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Delhi Police remove barricades from outside US embassy

Very bad move by Indian side, mind it that security of any consulate is responsibility of india

What f USA removed all the security of indian consulate at aghan-Pakistan border lol
Read again, additional barricades were removed, not the security!
u can sympathies with her for all i care..all the sympathizers of u.s must be kicked out of my country and must be given citizenship of u.s thats my opinion ..do u like it:smokin:

Your respond just make her right about people in India. You should be outrageous against this woman who treat her maid like a slave. Instead, you are defending her. Shame, shame, shame.
Another American comment on India

I see the outraged Indian politicians and government officials angered over the effrontery of having their assistant counsel unceremoniously arrested over violating labor laws. It seems that many people's rear ends in India are hurt when an upper class Indian woman's 'right' to violate the rights of servants, even if they are treated as being a couple of notches above slaves. To protect their national 'honor', the government will mobilize the sun and moon at the drop of a hat.

Where was this mobilization when natural disasters hit and thousands perish, or when a band of terrorists with impunity kill almost 200 people in a hotel? Where, then, is the 'righteous' anger over the multitudes of poor still use cow dung to heat their homes when India has mastered the nuclear cycle? Or New Delhi and Bollywood elites spout empty platitudes to the masses while they retire to their palatial estates in Ferraris and Rolls Royces amid such abject poverty of the poor, people living in sewers, and hundreds of millions have no access to toilets and sanitary facilities?

People of India, be reminded that nationalist anger is tantamount to a very thin cloak, which but barely covers the emperor. After more than 60 years of independence, the vision of Tagore and Ghandi have yet to come to fruition and be fully realized.

Illegally possessing nuclear weapons make India a rogue state, no different than North Korea.

the poor of India live no differently than the masses in North Korea. The government put their family in jail if they seek freedom.

ohhh so when are they going to return allen davis to pakistan and david headly to india???

rogue satate??what are they gonna do??attack india??oooooooo im trembling here afterall tehy got their *** kicked in afghanistan by a bunch of tribals

Your respond just make her right about people in India. You should be outrageous against this woman who treat her maid like a slave. Instead, you are defending her. Shame, shame, shame.
right u saw her treating her maid like a slave..i say..the slave must be exiled..

Some of the views are a little bit outrageous

Did she own a seven-eleven too. They could work illegals there for 100 hours a week at $1.85 an hour. Tired of these #$%$ suckers getting richer by slaving people and treating them like dirt, when they are dirt themselves. Pay at least minimum wage #$%$! Put her in jail for 10 years, and pull out your diplomats from India. Let Pakistan and India fight at each other, they are all born from the same S**T anyway. I cannot believe India is offended, weren't they gang raping women just a few months ago?
hahahaha heights of hippocracy do they know that u.s is the largest rape capital of the world??
ohhh so when are they going to return allen davis to pakistan and david headly to india???

rogue satate??what are they gonna do??attack india??oooooooo im trembling here afterall tehy got their *** kicked in afghanistan by a bunch of tribals

right u saw her treating her maid like a slave..i say..the slave must be exiled..

hahahaha heights of hippocracy do they know that u.s is the largest rape capital of the world??

Something you should know about this slave driver. Another comment

Did you guys know that this diplomat Devyani Khobradge and her dad were involved in Adarsha Housing scam in India. They brought illegaly the houses built for slain soldeirs families and sold it to other for exorbitant prices. These people who cheated even the martyr soldiers families have become diplomats.
Some of the views are a little bit outrageous

Did she own a seven-eleven too. They could work illegals there for 100 hours a week at $1.85 an hour. Tired of these #$%$ suckers getting richer by slaving people and treating them like dirt, when they are dirt themselves. Pay at least minimum wage #$%$! Put her in jail for 10 years, and pull out your diplomats from India. Let Pakistan and India fight at each other, they are all born from the same S**T anyway. I cannot believe India is offended, weren't they gang raping women just a few months ago?
Some of the views are a little bit outrageous....
you post doesnt make any sense,i cannot understand it...
Something you should know about this slave driver. Another comment

