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BTW, i thought posting graphic images was against forum rules @Horus @WebMaster @Manticore @Oscar

I wonder what's with you and the nazis... Let's face it .. Some were like Deaert Fox (honourable and all) some were nuts ..but as we know history is written by the victors .... One would hardly hear or read about war crimes committed by allies of the Russians... But it happened and ordinary people suffered..
No one's running away from your silly arguments, most of which are based on concocted evidence in the form of so called Nazi "confessions" extracted through torture, so called "eyewitness testimonies" which contradict other eyewitness testimonies, and a bunch of pictures of dead bodies and emaciated camp inmates, which really don't prove anything other than the fact that they starved to death due to allied bombings on German transportation networks.

Got nothing else,the last stand?Refute each of the original documents as u promised.
@AUSTERLITZ Since You Believe Pictures Are Evidence:

Just Look At Those Poor Starving Jews Playing Orchestras While Being Gassed At Auschwitz:






"Auschwitz, Poland, The camp orchestra playing on Sunday for the SS"

Auschwitz, Poland, The camp orchestra playing on Sunday for the SS, 1942-1943 - Auschwitz, Poland, Identification snapshots of prisoners and family photographs that were found in the camp after its liberation



Know the background boy before posting anything.

The Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz, or the Girls' Orchestra of Auschwitz, was a female orchestra at Auschwitz concentration camp, which was created in June 1943 by a Polish music teacher, Mrs. Zofia Czajkowska, by order of the SS. The members were young female prisoners, whose membership in the orchestra protected them from being gassed in the gas chamber, or from being worked to death. Czajkowska was eventually replaced as conductor by Alma Rosé, niece of Gustav Mahler. Rosé had been the conductor of a women's orchestra in her hometown of Vienna.

The orchestra played at the gate when the work gangs went out, and when they returned. During the final stages of the Holocaust, when the mass deportations of Jews from Eastern Europe occurred and large numbers of Jews were sent directly to the gas chambers, the orchestra played in order to put the minds of the victims at ease. The music preserved the illusion that the Jews were being transported "to the East", and allowed the SS to kill more efficiently.

The Purpose of These Bands

One of the most important uses of official camp orchestras was – as evident in Primo Levi’s quote – the coordination of the marching labour commandos to the inexorable rhythm of the music, which many inmates sensed only subliminally because of exhaustion and apathy. Krystyna Zywluska explained:

we often returned from the field with a comrade‘s corpse in our arms and had to march to the beat of the music with our left leg.

In contrast to this, Franz Danimann described how the Leonore overture from Beethoven’s Fidelio, performed by the official band during roll call in the summer of 1943, strengthened his will to survive:

I was aware of the similarity of our situation to Florestan’s in the last act. He should have died as witness to Pizarro’s misdeeds, just as the SS pursued the destruction of the prisoners. But the music warned us not to despair and lose hope.

The use of incidental and background music for public punishments and executions was a demonstration of unlimited SS power. The trumpeter Herman Sachnowitz, among others, described his duties in Monowitz as follows:

Every morning we played as the inmate work crews departed; the same in the evening, when they returned to the camp [...]. We also played on other occasions, especially during executions, which usually occurred on Sunday afternoons or evenings [...]. Perhaps they intended to drown out the last protests and final curses with music. A grotesque spectacle that had been ordered at the highest level. And the SS men surrounded us with loaded weapons.

Additional assignments for camp bands included appearances for ceremonial obligations, such as Nazi holidays or inspections tours. In the main camp, the band performed for the entertainment of camp commandant SS-Obersturmführer Rudolf Höss, but on some Sundays also for the inmates, if the prisoners were not using these few work-free hours for physical recovery or did not reject this imposed cultural entertainment. In addition to such public concerts, some prisoners participated at band rehearsals and other semi-official offerings. This example reveals that official bands provided important stimuli to the self-initiated musical life in the camps, especially for instrumental music, since additional and sometimes clandestine music groups could be created near official bands, simplifying the multiple use of musical instruments.

