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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

THAAD deployment undermines China-U.S., China-ROK strategic mutual trust: spokesman
2016-08-26 08:58 | Xinhua | Editor: Wang Fan

The deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in the Republic of Korea (ROK) destabilizes the regional strategic balance, and undermines China's strategic interests as well as the strategic mutual trust between China-U.S. and China-ROK.

Wu Qian, spokesperson for the Ministry of National Defense, made these remarks at a regular news briefing.

When asked about the upcoming China-Russia drill in the South China Sea, Wu said China and Russia have conducted a third round of consultation during Aug. 16 to Aug. 21, and reached consensus on implementation plans, communication and logistic affairs. The theme of the drill will be "joint defense action at sea."

Armies of China, Australia, and the U.S. will conduct a joint drill in Darwin, Australia from Aug. 24 to Sept. 11. Chinese and Australian armies will conduct a joint drill, "panda-kangaroo-2016", in Sydney from Sept. 14 to to Sept. 23, Wu said.

Both drills are aimed at deepening understanding and pragmatic military cooperation, Wu said.

China's naval and air forces recently conducted routine exercises in the Sea of Japan and the Western Pacific, Wu said.

The exercise, in accordance with the international law and practices, was not carried out against any specific country or target, and the Chinese military will continue organizing such routine actions according to schedule, Wu said.

Wu also voiced firm opposition to Japan's attempt to send self-defense forces to join U.S. "freedom of navigation" operations in the South China Sea. The Chinese military is resolved to defend the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime interests, and will respond to any threats or challenges, Wu said.
THAAD controversy rises in ROK amid president's slight change in position

September 03, 2016


Controversy resurfaced here over the deployment of a US missile shield, or Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), in the Republic of Korea (ROK) as ruling party lawmakers boycotted all parliamentary procedures in protest against the National Assembly speaker's remarks on THAAD.

Parliament Speaker Chung Sey-kyun said in his opening speech at the Assembly's first regular session on Thursday that it would be hard to agree with the government's attitude to the THAAD deployment from the perspective of dealing with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)'s nuclear program.

The former lawmaker of the main opposition Minjoo Party accused the government of failing to communicating with the public over the US missile defense system that resulted in split and confusion among people.

Chung urged the government to stop a "chicken game" between the two Koreas, calling for talks with the DPRK that can start with smallest possible issues.

Saenuri Party lawmakers walked out of the chamber, demanding the speaker's apology and resignation. The ruling party has boycotted all parliamentary procedures until Friday, including the passage of a supplementary budget plan for the second half, strongly advocated by President Park Geun-hye to reinvigorate the faltering economy.

Members of the ruling party occupied the speaker's office for a rally against Chung's comments. The governing party lost its majority in parliament in the April 13 elections amid mounting dissatisfactions with income equality and slowing economy.

Chung Jin-suk, the governing party's floor leader, reportedly claimed the speaker violated his duty of political neutrality, but Chung Sey-kyun said his remarks were made to reveal public opinion on a current issue without any political intention.

Park Jie-won, interim chairman and floor leader of the People's Party, said the speaker's remarks were "excellent" as it reflected public concerns about THAAD, depicting what the country's No. 2 said as the greatest opening speech in parliament.

Meanwhile, President Park Geun-hye on Friday made her first mention of a conditional deployment of the US missile shield on South Korean soil, before leaving for Russia to participate in the Eastern Economic Forum.

"The essence of the problem in this matter is the North's nuclear and missile threats. If these threats are eliminated, the need to deploy the THAAD system would naturally disappear," Park said in a written interview with Russia's Rossiya Segodnya posted on a Cheong Wa Dae website.

It marked the first time the ROK leader mentioned the conditional THAAD deployment, showing signs of a slight change in her hard-line position ahead of her trips to Russia and China that have strongly opposed the US missile defense system.

