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Democracy is a failed experiment

Agreed with you on most of the points except the generalization that democracy is not suited to developing countries.
When you say that,it seems like you are willing to sacrifice a few for the sake of greater good,but you dont want to be the one to sacrificed,do you?
The way you use the term 'developing country',also feels like you have a benchmark ,a goal set that you have to achieve.Of course,better living condition,public services etc are the things to be achieved.But,the development of one individual should not come at the cost of other.
Hence I favour a system that has representatives chosen by the people,transparent at the same time.
If any other form of ruling can take care of the people,then I have no issues with that.

If you mean to sacrifice, all the Chinese ordinary people have made ​​sacrifices, as we say, if you want to become an industrialized country, you already can not for the external colonial, colonial to just be able to go inside, we know it, this is a pain. Of course, the original CCP could for the better, this is their crime, we have complained about it. In fact, both South Korea and Japan \ Taiwan, ordinary people have a great sacrifice for the country. Fortunately, the most difficult time has passed, hope the Chinese Government more concerned about people's lives, this is an urgent need to national development.
I also don't believe that democracy is the best and only option, but it works for India as Chinese System works for China...but its also a reality that there are more takers for democracy in this world than the Chinese system. Even those countries which count China as their 'all weather friend & ally" are also not open to one party Chinese System.

I agree that democracy is the best choice in India, no doubt, taking into account the complexity and diversity of India, I also said that China's model is almost impossible to be copied by other countries, except Korea and Vietnam, sir, you know Why?

As for Pakistan, the best wishes for you, my advice as always, most pressing for developing countries is solve the problem. Has been a foundation of a democratic system in Pakistan, so do not easily destroy it, but there will be more mixed in other democratic form.
I was hoping when i put this thread up that people living under different systems would list positives and negatives of various sytems and we would be able to suggest alternatives. To me before democracy we need literacy. In certain parts of pakistan i believe certain feudals are still against education because they want the masses to be ignorant. I realise that the west do not regard the chinese model as representative. However I would like to compare India to China. The Indian model is often described by westerners as the largest "democracy". Both modern India and China have had their destiny in their own hands approx the same amount of time. I would say that Chinese system has resulted in a much higher literacy levels than India, the Chinese have also been able over the last 20 to 30 years taken hundreds of millions out of poverty I realise that the Chinese model is also not perfect but I must say that they have done something right compared to Indian democracy. So may be a hybrid system may be the best. Guys we can learn so much from each other without being taken in by americans like Gambit who try to shout us down by saying they are the best and knocking all other systems.
Well, i am personally all for democracy, that is the way forward. I have seen many sh!t govs and systems that democracy looks the only best option, maybe not perfect, but certainly the top one. Yes, good goernance is imporatnt, but how can you can have good governer and governance without have the right to choose? sadam? Qazafi? taliban? other options? if you dont get the right people in place, the country will go into freefall.

I have no advice for the Afghan system, if that is best for you, it is good, although I personally think that if you really have an election in Afghanistan, I think that the Taliban control most of the places .
I dont want this or that but you are trying to stifle discussion by telling me that american system is best and telling me what i want, Thats normal for americans to stop people opening their minds and trying to think for themselves
That is an absurd charge. I am not telling you to do anything and I even showed you your own words where you wanted a 'benevolent dictator'. Me stifle the discussion? More like you cannot support your arguments while I can for mine.

Yes cos your press is under the control of those that are in power who live and keep your masses ignorant
How original...Not.
I have no advice for the Afghan system, if that is best for you, it is good, although I personally think that if you really have an election in Afghanistan, I think that the Taliban control most of the places .

on the contrary, i can tell you that they will lose, their survival is in militarism. But hey, if they come in office by election, i will be the first one to wellcome them despite the fact that i hate them to the core.
on the contrary, i can tell you that they will lose, their survival is in militarism. But hey, if they come in office by election, i will be the first one to wellcome them despite the fact that i hate them to the core.

Not necessarily, because people are not always rational choice, not to mention they also have their interests.
Not necessarily, because people are not always rational choice, not to mention they also have their interests.

I wasnt much clear on your post, but i assume that you mean the public might not have good candidates in place to choose one of them, but as long as they have the choice, they can choose the least of the evils, that is itself a good step. and off course the voters have their interests in mind, i am sure the voters have the interest of the country in mind too.
Not necessarily, because people are not always rational choice, not to mention they also have their interests.

I accept that populism is important but why should it be the only reason. In certain parts of pakistan the feudals control the lives of people so much that the people would vote for a donkey because the local feudal told them to. I mean dose that mean we accept a donkey leading us. Actually that probably applies to Zardari anyways
I wasnt much clear on your post, but i assume that you mean the public might not have good candidates in place to choose one of them, but as long as they have the choice, they can choose the least of the evils, that is itself a good step. and off course the voters have their interests in mind, i am sure the voters have the interest of the country in mind too.

Oh, yes, in addition to the example of East Asia, almost all democratic countries have the same problem the past few decades, we need to last?
Democracy is not a failed experiment only when you dictate it to the masses; does it become useless!
I accept that populism is important but why should it be the only reason. In certain parts of pakistan the feudals control the lives of people so much that the people would vote for a donkey because the local feudal told them to. I mean dose that mean we accept a donkey leading us. Actually that probably applies to Zardari anyways

After putting up this post I realised that that is why the west insist that we should have democracy because in a country like pakistan we often throw up donkeys as leaders who favour america and the west. I mean the people in pakistan hate america yet the donkeys keep sitting with americans

---------- Post added at 11:21 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 AM ----------

Democracy is not a failed experiment only when you dictate it to the masses; does it become useless!

In pakistan it certainly is when we throw up people who are known criminals like zardari as leaders for whatever reason
That is an absurd charge. I am not telling you to do anything and I even showed you your own words where you wanted a 'benevolent dictator'. Me stifle the discussion? More like you cannot support your arguments while I can for mine.

How original...Not.

You cant handle the truth old bean. You cant handle whats happening..
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