Members of the camp bands were also required to play unofficial private performances for the guards. Helena Dunicz-Niwinska, for example, often received the command, in the evening, that the Birkenau women’s orchestra assemble for a performance in the SS barrack overseer’s guardhouse. Then 'the connoisseurs among the SS-ranks, arriving after the selection, listened to works by Grieg, Schumann, and Mozart, in order to relax.' Although the upper ranks of Auschwitz personnel were musically literate and especially interested in classical music, the lower ranks organised musical entertainment from small ensembles picked from the official orchestras or chose individual inmates as compliant musical slaves, to supplement their drinking-bouts, orgies and parties. The other prisoners often looked on inmate musicians with envy and contempt. But in the extreme camp situation, musical knowledge was useful for obtaining extra food rations as appreciation for performing for the SS, 'VIPs' and influential prisoner functionaries. Members of the camp band in Auschwitz I, for example, formed a small jazz combo of Dutch jazz and dance musicians around the trumpeter Lex van Weren, as he recalled in a letter. They performed spontaneously in many prisoner barracks from September 1944 until the camp was evacuated on 18 January 1945:

We went to various barracks and then played for the other prisoners. We received bread, wurst, and jam from the prominent prisoners and sometimes we also got cigarettes, which we could exchange for other items.

In Birkenau, inmate musicians were compelled to fulfil repulsive tasks, which left an indelible sense of guilt and depression among many surviving musicians. Camp bands were sometimes required to play adjacent to the railway platform during selections in order to deceive new arrivals. Erika Rothschild recalled being

driven from the cattle cars and lined up [...]. In addition, a band, consisting of the best inmate musicians, played, and depending on the origins of the transport, they performed Polish, Czech, or Hungarian folk music. The band played, the SS tormented, and there was no time to think [...] one person was driven into camp, the other to the crematorium.

Helena Dunicz-Niwinska, a member of the Birkenau women‘s orchestra, described the reactions of newly arrived prisoners: 'Frequently someone listened avidly to the sounds of music, someone often reached their hand across [...].' However, not all the newly-arriving prisoners were deceived by this musical 'welcome greeting'. It also remains clear that the arrival of new transports, the selections or the walk into the gas chamber were not as a matter of principle accompanied by music, but only occasionally.

Fackler, G., 2000. "Des Lagers Stimme"– Musik im KZ. Alltag und Häftlingskultur in den Konzentrationslagern 1933 bis 1936, Bremen: Temmen.
Knapp, G., 1996. Das Frauenorchester in Auschwitz, Hamburg: von Bockel.
Fénelon, Fania: Playing for Time: The Musicians of Auschwitz. Translated from the French by Judith Landry. New York 1977. )
1.The modern estimate stands at 1.1 million killed at auschwitz.90% or about a million being jews.Auschwitz gets the hype because it was the largest extermination camp.Wrong the number doesn't say 6 million were 'gassed'-it says around 6 million were killed.
Here's a list of modern estimates of gassing -

Camp name
- Killed
Belzec- 600,000
Majdanek -360,000
Maly Trostinets-65,000
Sobibor -250,000
Treblinka -870,000

This amounts to around 3.5 million gassed.
We can confirm from einsatzgruppen deathbrigade reports that around 2 million were killed either by shooting(then dumped in mass graves)or gassing vans(from 1942 for women and children).There are numerous pictures,survivor and perpretrator testimonies and actual mass garves discovered .Plus above all actual einsatzgruppen documents signed by nazi officials depicting the progress.
250,000 are also said to have died in death marches.
Plus thousands to starvation in ghettos.
View attachment 153521

Child starving to death on the streets of a ghetto.Ghettos were given 10-20% of official rations and forbidden to buy foodstuffs.

Hilberg's estimate of 5.1 million, in the third edition of his book, includes over 800,000 who died from "ghettoization and general privation"; 1,400,000 killed in open-air shootings; and up to 2,900,000 who perished in camps.
Martin Gilbert arrived at a "minimum estimate" of over 5.75 million Jewish victims.Lucy Davidovich used pre-war census figures to estimate that 5.934 million Jews died (see table below)

View attachment 153599
Jews herded into ghettoes before being transefered to extermination camps.