Park is set to visit Vladivostok for two days to attend the second Eastern Economic Forum and hold a bilateral summit with her Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. The forum was launched last year to speed up development of the Russian Far East.

She will travle to China to attend a Group of Twenty (G20) summit scheduled to be held in Hangzhou on Sunday and Monday.

Park, however, reiterated that the THAAD deployment is a measure of self-defense to protect from the DPRK's "ever-escalating" nuclear and missile threats.

She said there is no reason, nor practical benefit, for the THAAD system to target any third country, contrasting with repeated expressions of strong objections and worries from China and Russia.

Chinese and Russian objections to THAAD in the ROK came as the US missile shield's X-band radar can peer deep into Chinese and Russian territories, breaking strategic balance in the region and damaging security interests of the two countries.
I think the SK understand that they can't eat the cake and get to lick the plate too.

Consistent, non-explosive pressure which would leave the target country enough leeway to gracefully back-step is the key.

China needs to maintain the pressure to the point of snipping off, but without letting it snip off.
China is angry with NK for its nuclear testing and SK for its plan THAAD deployment.
I think Russia feels the same way too.

Nuke test vs THAAD: It’s a lose-lose game
2016-09-09 14:15 | chinadaily.com.cn | Editor: Feng Shuang

Is it one of the thorniest diplomatic challenges for China? Undeniably it is when the Democratic People's Republic of Korea conducted its fifth nuclear test on Friday morning.

No wonder the voices may flare up again that China should play a vital role in reining in the DPRK. However, all parties concerned should remind themselves it's high time they stopped a war of words, and truly shoulder their responsibilities to stop the vicious cicle of security dilemmas on the Korean Peninsula.

The fifth nuclear test by the DPRK will intensify tensions on the Korean Peninsula, push the nation itself into greater international isolation, pave the way for more possible sanctions, undermine its goal to develop the economy, and further endanger China's border security. By developing nuclear weapons, the DPRK will never achieve security, but instead face more tit-for-tat countermeasures from the US and its allies.

It would be wrong of the DPRK to miscalculate that China would connive its nuclear program at the cost of China's own security. China vehemently opposed the United States' plan to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense on the Republic of Korea, which will enhance the US surveillance over China's missiles in Northeast and East China. But THAAD will not weaken China's stance on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, as THAAD and the DPRK's nuclear program both pose acute security challenges for China.

The US may regard itself the only winner on the dangerous chessboard of the Korean Peninsula. The DPRK's nuclear capabilities can hardly pose true threats to the US homeland, but enable the US to grip the ROK under its alliance when the ROK and Japan keep aloof because of historical rows.

Uncle Sam also brings a conundrum for China. The THAAD system more or less cools down the warmest-ever China-ROK ties since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1992, while the DPRK's nuclear program thwarted the efforts to maintain a robust traditional friendship between China and the DRPK.

The US also misguides the international community to put pressure on China to keep the DPRK in check. US President Barack Obama pushed China to "tighten up" sanctions on the DPRK during a sideline meeting at the just-concluded G20 summit, while US presidential front runner Donald Trump vowed to take a harsh stance on the DPRK and blamed China for the DPRK's provocations.

But will the US truly win if the game of nuclear tests vs. THAAD intensfies? The US is playing with fire by casting a shadow of insecurity on East Asia and may engulf its interests in the region once the situation gets out of control. An unstable Northeast Asia will disturb regional development, not only China, but also in Japan and the ROK, which will eventually hurt US national interests.

No one can keep intact in the dangerous lose-lose game. It's high time for the US and the ROK to halt the plan to deploy the THAAD in the ROK, and the DPRK to abandon its nuclear ambition.
DPRK's fifth nuclear test draws rebuke
2016-09-10 08:26 | China Daily | Editor: Wang Fan

Beijing urges Pyongyang to keep promise on nonproliferation and abide by UN resolutions

The Chinese government expressed strong opposition on Friday to the nuclear test conducted by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, which also drew widespread global criticism.

