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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

...... while ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads not ?



Read the article you quote, old troll.


China, Russia to take counter-measures over THAAD deployment: People’s Daily
August 04, 2016

China and Russia will take counter-measures against the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in South Korea, read an editorial published in the People’s Daily on Thursday.

The decision of the US and South Korea to deploy THAAD will pose a threat to the strategic security of both China and Russia, added the commentary under the byline of Zhongsheng.

The following is the article’s translation:

It has been concluded that the decision between Seoul and Washington to deploy the THAAD system will impose unimaginable dangers on both the security of Northeast Asia and the world’s strategic stability.

As the Korean Peninsula is of vital importance to the security of Northeast Asia, China has reiterated on many occasions that in a bid to prevent a deterioration in the peninsula’s security, comprehensive and systematic solutions must be adopted to address both the symptoms and root causes.

Since a security pattern based on strategic skepticism or confrontation will never be sustained, the peninsula can only maintain its peace and stability when the peninsula is denuclearized, relevant countries normalize their ties and a peace and security mechanism is established in Northeast Asia.

However, the US and its allies are still obsessed with an outdated mentality to gain a physical and psychological edge by increasing their military presence. The deployment of THAAD is another risky action produced by such a mentality.

Their calculation this time severely threatens global strategic stability as the THAAD’s scope will go far beyond the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.

Igor Coronation Te Qinke, editor of the Russian “National Defense” magazine, pointed out that the deployment of the THAAD system is just part of Washington's global anti-missile scheme, adding that this decision mainly aims to contain the nuclear powers of China and Russia.

Counter-measures must be taken to fight such selfish and overbearing moves of pursuing absolute security at the cost of other countries, or the US and its allies would become aggravated and create even more trouble.

In a joint statement on global strategic stability signed by Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in June, the two nations strongly opposed to the possible THAAD deployment that will severely infringe upon the strategic security interests of regional countries.

In addition, the THAAD deployment will only give rise to regional tensions rather than deter the threats from missile proliferation, which the South Korean government cited as a main reason for the THAAD deployment on its territory.

A few days ago, Chinese and Russian diplomats held another consultation on Northeast Asian security, reaffirming that under the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, China and Russia would further strengthen communication and coordination to protect each other's interests, especially their strategic stability interests through the most reliable and effective ways.

As permanent members of the UN Security Council, China and Russia are also obliged to maintain world peace and stability. So the two countries are clear-cut and persistent in opposing the strengthened military presence in Northeast Asia by forces outside the region and the new missile defense system deployed by the US in South Korea.

As a next step, China and Russia may respond to the THAAD deployment with some unexpected counter-measures that the US and South Korea cannot afford, but these actions are aimed at protecting their own security interests and guard the global strategic balance and international relations.

China and Russia don't want to see a Northeast Asia trapped in another Cold War or another arms race. However, a sound international relationship requires the efforts of all concerned sides.

If the US and South Korea are stiff-necked in the THAAD plan despite the warning from China and Russia, then they have to pay the price caused by their presumptuous deed.

Lets hope both our countries will announce counter measures very soon. Some profound impact must be felt on the SK's side.

If SK moves ahead, definitely counter measures will be taken to ensure that the potential threat is annulled. This is a race SK can never win on its own.
When the likes of you were jumping with joy at Obama's "Asian Pivot", did you foresee the moves we'd make? How's that turned out? Being a dickhead is the only thing you can come up with. And it has accomplished nothing. Meanwhile we've gained islands after islands. Just like a chess game, a lower grade player cannot fathom what moves the superior player will make. And he thinks is he is smart,... until the better player strikes:azn:

Oh we got ourselves a badass calling me a dickhead. Wow you are a badass. Remember your artificial island building is meant to tell the world you own the SCS and the U.S. Navy cannot travel there anymore which China has many times told us. And the U.S. Navy gave the finger saying no. It be like building a fence to your backyard, but we still come in and you don't do shit cause you are afraid.

What was it the Chinese like to say? YOU GO NOW!!!
We'll show no mercy to SK and US in there anymore!

That's the reality right now!