Baltic countries - 253,000/ 228,000/ 90
Belgium 65,000/ 40,000/ 60
Bohemia and Moravia - 90,000/ 80,000/ 89
Bulgaria - 64,000 /14,000/ 22
Byelorussia SSR - 375,000 / 245,000 /65
Denmark 8,000/ 52 /<1
France 350,000 /90,000 / 26
Germany and Austria 240,000 / 210,000/ 90
Greece 70,000 / 54,000/ 77
Hungary 650,000 / 450,000/ 70
Italy 40,000 / 8,000 / 20
Luxembourg - 5,000 / 1,000 / 20
Netherlands 140,000 / 105,000/ 75
Norway 2,173 / 890 / 41
Poland 3,300,000 / 3,000,000/ 90
Romania - 600,000 / 300,000/ 50
Russian SFSR - 975,000/ 107,000 / 11
Slovakia - 90,000 / 75,000/ 83
Ukraine SSR - 1,500,000/ 900,000 / 60
Yugoslvia SSR - 43,000/ 26,000 / 60

8,861,800/ 5,933,900/ 67

First number represents pre-war census of jews in these countries,second number killed,third number percentage killed.

Now to ur big claim which you so theatrically put in big bold letters screaming at me to explain that jews were actually eliminated by the russians -lol thats easy.Just check the census pre-ww2.

It is true that during late czarist era several anti -jewish pogroms took place.U can find details here.
Anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The sources are given below.What do we see from these?
Barely 5000 may have been killed in mob violence.
The main final wave resulted in most deaths 50,000 -250,000 between 1917-1922.These were largely conducted by mobs,gangs and personal armies and are nowhere near the calculated programme of destruction.
Infact all lethal pogroms largely stopped after this as bolsheviks consolidated power.It did cause an international ourcry,the reports u are putting up.

Actual results - 2million jews migrated from the russian empire -not exterminated in state controlled camps.4 million still lived well inside soviet territory.Still don't believe me?Well here's the thumbs up from ur heroes themselves -

View attachment 153589

List of jews living in europe compiled for the Wanasse conference .Presided over by rheinhard heydrich-second in command of ur beloved SS, this is from the official document.This conference dealt with the 'final solution'.Shows USSR as 5 million.so if according to you czarist russia had alreday exterminated all its 6 million jews-boy where did these come from?

Need more convincing?500,000 jews fought in red army -142,000 died.1.2% of all combat decorations were won by them?And how did this come about if russia had alreday extreminated its 6 million?

View attachment 153600

Red army original report above will confirm this.

Now soviet russia lost 20-27 million people,more than half of which were civilians.Among this number jews were only 3 million.U have conveniently forgotten the slaughter of the rest after trying to deny it .
Explain generalplan ost.Explain levelling of cities plan.
Ostkrieg: Hitler's War of Extermination in the East - Stephen G. Fritz - Google Books

This is a researched book on this topic.
Stephen j fritz is a writer with multiple books on ww2.
inauthor:"Stephen G. Fritz" - Google Search

German) M. Rössler & S. Scheiermacher (editors), Der `Generalplan Ost' Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Plaungs-und Vernichtungspolitik, Berlin, 1993.

Der Generalplan Ost

Here u will find photos of the original documents-page by page in german.
See i can do that too.

And its not just jews -

Jews 5.93 million
Soviet POWs 2–3 million
Ethnic Poles 1.8–2 million
Disabled 270,000
Romani(gypsies) 90,000–220,000
Freemasons 80,000–200,000
Slovenes 20,000–25,000
Homosexuals 5,000–15,000
Jehovah's Witnesses 2,500–5,000
Spanish Republicans 700

11 million.

View attachment 153604

14 year polish girl killed in concentration camp.Her fault? she was an ethnic pole.A slav.Disgusting.

