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Deployment of THAAD: News & Discussions

THAAD is useless for defending S Korea. N Korea is just next door. They can just throw a bomb over the border. By allowing Americans to operate it, it just further entrench US forces in S Korea.
THAAD however will protect Japan which Koreans hate.

THAAD also threaten both Russia and China's interest, S Korea's neighbors.

It's a stupid decision... totally.

On the other hand, Trading does not harm anybody.

THAAD is useless or not, let the South Koreans decide that. My question was simple, why would China interfere in it?
That sends a wrong message to other neighbors of China. If it's SK's policy even to let the Americans in let them do that.

Speaking of Korea vs Japan. I know Korea had troubles with japan back in 40's but that scenario is in the past. Only a very few people hate the Japs and vise-versa. (Though I don't have a first hand experience, I regularly follow news)

Why would THAAD threaten Russia or China unless of course if China and Russia go war in there. THAAD is not an ICBM its a missile defense system with some 200KM (150 mi) range. Given the way in which NK behaves, I think its better late than never.
THAAD is better off deploy in Japan, but then Japan will be the target of China's economic attack. Instead, Japan bribe the corrupt S Korean president to let it deploy in S Korea instead.
THAAD is useless or not, let the South Koreans decide that. My question was simple, why would China interfere in it?
That sends a wrong message to other neighbors of China. If it's SK's policy even to let the Americans in let them do that.

Speaking of Korea vs Japan. I know Korea had troubles with japan back in 40's but that scenario is in the past. Only a very few people hate the Japs and vise-versa. (Though I don't have a first hand experience, I regularly follow news)

Why would THAAD threaten Russia or China unless of course if China and Russia go war in there. THAAD is not an ICBM its a missile defense system with some 200KM (150 mi) range. Given the way in which NK behaves, I think its better late than never.
Arguing with Indian posters like you makes me want to vomit blood.

Ok I will repeat again. Please read, OK? Trading do not harm anybody. THAAD have capacity to monitor deep inside China and Russia. Gosh do you even follow the news?

You also do not understand warfare. What US is doing is a strategem call "preparing the ground for future battle".
Go read Sun Tzu art of war.

Koreans love the Japanese ? :crazy:
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Arguing with Indian posters like you makes me want to vomit blood.
Ok I will repeat again. Please read, OK? Trading do not harm anybody. THAAD have capacity to monitor deep inside China and Russia. Gosh do you even follow the news?

You also do not understand warfare. What US is doing is a strategem call "preparing the ground for future battle".
Go read Sun Tzu art of war.

Koreans love the Japanese ? :crazy:
Vomiting part I guess you are doing it for me. Watching your post look nonetheless.
Before bluffing this sh*t, read what THAAD is. It has no such capability to monitor deep inside China and Russia.:rofl:

It is an intermediate range missile defense for god sake:lol:. Meaning it can only intercept a missile when it enters South Korean air space. also it can only destroy the target, when the missile reaches the terminal phase.
I didn't say Koreans love Japan. I only meant that they don't have deep hatred towards each other. Like Japan-China kind of hatred.
I guess US don't follow Sun Tzu art of war. They might have their own unique strategy.
It has no such capability to monitor deep inside China and Russia.

THAAD's radar has such capability of looking deep inside China's and Russia's territories.

The purported place of location, in fact, provides deeper coverage of China while leaving part of SK unprotected. THAAD is definitely not meant to provide protection for Korea.

THAAD has the capability to intercept a missile inside and outside the atmosphere.

I didn't say Koreans love Japan. I only meant that they don't have deep hatred towards each other. Like Japan-China kind of hatred.

They have similar historical baggage with Japan as China does. So, it is meaningless to argue about the degree of hatred. Besides, it is not hatred, it is disagreement and bitterness over history.

I guess US don't follow Sun Tzu art of war. They might have their own unique strategy.

