und andere Ansprachen

“When we consider the issue [of eastern people], we first have to recognize that we have already long occupied ourselves with the Polish-Slavic problem … then we must clearly conclude, and thus have I received my tasks from the Führer, that in at least in the provinces which currently belong to Germany, the problem of the Polish minority must be solved, it must be eliminated in our lifetime. The problem must be eliminated.
This is a small piece of Asia into which we have come, and we want to push the borders of Germany still farther to the east; and with that the frontiers of Europe.”

Himmler in the Kharkow speech April 1943 expressed the position and situation of the war:

''The decision, therefore, lies here in the East; here must the Russian enemy, this people numbering two hundred million Russians, be destroyed on the battle field and person by person, and made to bleed to death''.

"Fuhrer is firmly determined to level Moscow and Leningrad to the ground.To dispose fully of their population, which otherwise we shall have to feed during the winter."-Diary of Franz Halder 1941,german army chief of staff.

According to a Hitler directive sent to Army Group North on 29 September, "After the defeat of Soviet Russia there can be no interest in the continued existence of this large urban center. [...] Following the city's encirclement, requests for surrender negotiations shall be denied, since the problem of relocating and feeding the population cannot and should not be solved by us. In this war for our very existence, we can have no interest in maintaining even a part of this very large urban population." - Adolf hitler.

"Early next year we enter the city (if the Finns do it first we do not object), lead those still alive into inner Russia or into captivity, wipe Leningrad from the face of the earth through demolitions.''

Again,no answer-u fled desperately trying to hide behind the skirts of neo nazis like weber and irving.You simply have no answer to the original documents and can only shout at the top of ur voice,nothing else.Refute the documents above or stfu.
Couldn't answer anything on the einsatzgruppen either -again u fled desperately.

''One thing is a matter of course in this war: it is better for a Russian to die than a German. If we use the Russians, then they must be mixed with Germans in a ratio of 1:2 to 1:3. The best thing is to use individual Russians; then you can drive with them in a tank. One Russian with 2 or 3 Germans in a tank, magnificent, nothing wrong. But you must never let one Russian meet other tank-driving Russians, otherwise the boys will conspire. But if you wish to have Russian-only companies for some reason, then be careful, gentlemen — and that is not just a thought, gentlemen, that is an order, gentlemen — they must have their informer apparatus, their NKVD, in this company. Then you can sleep in peace. Otherwise, this is one of the earliest warnings I've issued, take care that these sub-humans always look at you; they must always look their superior in the eye. It's like with animals. As long as an animal looks his tamer in the eye, he won't try anything. But have no doubt about one thing: he is a beast. We will able to utilize the Russians with this attitude; with this attitude we shall be superior to the Slavs at all times. But not with any other attitude.'' -Himmler at posen.

I have posted already parts of his posen speeches earlier.But i'll still post some gems.

''Our comrade Fegelein once captured a Russian general like that. Look, they're cheap. They're Slavs. Full of humour, as Fegelein is, Fegelein told his staff: "We'll treat this one real good. We'll act like we're going to recognize him as a General. So, when he comes in, stand up, stand at attention, keep quiet, say 'General Sir, this' and 'General Sir, that', show him how much respect you have for him". Of course, this worked. You don't need to give a Russian general any political ideas, political ideals, or political plans for the future. You can get them cheaper than that, gentlemen. The Slavs are known for that.

The Slav is never able to build anything himself. In the long run, he's not capable of it. I'll come back to this later. With the exception of a few phenomena produced by Asia every couple of centuries, through that mixture of two heredities which may be fortunate for Asia but is unfortunate for us Europeans — with the exception, therefore, of an Attilla, a Ghenghis Khan, a Tamerlaine, a Lenin, a Stalin — the mixed race of the Slavs is based on a sub-race with a few drops of blood of our blood, blood of a leading race; the Slav is unable to control himself and create order. He is able to argue, able to debate, able to disintegrate, able to offer resistance against every authority and to revolt. But these human shoddy goods are just as incapable of maintaining order today as they were 700 or 800 years ago, when they called in the Varangians, when they called in the Ruriks .''

''It is basically wrong for us to project our whole harmless soul and heart, all our good nature, our idealism, onto foreign peoples. This applies to Herder, who wrote the "Voices of the Peoples", probably in a drunken hour, and caused us, in later generations, such boundless suffering and misery. That applies to the Czechs and Slovenes, to whom, after all, we brought their national feeling. They themselves were absolutely incapable of it; rather, we invented it for them''

''For the SS Man, one principle must apply absolutely: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood, and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, the Czechs, is totally indifferent to me. Whatever is available to us in good blood of our type, we will take for ourselves, that is, we will steal their children and bring them up with us, if necessary. Whether other races live well or die of hunger is only of interest to me insofar as we need them as slaves for our culture; otherwise that doesn't interest me. Whether 10,000 Russian women fall down from exhaustion in building a tank ditch is of interest to me only insofar as the tank ditches are finished for Germany.

We will never be hard and heartless when it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans, the only ones in the world with a decent attitude towards animals, will also adopt a decent attitude with regards to these human animals; but it is a sin against our own blood to worry about them and give them ideals, so that our sons and grandchildren will have a harder time with them.''

More gems -

''[...] Thus I have basically given the order to also kill the wives and children of these partisans, and commissars. I would be a weakling and a criminal to our descendants if I allowed the hate-filled sons of the sub-humans we have liquidated in this struggle of humanity against subhumanity to grow up.''

''I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.'

In case u want proof.


Original page of the final edition manuscript of the speech authorised by himmler.

File:Himmler Posen Speech - Extermination of the Jews excerpt, Oct 4, 1943.ogg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After reading and hearing teh above speech,u think u can make the world believe that conc camps were just disposal sites for bodies killed by allied bombing and starvation - knock urself out.

Refute the above documented and audio proof or stfu-simple as that.No more evasions,no more desperate tactics- simply refute the above.
No autopsy reports were done because the camps were in the middle of the war zone,the bodies were largely infected with typhus and diseases and required immediate burial for health reasons for remaining survivors as well as troops.Nazis did this by creamting teh bodies.Thirdly the liberating troops largely had field medics with them not large scale specialized medical staff.Even the film photographers were called up from the rear to photograph teh atrocities to use as proof.Do you deny that because there were no autopsy reports that the atrocities never happened?Do u think everyone was lying?The hundreds of thousands of prisoners liberated in skeletal state starved themsleves so as to stage the whole thing,the numerous corpses and mass graves staged?Are u really that deep in denial?

Hoess sent a private letter before his death confessing.This was after his testimony had been delivered at nuremberg.There was no further need for him to be coerced,his testimony had already incriminated the nazi defendants.So his lying in the letter just before his death is nonsensical.
Also there are numerous other confessions from ss-commanders.

Testimonies of SS camp guards.
Testimony of SS Scharf�hrer Erich Fuchs, in the Sobibor-Bolender trial, Dusseldorf.

We unloaded the motor. It was a heavy Russian benzine engine, at least 200 horsepower. we installed the engine on a concrete foundation and set up the connection between the exhaust and the tube.
I then tested the motor. It did not work. I was able to repair the ignition and the valves, and the motor finally started running. The chemist, who I knew from Belzec, entered the gas chamber with measuring instruments to test the concentration of the gas.
Following this, a gassing experiment was carried out. If my memory serves me right, about thirty to forty women were gassed in one gas chamber. The Jewish women were forced to undress in an open place close to the gas chamber, and were driven into the gas chamber by the above mentioned SS members and the Ukrainian auxiliaries. when the women were shut up in the gas chamber I and Bolender set the motor in motion. The motor functioned first in neutral. Both of us stood by the motor and switched from "Neutral" (Freiauspuff) to "Cell" (Zelle), so that the gas was conveyed to the chamber. At the suggestion of the chemist, I fixed the motor on a definite speed so that it was unnecessary henceforth to press on the gas. About ten minutes later the thirty to forty women were dead.

From the testimony of SS-Unterscharfuehrer Wilhelm Bahr in his trial at Hamburg.

Q: Is it correct that you have gassed 200 Russian POW's with Zyklon-B?
A: Yes, on orders.

Q: Where did you do that?
A: In Neuengamme [concentration camp].

Q: On whose order?
A: The local doctor, Dr. Von Bergmann.

Q: With what gas?
A: With Prussic acid [another name for Zyklon-B].

Q: How long did the Russians take to die?
A: I do not know. I only obeyed orders.

Q: How long did it take to gas the Russians?
A: I returned after two hours and they were all dead.

Q: For what purpose did you go away?
A: That was during lunch hour.

Q: You left for your lunch and came back afterwards?
A: Yes.

Q: Were they dead when you came back?
A: Yes.