View attachment 153611

Soviet POWs in liberated camp of malthausen.Only sick,psychopathic demented fucks could do these to people.These were once soldiers-starved and worked to death.( i can't post actual corpses so this will ahve to do)
And before u try to bring out ur bombing excuse,malthausen was in remote north west austria ...and not subject to any allied bombing of nearby infrastructure which concentrated on teh western front,ruhr and industrial regions in west germany.
And more proof.
Although not the only concentration camp where the German authorities implemented theirExtermination through labour (Vernichtung durch Arbeit), Mauthausen was one of the most brutal and severe. The conditions within the camp were considered exceptionally hard to bear, even by concentration camp standards. The inmates suffered not only from Malnutrition, overcrowded huts and constant abuse and beatings by the guards but also from exceptionally hard labour. As there were too many prisoners in Mauthausen to have all of them work in its quarry at the same time, many were put to work in workshops, or had to do other manual work, whilst the unfortunate ones who were selected to work in the quarry were only there because of their so-called "crimes" in the camp. The reasons for sending them to work in the "Punishment-Detail" were trivial, and included such "crimes" as not saluting a German passing by.

The work in the quarries – often in unbearable heat or in temperatures as low as −30 °C (−22 °F) – led to exceptionally high mortality rates. The food rations were limited, and during the 1940–1942 period(note massive continous allied bombing in earnest didn't even start before late 1942-1943), an average inmate weighed 40 kilograms (88 lb) It is estimated that the average energy content of food rations dropped from about 1,750 calories (7,300 kJ) a day during the 1940–1942 period, to between 1,150 and 1,460 calories (4,800 and 6,100 kJ) a day during the next period. In 1945 the energy content was even lower and did not exceed 600 to 1,000 calories (2,500 to 4,200 kJ) a day – less than a third of the energy needed by an average worker .
View attachment 153629

The rock-quarry in Mauthausen was at the base of the infamous "Stairs of Death". Prisoners were forced to carry roughly-hewn blocks of stone – often weighing as much as 50 kilograms (110 lb) – up the 186 stairs, one prisoner behind the other. As a result, many exhausted prisoners collapsed in front of the other prisoners in the line, and then fell on top of the other prisoners, creating a horrific effect; the first prisoner falling onto the next, and so on, all the way down the stairs.
Such brutality was not accidental. The SS guards would often force prisoners – exhausted from hours of hard labour without sufficient food and water – to race up the stairs carrying blocks of stone. Those who survived the ordeal would often be placed in a line-up at the edge of a cliff known as "The Parachutists Wall".At gun-point each prisoner would have the option of being shot or pushing the prisoner in front of him off the cliff.

Get a good knowledge of what kind of people u are defending desertfox.

6 Million Corpses, Yet No Autopsy That Jews Ever Gassed. Why??

"When American and British forces overran western and central Germany in the spring of 1945, they were followed by troops charged with discovering and securing any evidence of German war crimes.

Among them was Dr. Charles Larson, one of America's leading forensic pathologists, who was assigned to the US Army's Judge Advocate General's Department. As part of a US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. After his grim work at Dachau, he was questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors. [1]

Dr. Larson's findings? In an 1980 newspaper interview he said: "What we've heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax." [2] And what part was the hoax? Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he "was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European Theater" of Allied military operations, [3] confirmed that "never was a case of poison gas uncovered." [4]"

The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies

I'm not running away, certainly not, im only using your own tactics.

There is no tactics..i have provided original documents,pictures,testimonies,quotes from diaries,reserach sources....u have nothing.
Refute the original documents at least...as u have said all along..
U started strong on this thread but seem to have no argument left..can't refute the documents..trying to somehow justify the horrific pictures,just blabbering now.
Know the background boy before posting anything.

