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‘Denying Holocaust Does Not Make Good Muslim Or Arab’ ‘The Quran Calls Muslims To Be Just’

Almost all genocides recorded in history has some degree of exaggeration.

Still, the message is loud and clear. Stop being A-holes and don't kill another person purely based on what that person is usually born with :mad:

I thought religious threads weren't allowed here??

Discussions about religious groups suffering discrimination based on their religion shouldn't be barred though, like you have religious riots in India,

Or you have Yazidis being targeted in Iraq.
I have not met anyone who denies Holocaust. Most people believe that a genocide took place but they disagree on the numbers. Most people I know believe that the 6 million number is highly inflated and exaggerated.

Let us do the math. Let us say the World War II with Germany lasted 5 years or 365 x 5 = 1825 days

If 6 million Jews were massacred that means 6,000,000 / 1825 days = 3288 jews were killed each day non stop every single day.

Or in other words 3288/24 = 137 Jews killed every hour for five years non stop every hour around the clock for 5 years.

The numbers don't add up.
No sir it is very much possible. Close to 2 million soviet POW's perished just during the first 9 months of the war.
360,000 people perished during a period of 3 months during the partition riots.
5 million ukrainians died during the famine of 32-33.
The list is endless. Humans have an immense capacity to kill each others.
If this is what is taught in Pakistan's madrassas, why do so many of their graduates blow people up?

"So many" where did you get the statistics/figures, "so many" from "so many madrassas" the blowing up is coming from across the western border majority of the times and that thing got implanted during afghan war. This person truly is delusional. There are various aspect foreign elements/agencies are also playing their role this it can't be blamed on single party. To stupid to even discuss.

It would get funny if someone post passages from old testament about being honest and not over powering/killing thy neighbors/people yet we witness it on daily basis by oppressive genocidal regime somewhere sandwiched in gulf region.

Death to Followers of Other Religions [old testament/torah]
Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

Kill Nonbelievers [old testament/torah]
They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)
It's habitual ... :p:

:Q:5:41: ...And of the Jews are men who listen much to any fallacy- listen to others who have not come to you. They distort the words from their proper places; they say, "If you are given this, take it, but if you are not given this, then beware!"...

Isn't Quran amazing... 8-)

So they want you to believe 6 Million, and they want you to take it... Then "take it". Memorize it. Repeat it.
Otherwise "beware!", you can go to jail for denying it. :)


No one is denying death of anyone's Grandparents, Aunts & uncles.
They are just saying numbers are falsified big time.
And they are saying that if Christians in Germany persecuted Jews, WHY Jews are taking it out on Muslims.!


Aaammmmm!!! NO!
You misunderstood. It doesn't say so.

It says there are people among them... implied: that's an overwhelming tendency...

You can stand on either side of this debate.


I beg you not quote single verses from Quran. you just slaughtered the story described in 5:1-5:51 by simply quoting one verse.

This is the most despicable and Shaitani thing to do with any holy book.

This was the work of hypocrites to quote single verses from quran

And sadly Islamists are now worse than hypocrites when quoting Quran.

So sorry to see Quran now in the hands of $hitholes.,

So if someone engages in listening to fallacies and distortions then they are "Jews" in the Koranic sense. Those are the "Jews" you're supposed to be wary of, yes? Whereas someone who merely calls himself a Jew but doesn't deal in fallacies - this person isn't a Jew in the Koranic sense and what he says may be accepted.

Go on. Tell everyone what I misunderstood and how. After all, if the Koran stands alone, uncreated in time, it must, therefore, have necessary definitions within. Otherwise anyone can take any word to mean anything, and thus render the Koran useless.

Ignore the rascals who quote holy books out of context.

Thank you
So I guess you haven't heard of 9 million Iranians death of famine during 1917-1919. and the role of the Jewish great Britain in it.
What kind of logic is this? The Mongols committed mass slaughter in 13th Century, The orthodox Christians did it in medieval Europe, Colonial Britain did the same in 1917-19 and 1940's. Did these incidents provoked the Nazis to wipe out Jews population from Europe? No. One mass slaughter can never be justified by the another one.