Q: Did you look at their bodies?
A: Yes, because I had to load them.

Q: Why did you apply the gas to the Russians?
A: I only had orders to pour in the gas and I do not know anything about it.

SS-Doctor Kremer at a hearing on 18 July 1947.
Quoted in 'The Good Old Days' - E. Klee, W. Dressen, V. Riess, The Free Press, NY, 1988, p. 258:

I remember I once took part in the gassing of one of these groups of women [from the women's camp in Auschwitz]. I cannot say how big the group was. when I got close to the bunker I saw them sitting on the ground. They were still clothed. As they were wearing worn-out camp clothing they were not left in the undressing hut but made to undress in the open air. I concluded from the behavior of these women that they had no doubt what fate awaited them, as they begged and sobbed to the SS men to spare them their lives. However, they were herded into the gas chambers and gassed. As an anatomist I have seen a lot of terrible things: I had had a lot of experience with dead bodies, and yet what I saw that day was like nothing I had ever seen before. Still completely shocked by what I had seen I wrote on my diary on 5 September 1942: "The most dreadful of horrors. Hauptscharf�hrer Thilo was right when he said to me today that this is the 'anus mundi', the anal orifice of the world". I used this image because I could not imagine anything more disgusting and horrific.

Wrong,there are hundreds of thousands of testimonies all over europe.All lies.All the diaries lies?
All the troops liberating the camps-russian and allied -liars.Everything staged-lol.Google
From page 1-10 all testimonies -lies i guess.And these are only the jewish ones.I already gave u one of a russian POW.
Where did all the people go?Answer this - did they disappaear?

Yes keep telling urself that.I have already posted a testimony from a russian POW showing how the germans were systematically starving them to death.This applies for jewish ghettos as well.

There were millions of corpses in the very video footage and images you claim to be proof of Nazi gassings and extermination yet why no autopsy proving Jews were gassed by Zyklon-B??

And yes, FYI there were autopsies conducted by American pathologists(ignorant much??):

"When American and British forces overran western and central Germany in the spring of 1945, they were followed by troops charged with discovering and securing any evidence of German war crimes.

Among them was Dr. Charles Larson, one of America's leading forensic pathologists, who was assigned to the US Army's Judge Advocate General's Department. As part of a US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. After his grim work at Dachau, he was questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors. [1]

Dr. Larson's findings? In an 1980 newspaper interview he said: "What we've heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax." [2] And what part was the hoax? Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he "was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European Theater" of Allied military operations, [3] confirmed that "never was a case of poison gas uncovered." [4]"

Also, Holocaust Survivor and former Auschwitz Camp inmate Eli Wiesel's excerpt from his book Night:

Elie Wiesel and many tens of thousands of Jewish “survivors” chose to leave Auschwitz and go west by January of 1945 with the very same people who had supposedly been murdering them by the thousands every day for years. How is that possible if Auschwitz had been any kind of “extermination camp?”

According to Night, just before Auschwitz was to be “liberated” by the Soviets, both Elie and his father trekked west with the Nazis in a terrible winter on foot by their own choice. They had both chosen, in effect, to collaborate with the Nazis and work (no free ride waiting in a Gasthaus) to defend the Reich. Some of Wiesel's exact words in Night, paperback edition (Bantam Books, 1960) page 78 are:

The choice was in our hands. For once we could decide our fate for ourselves. We could both stay in the hospital, where I could, thanks to my doctor, get him [the father] entered as a patient or nurse. Or else we could follow the others. ‘Well, what shall we do, father?’ He was silent. ‘Let's be evacuated with the others,’ I told him.

Ha,look who is desperate.First u calimed slavs enjoyed being treated under nazi rule.My answer was this -

Forced Labor 1939 - 1945:

After that i recieved no answer from u on this,u fled because u recognized how ridiculous u would look.

U asked for sources on generalplan ost and the crimes in the east.
Ostkrieg: Hitler's War of Extermination in the East - Stephen G. Fritz - Google Books

This is a researched book on this topic.
Stephen j fritz is a writer with multiple books on ww2.
inauthor:"Stephen G. Fritz" - Google Search

German) M. Rössler & S. Scheiermacher (editors), Der `Generalplan Ost' Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Plaungs-und Vernichtungspolitik, Berlin, 1993.

Der Generalplan Ost

Here u will find photos of the original documents-page by page in german.

Add to this,this plan was not hypothetical-Reichskommissariats had already begun to be set up.I have already quoted the reichskomissar of ukraine.
We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here.
— Erich Koch, March 5th 1943(Reichskommissar Ukraine - Ukraine was one of the 'provinces' under generalplan ost)

Koch's first act as Reichskommissar was to close local schools, declaring that "Ukraine children need no schools. What they'll have to learn will be taught them by their German masters." His brutality is best exemplified by his remark, "If I meet a Ukrainian worthy of being seated at my table, I must have him shot.''

We can also find several quotes from himmler and hitler-

16 July 1941, Hitler Comments, Conference in Führer Headquarters
“The Crimea must be cleared of all [racially] foreign peoples, as must the parts of Galicia which formerly belonged to the Austrian Empire. …We must make a Garden of Eden out of the newly won eastern territories; this is important for our future existence; [overseas] colonies play a subordinate role. … All of the Baltic lands must be annexed to the Reich. Similarly, the Crimea, with a significant adjoining region (the region north of the Crimea) must become Reich territory. The annexed territory must be as large as possible. … The Reich must also annex the Volga Colony and the area around Baku.”

17 October 1941, Hitler Monologue, Führer Headquarters

“The [eastern] region must lose the character of the Asiatic steppe, it must be Europeanized! It is for this purpose that we are building great highways to the southern tip of the Crime and to the Caucasus. German cities established along these roadways will stretch like a string of pearls, and around these will be German settlements. The two or three million people we need [for this program] can be found quicker than we think. We will take them from Germany, the Scandinavian lands, Western Europe, and America. Chances are that I will not live to see this, but in twenty years twenty million people will inhabit this territory. In three hundred years we will have a blossoming parkland of extraordinary beauty!

As for the people indigenous to the area, we will be sure to select those [of importance]. We will remove the destructive Jews entirely. … We will not enter Russian cities, they must die out completely.I intend to stay this course with ice-cold determination. I feel myself to be the executor of the will of History.

24 October 1939, Heinrich Himmler: Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945 und andere Ansprachen

“When we consider the issue [of eastern people], we first have to recognize that we have already long occupied ourselves with the Polish-Slavic problem … then we must clearly conclude, and thus have I received my tasks from the Führer, that in at least in the provinces which currently belong to Germany, the problem of the Polish minority must be solved, it must be eliminated in our lifetime. The problem must be eliminated.
This is a small piece of Asia into which we have come, and we want to push the borders of Germany still farther to the east; and with that the frontiers of Europe.”

Himmler in the Kharkow speech April 1943 expressed the position and situation of the war:

''The decision, therefore, lies here in the East; here must the Russian enemy, this people numbering two hundred million Russians, be destroyed on the battle field and person by person, and made to bleed to death''.

"Fuhrer is firmly determined to level Moscow and Leningrad to the ground.To dispose fully of their population, which otherwise we shall have to feed during the winter."-Diary of Franz Halder 1941,german army chief of staff.

According to a Hitler directive sent to Army Group North on 29 September, "After the defeat of Soviet Russia there can be no interest in the continued existence of this large urban center. [...] Following the city's encirclement, requests for surrender negotiations shall be denied, since the problem of relocating and feeding the population cannot and should not be solved by us. In this war for our very existence, we can have no interest in maintaining even a part of this very large urban population." - Adolf hitler.

"Early next year we enter the city (if the Finns do it first we do not object), lead those still alive into inner Russia or into captivity, wipe Leningrad from the face of the earth through demolitions.''

Again,no answer-u fled desperately trying to hide behind the skirts of neo nazis like weber and irving.You simply have no answer to the original documents and can only shout at the top of ur voice,nothing else.Refute the documents above or stfu.
Couldn't answer anything on the einsatzgruppen either -again u fled desperately.

''One thing is a matter of course in this war: it is better for a Russian to die than a German. If we use the Russians, then they must be mixed with Germans in a ratio of 1:2 to 1:3. The best thing is to use individual Russians; then you can drive with them in a tank. One Russian with 2 or 3 Germans in a tank, magnificent, nothing wrong. But you must never let one Russian meet other tank-driving Russians, otherwise the boys will conspire. But if you wish to have Russian-only companies for some reason, then be careful, gentlemen — and that is not just a thought, gentlemen, that is an order, gentlemen — they must have their informer apparatus, their NKVD, in this company. Then you can sleep in peace. Otherwise, this is one of the earliest warnings I've issued, take care that these sub-humans always look at you; they must always look their superior in the eye. It's like with animals. As long as an animal looks his tamer in the eye, he won't try anything. But have no doubt about one thing: he is a beast. We will able to utilize the Russians with this attitude; with this attitude we shall be superior to the Slavs at all times. But not with any other attitude.'' -Himmler at posen.