The Women's Orchestra of Auschwitz, or the Girls' Orchestra of Auschwitz, was a female orchestra at Auschwitz concentration camp, which was created in June 1943 by a Polish music teacher, Mrs. Zofia Czajkowska, by order of the SS. The members were young female prisoners, whose membership in the orchestra protected them from being gassed in the gas chamber, or from being worked to death. Czajkowska was eventually replaced as conductor by Alma Rosé, niece of Gustav Mahler. Rosé had been the conductor of a women's orchestra in her hometown of Vienna.

The orchestra played at the gate when the work gangs went out, and when they returned. During the final stages of the Holocaust, when the mass deportations of Jews from Eastern Europe occurred and large numbers of Jews were sent directly to the gas chambers, the orchestra played in order to put the minds of the victims at ease. The music preserved the illusion that the Jews were being transported "to the East", and allowed the SS to kill more efficiently.

The Purpose of These Bands

One of the most important uses of official camp orchestras was – as evident in Primo Levi’s quote – the coordination of the marching labour commandos to the inexorable rhythm of the music, which many inmates sensed only subliminally because of exhaustion and apathy. Krystyna Zywluska explained:

we often returned from the field with a comrade‘s corpse in our arms and had to march to the beat of the music with our left leg.

In contrast to this, Franz Danimann described how the Leonore overture from Beethoven’s Fidelio, performed by the official band during roll call in the summer of 1943, strengthened his will to survive:

I was aware of the similarity of our situation to Florestan’s in the last act. He should have died as witness to Pizarro’s misdeeds, just as the SS pursued the destruction of the prisoners. But the music warned us not to despair and lose hope.

The use of incidental and background music for public punishments and executions was a demonstration of unlimited SS power. The trumpeter Herman Sachnowitz, among others, described his duties in Monowitz as follows:

Every morning we played as the inmate work crews departed; the same in the evening, when they returned to the camp [...]. We also played on other occasions, especially during executions, which usually occurred on Sunday afternoons or evenings [...]. Perhaps they intended to drown out the last protests and final curses with music. A grotesque spectacle that had been ordered at the highest level. And the SS men surrounded us with loaded weapons.

Additional assignments for camp bands included appearances for ceremonial obligations, such as Nazi holidays or inspections tours. In the main camp, the band performed for the entertainment of camp commandant SS-Obersturmführer Rudolf Höss, but on some Sundays also for the inmates, if the prisoners were not using these few work-free hours for physical recovery or did not reject this imposed cultural entertainment. In addition to such public concerts, some prisoners participated at band rehearsals and other semi-official offerings. This example reveals that official bands provided important stimuli to the self-initiated musical life in the camps, especially for instrumental music, since additional and sometimes clandestine music groups could be created near official bands, simplifying the multiple use of musical instruments.

Members of the camp bands were also required to play unofficial private performances for the guards. Helena Dunicz-Niwinska, for example, often received the command, in the evening, that the Birkenau women’s orchestra assemble for a performance in the SS barrack overseer’s guardhouse. Then 'the connoisseurs among the SS-ranks, arriving after the selection, listened to works by Grieg, Schumann, and Mozart, in order to relax.' Although the upper ranks of Auschwitz personnel were musically literate and especially interested in classical music, the lower ranks organised musical entertainment from small ensembles picked from the official orchestras or chose individual inmates as compliant musical slaves, to supplement their drinking-bouts, orgies and parties. The other prisoners often looked on inmate musicians with envy and contempt. But in the extreme camp situation, musical knowledge was useful for obtaining extra food rations as appreciation for performing for the SS, 'VIPs' and influential prisoner functionaries. Members of the camp band in Auschwitz I, for example, formed a small jazz combo of Dutch jazz and dance musicians around the trumpeter Lex van Weren, as he recalled in a letter. They performed spontaneously in many prisoner barracks from September 1944 until the camp was evacuated on 18 January 1945:

We went to various barracks and then played for the other prisoners. We received bread, wurst, and jam from the prominent prisoners and sometimes we also got cigarettes, which we could exchange for other items.

