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Delhi Police remove barricades from outside US embassy

you are right.they have great sense of exceptionalism.our govt extended certain privileges to them unilaterally.and thanks to this development they woke up.they are now treated equally as any other diplomat in the country.

Placed couple extra barricade is a extra privileges provided to the US embassy? you are very generous yourselves to think it this way.
The reality is that US corporations do what is best for the bottom line not for American workers.

They need Indian engineers because they can pay them peanuts and fire 3 American engineers. I know this for a fact because I know many people who work in the IT sector especially Cisco
because those americans will never work under a white boss, same as indians dont work under an indian.
No I didn't criticize Indian for take up the job offer in the US and I'm not worried but bother by the fact that some Indian in this forum stated US badly need India in other to stride as a nation.
well brither thing is USA needs indian professionals and look at all there universities , hospitals ,NASA,compouter and information related industries all have a very very large portion of indian professionals running them ever wondered why when they can hire professionals from any other nation why this prefrence american industry and corporate houses give onli to indians ...try thinkin it from american point of view you will get your answer ...thanks buddy
Placed couple extra barricade is a extra privileges provided to the US embassy? you are very generous yourselves to think it this way.
yes.they are placed as a "courtesy".barricades are placed there to divert the traffic from the embassey route.we dont have to block our routes for the sake of somebody else.so it is a courtesy along with several others.we allowed their "companions"who are homo sexual even though it is illegal here.we permitted their spouses to work here with out a visa permit.they liquor import is not monitored.they have special airport passes and parking passes.and a few more like these were provided.
well brither thing is USA needs indian professionals and look at all there universities , hospitals ,NASA,compouter and information related industries all have a very very large portion of indian professionals running them ever wondered why when they can hire professionals from any other nation why this prefrence american industry and corporate houses give onli to indians ...try thinkin it from american point of view you will get your answer ...thanks buddy
Running them? Name one institution of any importance run by an Indian. We have a few of their best....but we do that with ALL countries.
Alot of indians like to rub it into the face of others when the americans do it to them by saying their country their rules. I still remember the RD case.

But still hats off the the indian gov for making a point, and sticking to it.

Still can someone tell Arnab that he needs to take his head out of his ***. lol
Running them? Name one institution of any importance run by an Indian. We have a few of their best....but we do that with ALL countries.
well google it yourself buddy had given you hint im not evry good with compouter and my spelling mistakes and bad grammer are legendrry on this forum :D

help yourself i guess there is a thing called google
India government willing to disregard India law just to appease US diplomat? Just show you willing to bribe or corruption seep deep into India psyche, the law of the land can't be bribe or show favoritism to certain group people just because the law aren't a just law so India can pick and choose how to implement it.
well google it yourself buddy had given you hint im not evry good with compouter and my spelling mistakes and bad grammer are legendrry on this forum :D

help yourself i guess there is a thing called google
That was a rhetorical question...I already know....NONE.
u r not certainly teaming up with them but definitely r teaming up with terrorists in Afghanistan to carry out bombings in Pak!!!

Anyways im really interested to know what US makes of this in Afghanistan given that it protects the indian interests there and gives security of controversial indian consulates close to Pak.........

I said 'teeming', not 'teaming'. Two different words with different meanings. You misunderstood the post.
No power at all, you mean? Richer? Lol....yeah....poor Americans...we soooo wish we were India. Man...they really feed you baloney there, don't they?

I was referring to this.

http://www.nritoday.net/national-affairs/475-indian-americans-the-fastest-growing- and-the-highest-income-group

Indians, who now number 3.18 millions, the third largest after the Chinese (4 million) and the Filipinos (3.4 million) have a median household annual income of $88,000, much higher than for all Asians ($66,000) and all US households ($49,800).

Indian-Americans top in income and education | NDTV.com
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Our government can take a lesson or two from this but than :rolleyes:
those Indian politician are trying to save those corrupt IAS officer father of that diplomat, she is also corrupt. But she should be punished in India not in US.
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