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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

We don't want North Korea refugees flooding our borders.
That is not what I was hinting at. :lol:

Basically, China is saying that in the THAAD agreement, SKR is being provocative and that the US should be the mature party and withdraw the weapon system from SKR. Then why is NKR not being provocative with its nuclear weapons program and why not China being the more mature party and put some kind of restraints on NKR. Please do not tell the forum that China do not have the power and the means. China have everything necessary. The only thing China does not want to exercise is the will. So then, if China is not willing to restrain NKR, then China have no cause to crybaby if we respond in kind.

China should stop talking and start taking action.

I'm disappointed with the Chinese reaction. No point complaining about THAAD.
Correct. China's complaint is THUD.
China should stop talking and start taking action.

I'm disappointed with the Chinese reaction. No point complaining about THAAD.

It is still too early to entirely alienate SK. China has the ultimate trump card so long as the DPRK remains out of US regime change operations.

Various diplomatic measures are being taken. In the end, it is SK to decide. At least China's response has been more realistic than US assurances to Ukraine or red lines in Syria.

On the military side, I anticipate China to increase tracking and monitoring capacity in the region.
Correct. China's complaint is THUD.

Just like America's complaint of Chinese construction activities in the SCS.

Just like your Vietnam's complaint when China put its 981 semi-submersible oil rig in the SCS.

It is still too early to entirely alienate SK. China has the ultimate trump card so long as the DPRK remains out of US regime change operations.

Various diplomatic measures are being taken. In the end, it is SK to decide. At least China's response has been more realistic than US assurances to Ukraine or red lines in Syria.

On the military side, I anticipate China to increase tracking and monitoring capacity in the region.

China needs the following in my opinion:

1. Immediately remove No-First-Use nuclear policy.

2. Officially state China will build up its nuclear arsenal to say around 8,000-10,000.

3. Immediately remove the No-Alliances AND No-Overseas bases policies.

4. Increase the official military budget to 4-5% of GDP ($400-$500 billion).

5. Accelerate the development of China's own defensive weapons. HQ-19 (China's THAAD), HQ-26 (China's SM-3) and HQ-29 (China's PAC-3).

6. Increase the quantity of DF-21 MRBM, DF-25/26/27 IRBM.

7. Accelerate the construction of Type 055 cruiser.

8. Station offensive AND defensive weapons in the SCS islands.
[QUOTE="Beidou2020, post: 8531489, member: 15171oust like America's complaint of Chinese construction activities in the SCS.

Just like your Vietnam's complaint when China put its 981 semi-submersible oil rig in the SCS.

China needs the following in my opinion:

1. Immediately remove No-First-Use nuclear policy.

2. Officially state China will build up its nuclear arsenal to say around 8,000-10,000.

3. Immediately remove the No-Alliances AND No-Overseas bases policies.

4. Increase the official military budget to 4-5% of GDP ($400-$500 billion).

5. Accelerate the development of China's own defensive weapons. HQ-19 (China's THAAD), HQ-26 (China's SM-3) and HQ-29 (China's PAC-3).

6. Increase the quantity of DF-21 MRBM, DF-25/26/27 IRBM.

7. Accelerate the construction of Type 055 cruiser.

8. Station offensive AND defensive weapons in the SCS islands.[/QUOTE]

1. Chinese nuclear weapons amount is few. Not enough for a full scale nuke war.
2. We are developing nation, don't have those money spending in those weapons you mentioned.
That is not what I was hinting at. :lol:

Basically, China is saying that in the THAAD agreement, SKR is being provocative and that the US should be the mature party and withdraw the weapon system from SKR. Then why is NKR not being provocative with its nuclear weapons program and why not China being the more mature party and put some kind of restraints on NKR. Please do not tell the forum that China do not have the power and the means. China have everything necessary. The only thing China does not want to exercise is the will. So then, if China is not willing to restrain NKR, then China have no cause to crybaby if we respond in kind.

Correct. China's complaint is THUD.
Except THAAD is not aimed at North Korea, but China. It's as ridiculous as claiming placing missile shield in Poland to defend against Iranian missile threats. South Korea is an American client state, so they will do as they're told. On the other hand, China is fully within its rights to take punitive measures against South Korea to defend its own interests.
China should stop talking and start taking action.

I'm disappointed with the Chinese reaction. No point complaining about THAAD.

I think the government just want to give SK time to make up their mind, and the same time to give Chinese diplomat, military and strategist to come with better plan to deal with this issue, China has plenty options but chose the wise and better option will only serve better China's interest.
Except THAAD is not aimed at North Korea, but China. It's as ridiculous as claiming placing missile shield in Poland to defend against Iranian missile threats. South Korea is an American client state, so they will do as they're told. On the other hand, China is fully within its rights to take punitive measures against South Korea to defend its own interests.

Well South Korea is within their right to defend themselves from a nuclear North Korea.
I am some kind of understanding South Korea.

They have no choice.

