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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

South Korea may shift THAAD site due to "health concerns" by residents: Yonhap

health concern in the form of nuclear fallout is a real concern imo
SK could always go for SM-3 which is actually way better than THAAD

upgrade the current 3 sejong the great destroyers and next 3 to use them :D

instead of a stationary ABM defense you got one that is mobile. that would make China even more nervous.
THAAD or any other "futuristic" ABM still cant cause as much anxiety as the North Korean Nukes are causing in US, ROK and Japan. :lol:
THAAD or any other "futuristic" ABM still cant cause as much anxiety as the North Korean Nukes are causing in US, ROK and Japan. :lol:

the amount whining coming from North Korea and China over THAAD is halirious.

how about instead of ABM system we give SK a few nukes to put on their cruise missiles :D

wonder how much whining that would get.
THAAD or any other "futuristic" ABM still cant cause as much anxiety as the North Korean Nukes are causing in US, ROK and Japan. :lol:

Based on Russia, China and North Korea's reaction, they treat this like its a nuclear platform. LOL! It definitely is causing such anxiety. Maybe not to you, but you are not ruling China.
Remember this, during Cuba crisis Krushchev backed off. that was one of the key turning point in the cold war. US won eventually.

You planning to blockade South Korea?
the amount whining coming from North Korea and China over THAAD is halirious.

how about instead of ABM system we give SK a few nukes to put on their cruise missiles :D

wonder how much whining that would get.
If you ask my candid opinion China is only going for a strong case to justify its own similar actions in future. I know China is painted as an "evil state" in US, but China is a lot more benign in its approach when compared with other powers including US. Yes China wont compromise on certain issues like its territorial claims but for the rest they don't really care what others do. NK i don't know much about but you cant deny the fact that them having Nukes and their long range delivery means are not a source anxiety for US and its allies in the region.

Based on Russia, China and North Korea's reaction, they treat this like its a nuclear platform. LOL! It definitely is causing such anxiety. Maybe not to you, but you are not ruling China.
Same goes for you man. You are not even in a China friendly state to asses China's strategic culture with neutrality. As i mentioned earlier they are probably raising concerns for some future objectives. Remember Cuban missile crisis? How USSR brought USA to negotiations.
Same goes for you man. You are not even in a China friendly state to asses China's strategic culture with neutrality. As i mentioned earlier they are probably raising concerns for some future objectives. Remember Cuban missile crisis? How USSR brought USA to negotiations.

Strategic culture of neutrality? You mean like providing weapons to North Korea and as well as intervening during the Korean War? Or the invasion of Vietnam? Thats not strategic culture of neutrality. But on the other issue, thanks to what you pointed out with Cuban missile crisis. Its possible THAAD may force China to tell North Korea to get rid of its nukes. Until then, THAAD will stay there unless otherwise.
the amount whining coming from North Korea and China over THAAD is halirious.

how about instead of ABM system we give SK a few nukes to put on their cruise missiles :D

wonder how much whining that would get.

How about few nukes for Mexico as courtesy of China? :lol: this will change the geostrategic balance in America, Latino people with nuke will put US security on check for very long long time to come...I guess it's a fair deal.

For now, US is lucky that it has no threat near their home land so they can concentrate the fire power abroad but if US think that their security is base on the insecurity of others than one day people will exploit their thinking and make them insecure as well.
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How about few nukes for Mexico as courtesy of China? :lol: this will change the geostrategic balance in America, Latino people with nuke will put US security on check for very long long time to come...I guess it's a fair deal.

For now, US is lucky that it has no threat near their home land so they can concentrate the fire power abroad but if US think that their security is base on the insecurity of others than one day people will exploit their thinking and make them insecure as well.

see the problem with that is we don't threaten other countries with nukes all the time with dangerou rhetoric like North Korea. North Korean is a legitmate threat to the region if not the world. so you can go ahead give nukes to Mexico or Cuba or whomever.

but you gotta admit it's kinda sad how much whining China is doing over THAAD...they know it's not a threat to China and it's interests.
You planning to blockade South Korea?
When the likes of you were jumping with joy at Obama's "Asian Pivot", did you foresee the moves we'd make? How's that turned out? Being a dickhead is the only thing you can come up with. And it has accomplished nothing. Meanwhile we've gained islands after islands. Just like a chess game, a lower grade player cannot fathom what moves the superior player will make. And he thinks is he is smart,... until the better player strikes:azn:

"When all other means have failed, it is but Lawful to take to the Sword"- Mao

"When a lie is needed, the Indians can always come up with one" - Indians
see the problem with that is we don't threaten other countries with nukes with dangerou rhetoric like North Korea. North Korean is a legitmate threat to the region if not the world. so you can go ahead give nukes to Mexico or Cuba or whomever.

but you gotta admit it's kinda sad how much whining China is doing over THAAD...they know it's not a threat to China and it's interests.

