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‘Denying Holocaust Does Not Make Good Muslim Or Arab’ ‘The Quran Calls Muslims To Be Just’

^^^ white people slaughter millions of jews

So jews side with white people to **** over the Palestinians thus making millions of muslims wish for the slaughter of the jews

If the americans loved the jews so much they should have given them Florida for israel or even better Germany should have given up land to form a new israel..

No they decide to trample over Muslims in Palestine

Im not going to say the Holocaust was right as too many innocent people died, but if the jews keep doing dumb things like they are doing today then the hatred for them will be so intense that things like the holocaust will occur.
What kind of logic is this? The Mongols committed mass slaughter in 13th Century, The orthodox Christians did it in medieval Europe,

Pls tell me more about orthodox christians committing mass slaughter in medieval Europe.Never heard of it until now.

Everyone must acknowledge Holocaust and must pressurize Europe to correct her mistake by bring back all the Jews who were forced to flee.

No one forced them to flee after the end of WW2 .They left voluntarily.
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Pls tell me more about orthodox christians committing mass slaughter in Europe.Never heard of it until now.

No one forced them to flee after the end of WW2 .They left voluntarily.
After what was done to them,they shouldnt have left?
Wouldnt you leave?
You just drew a direct analogy between the Nazis who are known to have murdered Jews by the millions and the Jews of Israel who are baselessly accused of committing the same or like atrocities.

Thus you, an Indian, have less moral standing in this matter than those Pakistanis here who merely doubt whether or not the Holocaust happened at all.

Whether it happened or not or what was th scale the main point here in this thread for me is that those who committed it were not Pakistanis neither Muslims so why drag us in the first place.
Which part is exaggerated in your opinion?

Hitler did prosecute the Jews,he did do crazy after them doing eugenics and all but the same guys who supported/appeased Hitler including Stalin also supported Israel later.

I strongly support the right of Israel to exist and they won their motherland fair and square and best victory over the Arabs is military victory,they don't understand negotiations by peace.

But but,i dont like the idea of Holocaust Propoganda and all the movies about it,reminding people of Jews as Victims to appease Israel in anything it might do today.
Pls tell me more about orthodox christians committing mass slaughter in medieval Europe.Never heard of it until now.

Is anti-Semitic sentiment new in Europe? Isn't it true that after the second phase of Mongol invasion of Europe anti-Semite feelings reached at it's lowest point?

PS: The discussion is about mainly jews holocaust, so I rather stick to this subject only.
Is anti-Semitic sentiment new in Europe? Isn't it true that after the second phase of Mongol invasion of Europe anti-Semite feelings reached at it's lowest point?

Well,anti semitic feeling runs deep in european history but still i was puzzled about the orthodox christians committing mass slaughter in medieval Europe.You probably meant the catholics.
Well,anti semitic feeling runs deep in european history but still i was puzzled about the orthodox christians committing mass slaughter in medieval Europe.You probably meant the catholics.
Ahh!! bad on my part. Yes, i certainly did not mean the eastern/oriental orthodoxy. Thanks for correcting me.
Too small for gassing 6 million Jews don't you think?
This sentence alone shows that u are COMPLETE IGNORANT with ZERO KNOWLEDGE. No one ever claimed that 6 million were gassed.

6). And finally, the number of Jews "gassed" by the Germans during WW2 has been consistently changing throughout the past 60+ years:

Up till 1984 this was the death toll of people "gassed" by the "Nazis" at Auschwitz camp:


But somehow they managed to take away 2.5 million victims of the 4 million allegedly gassed at Auschwitz and thus reduced the number to a more reasonable and believable 1.5 million:

If u had little brains instead conspiracyturd u would see that first plate does not even mention Jews at all. This plate was installed by commies actually to downside importance of Jews suffering, thats why they boosted number and did not mentioned Jews.

Number of killed Jews in Holocaust is based on most reliable data: censuses. It was well known from the beginning and did not change since then, because data is solid and undeniable. Number of killed Jews is 5.7 mln +-5%.
Churchill's Genocide of 4 million Indians during the Bengal Famine:

“Churchill is our hero because of his leadership in World War 2,” Polya writes, “but his immense crimes, notably the WW2 Bengali Holocaust, the 1943-1945 Bengal Famine in which Churchill murdered 6-7 million Indians, have been deleted from history by extraordinary Anglo-American and Zionist Holocaust Denial.”

"In 1943, some 3 million brown-skinned subjects of the Raj died in the Bengal famine, one of history's worst.
4 million or 6-7 million or 3 million? Who is lying here little conspiracyturd?

Did Churchill caused the 1942 cyclone which was the main reason of famine?

Could Churchull do more to save them? - Probably. But similarly he could do much much more to save 6 million Jews. Because Nazis did not really object if Jews were emigrating elsewhere. But British troops were actually sending back ships with Jews who fled from German occupied areas.
Anyone who denies the holocaust is an idiot, the event is recent in historical terms as it was less then a hundred years ago and encompassed almost all of Europe so I have no reason to dispute the statistics.

^^^ white people slaughter millions of jews

So jews side with white people to **** over the Palestinians thus making millions of muslims wish for the slaughter of the jews

If the americans loved the jews so much they should have given them Florida for israel or even better Germany should have given up land to form a new israel..

No they decide to trample over Muslims in Palestine

Im not going to say the Holocaust was right as too many innocent people died, but if the jews keep doing dumb things like they are doing today then the hatred for them will be so intense that things like the holocaust will occur.
No one asked for your opinion you mullah rat, Israel will do all they want to your ummah there's shit all you cunts can do about it. :)

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