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Delhi Police remove barricades from outside US embassy

LOL. Seriously ? Indian defense is not hostage to LCA. There is always a Plan B.

Its a loss for them to cancel a Multi Million Dollar deal, Mind It, USA is not the only solution for Jet Engines.
right..we all know that would not be the case when their president come to ours.lets not be Hippocratic.rules are for everybody other than americans.

Another American view of India.

The whole world knows that Indian government and politics are the most corrupt in the world. India can't even protect their own citizens especially woman. They don't have any Child labor laws or fair wage laws. Country is near poverty where ha;f the people live on the streets with no government assistance.

You can buy an Indian police officer for a day and they all make extra cash by accepting bribes. The same goes for politicians.

This is America everyone follows the same law and no one is above the law. That's what makes this country great.

So to all the people who has negative views about USA you can go and live in India instead.

@JayAtl, how do you feel living in a foreign country that has this view of your country

right..we all know that would not be the case when their president come to ours.lets not be Hippocratic.rules are for everybody other than americans.

India needs to quit crying, the way they treat their people with classification class is even more barbaric. If you ever go to India see how the rich treat the poor it make your jaws drop.
Another American view of India.

The whole world knows that Indian government and politics are the most corrupt in the world. India can't even protect their own citizens especially woman. They don't have any Child labor laws or fair wage laws. Country is near poverty where ha;f the people live on the streets with no government assistance.

You can buy an Indian police officer for a day and they all make extra cash by accepting bribes. The same goes for politicians.

This is America everyone follows the same law and no one is above the law. That's what makes this country great.

So to all the people who has negative views about USA you can go and live in India instead.

@JayAtl, how do you feel living in a foreign country that has this view of your country

India needs to quit crying, the way they treat their people with classification class is even more barbaric. If you ever go to India see how the rich treat the poor it make your jaws drop.
oh cut the crap..i was just waiting for u to troll.ur worse than who u described in ur post.get a life.we'll do what we can.u can cry all u want for ur masters
Its a loss for them to cancel a Multi Million Dollar deal, Mind It, USA is not the only solution for Jet Engines.

India should just cancel this deal. Cancel P8I, all the transport planes and apache.

BTW, we can easily label you guys as a rogue nation as you guys are illegally possessing nuclear weapons.
Another American view of India.

The whole world knows that Indian government and politics are the most corrupt in the world. India can't even protect their own citizens especially woman. They don't have any Child labor laws or fair wage laws. Country is near poverty where ha;f the people live on the streets with no government assistance.

You can buy an Indian police officer for a day and they all make extra cash by accepting bribes. The same goes for politicians.

This is America everyone follows the same law and no one is above the law. That's what makes this country great.

So to all the people who has negative views about USA you can go and live in India instead.

@JayAtl, how do you feel living in a foreign country that has this view of your country

India needs to quit crying, the way they treat their people with classification class is even more barbaric. If you ever go to India see how the rich treat the poor it make your jaws drop.
lol,can you tell me what your mother china did when USA bombed your embassy
India should just cancel this deal. Cancel P8I, all the transport planes and apache.

BTW, we can easily label you guys as a rogue nation as you guys are illegally possessing nuclear weapons.
please do for all we care.ur ranting as if ur the representative of them.i always has a doubt.whoz ur master u.s or china??
India should just cancel this deal. Cancel P8I, all the transport planes and apache.

BTW, we can easily label you guys as a rogue nation as you guys are illegally possessing nuclear weapons.
lol,then china will be the biggest rogue nation because it illegally steals all the western technology
India should just cancel this deal. Cancel P8I, all the transport planes and apache.

BTW, we can easily label you guys as a rogue nation as you guys are illegally possessing nuclear weapons.

Good to see a Chinese (taiwani) defending papa USA.
oh cut the crap..i was just waiting for u to troll.ur worse than who u described in ur post.get a life.we'll do what we can.u can cry all u want for ur masters

Another American comment on India

I see the outraged Indian politicians and government officials angered over the effrontery of having their assistant counsel unceremoniously arrested over violating labor laws. It seems that many people's rear ends in India are hurt when an upper class Indian woman's 'right' to violate the rights of servants, even if they are treated as being a couple of notches above slaves. To protect their national 'honor', the government will mobilize the sun and moon at the drop of a hat.

Where was this mobilization when natural disasters hit and thousands perish, or when a band of terrorists with impunity kill almost 200 people in a hotel? Where, then, is the 'righteous' anger over the multitudes of poor still use cow dung to heat their homes when India has mastered the nuclear cycle? Or New Delhi and Bollywood elites spout empty platitudes to the masses while they retire to their palatial estates in Ferraris and Rolls Royces amid such abject poverty of the poor, people living in sewers, and hundreds of millions have no access to toilets and sanitary facilities?

People of India, be reminded that nationalist anger is tantamount to a very thin cloak, which but barely covers the emperor. After more than 60 years of independence, the vision of Tagore and Ghandi have yet to come to fruition and be fully realized.

lol,then china will be the biggest rogue nation because it illegally steals all the western technology

Illegally possessing nuclear weapons make India a rogue state, no different than North Korea.

the poor of India live no differently than the masses in North Korea. The government put their family in jail if they seek freedom.
Illegally stealing technology make China a rogue state, no different than North Korea.
the poor of China butchers people if they speak against CPC....
please do for all we care.ur ranting as if ur the representative of them.i always has a doubt.whoz ur master u.s or china??

here is a comment from an Indian

As an Indian I am disgusted by her and the reaction of India. For starters she lives in America so you have to follow the American rules. She shouldn't get any special privileges. But the thing that most bothers me is that she was basically treating her house keeper as a slave instead of a human being. She should be ashamed of herself and get some morals. Then we have India getting outraged at her being prosecuted for breaking American law, yet they don't give a damn about her treating that house keeper like a slave. This is why India has so many people living on less than a dollar a day. India should be outraged at her being a greedy selfish immoral buffoon.
Another American comment on India

Illegally possessing nuclear weapons make India a rogue state, no different than North Korea.

who gave US the legal document to have nukes n bomb japan ???? you ????
Illegally stealing technology make China a rogue state, no different than North Korea.
the poor of China butchers people if they speak against CPC....

Some of the views are a little bit outrageous

Did she own a seven-eleven too. They could work illegals there for 100 hours a week at $1.85 an hour. Tired of these #$%$ suckers getting richer by slaving people and treating them like dirt, when they are dirt themselves. Pay at least minimum wage #$%$! Put her in jail for 10 years, and pull out your diplomats from India. Let Pakistan and India fight at each other, they are all born from the same S**T anyway. I cannot believe India is offended, weren't they gang raping women just a few months ago?
here is a comment from an Indian

As an Indian I am disgusted by her and the reaction of India. For starters she lives in America so you have to follow the American rules. She shouldn't get any special privileges. But the thing that most bothers me is that she was basically treating her house keeper as a slave instead of a human being. She should be ashamed of herself and get some morals. Then we have India getting outraged at her being prosecuted for breaking American law, yet they don't give a damn about her treating that house keeper like a slave. This is why India has so many people living on less than a dollar a day. India should be outraged at her being a greedy selfish immoral buffoon.
u can sympathies with her for all i care..all the sympathizers of u.s must be kicked out of my country and must be given citizenship of u.s thats my opinion ..do u like it:smokin:
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