The Nazis had specific agendas of racial superiority over the Jews, Slavs and Romas. Read about the different methods they were adopting for mass killings in a short duration of time. Read what they were experimenting with human carcasses and think if those ghastly inhuman deeds match any of the other war crimes in history of humanity.
Ignore the rascals who quote holy books out of context.

Bravo! talmud text needs explanation?
What kind of logic is this? The Mongols committed mass slaughter in 13th Century, The orthodox Christians did it in medieval Europe, Colonial Britain did the same in 1917-19 and 1940's. Did these incidents provoked the Nazis to wipe out Jews population from Europe? No. One mass slaughter can never be justified by the another one.

The Nazis had specific agendas of racial superiority over the Jews, Slavs and Romas. Read about the different methods they were adopting for mass killings in a short duration of time. Read what they were experimenting with human carcasses and think if those ghastly inhuman deeds match any of the other war crimes in history of humanity.
Wow, control your feelings bro,
Who the hell is justifying one slaughter by another?
You claimed the killing of Jews were the greatest ever slaughter in the history of mankind in your post, and I came up with an example to prove you there are other real mass slaughter that were more disastrous in even recent history of mankind, just that.
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‘Denying Holocaust Does Not Make Good Muslim Or Arab’
‘The Quran Calls Muslims To Be Just’
There is a unique passage in the Holy Quran which talks about the need for all Muslims to be honest and just with all people: “O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do” (Surat Al-Ma’idah 8). Being tolerant of difference, and not being influenced by cultural, racial or religious prejudices, I do believe that a good Muslim should always be a just Muslim, especially toward non-Muslims. For example, one of the most controversial issues surrounding current day Muslim and Jewish relations revolves around how to deal with the horrific Holocaust; the large scale Nazi destruction of millions of innocent lives.

This mass murder of millions of Jews between 1941-45 represents one of the darkest periods in human history. In fact, Hitler, the Nazi dictator would have exterminated all Muslims if he was able to do so. To such mad Nazi all non-Germans were less human than the Aryan race. Therefore, denying the Holocaust or attempting to use anti-Semitic discourse similar to what the Nazis used during 1930s and 1940s is very unjust especially if such denial is committed by a Muslim.

We as Muslims, at least according to our holy book the Quran, are supposed to stand by the victims of injustice and racial discrimination. For instance, we as Muslims are not supposed to propagate similar anti-Semitic slogans like fascists or Nazis. Many of the Muslim-immigrants in Europe, who fall victims to racial attacks are usually abused, humiliated and killed by neo-Nazi groups. Therefore, it goes against common sense to feel elated or at least to feel indifferent when some nutcase neo-Nazi or fascist radicals commit horrendous crimes against Jews.

A good Muslim should always be a just Muslim, especially with non-Muslims. What happens today between the Palestinians and the Israelis does not justify commending Nazi murders of millions of innocent people.
As a Muslim, who continually searches for the truth, I find it necessary to acknowledge the following facts about the Holocaust: the Nazis were racists, extremists terrorists who destroyed millions of innocent lives-Hitler was a mad dictator and a dreadful leader who brought destruction to his country-the Nazis murdered millions of Jews just because they are different racially and in religion-it if would have been possible for the Nazis, they would have annihilated Muslims.

A just and a good Muslim does not deny the victims of racial and religious prejudice the right to be remembered. Denying the Holocaust does not make one a good Muslim or a good Arab. Those who do not sympathize with the plight of the innocent or who deny the Holocaust have renounced their humanity.


By Khaled Aljenfawi
‘Denying Holocaust does not make good Muslim or Arab’
That doesn't make some one bad Muslim not and also not unjust their is some truth and some fabrication too in that and yes just to piss of Jews that is not good thing to do
Wow, control your feelings bro,
Who the hell is justifying one slaughter by another?
You claimed the killing of Jews were the greatest ever slaughter in the history of mankind in your post, and I came up with a example to prove you there are other real mass slaughter that were more disastrous in even recent history of mankind, just that.

