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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

What will be interesting to see is if the US DOD fully funds Lockheed's THAAD-ER in next years defense budget. THAAD-ER is designed to counter hypersonic glide vehicles. If funded, Lockheed is on record as saying they can begin fielding THAAD-ER by 2022.
Seoul is so close to the demarcation line, they don't even need to use missiles to wipe it out. THAAD is just a pretext.

If you are talking about North Korean artillery the threat is wildly overstated.


A barrage of artillery focused on Seoul and ignoring military threats could cause 10's of thousands of casualties at the worst, but nowheres near the level needed to wipe Seoul off the map.

The worst part would be the first couple hours during which there would be fear and general panic in Seoul, but as the pieces are knocked out the fire would slacken.

US have also deployed offensive weapons with bordering nation of China and Russia. You forgot US deployed nukes in Turkey.
I was talking about specifically the Thaad deployment in Korea.

LOL ... i had said many times in PDF, China already lost control of North Korea coz they developing nuke is against China interests in Northeast Asia even threat safety of BeiJing. After Mao ZeDong inside CCP rest r inbreeding leaders without international strategy.

To get the most profits of North Korea, Kim can threaten Beijing using nuke as same as Nuclear armed China ever did to USSR in 1960s ... recent years Kim playing nuclear balance between China and U.S with his nuke toy, further if both Kim and U.S r smart, possible N.Korea can make friend with U.S (like China did in 1972 with U.S) to betray China. I think North Korea is more useful than Vietnam for U.S to against China, especially a nuclear armed Korea much closer to BeiJing.

Anyways nuclear armed North Korea & Kim family isn't trouble for U.S, N.Korea is BeiJing's biggest trouble in Northeast Asia. The U.S deploy THAAD in South Korea just accelerate the rift between China and N.Korea.

I do think there will be 2nd Korean War !

Why would this be smart for the US? Getting friendly without a similar easing of tensions with South Korea would only alienate South Korea for tenative and risky 'gains'. I'm sure the US would be more than fine with tensions blooming between China and North Korea, but only because they dont want China to act as a route of supply for North Korea, and China being aboard with sanctions would strengthen the sanctions regime in place. The US is pretty solidly against North Korea. As others have stated the US strategic goal for North Korea is eventual reunification under a South Korean (and probably pro-US) government. That goal cannot be acceptable for the Kim dynasty, so I don't see much room for cooperation. I think before the US would even think about cooperating with North Korea we would have to see some framework for a formal peace between South Korea and North Korea accepted and worked towards by both sides.
South Korea is pissing off China and Russia.
I hope SK knows what it is doing.


Deployment of THAAD far exceeds Korean Peninsula's defense needs: Chinese FM
2016-07-10 07:09 | Xinhua | Editor: Gu Liping

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said Saturday the planned deployment of U.S. THAAD anti-missile system in South Korea far exceeds the Korean Peninsula's defense needs.

The visiting foreign minister told reporters that China had the reasons and rights to question the behind-the-scenes motives of this move, and any excuse for the deployment would be unjustified.

The United States and South Korea decided on Friday to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in South Korea. China said it is "strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposes to this."

Wang said the Chinese side had stated its firm stance on this issue, stressing that the United States should not harm other countries' legitimate security interests with the excuse of so-called security threats.

The Chinese top diplomat also called on the South Korean side to be cool-headed and think over what the deployment could actually bring for its security, for the realization of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, as well as for the settlement of the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue.

He urged related parties to act in a cautious and appropriate manner and avoid committing a serious mistake.
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China is angry.....

Foreign Ministry slams U.S.-Korean THAAD deployment
2016-07-08 11:34 | chinadaily.com.cn | Editor: Wang Fan

The Chinese Foreign Ministry has expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the deployment of an advanced U.S. missile-defense system in the Korean Peninsula.

The ministry's statement was released today, immediately after the Republic of Korea's defense ministry announced it had agreed with the United States to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system.

The system's deployment will do no good to the goal of denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and it is harmful to maintaining peace and stability on the peninsula, the statement said.

The deployment goes against the efforts of all parties to resolve the issue through peaceful dialogue, and that it will seriously harm China's strategic security interests and regional strategic balance.

China has urged the U.S. and ROK to stop the process of deploying the THAAD system, not to take actions that could make the regional situation more complicate, and not to do anything that could harm China's strategic security interests.

On June 29,President Xi Jinping urged the Republic of Korea to handle the possible deployment of an advanced U.S. missile-defense system in a "prudent and proper" manner, as he met on Wednesday with ROK Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn.

The ROK should pay attention to China's legitimate security concerns over the deployment of THAAD, Xi said.