I have posted already parts of his posen speeches earlier.But i'll still post some gems.

''Our comrade Fegelein once captured a Russian general like that. Look, they're cheap. They're Slavs. Full of humour, as Fegelein is, Fegelein told his staff: "We'll treat this one real good. We'll act like we're going to recognize him as a General. So, when he comes in, stand up, stand at attention, keep quiet, say 'General Sir, this' and 'General Sir, that', show him how much respect you have for him". Of course, this worked. You don't need to give a Russian general any political ideas, political ideals, or political plans for the future. You can get them cheaper than that, gentlemen. The Slavs are known for that.

The Slav is never able to build anything himself. In the long run, he's not capable of it. I'll come back to this later. With the exception of a few phenomena produced by Asia every couple of centuries, through that mixture of two heredities which may be fortunate for Asia but is unfortunate for us Europeans — with the exception, therefore, of an Attilla, a Ghenghis Khan, a Tamerlaine, a Lenin, a Stalin — the mixed race of the Slavs is based on a sub-race with a few drops of blood of our blood, blood of a leading race; the Slav is unable to control himself and create order. He is able to argue, able to debate, able to disintegrate, able to offer resistance against every authority and to revolt. But these human shoddy goods are just as incapable of maintaining order today as they were 700 or 800 years ago, when they called in the Varangians, when they called in the Ruriks .''

''It is basically wrong for us to project our whole harmless soul and heart, all our good nature, our idealism, onto foreign peoples. This applies to Herder, who wrote the "Voices of the Peoples", probably in a drunken hour, and caused us, in later generations, such boundless suffering and misery. That applies to the Czechs and Slovenes, to whom, after all, we brought their national feeling. They themselves were absolutely incapable of it; rather, we invented it for them''

''For the SS Man, one principle must apply absolutely: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood, and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, the Czechs, is totally indifferent to me. Whatever is available to us in good blood of our type, we will take for ourselves, that is, we will steal their children and bring them up with us, if necessary. Whether other races live well or die of hunger is only of interest to me insofar as we need them as slaves for our culture; otherwise that doesn't interest me. Whether 10,000 Russian women fall down from exhaustion in building a tank ditch is of interest to me only insofar as the tank ditches are finished for Germany.

We will never be hard and heartless when it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans, the only ones in the world with a decent attitude towards animals, will also adopt a decent attitude with regards to these human animals; but it is a sin against our own blood to worry about them and give them ideals, so that our sons and grandchildren will have a harder time with them.''

More gems -

''[...] Thus I have basically given the order to also kill the wives and children of these partisans, and commissars. I would be a weakling and a criminal to our descendants if I allowed the hate-filled sons of the sub-humans we have liquidated in this struggle of humanity against subhumanity to grow up.''

''I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.'

In case u want proof.


Original page of the final edition manuscript of the speech authorised by himmler.

File:Himmler Posen Speech - Extermination of the Jews excerpt, Oct 4, 1943.ogg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After reading and hearing teh above speech,u think u can make the world believe that conc camps were just disposal sites for bodies killed by allied bombing and starvation - knock urself out.

Refute the above documented and audio proof or stfu-simple as that.No more evasions,no more desperate tactics- simply refute the above.

Certainly there was a reason that more than one million (1,000,000) Slavs fought for the Nazi regime, making up the single largest ethnic volunteer force in the entire Armed Forces of the Third Reich.

Were they that stupid and inferior minded that they witnessed the evil Germans massacre and starve their own people yet fought for the losing Germans even to the bitter end, often committing suicide rather than being captured alive either by the Western Allies or the Soviets??

Respond to the following:

2). Why did the number of inmates Rudolf Hoss admitted to "exterminating" in Auschwitz differ from those now officially recognized as the real number of victims of gassings today?? Does that not put his "confession" under serious doubt of credibility and reliability??

3). The eyewitness testimonies contradict each other.

4). German POW's, particularly the high ranking Nazi's and SS officers were tortured after the war, and thus their so called "confessions" cannot be considered reliable evidence.

5). Your proof is pictures of dead bodies and emaciated camp inmates. Again, those deaths and starvation was a result of allied bombing raids that crippled Germany's transportation network. There is more proof to prove this than the gassing allegation.

6). How come many reputable sources mention six (6) million Jews being exterminated and persecuted before Hitler and the evil Nazis came along?? Could you explain that??
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@AUSTERLITZ very apt post and I had the opportunity to talk to one German old lady whose family was shattered immediately after the war. Her Father was a Doctor in German army and he was taken prisoner by Russians during end of the war. Taken to siberia to be returned 5 years later. No documents to prove he was doctor hence he had to find another job.....
To the common German they too were kept in dark about the holocaust except few....
She did acknowledge the fact that so many killed because of the Madman and She wants her children to know about him.....

Since you resorted to desperate tactics like attacking my sources to undermine my arguments i would like to make a point:

Here are the other sources i used:

1). Winston Churchill

2). Eli Wiesel (Holocaust "survivor" and former Auschwitz inmate)

3). Raul Hilberg (Zionist and Holocaust Scholar).

4). The Guardian and various other reputable Western news sources.

5). Wikipedia, which you have also used frequently.

6). Re-known and respected historian as well as best selling American author John Toland.

7). The Jerusalem Post, a well known Jewish News site.

8). Ynet News, an israeli News Site.

Among other sources.

Thus, your attempt at undermining my sources was desperateness on your part and futile to say the least.
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Respond to the following:

2). Why did the number of inmates Rudolf Hoss admitted to "exterminating" in Auschwitz differ from those now officially recognized as the real number of victims of gassings today?? Does that not put his "confession" under serious doubt of credibility and reliability??

3). The eyewitness testimonies contradict each other.

4). German POW's, particularly the high ranking Nazi's and SS officers were tortured after the war, and thus their so called "confessions" cannot be considered reliable evidence.

5). Your proof is pictures of dead bodies and emaciated camp inmates. Again, those deaths and starvation was a result of allied bombing raids that crippled Germany's transportation network. There is more proof to prove this than the gassing allegation.

6). How come many reputable sources mention six (6) million Jews being exterminated and persecuted before Hitler and the evil Nazis came along?? Could you explain that??
It doesn't matter if the numbers vary somewhat.Sure it may have been inflated-it doesn't change the base fact that millions were exterminated in a pre-planned way.A criminal act of the highest order clearly exposed by himmler's speech which u can't deny.
Secondly,Auschwitz is only one of scores of camps.

I have given u hundreds of testimonies,they were all false?I sthat what u are alleging?All the soldiers liberating the camps were liars or staged?
To corroborate these photos we have eyewitness accounts. Judith Berg, the survivor who spent seven months in Auschwitz and who appeared with me on Donahue, confirmed the mass burning of bodies. Edith Gleick, also on the show, gave me a verbal description of the sorting and separation process that happened at the Auschwitz train platform that very nicely matches the photos of the Hungarian Jews presented above. And we have thousands of accounts like these.

Revisionists will ask how I can believe Berg after her claim about seeing them make soap out of human bodies. My answer is twofold: (1) we do not accept eyewitness accounts by themselves as proof of the Holocaust or gas chamber story, without corroboration from other eyewitnesses as well as physical evidence; (2) in this particular case, Berg was enraged at Bradley Smith for denying what she knows happened to her own family members and friends, and struck out at him with this statement when he also challenged the soap story. Despite the differences in specifics of accounts, there is a core of truth at their center, and the gassing and cremating of prisoners is one of the most important cores.

And, of course, we do not just have survivor accounts. We also have the confessions of guards, like SS-Unterscharfuehrer Pery Broad, captured on May 6, 1945, by the British in their zone of occupation. Broad began work at Auschwitz in 1942 in the "Political Section," and stayed there until the liberation of the camp in January, 1945. During his capture he worked as an interpreter for the British and in the process wrote a memoir, which was passed on to the British Intelligence Service in July, 1945. That December he declared under oath that what he wrote was true. On September 29, 1947, the document was translated into English and used at the Nuremberg Trials regarding the gas chambers as mechanisms of mass murder. Later that year he was released. In April, 1959, Broad was called to testify in a trial on the SS of Auschwitz, and he acknowledged the authorship of the memoir, confirmed its validity, and retracted nothing.