Did you guys know that this diplomat Devyani Khobradge and her dad were involved in Adarsha Housing scam in India. They brought illegaly the houses built for slain soldeirs families and sold it to other for exorbitant prices. These people who cheated even the martyr soldiers families have become diplomats.
and thats why they arrested her??so wait can we arrest any random american bloke here because hes accused of something in u.s??
ohhh so when are they going to return allen davis to pakistan and david headly to india???

rogue satate??what are they gonna do??attack india??oooooooo im trembling here afterall tehy got their *** kicked in afghanistan by a bunch of tribals

right u saw her treating her maid like a slave..i say..the slave must be exiled..

hahahaha heights of hippocracy do they know that u.s is the largest rape capital of the world??

Faithfulguy is not Pakistani ...

Even India and Pakistan doesn't treat each others diplomats like this and they are arch enemies!
Very bad move by Indian side, mind it that security of any consulate is responsibility of india

What f USA removed all the security of indian consulate at aghan-Pakistan border lol
Without commenting on the reasons of arrest. I think a tit for tat response is correct. A similar thing happened in past when one of the Indian MLA was stripped search in US. India gave a befitting response. I feel Pakistan should also adopt this attitude, to highlight its sovereignty.
Even India and Pakistan doesn't treat each others diplomats like this and they are arch enemies!

i know.hes just a troll.i dont hate pakistanis but i hate trolls.irrespective of their nationality.
u are correct.there must be some decency maintained in dealing with diplomats.they are not some random people who went there to earn a living.they represent a nation and those sensitivities must be maintained.
and thats why they arrested her??so wait can we arrest any random american bloke here because hes accused of something in u.s??

Instead of criticize, Indian should look deep within. Like this comment from the article.

India. It’s worse than Saudi but America wants to be friends with India really bad and they know how sensitive Indians are so they ignore and filter the atrocities happening in India and talk up foolish nonsense like Yoga and Gurus. In reality women are treated almost as poorly in India as in Saudi and they’re far poorer. China is considered Communist with 40% business under government control, India’s government on the other hand controls 60%. India really should be embarrassed by this incident and instead, they’re so ignorant they’re mad. They’re just never going to improve.
Internationally, 5 country can legally have nukes. And India is not one of them.
obviousely those 5 countries have decided that among themselves, right ???? now u know why we scrapped the NPT ????
anyway, the issue at hand is devyani.....the US authorities should be more careful about the ppl linked to foreign consulates. they can 'cavity-search' their own citizens (that includes indian americans n sino taiwanese americans as well) as much as they please.
we all know the americans are not that "fair" when it comes to treating their own ppl who find themselves on the wrong side in different countries around the world.
PS pls dont ask me for any links.
India should just cancel this deal. Cancel P8I, all the transport planes and apache.

BTW, we can easily label you guys as a rogue nation as you guys are illegally possessing nuclear weapons.

And who r u btw.....
Instead of criticize, Indian should look deep within. Like this comment from the article.

India. It’s worse than Saudi but America wants to be friends with India really bad and they know how sensitive Indians are so they ignore and filter the atrocities happening in India and talk up foolish nonsense like Yoga and Gurus. In reality women are treated almost as poorly in India as in Saudi and they’re far poorer. China is considered Communist with 40% business under government control, India’s government on the other hand controls 60%. India really should be embarrassed by this incident and instead, they’re so ignorant they’re mad. They’re just never going to improve.
my dear faithful guy,
issue is not about the status of women, but the behaviour meted out to a consulate official. if we started to look at every evil within ourselves, I guess US shall be at the top of the list for the offenders.

n regarding US love for india, let me clarify u that, US has some motive (well known) and thats y they are kowtowing india, just like they did to ur erstwhle papa nation (china) in the 70s.
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