China and the ROK should be dedicated to denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, to jointly maintaining the peace and stability of the peninsula, and to pushing forward the parties concerned to resolve problems through peaceful dialogue, Xi said.
They were a target already, so nothing new then.
You're not at my level of geopolitical analysis so it is hard for me to explain to you the implication of this THAAD deployment that will mean for SK. I'm telling you right now. Our strategic planing for SK just got more complicated.
China is sure making its displeasure known.
For SK's sake, they shouldn't be annoying their biggest trading partner.

China 'strongly dissatisfied' with U.S. missile deployment in ROK
2016-07-08 11:33 | Xinhua | Editor: Gu Liping

China has said it is "strongly dissatisfied" with U.S. plans to deploy a missile defense system in the Republic of Korea (ROK), warning that the move may destabilize the Korean Peninsula.

The ROK Defense Ministry announced earlier on Friday that the ROK and the United States have decided to deploy a U.S. THAAD anti-missile system.

"The Chinese side is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposes to this," China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

The deployment is not conducive to achieving denuclearization in the Peninsula and maintaining its peace and stability, according to the ministry.

It said the move goes against efforts made in calming regional tensions through dialogue and negotiation, and severely harms the security interests of countries in the area including China, as well as the "strategic balance" in the region.

China urged the U.S. and ROK to terminate the deployment of THAAD, and "not to take actions which tend to complicate regional situation and harm China's strategic security interests." (Updated)
SK christian lobby is one big hurdle in integration of NE Asia. Hopefully, SK see the light and avoids insulting china like this. No good is going to come out of this move. SK must work with China to take care of little Kim only this way unification of Korea is possible.
China should stop Chinese tourists going to South Korea.

Ditch the FTA talks and turn on selected economic screws on SK.

Isn't these what China can do?

I beleive China is intentionally running a trade deficit against SK to draw them closer but it look like it's not working. Time to rethink a new SK strategy.

LOL ... i had said many times in PDF, China already lost control of North Korea coz they developing nuke is against China interests in Northeast Asia even threat safety of BeiJing. After Mao ZeDong inside CCP rest r inbreeding leaders without international strategy.

To get the most profits of North Korea, Kim can threaten Beijing using nuke as same as Nuclear armed China ever did to USSR in 1960s ... recent years Kim playing nuclear balance between China and U.S with his nuke toy, further if both Kim and U.S r smart, possible N.Korea can make friend with U.S (like China did in 1972 with U.S) to betray China. I think North Korea is more useful than Vietnam for U.S to against China, especially a nuclear armed Korea much closer to BeiJing.

Anyways nuclear armed North Korea & Kim family isn't trouble for U.S, N.Korea is BeiJing's biggest trouble in Northeast Asia. The U.S deploy THAAD in South Korea just accelerate the rift between China and N.Korea.

I do think there will be 2nd Korean War !

if there is next Korean war, China need to annex NK and get rid of the Kim Chi dynasty
It is everywhere the same story with the US deploying her missile shield systems. In Poland and other Eastern European countries Russia feels threatened by US missile shield. Now, in South Korea they are playing the same game of missile shield deployment, but people know all too well what the aim is. China won't be threatened by such schemes. China is a peaceful rising power and will come with an appropriate answer in time like she always has.
why US complained and was ready to go war when USSR was deploying weapons in Cuba? If that was wrong then this deployment is also wrong.

Comparing apples to oranges. If we had ballistic missiles deployed in South Korea, its understandable that China would react since Beijing would be easily nuked within 3 minutes or so with little to no reaction in time. But THAAD is not going to destroy China within 3 minutes.

China lost control of North Korea and now South Korea return to U.S ... that's a bad news for China not stop Korea Kim developing his missiles.

Big mistake on North Korea since we had an agreement to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. The U.S. withdrew all nukes in 1992. And we told South Korea not to make nuclear weapons. Even refused to give them Tomahawk missiles not to disturb the region including China. But as you can see we have to respond.

It is everywhere the same story with the US deploying her missile shield systems. In Poland and other Eastern European countries Russia feels threatened by US missile shield. Now, in South Korea they are playing the same game of missile shield deployment, but people know all too well what the aim is. China won't be threatened by such schemes. China is a peaceful rising power and will come with an appropriate answer in time like she always has.

Why would Russia be threaten when Russia has already claimed their new ballistic missiles can defeat the ABM system? And only a few dozen interceptors will not stop hundreds of ballistic missiles.
Comparing apples to oranges. If we had ballistic missiles deployed in South Korea, its understandable that China would react since Beijing would be easily nuked within 3 minutes or so with little to no reaction in time. But THAAD is not going to destroy China within 3 minutes.

Big mistake on North Korea since we had an agreement to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula. The U.S. withdrew all nukes in 1992. And we told South Korea not to make nuclear weapons. Even refused to give them Tomahawk missiles not to disturb the region including China. But as you can see we have to respond.