China does follow Sn Tzu and understands the US strategy from such perspective.
They have similar historical baggage with Japan as China does. So, it is meaningless to argue about the degree of hatred. Besides, it is not hatred, it is disagreement and bitterness over history.
His post clearly shows he doesn't live in East Asia and know any Korean, otherwise he will definitely know the view of most Korean toward Japanese. Many Korean still feel betrayed when their government make deal with Japanese about the compensation of their comfort woman and some even views that as a treachery. If he knows better, he should know Chinese are actually nicer to Japanese. Not to mention, the first person who attempted to bomb Yasukuni Shrine, was also happened to be a Korean.
It is an intermediate range missile defense for god sake:lol:. Meaning it can only intercept a missile when it enters South Korean air space. also it can only destroy the target, when the missile reaches the terminal phase.

The system's detection range is much greater than its range of interception, and it's the extensive detection range that China sees as hostile act by the S.Korean government.

I didn't say Koreans love Japan. I only meant that they don't have deep hatred towards each other. Like Japan-China kind of hatred.

Japan had occupied the whole of Korea for 35 years, as such the hostility between the two are actually greater than between China and Japan. There is an anti Japanese national holiday in Korea where any Japanese will be refused service.
The fall of the Park is pretty spectacular. She got abandon by her own country, let alone China.

As far as their decision is concern, we don't own SK anything so there is no need for favorite treatment.
Vomiting part I guess you are doing it for me. Watching your post look nonetheless.
Before bluffing this sh*t, read what THAAD is. It has no such capability to monitor deep inside China and Russia.:rofl:

It is an intermediate range missile defense for god sake:lol:. Meaning it can only intercept a missile when it enters South Korean air space. also it can only destroy the target, when the missile reaches the terminal phase.
I didn't say Koreans love Japan. I only meant that they don't have deep hatred towards each other. Like Japan-China kind of hatred.
I guess US don't follow Sun Tzu art of war. They might have their own unique strategy.

It's an intermediate range missile defense...against intermediate and long range missiles, which North Korea will not use against South Korea as it's only a stone's throw away. It in itself is useless for defending SK, but it's clear that SK believes that it can be helpful in defending SK by cementing the US-SK alliance. The thing is, an American missile and radar system this close to China is a threat to China's defense, and China has the right to do whatever it takes to defend itself, including making the case to SK that such a system may hurt South Korean interests more than it helps.
The fall of the Park is pretty spectacular. She got abandon by her own country, let alone China.

As far as their decision is concern, we don't own SK anything so there is no need for favorite treatment.

Park did it to herself, she can only blame herself for treason. Seriously did she think she could actually get away with it when she allowed THAAD to point at China and then the data sharing between SK and JP military that's unforgivable to the Korean People. Punishment followed soon and there it is. She was pulled down from power like a falling brick. China abandoned her, the people in SK want her to be impeached, even the US government dropped her without voicing any political support. Instead it wants to mingle with the next government just to make sure THAAD will continue to be operated in that region. Should the next government also succumb to US pressure Beijing will draw more sticks out for SK which shall bear the severe consequences. It cannot escapes Beijing's wrath. :devil:
Park did it to herself, she can only blame herself for treason. Seriously did she think she could actually get away with it when she allowed THAAD to point at China and then the data sharing between SK and JP military that's unforgivable to the Korean People. Punishment followed soon and there it is. She was pulled down from power like a falling brick. China abandoned her, the people in SK want her to be impeached, even the US government dropped her without voicing any political support. Instead it wants to mingle with the next government just to make sure THAAD will continue to be operated in that region. Should the next government also succumb to US pressure Beijing will draw more sticks out for SK which shall bear the severe consequences. It cannot escapes Beijing's wrath. :devil:
Agree, I also heard that Park agreed to the installation of THAAD in exchange for some critical techs from US for its own stealth fighter, but it still needs confirmation. However, you can never trust anyone in international stage. China had learned it in a hard way, first it was Vietnam, and now South Korea. Favouritism should be ended since it won't get China any faithful ally.
However, you can never trust anyone in international stage. China had learned it in a hard way, first it was Vietnam, and now South Korea. Favouritism should be ended since it won't get China any faithful ally.

umm why do you have to mention Vietnam here? And you are wrong, it was China that became an untrustworthy turncoat, not Vietnam. Vietnam first fought against the French, then continued to fight against the US. China initially became friend with Vietnam, but then later betrayed and became friend with the US while Vietnam was still fighting the US. So yes, you are correct in saying that you can never trust anyone in the international stage, but in your example, it was China who was the untrustworthy one.