Are you sure about what you said? US has threaten to nuke China several times and those two bombs on Japan certainly meant nothing to you guys I guess :lol:. And NK is not a legitimate threat but legitimated self defense, US , SK and Japan have cornered NK and push it to the edge of the cliff, they just react to the threat with a threat.

We don't whine but express our concern, if US ignore our concern, we will ignore your...and as I said again if US's security is to make other insecure than to make China secure, we have to make US insecure...is the logical conclusion.
Are you sure about what you said? US has threaten to nuke China several times and those two bombs on Japan certainly meant nothing to you guys I guess :lol:. And NK is not a legitimate threat but legitimated self defense, US , SK and Japan have cornered NK and push it to the edge of the cliff, they just react to the threat with a threat.

We don't whine but express our concern, if US ignore our concern, we will ignore your...and as I said again if US's security is to make other insecure than to make China secure, we have to make US insecure...is the logical conclusion.

when has the U.S threatened to nuke China?? unless you are refering to Douglas MacArthur back in 1950 :wave:

but like I said before there are other options besides THAAD and that's SM-3 on Sejongs, which don't place civlians in danger, since it's a sea based system., or we can givie South Korea a few nuclear warheads like the ones we had on our Tomahawks or let'em develop their own nuke program.

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Washington's THAAD muscle flexing unmasks anxiety over declining hegemony
(Xinhua) 13:21, August 04, 2016

BEIJING, Aug. 4 -- The controversial deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system on the Korean Peninsula yet again betrayed Washington's deep-rooted Cold War mentality and its petty anxiety over the United States' declining global hegemony.

The Republic of Korea (ROK) last month announced plans for a U.S.-made THAAD battery to be deployed in Seongju County, 300 km southeast of Seoul, by the end of next year.

Washington claims that THAAD can help defend the ROK against potential security threats from its neighbor, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).

But as the missile shield is designed to intercept incoming inter-continental ballistic missiles at relatively high altitudes, the DPRK needs only short-range rockets and conventional arms to launch attacks on its southern neighbor.

This alone renders THAAD a completely ineffective deterrent, and suggest that there is a hidden agenda behind THAAD, an installation that barely covers Seoul but extends its reach to China and Russia's Far East.

With its X band radar commanding surveillance of an area that extends over 1,200 miles from the peninsula, THAAD can be used to collect radar data of warheads and decoys of Chinese and Russian strategic missiles by monitoring their tests, thus enabling the United States to neutralize their nuclear deterrence and put the national security of China and Russia at risk.

After years of trumpeting the fictional "China threat," Washington is now bringing real, strategic threats to China's doorstep.

Deploying THAAD in the ROK to counter the so-called "missile threat" from a "rogue state" is yet another Hollywood-style drama directed by and starring Uncle Sam as part of the United States' Pivot-to-Asia strategy.

What lies behind the scheme is Washington's insatiable appetite for global hegemony and its vain anxiety toward an imaginary enemy from a rising China.

Such anxiety is both economically and militarily motivated from the U.S. side.

Last week's lower-than-expected U.S. GDP data in the second quarter of 2016 continued to point to a significant loss of momentum that puts the economy at risk of stalling in a country that has seen growing anti-free trade sentiments.

More pertinently, it is the United States' declining military supremacy that constitutes the main driver behind its THAAD muscle flexing.

Deploying THAAD in the ROK is a crucial step to healing the Achilles heel of Washington's anti-missile missile system in the Asia Pacific, which has long been nagged by its inadequate recognition ability.

With the help of THAAD's X band radar, the United States can effectively and immediately raise recognition accuracy.

But this strategic upper hand comes at the cost of the security interests of other nations in northeast Asia.

Already, the DPRK has threatened to take "physical countermeasures" to deal with THAAD, which Pyongyang says would only exacerbate tension in the region, encourage a new arms race and even provoke another Cold War.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang also warned last month that China will take necessary measures to safeguard its own interests if the United States and ROK don't stop the deployment.

The United States is highly advised to stop building its own security at the cost of the security of other countries. The nearsighted actions will only destabilize the strategic balance and stability in northeast Asia, giving Washington more things to worry about.

THAAD deployment puts Asia-Pacific in peril
By Wang Xiaohui
China.org.cn, August 4, 2016

...... while ballistic missiles and nuclear warheads not ?

to me, safety first, I also want to make sure when the rolling thunder of ballistic missiles coming, I have something to counter


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when has the U.S threatened to nuke China?? unless you are refering to Douglas MacArthur back in 1950 :wave:

but like I said before there are other options besides THAAD and that's SM-3 on Sejongs, which don't place civlians in danger, since it's a sea based system., or we can givie South Korea a few nuclear warheads like the ones we had on our Tomahawks or let'em develop their own nuke program.


You still don't get it, US wants THAAD and only THAAD in SK, they don't want to put other options which ineffective against China, sure go ahead give SK nukes, US will see a nuke baby boom around the worlds :lol: and it will be fiasco if every south America nation start to develop nukes deterrent capability. we Chinese has not problem if entire earth possess nuke, American can kiss and say good bye to their world domination :lol:
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