"China strongly urges the DPRK to keep its promise on nonproliferation, abide by the resolutions of the United Nations Security Council and stop taking any actions that will worsen the situation," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on its website.

At a regular news conference in Beijing, ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said, "Parties related to the Korean Peninsula should, and only, solve their security concerns in ways that are in line with all parties' interests, and any unilateral act that serves a certain party's own interest is only a 'dead end'."

She also said the Foreign Ministry would lodge a protest with the DPRK's embassy in Beijing for conducting the test.

The China Earthquake Network Center said a magnitude-5 quake jolted the DPRK at 8:30 am Beijing time on Friday "at a depth of 0 km".

The state-run Korean Central News Agency said later that the DPRK had successfully conducted a nuclear test aimed at checking the power of its nuclear warheads.

The Ministry of Environmental Protection started emergency radiation monitoring along regions bordering the DPRK. The radiation data in those regions were in the safe range after the test, the ministry said.

The Republic of Korea regarded the test, the fifth by the DPRK, as the most powerful yet conducted by Pyongyang, as seen by the registered magnitude, which estimated its explosive yield at about 10 kilotons. The explosive yield from a nuclear test conducted by the DPRK on Jan 4 was estimated at about six kilotons.

ROK President Park Geun-hye strongly denounced the DPRK test, vowing to strengthen pressure on Pyongyang with all measures available to make it give up its nuclear program.

US President Barack Obama said any provocative actions by the DPRK would have "serious consequences".

Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida said that Tokyo has lodged protests with Pyongyang.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, while meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Geneva, said a message must be sent "very strongly" on implementing UN resolutions concerning the DPRK.

Yu Shaohua, a researcher of Korean Peninsula studies at the China Institute of International Studies, said the current situation on the peninsula is more complicated than before.

However, she said related parties should not only rely on the pressure of sanctions.

"The new way of dialogue, proposed by China, should also be considered in order to solve the issue," Yu said.

China proposed a parallel approach earlier this year under which the DPRK would abandon its nuclear weapons program and the US and the ROK would agree to sign a peace treaty with the DPRK to replace the 1953 armistice agreement.
Li tells Obama of opposition to THAAD deployment plan
(China Daily) 08:10, September 21, 2016


Chinese Premier Li Keqiang meets with US President Barack Obama on the sidelines of the ongoing 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in New York, the US on Monday. [Photo/Xinhua]

Premier Li Keqiang voiced Beijing's opposition to the plan by Washington and Seoul to deploy an advanced missile-defense system in the Republic of Korea while meeting with US President Barack Obama in New York.

Li said "it is hoped that all parties will avoid taking actions that lead to escalation of the tense situation".

He and Obama met on the sidelines of the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly on Monday.

Earlier this year, Washington and Seoul agreed to deploy the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system, angering Beijing and Moscow. The system's radar has a maximum reach of 2,000 km and could cover parts of China and Russia.

Earlier this month, tension rose anew on the Korean Peninsula after the Democratic People's Republic of Korea conducted a nuclear test in an area near the China-DPRK border.

Li said China endorses the UN Security Council's plan to further respond to the nuclear test by the DPRK.

Beijing remains committed to denuclearization of the peninsula, ensuring peace and stability, and resolving the issue through dialogue and consultation, Li said.

A White House statement released later on Monday said Obama and Li "resolved to strengthen coordination in achieving the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula".

Zhang Tuosheng, director of the research department at the China Foundation for International and Strategic Studies, said China should continue tackling two tasks simultaneously — counteracting the THAAD deployment plan as well as strengthening cooperation with the US and the ROK in boosting denuclearization of the peninsula.

"No efforts should be spared to resume the Six-Party Talks, and even if the resumption is unlikely, support should be given to other dialogue promoting peace on the peninsula and denuclearization," Zhang said.