In Birkenau, inmate musicians were compelled to fulfil repulsive tasks, which left an indelible sense of guilt and depression among many surviving musicians. Camp bands were sometimes required to play adjacent to the railway platform during selections in order to deceive new arrivals. Erika Rothschild recalled being

driven from the cattle cars and lined up [...]. In addition, a band, consisting of the best inmate musicians, played, and depending on the origins of the transport, they performed Polish, Czech, or Hungarian folk music. The band played, the SS tormented, and there was no time to think [...] one person was driven into camp, the other to the crematorium.

Helena Dunicz-Niwinska, a member of the Birkenau women‘s orchestra, described the reactions of newly arrived prisoners: 'Frequently someone listened avidly to the sounds of music, someone often reached their hand across [...].' However, not all the newly-arriving prisoners were deceived by this musical 'welcome greeting'. It also remains clear that the arrival of new transports, the selections or the walk into the gas chamber were not as a matter of principle accompanied by music, but only occasionally.

Fackler, G., 2000. "Des Lagers Stimme"– Musik im KZ. Alltag und Häftlingskultur in den Konzentrationslagern 1933 bis 1936, Bremen: Temmen.
Knapp, G., 1996. Das Frauenorchester in Auschwitz, Hamburg: von Bockel.
Fénelon, Fania: Playing for Time: The Musicians of Auschwitz. Translated from the French by Judith Landry. New York 1977. )

You certainly lack common sense, boy.

So you're telling me evil Nazis allowed poor Jews to listen to music which other poor and starving Jews played so cooperatively??

Did the evil Nazis have some sort of woodoo or black magic through which they were so easily able to both torture their Jewish prisoners while also having the very prisoners play music??
There is no tactics..i have provided original documents,pictures,testimonies,quotes from diaries,reserach sources....u have nothing.
Refute the original documents at least...as u have said all along..
U started strong on this thread but seem to have no argument left..can't refute the documents..trying to somehow justify the horrific pictures,just blabbering now.
I already refuted concocted document you posted.

You just came back and reworded the same stuff i refuted and posted it as new.

So i'm certainly not going to bother refuting what i already refuted.
6 Million Corpses, Yet No Autopsy That Jews Ever Gassed. Why??

"When American and British forces overran western and central Germany in the spring of 1945, they were followed by troops charged with discovering and securing any evidence of German war crimes.

Among them was Dr. Charles Larson, one of America's leading forensic pathologists, who was assigned to the US Army's Judge Advocate General's Department. As part of a US War Crimes Investigation Team, Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other German camps, examining on some days more than 100 corpses. After his grim work at Dachau, he was questioned for three days by US Army prosecutors. [1]

Dr. Larson's findings? In an 1980 newspaper interview he said: "What we've heard is that six million Jews were exterminated. Part of that is a hoax." [2] And what part was the hoax? Dr. Larson, who told his biographer that to his knowledge he "was the only forensic pathologist on duty in the entire European Theater" of Allied military operations, [3] confirmed that "never was a case of poison gas uncovered." [4]"

The Liberation of the Camps: Facts vs. Lies

So you picked out a newspaper article of one author as 'proof'?

''I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people. It's one of those things that is easily said: 'The Jewish people are being exterminated', says every party member, 'this is very obvious, it's in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination, we're doing it, hah, a small matter.'
In case u want proof.


Original page of the final edition manuscript of the speech authorised by himmler.

File:Himmler Posen Speech - Extermination of the Jews excerpt, Oct 4, 1943.ogg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

After reading and hearing teh above speech,u think u can make the world believe that conc camps were just disposal sites for bodies killed by allied bombing and starvation - knock urself out.

Gas Chambers Overview

Here u will find designs of the crematorium,pictures of the gas chambers.Even photos of scores of naked dead bodies being prepared to be cremated.
How do we know the Nazis used gas chambers to kill people en masse? A convergence of evidence from various sources:

1. Written documents--Orders for Zyklon-B gas, blueprints and orders for building materials for the crematoria, etc.

2. Eyewitness testimony--Sonderkommando diaries, confessions of guards and commandants, etc.

3. Photographs--Not only of the camps, but especially interesting are the secret photos taken of the burning of bodies that were smuggled out of Auschwitz.