Then your second sentence in that post does not make any sense at all.
Then your second sentence in that post does not make any sense at all.
A bunch of people dying because of starvation and famine is not called slaughtering bro, the second sentence in that post was written to imply the incident was a mass murder.
A bunch of people dying because of starvation and famine is not called slaughtering bro, the second sentence in that post was written to imply the incident was a mass murder.

With all my conscience I have to agree with you that the British, the Soviets have not behaved in any saintly way since the beginning of the nineteenth century. The exploiting economic policies in the subcontinent literally destroyed the socio-economic structure of the region which stayed almost intact for almost thousand years. The Soviets were equally expansionist in their west and south like an other colonialist regime. So, on the basis of morale, they too are guilty of crime against humanity, I agree.

But, what we are discussing was the degree of horror and cruelty thumbed upon a bunch of minorities which certainly do not have any parallel in human history known to us if the tales of the eye witnesses are to be believed. Regards.
I have not met anyone who denies Holocaust. Most people believe that a genocide took place but they disagree on the numbers. Most people I know believe that the 6 million number is highly inflated and exaggerated.
Let us do the math. Let us say the World War II with Germany lasted 5 years or 365 x 5 = 1825 days
If 6 million Jews were massacred that means 6,000,000 / 1825 days = 3288 jews were killed each day non stop every single day.
Or in other words 3288/24 = 137 Jews killed every hour for five years non stop every hour around the clock for 5 years.
The numbers don't add up.

Ah, the Holocaust - one of my favorite subjects. 137 Jews killed round the clock sounds too much for you? Check out what happened at Baby Yar - and how much time it took. Check out the activities of Einsatzgruppen A,B,C and D(all operated in Reichskommissariat Ukraine/Ostland, Wehr.Befl. Belarus/ General Gouvernment) No gas chambers were used by these gentlemen. They sent reports to Reich Sicherheitsdienst on a weekly basis - there is no doubt about their accuracy - check them out. Research yourself. We can come to the gas chambers later. So yeah 137 is child's play. :agree:

@Solomon2 - you should know when you are speaking to a moral elitist. People who equate Nazism and Zionism are not just morons, but well, I ran out of words to write anyway...and then they equate Zionism with Israel. It is easy to speak of beautiful things like people of the world making a place for Jews to live peacefully, world hunger to disappear overnight by land reforms, USA and Islamists kissing and making up etc - but we have a word for it - it is called Utopia. In India there are plenty who subscribe to that world view - it kinda feels good only because we have not faced a Great War yet. The Harsh Reality has been kind on us. :coffee:

Churchill was apathetic to India - his actions were directly responsible to the mass starvation of Indians. Even without Burmese rice, the huge Indian/American/British armies in India were very well fed and clothed. Supplies were deliberately siphoned off even to the Middle East from India when there was a famine( in India)! So Churchill is a SOB to me, but equivalence does not work for me. Hitler and more so Himmler(Heinrich Reichsfuhrer, Chief of SS) were responsible for the murder of about 4.8 to 5.1 million Jews and other unaccounted 'undesirables'.
With all my conscience I have to agree with you that the British, the Soviets have not behaved in any saintly way since the beginning of the nineteenth century. The exploiting economic policies in the subcontinent literally destroyed the socio-economic structure of the region which stayed almost intact for almost thousand years. The Soviets were equally expansionist in their west and south like an other colonialist regime. So, on the basis of morale, they too are guilty of crime against humanity, I agree.
thanks dude, damn expansionists.
So yeah 137 is child's play.
I don't know how you came up with this conclusion, but for your handbook of knowledge please compare the number with the causalities of other great wars. then I am sure you won't come up with the same results dude.
I will do a sample for you here to understand the dimensions of that number you have mentioned above.
In the Iran-Iraq war chemical weapons were used, cities were bombed and due to lack of technology manpower was slaughtered in great numbers, but the rate of causality per hour barely exceeds a number of 6 per hour. and now you compare it with your number of 137 per hour. I think with a little bit of thinking you can see the real truth man.
Everyone must acknowledge Holocaust and must pressurize Europe to correct her mistake by bring back all the Jews who were forced to flee.

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