The reason for this lengthy background to Broad's memoir is that the revisionists dismiss all Nazi confessions as being coerced, or made up for bizarre psychological reasons. Broad was never tortured and he had absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by confessing. When given the opportunity to recant, which he certainly could have in the later trial, he did not. Instead, he described in detail the gassing procedure, including the use of Zyklon-B, the early gassing experiments in Block 11 of Auschwitz, the temporary chambers set up in the two abandoned farms at Birkenau (Auschwitz II), which he correctly called by their jargon name of "Bunkers I and II." He also recalled the construction of Kremas I, II, III, and IV at Birkenau, accurately depicting (by comparison with blueprints) the design of the undressing room, gas chamber, and crematorium. And then he described the actual process of gassing in gruesome detail (Shapiro, 1990):

The disinfectors are at work . . . with an iron rod and hammer they open a couple of harmless looking tin boxes, the directions read Cyclon [sic] vermin destroyer, Warning, Poisonous. The boxes are filled with small pellets which look like blue peas. As soon as the box is opened the contents are shaken out through an aperture in the roof. Then another box is emptied in the next aperture, and so on. After about two minutes the shrieks die down and change to a low moaning. Most of the men have already lost consciousness. After a further two minutes . . . it is all over. Deadly quiet reigns. . . . The corpses are piled together, their mouths stretched open . . . . It is difficult to heave the interlaced corpses out of the chamber as the gas is stiffening all their limbs.
Revisionists point out that Broad's four minutes for the total process is at odds with the statements of others such as the commandant Hoess, who claim it was more like 20 minutes. Because of these minor discrepancies, revisionists dismiss the account entirely (Cole, 1994). But this is an inappropriate use of historical data. A dozen different accounts give a dozen different figures for time of death by gassing. Does the fact that their times are not perfectly matched mean that people were not actually gassed at all? Of course not. In fact, the gassing process would take different lengths of time due to any number of conditions, including the temperature (Zyklon-B dispersal depends on the air temperature), number of people in the room, the size of the room, and the amount of gas poured into the room; not to mention the psychological differences in time perception by different observers. If the estimation of times were exactly the same, in fact, we would have to be suspicious that they were all taking their story from a single account.

Revisionists make a similar argument about the confession of SS- Obersturmbannfuehrer Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz from May 20, 1940 to November 11, 1943. Hoess made his statement on April 5, 1946, completely unaware of Pery Broad's memoir (and vice versa). Further, the Nuremberg Tribunal, when trying Hoess, were also unaware of the Broad document. This is important because even if revisionists completely discount the Hoess testimony, which they do (Cole, 1994, Weber, 1994b), they still have the problem of explaining why the two accounts coincide so well. Hoess talks about the temporary gassing experiments at Auschwitz I, the two "Bunkers" at Birkenau, the construction of the four large structures at Birkenau that included undressing rooms, gas chambers, and crematoria, just like Broad.

Further, after Hoess was found guilty and sentenced to death, he wrote a 250-page autobiographical manuscript that corroborates both his previous testimony and Broad's statement. On the gassing procedure, for example, compare Hoess's account with Broad's above (Hoess, 1959, p. 166):

Then, very quickly, the door was hermetically sealed, and a can of gas was immediately thrown onto the floor, through an opening connected to an air duct in the ceiling of the gas chamber, by the disinfectors, who were standing ready. This led to the immediate release of the gas. Through the peephole one could see that those who were near the air duct died immediately. It can be said that about a third died within a moment's notice. The others began to struggle, to scream, to choke. But very quickly the cries became death rattles, and, after a few minutes, all were on the ground. After a maximum of twenty minutes, nobody moved.
Broad and Hoess never saw each other before Hoess's capture on March 11, 1946 (10 months after Broad). But even if one wanted to fantasize a secret meeting between the two before Broad was captured, why would they confabulate a story that would surely convict them? There is no way to rationalize this convergence of evidence. (See Klarsfeld, 1978, for details on these and many other eyewitness accounts, as well as Teresa Swiebocka's Auschwitz: A History in Photographs.)

If that is how u want to play it in ur desperation.U deny all confessions as coerced-lolz.All over europe it was a grand conspiracy to coerce everyone into these confessiuons.Only you believ that and neo nazis the germans themselves have accepted the facts long ago.I suppose the numerous recorded documents in einsatzgruppen fil;es and himmler's speeches were coerced too?
We will never be hard and heartless when it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans, the only ones in the world with a decent attitude towards animals, will also adopt a decent attitude with regards to these human animals; but it is a sin against our own blood to worry about them and give them ideals, so that our sons and grandchildren will have a harder time with them.''

More gems -

''[...] Thus I have basically given the order to also kill the wives and children of these partisans, and commissars. I would be a weakling and a criminal to our descendants if I allowed the hate-filled sons of the sub-humans we have liquidated in this struggle of humanity against subhumanity to grow up.''

''I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.'

File:Himmler Posen Speech - Extermination of the Jews excerpt, Oct 4, 1943.ogg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Coerced?I have already posted the original manuscript.
5.Auschwitz Gas Chambers

Gas Chambers Overview

Here u will find designs of the crematorium,pictures of the gas chambers.Even photos of scores of naked dead bodies being prepared to be cremated.
How do we know the Nazis used gas chambers to kill people en masse? A convergence of evidence from various sources:

1. Written documents--Orders for Zyklon-B gas, blueprints and orders for building materials for the crematoria, etc.

2. Eyewitness testimony--Sonderkommando diaries, confessions of guards and commandants, etc.

3. Photographs--Not only of the camps, but especially interesting are the secret photos taken of the burning of bodies that were smuggled out of Auschwitz.

4. The camps themselves--forensic tests have now been conducted demonstrating the homicidal use of both the gas chambers and the crematoria for the express purpose of exterminating large numbers of prisoners (Pressac, 1989; Pressac and Van Pelt, 1994).

5. Negative evidence--we have documentation of the numbers of prisoners shipped to the various camps, the numbers that were transferred, and the number liberated. The difference between the latter with the former two figures gives an approximation of the numbers who died or were killed (see Hilberg, 1961).

Didn't understand ur 6th point.

Now stop running
Explain as u kept saying u would
General plan ost,einsatzgruppen and all others -

Forced Labor 1939 - 1945:

U asked for sources on generalplan ost and the crimes in the east.
Ostkrieg: Hitler's War of Extermination in the East - Stephen G. Fritz - Google Books

This is a researched book on this topic.
Stephen j fritz is a writer with multiple books on ww2.
inauthor:"Stephen G. Fritz" - Google Search

German) M. Rössler & S. Scheiermacher (editors), Der `Generalplan Ost' Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Plaungs-und Vernichtungspolitik, Berlin, 1993.

Der Generalplan Ost

Don't run,don't evade-refute the documents planning the slaughter of millions in a systematic plan of enslavement,deportation,extermination and enslavement.
It doesn't matter if the numbers vary somewhat.Sure it may have been inflated-it doesn't change the base fact that millions were exterminated in a pre-planned way.A criminal act of the highest order clearly exposed by himmler's speech which u can't deny.
Secondly,Auschwitz is only one of scores of camps.

I have given u hundreds of testimonies,they were all false?I sthat what u are alleging?All the soldiers liberating the camps were liars or staged?
To corroborate these photos we have eyewitness accounts. Judith Berg, the survivor who spent seven months in Auschwitz and who appeared with me on Donahue, confirmed the mass burning of bodies. Edith Gleick, also on the show, gave me a verbal description of the sorting and separation process that happened at the Auschwitz train platform that very nicely matches the photos of the Hungarian Jews presented above. And we have thousands of accounts like these.

Revisionists will ask how I can believe Berg after her claim about seeing them make soap out of human bodies. My answer is twofold: (1) we do not accept eyewitness accounts by themselves as proof of the Holocaust or gas chamber story, without corroboration from other eyewitnesses as well as physical evidence; (2) in this particular case, Berg was enraged at Bradley Smith for denying what she knows happened to her own family members and friends, and struck out at him with this statement when he also challenged the soap story. Despite the differences in specifics of accounts, there is a core of truth at their center, and the gassing and cremating of prisoners is one of the most important cores.

And, of course, we do not just have survivor accounts. We also have the confessions of guards, like SS-Unterscharfuehrer Pery Broad, captured on May 6, 1945, by the British in their zone of occupation. Broad began work at Auschwitz in 1942 in the "Political Section," and stayed there until the liberation of the camp in January, 1945. During his capture he worked as an interpreter for the British and in the process wrote a memoir, which was passed on to the British Intelligence Service in July, 1945. That December he declared under oath that what he wrote was true. On September 29, 1947, the document was translated into English and used at the Nuremberg Trials regarding the gas chambers as mechanisms of mass murder. Later that year he was released. In April, 1959, Broad was called to testify in a trial on the SS of Auschwitz, and he acknowledged the authorship of the memoir, confirmed its validity, and retracted nothing.