4. The camps themselves--forensic tests have now been conducted demonstrating the homicidal use of both the gas chambers and the crematoria for the express purpose of exterminating large numbers of prisoners (Pressac, 1989; Pressac and Van Pelt, 1994).

5. Negative evidence--we have documentation of the numbers of prisoners shipped to the various camps, the numbers that were transferred, and the number liberated. The difference between the latter with the former two figures gives an approximation of the numbers who died or were killed (see Hilberg, 1961).

I can produce letters signed by camp commandants ordering resupply of poison gas in large quantities.

The History of the "Business With Disease" | The Dr. Rath Health Foundation

The ss tie up with IG farben phramceuticals.On April 14, 1941 , in Ludwigshafen , Otto Armbrust, the IG Farben board member responsible for the Auschwitz project, stated to his IG Farben board colleagues, "our new friendship with the SS is a blessing. We have determined all measures integrating the concentration camps to benefit our company."

A huge IG farben pharmaceuticals built within 3 kms of auschwitz-see map.

Now stop running,refute -

Ha,look who is desperate.First u calimed slavs enjoyed being treated under nazi rule.My answer was this -

Forced Labor 1939 - 1945:

After that i recieved no answer from u on this,u fled because u recognized how ridiculous u would look.

U asked for sources on generalplan ost and the crimes in the east.
Ostkrieg: Hitler's War of Extermination in the East - Stephen G. Fritz - Google Books

This is a researched book on this topic.
Stephen j fritz is a writer with multiple books on ww2.
inauthor:"Stephen G. Fritz" - Google Search

German) M. Rössler & S. Scheiermacher (editors), Der `Generalplan Ost' Hauptlinien der nationalsozialistischen Plaungs-und Vernichtungspolitik, Berlin, 1993.

Der Generalplan Ost

Here u will find photos of the original documents-page by page in german.
I already refuted concocted document you posted.

You just came back and reworded the same stuff i refuted and posted it as new.

So i'm certainly not going to bother refuting what i already refuted.

You actually have nothing to refute..because u can't.But don't bother,i have enjoyed thrashing you post by post in thia thread,until i have left u in this pathetic state-nowhere to run and too proud to change his mind.Well when ur hero is hitler and himmler that was always the expected final result.
Torture and experimentation of Gypsy children and others -

View attachment 153642

Romani children being experimented upon by nazi doctor scum.

The most notorious of these physicians was Dr. Josef Mengele, who worked in Auschwitz. His experiments included placing subjects in pressure chambers, testing drugs on them, freezing them, attempting to change eye color by injecting chemicals into children's eyes, and various amputations and other surgeries. The full extent of his work will never be known because the truckload of records he sent to Dr the Kaiser Wilhelm institute was destroyed by von Verschuer .Subjects who survived Mengele's experiments were almost always killed and dissected shortly afterwards.

He worked extensively with Romani children. He would bring them sweets and toys, and personally take them to the gas chamber. They would call him "Onkel (Uncle) Mengele".Vera Alexander was a Jewish inmate at Auschwitz who looked after 50 sets of Romani twins:

''I remember one set of twins in particular: Guido and Ina, aged about four. One day, Mengele took them away. When they returned, they were in a terrible state: they had been sewn together, back to back, like Siamese twins. Their wounds were infected and oozing pus. They screamed day and night. Then their parents—I remember the mother's name was Stella—managed to get some morphine and they killed the children in order to end their suffering''

Nazi extermination of old,infirm and mentally ill in germany itself for being 'useless eaters'.

Letter from chief of institution for feeble-minded in Stetten to Reich Minister of justice Dr. Frank, September 6 1940.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 854.
Dear Reich Minister,

The measure being taken at present with mental patients of all kinds have caused a complete lack of confidence in justice among large groups of people. Without the consent of relatives and guardians, such patients are being transferred to different institutions. After a short time they are notified that the person concerned has died of some disease...