Just waiting for Actions from China 1 by 1, Economic, Political, Military!
You still don't get it, US wants THAAD and only THAAD in SK, they don't want to put other options which ineffective against China, sure go ahead give SK nukes, US will see a nuke baby boom around the worlds :lol: and it will be fiasco if every south America nation start to develop nukes deterrent capability. we Chinese has not problem if entire earth possess nuke, American can kiss and say good bye to their world domination :lol:

what good is THAAD for the U.S in South Korea?? it makes no sense.

everyone should have at least 5 nukes if NK is allowed to have them :-)
what good is THAAD for the U.S in South Korea?? it makes no sense.

everyone should have at least 5 nukes if NK is allowed to have them :-)

You pretend to be an idiot, we all know the THAAD radar can detect at least 2000 km. It's good for America, by the way the THAAD protecting rim exclude Seoul, the ROK capital. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
America should allocate some atomic bombs to African and latin American nations. They have 0 so far.
You pretend to be an idiot, we all know the THAAD radar can detect at least 2000 km. It's good for America, by the way the THAAD protecting rim exclude Seoul, the ROK capital. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
America should allocate some atomic bombs to African and latin American nations. They have 0 so far.

oh so it's the radar that's got you spooked and not the missile :coffee:

funny how we've been operating this for years and I don't see much whining about it :rofl:


and anyways what's so good about THAAD radar anyway?? it's not really good at ISAR intelligence which we use P-3 Aries II and RC-135 for that.

THAAD is not a threat to China :agree:
oh so it's the radar that's got you spooked and not the missile :coffee:

funny how we've been operating this for years and I don't see much whining about it :rofl:


and anyways what's so good about THAAD radar anyway?? it's not really good at ISAR intelligence which we use P-3 Aries II and RC-135 for that.

THAAD is not a threat to China :agree:

THAAD is a huge threat to China. Our counter-attack missles could reach America across the Pacific, now we have to find a new routine, through the Arctic ocean or where. China almost lost the revenage means if nuked by America, before our new nuclear subs put into mission in numbers.
The Thaad break China-S.Korea relationship, its zeo-sum game.
Should China put SK under SRBM crosshair for their arrogance and back-stabber attitude? Don't forget mother Russia also 'discomfort' with SK reckless moves.
Rising China-N. Korea trade nothing to do with THAAD: experts
By Yang Sheng (Global Times) August 19, 2016

The increase in trade between China and North Korea shows the need to expand economic development in cross-border areas and has nothing to do with the THAAD deployment in South Korea, Chinese experts said.

The experts were responding to foreign media reports on China's reaction to the plan of South Korea and the US.

Some South Koreans and Japanese have criticized China for reducing UN sanctions against North Korea over the THAAD deployment, as data from China's General Administration of Customs shows that total trade volume between China and North Korea in June reached $503 million, a 9 percent increase from the same period last year.

The Yonhap News Agency reported that Chinese companies resumed doing business with the North after hearing "that Seoul-Beijing relations have taken a turn for the worse over the THAAD issue."

Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun published an article on Saturday, saying China should not break international sanctions against North Korea over "self-serving reasons."

Zhang Liangui, a professor on Korean Peninsula issues at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, told the Global Times on Thursday that China opposes South Korea's THAAD deployment as well as North Korea's nuclear program since both will affect China's security, and "China will not do any trade-offs."

China has banned coal, iron ore, gold, rare earths and several other raw mineral imports from North Korea, and selling jet fuel to North Korea is prohibited. Following the UN Security Council's resolutions, the embargo immediately took effect, China's Ministry of Commerce said in a statement on its website in April.

Lü Chao, a research fellow at the Liaoning Academy of Social Sciences, told the Global Times on Wednesday that bilateral trade is largely fueled by border trading and exports of building materials.

"The border trade has become increasingly important in Northeast China amid the economic downturn compared to the past few years. And North Korea has a greater demand for building materials from China to support a new round of urbanization in Pyongyang," Lü said.

Lü stressed that residents near the two countries' border normally trade daily necessities and foodstuff, and individual transactions reach no more than 8,000 yuan ($1,200), which do not affect UN sanctions.
North Korea has the rights to basic necessity goods for trade. The UN resolution does not stop countries from trading basic daily live goods and services.

Yes, exactly. What has been put in the sanctions list are the materials directly related to nuclear development. China and Russia made sure that the sanctions this time would be different from conventional US-led sanctions that aim to punish the civilian populations at the cost of thousands of deaths from hunger and diseases.

It shows the world has changed a lot since the 90s. Of course the US won't be allowed to harm the DPRK people who are the victims of the US policies.
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