The reason for this lengthy background to Broad's memoir is that the revisionists dismiss all Nazi confessions as being coerced, or made up for bizarre psychological reasons. Broad was never tortured and he had absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by confessing. When given the opportunity to recant, which he certainly could have in the later trial, he did not. Instead, he described in detail the gassing procedure, including the use of Zyklon-B, the early gassing experiments in Block 11 of Auschwitz, the temporary chambers set up in the two abandoned farms at Birkenau (Auschwitz II), which he correctly called by their jargon name of "Bunkers I and II." He also recalled the construction of Kremas I, II, III, and IV at Birkenau, accurately depicting (by comparison with blueprints) the design of the undressing room, gas chamber, and crematorium. And then he described the actual process of gassing in gruesome detail (Shapiro, 1990):

The disinfectors are at work . . . with an iron rod and hammer they open a couple of harmless looking tin boxes, the directions read Cyclon [sic] vermin destroyer, Warning, Poisonous. The boxes are filled with small pellets which look like blue peas. As soon as the box is opened the contents are shaken out through an aperture in the roof. Then another box is emptied in the next aperture, and so on. After about two minutes the shrieks die down and change to a low moaning. Most of the men have already lost consciousness. After a further two minutes . . . it is all over. Deadly quiet reigns. . . . The corpses are piled together, their mouths stretched open . . . . It is difficult to heave the interlaced corpses out of the chamber as the gas is stiffening all their limbs.
Revisionists point out that Broad's four minutes for the total process is at odds with the statements of others such as the commandant Hoess, who claim it was more like 20 minutes. Because of these minor discrepancies, revisionists dismiss the account entirely (Cole, 1994). But this is an inappropriate use of historical data. A dozen different accounts give a dozen different figures for time of death by gassing. Does the fact that their times are not perfectly matched mean that people were not actually gassed at all? Of course not. In fact, the gassing process would take different lengths of time due to any number of conditions, including the temperature (Zyklon-B dispersal depends on the air temperature), number of people in the room, the size of the room, and the amount of gas poured into the room; not to mention the psychological differences in time perception by different observers. If the estimation of times were exactly the same, in fact, we would have to be suspicious that they were all taking their story from a single account.

Revisionists make a similar argument about the confession of SS- Obersturmbannfuehrer Rudolf Hoess, Commandant of Auschwitz from May 20, 1940 to November 11, 1943. Hoess made his statement on April 5, 1946, completely unaware of Pery Broad's memoir (and vice versa). Further, the Nuremberg Tribunal, when trying Hoess, were also unaware of the Broad document. This is important because even if revisionists completely discount the Hoess testimony, which they do (Cole, 1994, Weber, 1994b), they still have the problem of explaining why the two accounts coincide so well. Hoess talks about the temporary gassing experiments at Auschwitz I, the two "Bunkers" at Birkenau, the construction of the four large structures at Birkenau that included undressing rooms, gas chambers, and crematoria, just like Broad.

Further, after Hoess was found guilty and sentenced to death, he wrote a 250-page autobiographical manuscript that corroborates both his previous testimony and Broad's statement. On the gassing procedure, for example, compare Hoess's account with Broad's above (Hoess, 1959, p. 166):

Then, very quickly, the door was hermetically sealed, and a can of gas was immediately thrown onto the floor, through an opening connected to an air duct in the ceiling of the gas chamber, by the disinfectors, who were standing ready. This led to the immediate release of the gas. Through the peephole one could see that those who were near the air duct died immediately. It can be said that about a third died within a moment's notice. The others began to struggle, to scream, to choke. But very quickly the cries became death rattles, and, after a few minutes, all were on the ground. After a maximum of twenty minutes, nobody moved.
Broad and Hoess never saw each other before Hoess's capture on March 11, 1946 (10 months after Broad). But even if one wanted to fantasize a secret meeting between the two before Broad was captured, why would they confabulate a story that would surely convict them? There is no way to rationalize this convergence of evidence. (See Klarsfeld, 1978, for details on these and many other eyewitness accounts, as well as Teresa Swiebocka's Auschwitz: A History in Photographs.)

If that is how u want to play it in ur desperation.U deny all confessions as coerced-lolz.All over europe it was a grand conspiracy to coerce everyone into these confessiuons.Only you believ that and neo nazis the germans themselves have accepted the facts long ago.I suppose the numerous recorded documents in einsatzgruppen fil;es and himmler's speeches were coerced too?
We will never be hard and heartless when it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans, the only ones in the world with a decent attitude towards animals, will also adopt a decent attitude with regards to these human animals; but it is a sin against our own blood to worry about them and give them ideals, so that our sons and grandchildren will have a harder time with them.''

More gems -

''[...] Thus I have basically given the order to also kill the wives and children of these partisans, and commissars. I would be a weakling and a criminal to our descendants if I allowed the hate-filled sons of the sub-humans we have liquidated in this struggle of humanity against subhumanity to grow up.''

''I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.'

File:Himmler Posen Speech - Extermination of the Jews excerpt, Oct 4, 1943.ogg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Coerced?I have already posted the original manuscript.
5.Auschwitz Gas Chambers

Gas Chambers Overview

Here u will find designs of the crematorium,pictures of the gas chambers.Even photos of scores of naked dead bodies being prepared to be cremated.
How do we know the Nazis used gas chambers to kill people en masse? A convergence of evidence from various sources:

1. Written documents--Orders for Zyklon-B gas, blueprints and orders for building materials for the crematoria, etc.

2. Eyewitness testimony--Sonderkommando diaries, confessions of guards and commandants, etc.

3. Photographs--Not only of the camps, but especially interesting are the secret photos taken of the burning of bodies that were smuggled out of Auschwitz.

4. The camps themselves--forensic tests have now been conducted demonstrating the homicidal use of both the gas chambers and the crematoria for the express purpose of exterminating large numbers of prisoners (Pressac, 1989; Pressac and Van Pelt, 1994).

5. Negative evidence--we have documentation of the numbers of prisoners shipped to the various camps, the numbers that were transferred, and the number liberated. The difference between the latter with the former two figures gives an approximation of the numbers who died or were killed (see Hilberg, 1961).

Didn't understand ur 6th point.

Now stop running
Explain as u kept saying u would
General plan ost,einsatzgruppen and all others -

Forced Labor 1939 - 1945:

U asked for sources on generalplan ost and the crimes in the east.
Ostkrieg: Hitler's War of Extermination in the East - Stephen G. Fritz - Google Books

This is a researched book on this topic.
Stephen j fritz is a writer with multiple books on ww2.
inauthor:"Stephen G. Fritz" - Google Search

German) M. Rössler & S. Scheiermacher (editors), Der `Generalplan Ost' Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Plaungs-und Vernichtungspolitik, Berlin, 1993.

Der Generalplan Ost

Don't run,don't evade-refute the documents planning the slaughter of millions in a systematic plan of enslavement,deportation,extermination and enslavement.

Yes it does matter. You can continue to tell yourself otherwise.

How is it that Rudolf Hoss's "confession" mentions the death toll at 3,000,000 while the official Auschwitz plaque stated the death toll at 4,000,000 (that's a 1,000,000 people increase) until it was revised to 1.5 million in 1984, thus reducing the official death toll by 2.5 million people, while on the other hand Jewish Statistician admits that no more than 363,000 inmates were interned at Auschwitz from 1940-1945.

Certainly these were no small inflations and decreases in the death toll number. This inconsistency only proves the unreliability of Rudolf Hoss's and other Nazi "confessions" (extracted through torture) as well as putting into question the official Holocaust narrative that 6 million Jews were gassed.

How Britain Tortured Nazi POW's During Interrogations- The Daily Mail

Also, @AUSTERLITZ Could you explain to me how many times six million Jews were exterminated throughout history??

All of the dates of these articles are provided on them;

View attachment 152497

View attachment 152500

View attachment 152498

View attachment 152499

Six Million Jews Claimed Dead 8 months before WW2 in Europe is over.

View attachment 152504

Western Newspaper Predicts Exactly Six Million Jews Will Die Four Years Before WW2 Ended

View attachment 152506

View attachment 152500
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Yes it does matter. You can continue to tell yourself otherwise.

How is it that Rudolf Hoss's "confession" mentions the death toll at 3,000,000 while the official Auschwitz plaque stated the death toll at 4,000,000 (that's a 1,000,000 people increase) until it was revised to 1.5 million in 1984, thus reducing the official death toll by 2.5 million people, while on the other hand Jewish Statistician admits that no more than 363,000 inmates were interned at Auschwitz from 1940-1945.