Jia Xiudong, a senior researcher in international affairs at the China Institute of International Studies, said the DPRK nuclear tests and the US-ROK plan to deploy THAAD are "pushing the peninsula situation to a deadlock, which serves no interest of any party".

The root cause of the nuclear issue is the mutual distrust between the US and the DPRK, and the only way out is to resume dialogue, Jia said.

During their talk, Li and Obama also touched upon bilateral trade and investment, as well as global issues including sustainable development, refugee crises and peacekeeping.

Rally staged in Washington D.C. against THAAD deployment in S. Korea
Source:Xinhua Published: 2016/10/22 16:32:34

People attend a rally outside the White House in Washington D.C., capital of the United States, Oct. 21, 2016. A rally against the deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in South Korea and U.S. militarism in the Asia-Pacific region was held on Friday. (Xinhua/Bao Dandan)


People attend a rally outside the White House in Washington D.C., capital of the United States, Oct. 21, 2016. A rally against the deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in South Korea and U.S. militarism in the Asia-Pacific region was held on Friday. (Xinhua/Bao Dandan)


People attend a rally outside the White House in Washington D.C., capital of the United States, Oct. 21, 2016. A rally against the deployment of Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) in South Korea and U.S. militarism in the Asia-Pacific region was held on Friday. (Xinhua/Bao Dandan)

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big rally they got there. what is that like 12 people :rofl:

meanwhile over 300,000 people are being tortured in NK concentration centers, and they are building nuclear weapons, but forget all that.

A whole 12 people...LOL!

I bet I can find more cars at my local Korean supermarket with "Vote Hillary" or "Vote Trump" bumperstickers on them.
Isn't this whataboutism?

BTW, where are your sources for "over 300,000 people are being tortured in NK concentration centers".

Ya, you know..building nukes is one thing. Dropping them on Japanese civilians..twice, is another. BTW, you can thank American freedom and democracy for provoking NK into that war. See The Hidden History of the Korean War by I.F. Stone.

Seems like America likes to start lots of wars on fake pretexts like the Gulf of Tonkin LIE and wmd in Iraq LIE. Why should anyone listen to Americans when their own citizens don't even trust them?

let's compare our crime of dropping two nukes on Japan to the crime that Japan was committing all over Asian particularly in China. we didn't start the war but we sure ended it.

they should have given up after Okinawa, but they wanted to continue so they deserved what they got.

but really comparing 4 generations of brutal NK rule to what the U.S has done is just hilarious.
Wait a sec now. The North Koreans test nukes repeatedly and is always looking for a way to engage south korea militarily, and these buggers are opposing deployment ?

I say the deployment should have come earlier. Any neighboring country who feels threatened by THAAD, should better have a leash on NK else just stfu !
let's compare our crime of dropping two nukes on Japan to the crime that Japan was committing all over Asian particularly in China. we didn't start the war but we sure ended it.

they should have given up after Okinawa, but they wanted to continue so they deserved what they got.

but really comparing 4 generations of brutal NK rule to what the U.S has done is just hilarious.
Base on what reason. you call this comparation is hilarious?
Fat Kim didn't kill. thousands of innocent iraq,alf,lib,PK,Syria people like. USA.
Fat kim. is way far more better than hypocrite USA
Fat Kim didn't kill. thousands of innocent iraq,alf,lib,PK,Syria people like. USA.
Base on what reason. you call this comparation is hilarious?
Fat kim. is way far more better than hypocrite USA

U.S hurts other people not it's own. unlike communist countries like the USSR,China, and NK that kill millions of it's own people.

so I guess you got me there
let's compare our crime of dropping two nukes on Japan to the crime that Japan was committing all over Asian particularly in China. we didn't start the war but we sure ended it.

they should have given up after Okinawa, but they wanted to continue so they deserved what they got.

but really comparing 4 generations of brutal NK rule to what the U.S has done is just hilarious.

Dropping nukes on civilians is not the answer. Japanese resources were depleting and they were on a retreat! You are an idiot sir.

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