If the state really wants to carry out the extermination of these or at least of some mental patients, shouldn't a law be promulgated, which can be justified before the people - a law that would give everyone the assurance of careful examination as to whether he is due to die or entitled to live and which would also give the relatives a chance to be heard, in a similar way, as provided by the law for the prevention of Hereditarily affected Progeny?

Letter from Dr. Wurm, of the Wuerttemberg Evangelical Provincial Church, to Reich Minister of interior Dr. Frick, September 5 1940.
Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1946, Supp. A, p. 1223.
Dear Reich Minister,

On July 19th I sent you a letter about the systematic extermination of lunatics, feeble-minded and epileptic persons. Since then this practice has reached tremendous proportions: recently the inmates of old-age homes have also been included. The basis for this practice seems to be that in an efficient nation there should be no room for weak and frail people. It is evident from the many reports which we are receiving that the people's feelings are being badly hurt by the measures ordered and that the feeling of legal insecurity is spreading which is regrettable from the point of view of national and state interest.

Letter from Dr. Hilfrich, Bishop of Limburg, to the Reich Minister of Justice, August 13 1941.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 845-846.

Regarding the report submitted on July 16 by the Chairman of the Fulda Bishops' conference, Cardinal Dr. Bertram, I consider it my duty to present the following as a concrete illustration of destruction of so-called "useless life".
About 8 Kilometers from Limburg in the little town of Hadamar, on a hill overlooking the town, there is an institution which had formerly served various purposes and of late had been used as a nursing home. This institution was renovated and furnished as a place in which, by consensus of opinion, the above mentioned Euthanasia has been systematically practiced for months- approximately since February 1941. This fact is, of course, known beyond the administrative district of Wiesbaden...

Several times a week buses arrive in Hadamard with a considerable number of such victims. School children of the vicinity know this vehicle and say "here comes the murder-box again". After the arrival of the vehicle, the citizens of Hadamar watch the smoke rise out of the chimney...

The effect of the principles at work here that children call each other names and say "you're crazy; you'll be sent to the baking oven in Hadamar"...
All God-fearing men consider this destruction of helpless beings a crass injustice...
Officials of the State Police, it is said, are trying to suppress discussions of the Hadamar occurrences by means of severe threats...
I beg you most humbly, Herr Reich Minister, in the sense of the report of the Episcopate of 16 July of this year, to prevent further transgressions of the Fifth Commandment of God.
Letter from Reichsfuehrer-SS
Himmler to SS-Oberfuehrer Brack, 19 December 1940.
Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuernberg Military Tribunals - Washington, U.S Govt. Print. Off., 1949-1953, Vol. I, p. 856.

Dear Brack,

I hear there is great excitement on the Alb because of the Grafeneck Institution.

The population recognizes the gray automobiles of the SS and think they know what is going on at the constantly smoking crematory. What happens there is a secret and yet is no longer one. Thus the worst feeling has arisen there, and in my opinion there remains only one thing, to discontinue the use of the institution in this place and in any event disseminate information in a clever and sensible manner by showing motion pictures on the subject of inherited and mental diseases in just that locality.

May I ask for a report as to how the difficult problem is solved?

Then there is also the testimony of brack himself.

According to @AUSTERLITZ "Pictures Are Proof":

Auschwitz Inmates Before Allied Bombing Raids Crippled German Transportation Network:



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Another conspiracy theorist:rolleyes:
Allied bombing raids?You know,you should start using ur head a little more.Auschwitz was in poland,not a single allied bomber had the range to hit there-technical fact.Noob.
Nice to see you're resorting to personal attacks, but what can i expect from a armchair historian.

not a single allied bomber had the range to hit there-technical fact
No shit Sherlock, see now if you had a brain you would know that German transportation bringing food and medicine from industries within Germany had been crippled, thus no medical supplies to cure disease which lead to mass deaths from typhus leading to crude methods of disposing of dead bodies like open air cremations.

But a brainless bloke like yourself couldn't grasp that.
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