Certainly these were no small inflations and decreases in the death toll number. This inconsistency only proves the unreliability of Rudolf Hoss's and other Nazi "confessions" (extracted through torture) as well as putting into question the official Holocaust narrative that 6 million Jews were gassed.

How Britain Tortured Nazi POW's During Interrogations- The Daily Mail

Also, @AUSTERLITZ Could you explain to me how many times six million Jews were exterminated throughout history??

All of the dates of these articles are provided on them;

View attachment 152497

View attachment 152500

View attachment 152498

View attachment 152499

Six Million Jews Claimed Dead 8 months before WW2 in Europe is over.

View attachment 152504

Western Newspaper Predicts Exactly Six Million Jews Will Die Four Years Before WW2 Ended

View attachment 152506

View attachment 152500

1.The modern estimate stands at 1.1 million killed at auschwitz.90% or about a million being jews.Auschwitz gets the hype because it was the largest extermination camp.Wrong the number doesn't say 6 million were 'gassed'-it says around 6 million were killed.
Here's a list of modern estimates of gassing -

Camp name
- Killed
Belzec- 600,000
Majdanek -360,000
Maly Trostinets-65,000
Sobibor -250,000
Treblinka -870,000

This amounts to around 3.5 million gassed.
We can confirm from einsatzgruppen deathbrigade reports that around 2 million were killed either by shooting(then dumped in mass graves)or gassing vans(from 1942 for women and children).There are numerous pictures,survivor and perpretrator testimonies and actual mass garves discovered .Plus above all actual einsatzgruppen documents signed by nazi officials depicting the progress.
250,000 are also said to have died in death marches.
Plus thousands to starvation in ghettos.

Child starving to death on the streets of a ghetto.Ghettos were given 10-20% of official rations and forbidden to buy foodstuffs.

Hilberg's estimate of 5.1 million, in the third edition of his book, includes over 800,000 who died from "ghettoization and general privation"; 1,400,000 killed in open-air shootings; and up to 2,900,000 who perished in camps.
Martin Gilbert arrived at a "minimum estimate" of over 5.75 million Jewish victims.Lucy Davidovich used pre-war census figures to estimate that 5.934 million Jews died (see table below)


Jews herded into ghettoes before being transefered to extermination camps.

Baltic countries - 253,000/ 228,000/ 90
Belgium 65,000/ 40,000/ 60
Bohemia and Moravia - 90,000/ 80,000/ 89
Bulgaria - 64,000 /14,000/ 22
Byelorussia SSR - 375,000 / 245,000 /65
Denmark 8,000/ 52 /<1
France 350,000 /90,000 / 26
Germany and Austria 240,000 / 210,000/ 90
Greece 70,000 / 54,000/ 77
Hungary 650,000 / 450,000/ 70
Italy 40,000 / 8,000 / 20
Luxembourg - 5,000 / 1,000 / 20
Netherlands 140,000 / 105,000/ 75
Norway 2,173 / 890 / 41
Poland 3,300,000 / 3,000,000/ 90
Romania - 600,000 / 300,000/ 50
Russian SFSR - 975,000/ 107,000 / 11
Slovakia - 90,000 / 75,000/ 83
Ukraine SSR - 1,500,000/ 900,000 / 60
Yugoslvia SSR - 43,000/ 26,000 / 60

8,861,800/ 5,933,900/ 67

First number represents pre-war census of jews in these countries,second number killed,third number percentage killed.

Now to ur big claim which you so theatrically put in big bold letters screaming at me to explain that jews were actually eliminated by the russians -lol thats easy.Just check the census pre-ww2.

It is true that during late czarist era several anti -jewish pogroms took place.U can find details here.
Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The sources are given below.What do we see from these?
Barely 5000 may have been killed in mob violence.
The main final wave resulted in most deaths 50,000 -250,000 between 1917-1922.These were largely conducted by mobs,gangs and personal armies and are nowhere near the calculated programme of destruction.
Infact all lethal pogroms largely stopped after this as bolsheviks consolidated power.It did cause an international ourcry,the reports u are putting up.

Actual results - 2million jews migrated from the russian empire -not exterminated in state controlled camps.4 million still lived well inside soviet territory.Still don't believe me?Well here's the thumbs up from ur heroes themselves -


List of jews living in europe compiled for the Wanasse conference .Presided over by rheinhard heydrich-second in command of ur beloved SS, this is from the official document.This conference dealt with the 'final solution'.Shows USSR as 5 million.so if according to you czarist russia had alreday exterminated all its 6 million jews-boy where did these come from?

Need more convincing?500,000 jews fought in red army -142,000 died.1.2% of all combat decorations were won by them?And how did this come about if russia had alreday extreminated its 6 million?


Red army original report above will confirm this.

Now soviet russia lost 20-27 million people,more than half of which were civilians.Among this number jews were only 3 million.U have conveniently forgotten the slaughter of the rest after trying to deny it .
Explain generalplan ost.Explain levelling of cities plan.
Ostkrieg: Hitler's War of Extermination in the East - Stephen G. Fritz - Google Books

This is a researched book on this topic.
Stephen j fritz is a writer with multiple books on ww2.
inauthor:"Stephen G. Fritz" - Google Search

German) M. Rössler & S. Scheiermacher (editors), Der `Generalplan Ost' Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Plaungs-und Vernichtungspolitik, Berlin, 1993.

Der Generalplan Ost

Here u will find photos of the original documents-page by page in german.
See i can do that too.

And its not just jews -

Jews 5.93 million
Soviet POWs 2–3 million
Ethnic Poles 1.8–2 million
Disabled 270,000
Romani(gypsies) 90,000–220,000
Freemasons 80,000–200,000
Slovenes 20,000–25,000
Homosexuals 5,000–15,000
Jehovah's Witnesses 2,500–5,000
Spanish Republicans 700

11 million.


14 year polish girl killed in concentration camp.Her fault? she was an ethnic pole.A slav.Disgusting.

Soviet POWs in liberated camp of malthausen.Only sick,psychopathic demented fucks could do these to people.These were once soldiers-starved and worked to death.( i can't post actual corpses so this will ahve to do)
And before u try to bring out ur bombing excuse,malthausen was in remote north west austria ...and not subject to any allied bombing of nearby infrastructure which concentrated on teh western front,ruhr and industrial regions in west germany.
And more proof.
Although not the only concentration camp where the German authorities implemented theirExtermination through labour (Vernichtung durch Arbeit), Mauthausen was one of the most brutal and severe. The conditions within the camp were considered exceptionally hard to bear, even by concentration camp standards. The inmates suffered not only from Malnutrition, overcrowded huts and constant abuse and beatings by the guards but also from exceptionally hard labour. As there were too many prisoners in Mauthausen to have all of them work in its quarry at the same time, many were put to work in workshops, or had to do other manual work, whilst the unfortunate ones who were selected to work in the quarry were only there because of their so-called "crimes" in the camp. The reasons for sending them to work in the "Punishment-Detail" were trivial, and included such "crimes" as not saluting a German passing by.

The work in the quarries – often in unbearable heat or in temperatures as low as −30 °C (−22 °F) – led to exceptionally high mortality rates. The food rations were limited, and during the 1940–1942 period(note massive continous allied bombing in earnest didn't even start before late 1942-1943), an average inmate weighed 40 kilograms (88 lb) It is estimated that the average energy content of food rations dropped from about 1,750 calories (7,300 kJ) a day during the 1940–1942 period, to between 1,150 and 1,460 calories (4,800 and 6,100 kJ) a day during the next period. In 1945 the energy content was even lower and did not exceed 600 to 1,000 calories (2,500 to 4,200 kJ) a day – less than a third of the energy needed by an average worker .

The rock-quarry in Mauthausen was at the base of the infamous "Stairs of Death". Prisoners were forced to carry roughly-hewn blocks of stone – often weighing as much as 50 kilograms (110 lb) – up the 186 stairs, one prisoner behind the other. As a result, many exhausted prisoners collapsed in front of the other prisoners in the line, and then fell on top of the other prisoners, creating a horrific effect; the first prisoner falling onto the next, and so on, all the way down the stairs.
Such brutality was not accidental. The SS guards would often force prisoners – exhausted from hours of hard labour without sufficient food and water – to race up the stairs carrying blocks of stone. Those who survived the ordeal would often be placed in a line-up at the edge of a cliff known as "The Parachutists Wall".At gun-point each prisoner would have the option of being shot or pushing the prisoner in front of him off the cliff.

Get a good knowledge of what kind of people u are defending desertfox.
Last edited by a moderator:
Torture and experimentation of Gypsy children and others -

View attachment 153642

Romani children being experimented upon by nazi doctor scum.