Why would Russia be threaten when Russia has already claimed their new ballistic missiles can defeat the ABM system? And only a few dozen interceptors will not stop hundreds of ballistic missiles.

The Russian stance on US missile shield: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-nato-shield-russia-idUSKCN0Y41OF

Here some Russian stance.

Russia warns U.S. it could overwhelm N-missile shield

WASHINGTON -- Moscow warned the United States Monday that it has enough weapons to overwhelm any anti-ballistic missile system and threatened to deploy more atomic warheads if Washington builds a national missile defense system, the Washington Post reported Tuesday.

In a story from Moscow, the Post quoted Nikolai Mikhailov, first deputy defense minister, as saying that Russia's arsenal has such "technical capabilities" to "overcome" any antimissile defenses.He told the Post the technology was available and would be used if "the United States pushes us toward it."

His comments followed last week's meeting between Russian and U.S. officials to discuss possible amendments to the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (ABM).

Putin Says Russia Will
'Overwhelm' US Missile Shield


MOSCOW - President Vladimir V. Putin said today that if the United States proceeded on its own to construct a missile defense shield over its territory and that of its allies, Russia would eventually upgrade its strategic nuclear arsenal with multiple warheads reversing an achievement of arms control in recent decades to ensure that it would be able to overwhelm such a shield.

Mr. Putin made his comments in a meeting with American correspondents that lasted nearly three hours tonight and was organized last week to give him an opportunity to explain his views after his summit meeting with President Bush in Slovenia on Saturday.

The Russian leader emphasized that though he is buoyed by Mr. Bush's pledge that Washington and Moscow will work cooperatively in coming months to investigate the full ramifications of Mr. Bush's vision for a new security framework that includes missile defenses, Russia is also very alert to unilateral American actions.

And in response to comments made Sunday in Washington by Mr. Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, that the United States would proceed with missile defense with or without Russia, Mr. Putin said Russia would not threaten or try to prevent American actions, but would "augment" its nuclear forces without regard to treaties that now require the elimination of multiple warheads.


New submarine supermissile can pierce ABM shield

The new Russian liquid-fuel Liner missile is world’s most advanced submarine-based strategic weapon with range and payload capabilities surpassing every model deployed by any other country, its developer says.

The submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) Liner can carry up to 12 low-yield MIRV nuclear warheads and has a payload/mass ratio surpassing any solid-fuel strategic missiles designed by the US, UK, France and China, the developer Makeyev State Rocket Center said in a statement. It is very flexible in terms of what its payload can be, varying and mixing warheads of different capabilities.

The design bureau believes that the missile, which was first tested on May 20, will ensure the use of Delta IV class submarines until at least 2030.

There are seven vessels of this class in the Russian Navy, and they are armed with the SLMBs Sineva. The Liner is a highly advanced version of the Sineva missile.

There is little further detail about the Liner’s specifications so far. Sineva is a three-stage ballistic missile. It has a reported operational range of almost 12,000 kilometers, listed throw-weigh of 2.8 tonnes and can be launched from up to 55 meters deep.

Russia is the only nation that uses liquid-fuel submarine-based nuclear missiles. All other nations deploying SLBMs opt for solid propellants, since they allow for the building of more reliable missiles, which are simpler and cheaper to operate.

Russia has a solid-fuel SLBM in development too. The Bulava missile, which is the designated armament for the advanced Borey-class submarines, has seen several delays and setbacks over the years, but now it is slated to enter service after a series of successful test fires in 2010-2011.

Military experts say there is a certain competition between the two design approaches, but each has its own niche in the Russian Navy.

“The Bulava, which is similar to the American Trident II missile, is not able to replace the heavy liquid-fuel missile Sineva and its advanced version, the Liner. Only such heavy liquid-fuel missiles are capable of throwing big payloads to very long ranges,” military analyst Igor Khokhlov told RT.

The use of such missiles is necessary due to specifics of the missions,which the Russian Navy has to carry out, as well as its structure and nature, the expert says. Historically, Russia has perceived a land invasion as the primary military threat, while the Navy’s task was to protect the coastline rather than serve as an attack force. Liquid-fuel missiles are part of this force and will remain an integral part of Russia’s nuclear deterrence for at least several decades to come.

“Submarines armed with such missiles can operate from Russia’s safe territorial waters, where they are covered by the Russian Air Force and its surface Navy. They can also have electronic equipment, necessary to suppress the US antiballistic missile system, as part of their payload in addition to the warheads themselves,” Igor Khokhlov from the Institute of World Economy and International Relations explained.
^^ Of course, a cat and mouse game. I don't doubt the Russians for one minute. If there is one thing the Russians master with perfection it is missile tech.
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