Mao did a 180 degree shaking hands with the US.

Come to think of it, the Americans might be saying you are the one who have betrayed them because they were the one who helped you from the 1970s against the Soviet, but I digress.

S.Korean presidential poll frontrunner argues for delaying THAAD deployment

Xinhua, December 15, 2016

South Korea's frontrunner in presidential polls on Thursday made out his case that the deployment of a U.S. missile defense system in his country must be delayed to allow the next government to review it.

Moon Jae-in, former head of the main opposition Minjoo Party, told foreign correspondents in Seoul that the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) installation issue must be postponed to let next administration to reconsider it.

The frontrunner in recent presidential surveys said the THAAD deployment is a matter having gains and losses from the perspective of national security of South Korea.

The Park Geun-hye administration, Moon said, failed to go through the process of finding a public consensus in the U.S. anti-missile battery installation, while refraining from making diplomatic efforts on China and Russia.

Seoul and Washington abruptly announced their agreement in July to deploy one THAAD battery in southeast South Korea by the end of next year. Commander of U.S. forces stationed in South Korea indicated the installation within the second half of 2017.

China and Russia have expressed strong oppositions to the U.S. missile defense battery that can peer into territories of the two countries.

South Korea, which had maintained a position of so-called "three Nos" meaning no proposal, no negotiation and no decision, declared the deployment as a bolt from the blue.

Moon, the runner-up to President Park in the 2012 election, said it is not appropriate to continue to push the THAAD installation in current situations that the president is impeached and the prime minister serves as acting president.

President Park was impeached last Friday by 234 to 56 in the 300-seat National Assembly, suspending her from office immediately. Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn assumed temporary presidential power until the constitutional court rules on it up to 180 days.

"It is desirable for next administration to make a rational decision (on THAAD deployment) after sufficient efforts to find public consensus and diplomatic efforts (on neighboring countries)," said Moon.

Moon has maintained first place in presidential polls for the seventh consecutive week at 24.0 percent, up 0.9 percentage points from the previous week.


At the end of the day, the US is a foreign entity and often is akin to an uninvited cancerous tumor in our region (from military perspective); success or failure, it is us, the people of East Asia, that will benefit or suffer from the consequences of politics, not them. We need to think and act accordingly. A foreign entity would not suffer for us when/if the suffering comes upon us due to reckless, short terms policy making.

@Chinese-Dragon , @long_ , @AndrewJin , @tranquilium , @terranMarine
Lawmaker claims Choi was behind Thaad deal

INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily (2016-11-25)


Representative An Min-suk

Rep. An Min-suk of the main opposition party said Thursday that Choi Soon-sil’s influence even extended to Seoul’s controversial decision to deploy the U.S.-led Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (Thaad) system.

He went on to allege that the president’s close friend, who is at the center of an influence-peddling scandal known as Choi-gate, would have pocketed a large commission from the deal with Lockheed Martin, the American arms producer.

To my knowledge, Choi met with the Lockheed Martin chairperson in June,” said An, a four-term lawmaker of the Minjoo Party of Korea and co-chair of his party’s special committee to investigate alleged manipulation of the Park Geun-hye administration’s affairs, on a radio interview with TBS.

According to An, Choi was linked to Lockheed by a foreign affairs and security field big shot in the Park administration. Seoul and Washington in July announced they will deploy Thaad in South Korea to counter Pyongyang’s missile threats.