The most notorious of these physicians was Dr. Josef Mengele, who worked in Auschwitz. His experiments included placing subjects in pressure chambers, testing drugs on them, freezing them, attempting to change eye color by injecting chemicals into children's eyes, and various amputations and other surgeries. The full extent of his work will never be known because the truckload of records he sent to Dr the Kaiser Wilhelm institute was destroyed by von Verschuer .Subjects who survived Mengele's experiments were almost always killed and dissected shortly afterwards.

He worked extensively with Romani children. He would bring them sweets and toys, and personally take them to the gas chamber. They would call him "Onkel (Uncle) Mengele".Vera Alexander was a Jewish inmate at Auschwitz who looked after 50 sets of Romani twins:

''I remember one set of twins in particular: Guido and Ina, aged about four. One day, Mengele took them away. When they returned, they were in a terrible state: they had been sewn together, back to back, like Siamese twins. Their wounds were infected and oozing pus. They screamed day and night. Then their parents—I remember the mother's name was Stella—managed to get some morphine and they killed the children in order to end their suffering''

Nazi extermination of old,infirm and mentally ill in germany itself for being 'useless eaters'.

Letter from chief of institution for feeble-minded in Stetten to Reich Minister of justice Dr. Frank, September 6 1940.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 854.
Dear Reich Minister,

The measure being taken at present with mental patients of all kinds have caused a complete lack of confidence in justice among large groups of people. Without the consent of relatives and guardians, such patients are being transferred to different institutions. After a short time they are notified that the person concerned has died of some disease...

If the state really wants to carry out the extermination of these or at least of some mental patients, shouldn't a law be promulgated, which can be justified before the people - a law that would give everyone the assurance of careful examination as to whether he is due to die or entitled to live and which would also give the relatives a chance to be heard, in a similar way, as provided by the law for the prevention of Hereditarily affected Progeny?

Letter from Dr. Wurm, of the Wuerttemberg Evangelical Provincial Church, to Reich Minister of interior Dr. Frick, September 5 1940.
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1946, Supp. A, p. 1223.
Dear Reich Minister,

On July 19th I sent you a letter about the systematic extermination of lunatics, feeble-minded and epileptic persons. Since then this practice has reached tremendous proportions: recently the inmates of old-age homes have also been included. The basis for this practice seems to be that in an efficient nation there should be no room for weak and frail people. It is evident from the many reports which we are receiving that the people's feelings are being badly hurt by the measures ordered and that the feeling of legal insecurity is spreading which is regrettable from the point of view of national and state interest.

Letter from Dr. Hilfrich, Bishop of Limburg, to the Reich Minister of Justice, August 13 1941.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 845-846.

Regarding the report submitted on July 16 by the Chairman of the Fulda Bishops' conference, Cardinal Dr. Bertram, I consider it my duty to present the following as a concrete illustration of destruction of so-called "useless life".
About 8 Kilometers from Limburg in the little town of Hadamar, on a hill overlooking the town, there is an institution which had formerly served various purposes and of late had been used as a nursing home. This institution was renovated and furnished as a place in which, by consensus of opinion, the above mentioned Euthanasia has been systematically practiced for months- approximately since February 1941. This fact is, of course, known beyond the administrative district of Wiesbaden...

Several times a week buses arrive in Hadamard with a considerable number of such victims. School children of the vicinity know this vehicle and say "here comes the murder-box again". After the arrival of the vehicle, the citizens of Hadamar watch the smoke rise out of the chimney...

The effect of the principles at work here that children call each other names and say "you're crazy; you'll be sent to the baking oven in Hadamar"...
All God-fearing men consider this destruction of helpless beings a crass injustice...
Officials of the State Police, it is said, are trying to suppress discussions of the Hadamar occurrences by means of severe threats...
I beg you most humbly, Herr Reich Minister, in the sense of the report of the Episcopate of 16 July of this year, to prevent further transgressions of the Fifth Commandment of God.
Letter from Reichsfuehrer-SS
Himmler to SS-Oberfuehrer Brack, 19 December 1940.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 856.

Dear Brack,

I hear there is great excitement on the Alb because of the Grafeneck Institution.

The population recognizes the gray automobiles of the SS and think they know what is going on at the constantly smoking crematory. What happens there is a secret and yet is no longer one. Thus the worst feeling has arisen there, and in my opinion there remains only one thing, to discontinue the use of the institution in this place and in any event disseminate information in a clever and sensible manner by showing motion pictures on the subject of inherited and mental diseases in just that locality.

May I ask for a report as to how the difficult problem is solved?

Then there is also the testimony of brack himself.
Last edited by a moderator:
1.The modern estimate stands at 1.1 million killed at auschwitz.90% or about a million being jews.Auschwitz gets the hype because it was the largest extermination camp.Wrong the number doesn't say 6 million were 'gassed'-it says around 6 million were killed.
Here's a list of modern estimates of gassing -

Camp name
- Killed
Belzec- 600,000
Majdanek -360,000
Maly Trostinets-65,000
Sobibor -250,000
Treblinka -870,000

This amounts to around 3.5 million gassed.
We can confirm from einsatzgruppen deathbrigade reports that around 2 million were killed either by shooting(then dumped in mass graves)or gassing vans(from 1942 for women and children).There are numerous pictures,survivor and perpretrator testimonies and actual mass garves discovered .Plus above all actual einsatzgruppen documents signed by nazi officials depicting the progress.
250,000 are also said to have died in death marches.
Plus thousands to starvation in ghettos.
View attachment 153521

Child starving to death on the streets of a ghetto.Ghettos were given 10-20% of official rations and forbidden to buy foodstuffs.

Hilberg's estimate of 5.1 million, in the third edition of his book, includes over 800,000 who died from "ghettoization and general privation"; 1,400,000 killed in open-air shootings; and up to 2,900,000 who perished in camps.
Martin Gilbert arrived at a "minimum estimate" of over 5.75 million Jewish victims.Lucy Davidovich used pre-war census figures to estimate that 5.934 million Jews died (see table below)

View attachment 153599
Jews herded into ghettoes before being transefered to extermination camps.

Baltic countries - 253,000/ 228,000/ 90
Belgium 65,000/ 40,000/ 60
Bohemia and Moravia - 90,000/ 80,000/ 89
Bulgaria - 64,000 /14,000/ 22
Byelorussia SSR - 375,000 / 245,000 /65
Denmark 8,000/ 52 /<1
France 350,000 /90,000 / 26
Germany and Austria 240,000 / 210,000/ 90
Greece 70,000 / 54,000/ 77
Hungary 650,000 / 450,000/ 70
Italy 40,000 / 8,000 / 20
Luxembourg - 5,000 / 1,000 / 20
Netherlands 140,000 / 105,000/ 75
Norway 2,173 / 890 / 41
Poland 3,300,000 / 3,000,000/ 90
Romania - 600,000 / 300,000/ 50
Russian SFSR - 975,000/ 107,000 / 11
Slovakia - 90,000 / 75,000/ 83
Ukraine SSR - 1,500,000/ 900,000 / 60
Yugoslvia SSR - 43,000/ 26,000 / 60

8,861,800/ 5,933,900/ 67

First number represents pre-war census of jews in these countries,second number killed,third number percentage killed.

Now to ur big claim which you so theatrically put in big bold letters screaming at me to explain that jews were actually eliminated by the russians -lol thats easy.Just check the census pre-ww2.

It is true that during late czarist era several anti -jewish pogroms took place.U can find details here.
Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The sources are given below.What do we see from these?
Barely 5000 may have been killed in mob violence.
The main final wave resulted in most deaths 50,000 -250,000 between 1917-1922.These were largely conducted by mobs,gangs and personal armies and are nowhere near the calculated programme of destruction.
Infact all lethal pogroms largely stopped after this as bolsheviks consolidated power.It did cause an international ourcry,the reports u are putting up.

Actual results - 2million jews migrated from the russian empire -not exterminated in state controlled camps.4 million still lived well inside soviet territory.Still don't believe me?Well here's the thumbs up from ur heroes themselves -

View attachment 153589

List of jews living in europe compiled for the Wanasse conference .Presided over by rheinhard heydrich-second in command of ur beloved SS, this is from the official document.This conference dealt with the 'final solution'.Shows USSR as 5 million.so if according to you czarist russia had alreday exterminated all its 6 million jews-boy where did these come from?

Need more convincing?500,000 jews fought in red army -142,000 died.1.2% of all combat decorations were won by them?And how did this come about if russia had alreday extreminated its 6 million?

View attachment 153600

Red army original report above will confirm this.