Yeah, THAAD is defensive weapon.
Deploying some interceptors are far better than start a ballistic missile and nuclear weapon rally.
"When all other means have failed, it is but Lawful to take to the Sword"- Mao
still i dont get it, why China is complaining. If you could copy the American stealth program why copy also THAAD and provide it to NOKOR, they are friends anyway and the reason NOKOR exist is because of China
China and Russia sanction the North Korean government, but not the people.

But Saudi Arabia is US regime's head-chopping stepchild, or perhaps illegitimate lover.


Editorial: THAAD deployment threatens peace in NortheastAsia
By Zhao Cheng from People’s Daily 22:28, July 29, 2016

The deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system will not neutralize the threat of North Korea’s nuclear weapon and missiles, but escalate the tension in the Korean Peninsula, damage regional strategic balance and pose serious threats to security and stability in the Northeast Asia region, People’s Daily warned in an editorial under the byline of Zhongsheng published on Friday.

At the beginning of July, despite explicit opposition from China, Russia and other countries, the US and South Korea announced they would deploy the THAAD missile defense system in South Korea.

As one of the most advanced missile defense system in the world, the THAAD system can intercept incoming short-range and intermediate-range ballistic missiles flying at high altitudes even outside the atmosphere, read the commentary.

Given its nature as “high altitude area defense” system, employing the THAAD system to shoot down long-range and short-range missiles from North Korea is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, the article said.

“Technically speaking, should South Korea and North Korea engage in conflicts, the long-range artillery and rocket artillery of North Korea are more than enough to contain South Korea,” read the article.

In addition, the farthest distance from the north side to the south side of the Korean Peninsula is less than 900 kilometers, leaving the THAAD system little space to display its power. Therefore, the statement that the system only aims at countering nuclear and missile threats from North Korea and not targets any third country does not hold water.

Denuclearization in the Korean Peninsula is bound up with interests of all sides as it matters not only regional peace and security, but also prosperity and development of regional countries, the editorial added.

“Any acts for private interests or provocation and any behavior that will exacerbate military confrontation, intensify military drills or deploy weapon systems beyond the actual defense needs of the peninsula will force the situation into a more vicious cycle,” warned the People’s Daily piece.

The deployment of the THAAD system will not only force North Korea to advance further with its the nuclear missile program, but imperils regional strategic balance and damage security and stability in the Northeast Asia region.

The editorial also emphasized that the Korean Peninsula will not return to tranquility because of the THAAD deployment. The security of any country should not come at the expense of others. No countries will allow others to trample its legitimate rights and national strategic security interests.

“We must take on a responsible attitude towards international relations and regional issues. Reckless behavior will pay a heavy price,” the article advised.
China and Russia sanction the North Korean government, but not the people.

But Saudi Arabia is US regime's head-chopping stepchild, or perhaps illegitimate lover.


Editorial: THAAD deployment threatens peace in NortheastAsia
By Zhao Cheng from People’s Daily 22:28, July 29, 2016

The deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile defense system will not neutralize the threat of North Korea’s nuclear weapon and missiles, but escalate the tension in the Korean Peninsula, damage regional strategic balance and pose serious threats to security and stability in the Northeast Asia region, People’s Daily warned in an editorial under the byline of Zhongsheng published on Friday.

At the beginning of July, despite explicit opposition from China, Russia and other countries, the US and South Korea announced they would deploy the THAAD missile defense system in South Korea.

As one of the most advanced missile defense system in the world, the THAAD system can intercept incoming short-range and intermediate-range ballistic missiles flying at high altitudes even outside the atmosphere, read the commentary.

Given its nature as “high altitude area defense” system, employing the THAAD system to shoot down long-range and short-range missiles from North Korea is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, the article said.

“Technically speaking, should South Korea and North Korea engage in conflicts, the long-range artillery and rocket artillery of North Korea are more than enough to contain South Korea,” read the article.

In addition, the farthest distance from the north side to the south side of the Korean Peninsula is less than 900 kilometers, leaving the THAAD system little space to display its power. Therefore, the statement that the system only aims at countering nuclear and missile threats from North Korea and not targets any third country does not hold water.

Sorry but no. Considered that many U.S. and South Korea forces would respond to North Korea invasion, you have forces further south that could blunt that invasion. North Korea knows that. Ballistic missiles are pretty much the means to reach further South Korea. As the editor pointed out, the whole Korean peninsula is about 900km long. But does that mean North Korea has conventional rockets and artillery that covers that range? Nope. And also factor U.S. forces in Japan southeast and further east of the Korean peninsula that would support operations.

And considering the fact that the editor has yet to mention what to do with North Korea's nuclear program that has already destabilize the region, it doesn't surprise me one bit that they ignore that BIGGEST factor that started it all for the last couple of years.
Well South Korea is within their right to defend themselves from a nuclear North Korea.

If US know other nation's right they wouldn't invade so many countries, even THAAD if US didn't twist South Korea's arm. you think they're willing to accept a system what will potentially bring therm more disaster than security?.

I don't know how American will swallow this. if Cuba invite China or Russia to install missile to defend themselves from Nuclear USA, so is this also within Cuba right? ...I advise American friends never use an excuse that other in return will use the same argument against you,
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