When asked if this individual was currently in office or not, An replied, “I cannot reveal that here.” But this person was supported by Lockheed for two years during his time in the United States some six years ago, claimed An, who added, “The link between Choi Soon-sil and Lockheed Martin is being revealed.

Since Choi-gate broke out, there have been questions as to the extent of her involvement in sensitive national security and diplomatic matters.

What Choi Soon-sil has pocketed until now is nothing compared to what she got from Thaad,” he continued. “Think of the commission she would have gotten from the Thaad deal. Lockheed is Thaad’s manufacturer.

Opposition lawmakers have raised suspicion about Choi’s involvement in major government deals, including the Park administration’s decision to deploy the Thaad battery to Seongju County in North Gyeongsang. Choi has already been accused of being behind arms deals, including the purchase of F-35A stealth fighters from Lockheed Martin.

She is said to have a close friendship with arms lobbyist Linda Kim.

The decision to deploy Thaad came despite China and Russia’s strong protests that the Thaad’s powerful AN/TPY-2, or X-band, radar could be used to spy on them.

An raised the notion of Choi’s involvement in arms deals in another radio interview last week, saying, “I got the tip from a very credible source within the military.
He also pointed out that, compared to the period between 2010 and 2015, 2015 to 2021 will see a marked increase in contracts with Lockheed. He said the number of deals struck with Lockheed until 2021 was increased 15 times over.

BY SARAH KIM [kim.sarah@joongang.co.kr]
Lawmaker claims Choi was behind Thaad deal

INSIDE Korea JoongAng Daily (2016-11-25)


Representative An Min-suk

Rep. An Min-suk of the main opposition party said Thursday that Choi Soon-sil’s influence even extended to Seoul’s controversial decision to deploy the U.S.-led Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (Thaad) system.

He went on to allege that the president’s close friend, who is at the center of an influence-peddling scandal known as Choi-gate, would have pocketed a large commission from the deal with Lockheed Martin, the American arms producer.

To my knowledge, Choi met with the Lockheed Martin chairperson in June,” said An, a four-term lawmaker of the Minjoo Party of Korea and co-chair of his party’s special committee to investigate alleged manipulation of the Park Geun-hye administration’s affairs, on a radio interview with TBS.

According to An, Choi was linked to Lockheed by a foreign affairs and security field big shot in the Park administration. Seoul and Washington in July announced they will deploy Thaad in South Korea to counter Pyongyang’s missile threats.

When asked if this individual was currently in office or not, An replied, “I cannot reveal that here.” But this person was supported by Lockheed for two years during his time in the United States some six years ago, claimed An, who added, “The link between Choi Soon-sil and Lockheed Martin is being revealed.

Since Choi-gate broke out, there have been questions as to the extent of her involvement in sensitive national security and diplomatic matters.

What Choi Soon-sil has pocketed until now is nothing compared to what she got from Thaad,” he continued. “Think of the commission she would have gotten from the Thaad deal. Lockheed is Thaad’s manufacturer.

Opposition lawmakers have raised suspicion about Choi’s involvement in major government deals, including the Park administration’s decision to deploy the Thaad battery to Seongju County in North Gyeongsang. Choi has already been accused of being behind arms deals, including the purchase of F-35A stealth fighters from Lockheed Martin.

She is said to have a close friendship with arms lobbyist Linda Kim.

The decision to deploy Thaad came despite China and Russia’s strong protests that the Thaad’s powerful AN/TPY-2, or X-band, radar could be used to spy on them.

An raised the notion of Choi’s involvement in arms deals in another radio interview last week, saying, “I got the tip from a very credible source within the military.
He also pointed out that, compared to the period between 2010 and 2015, 2015 to 2021 will see a marked increase in contracts with Lockheed. He said the number of deals struck with Lockheed until 2021 was increased 15 times over.

BY SARAH KIM [kim.sarah@joongang.co.kr]

This would not be the first time that US Inc. would be involved in corruption on an international scale. Arms market is especially prone to corruption because it always involves politics.

It is great that the Koreans might have caught the culprit and end the corruption well before it goes out of control.
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