Now soviet russia lost 20-27 million people,more than half of which were civilians.Among this number jews were only 3 million.U have conveniently forgotten the slaughter of the rest after trying to deny it .
Explain generalplan ost.Explain levelling of cities plan.
Ostkrieg: Hitler's War of Extermination in the East - Stephen G. Fritz - Google Books

This is a researched book on this topic.
Stephen j fritz is a writer with multiple books on ww2.
inauthor:"Stephen G. Fritz" - Google Search

German) M. Rössler & S. Scheiermacher (editors), Der `Generalplan Ost' Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Plaungs-und Vernichtungspolitik, Berlin, 1993.

Der Generalplan Ost

Here u will find photos of the original documents-page by page in german.
See i can do that too.

And its not just jews -

Jews 5.93 million
Soviet POWs 2–3 million
Ethnic Poles 1.8–2 million
Disabled 270,000
Romani(gypsies) 90,000–220,000
Freemasons 80,000–200,000
Slovenes 20,000–25,000
Homosexuals 5,000–15,000
Jehovah's Witnesses 2,500–5,000
Spanish Republicans 700

11 million.

View attachment 153604

14 year polish girl killed in concentration camp.Her fault? she was an ethnic pole.A slav.Disgusting.

View attachment 153611

Soviet POWs in liberated camp of malthausen.Only sick,psychopathic demented fucks could do these to people.These were once soldiers-starved and worked to death.( i can't post actual corpses so this will ahve to do)
And before u try to bring out ur bombing excuse,malthausen was in remote north west austria ...and not subject to any allied bombing of nearby infrastructure which concentrated on teh western front,ruhr and industrial regions in west germany.
And more proof.
Although not the only concentration camp where the German authorities implemented theirExtermination through labour (Vernichtung durch Arbeit), Mauthausen was one of the most brutal and severe. The conditions within the camp were considered exceptionally hard to bear, even by concentration camp standards. The inmates suffered not only from Malnutrition, overcrowded huts and constant abuse and beatings by the guards but also from exceptionally hard labour. As there were too many prisoners in Mauthausen to have all of them work in its quarry at the same time, many were put to work in workshops, or had to do other manual work, whilst the unfortunate ones who were selected to work in the quarry were only there because of their so-called "crimes" in the camp. The reasons for sending them to work in the "Punishment-Detail" were trivial, and included such "crimes" as not saluting a German passing by.

The work in the quarries – often in unbearable heat or in temperatures as low as −30 °C (−22 °F) – led to exceptionally high mortality rates. The food rations were limited, and during the 1940–1942 period(note massive continous allied bombing in earnest didn't even start before late 1942-1943), an average inmate weighed 40 kilograms (88 lb) It is estimated that the average energy content of food rations dropped from about 1,750 calories (7,300 kJ) a day during the 1940–1942 period, to between 1,150 and 1,460 calories (4,800 and 6,100 kJ) a day during the next period. In 1945 the energy content was even lower and did not exceed 600 to 1,000 calories (2,500 to 4,200 kJ) a day – less than a third of the energy needed by an average worker .
View attachment 153629

The rock-quarry in Mauthausen was at the base of the infamous "Stairs of Death". Prisoners were forced to carry roughly-hewn blocks of stone – often weighing as much as 50 kilograms (110 lb) – up the 186 stairs, one prisoner behind the other. As a result, many exhausted prisoners collapsed in front of the other prisoners in the line, and then fell on top of the other prisoners, creating a horrific effect; the first prisoner falling onto the next, and so on, all the way down the stairs.
Such brutality was not accidental. The SS guards would often force prisoners – exhausted from hours of hard labour without sufficient food and water – to race up the stairs carrying blocks of stone. Those who survived the ordeal would often be placed in a line-up at the edge of a cliff known as "The Parachutists Wall".At gun-point each prisoner would have the option of being shot or pushing the prisoner in front of him off the cliff.

Get a good knowledge of what kind of people u are defending desertfox.
Torture and experimentation of Gypsy children and others -

View attachment 153642

Romani children being experimented upon by nazi doctor scum.

The most notorious of these physicians was Dr. Josef Mengele, who worked in Auschwitz. His experiments included placing subjects in pressure chambers, testing drugs on them, freezing them, attempting to change eye color by injecting chemicals into children's eyes, and various amputations and other surgeries. The full extent of his work will never be known because the truckload of records he sent to Dr the Kaiser Wilhelm institute was destroyed by von Verschuer .Subjects who survived Mengele's experiments were almost always killed and dissected shortly afterwards.

He worked extensively with Romani children. He would bring them sweets and toys, and personally take them to the gas chamber. They would call him "Onkel (Uncle) Mengele".Vera Alexander was a Jewish inmate at Auschwitz who looked after 50 sets of Romani twins:

''I remember one set of twins in particular: Guido and Ina, aged about four. One day, Mengele took them away. When they returned, they were in a terrible state: they had been sewn together, back to back, like Siamese twins. Their wounds were infected and oozing pus. They screamed day and night. Then their parents—I remember the mother's name was Stella—managed to get some morphine and they killed the children in order to end their suffering''

Nazi extermination of old,infirm and mentally ill in germany itself for being 'useless eaters'.

Letter from chief of institution for feeble-minded in Stetten to Reich Minister of justice Dr. Frank, September 6 1940.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 854.
Dear Reich Minister,

The measure being taken at present with mental patients of all kinds have caused a complete lack of confidence in justice among large groups of people. Without the consent of relatives and guardians, such patients are being transferred to different institutions. After a short time they are notified that the person concerned has died of some disease...

If the state really wants to carry out the extermination of these or at least of some mental patients, shouldn't a law be promulgated, which can be justified before the people - a law that would give everyone the assurance of careful examination as to whether he is due to die or entitled to live and which would also give the relatives a chance to be heard, in a similar way, as provided by the law for the prevention of Hereditarily affected Progeny?

Letter from Dr. Wurm, of the Wuerttemberg Evangelical Provincial Church, to Reich Minister of interior Dr. Frick, September 5 1940.
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1946, Supp. A, p. 1223.
Dear Reich Minister,

On July 19th I sent you a letter about the systematic extermination of lunatics, feeble-minded and epileptic persons. Since then this practice has reached tremendous proportions: recently the inmates of old-age homes have also been included. The basis for this practice seems to be that in an efficient nation there should be no room for weak and frail people. It is evident from the many reports which we are receiving that the people's feelings are being badly hurt by the measures ordered and that the feeling of legal insecurity is spreading which is regrettable from the point of view of national and state interest.

Letter from Dr. Hilfrich, Bishop of Limburg, to the Reich Minister of Justice, August 13 1941.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 845-846.

Regarding the report submitted on July 16 by the Chairman of the Fulda Bishops' conference, Cardinal Dr. Bertram, I consider it my duty to present the following as a concrete illustration of destruction of so-called "useless life".
About 8 Kilometers from Limburg in the little town of Hadamar, on a hill overlooking the town, there is an institution which had formerly served various purposes and of late had been used as a nursing home. This institution was renovated and furnished as a place in which, by consensus of opinion, the above mentioned Euthanasia has been systematically practiced for months- approximately since February 1941. This fact is, of course, known beyond the administrative district of Wiesbaden...

Several times a week buses arrive in Hadamard with a considerable number of such victims. School children of the vicinity know this vehicle and say "here comes the murder-box again". After the arrival of the vehicle, the citizens of Hadamar watch the smoke rise out of the chimney...

The effect of the principles at work here that children call each other names and say "you're crazy; you'll be sent to the baking oven in Hadamar"...
All God-fearing men consider this destruction of helpless beings a crass injustice...
Officials of the State Police, it is said, are trying to suppress discussions of the Hadamar occurrences by means of severe threats...
I beg you most humbly, Herr Reich Minister, in the sense of the report of the Episcopate of 16 July of this year, to prevent further transgressions of the Fifth Commandment of God.
Letter from Reichsfuehrer-SS
Himmler to SS-Oberfuehrer Brack, 19 December 1940.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 856.

Dear Brack,

I hear there is great excitement on the Alb because of the Grafeneck Institution.

The population recognizes the gray automobiles of the SS and think they know what is going on at the constantly smoking crematory. What happens there is a secret and yet is no longer one. Thus the worst feeling has arisen there, and in my opinion there remains only one thing, to discontinue the use of the institution in this place and in any event disseminate information in a clever and sensible manner by showing motion pictures on the subject of inherited and mental diseases in just that locality.

May I ask for a report as to how the difficult problem is solved?

Then there is also the testimony of brack himself.
No one's running away from your silly arguments, most of which are based on concocted evidence in the form of so called Nazi "confessions" extracted through torture, so called "eyewitness testimonies" which contradict other eyewitness testimonies, and a bunch of pictures of dead bodies and emaciated camp inmates, which really don't prove anything other than the fact that they starved to death due to allied bombings on German transportation networks.
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