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Delhi Police remove barricades from outside US embassy

Need you badly? If India disappeared tomorrow...the only thing we would notice is the IT drones wouldn't have a funny accent.

Do not put hypothetical Scenario such as India disappear etc. Ban Indian professionals if you dare. Lets see who needs whom more.
Need you badly? If India disappeared tomorrow...the only thing we would notice is the IT drones wouldn't have a funny accent.

The reality is that US corporations do what is best for the bottom line not for American workers.

They need Indian engineers because they can pay them peanuts and fire 3 American engineers. I know this for a fact because I know many people who work in the IT sector especially Cisco
Would you provide free lunch and not looking out for your own benefit?

Work both way, both benefit from the transaction except American population are the one who suffer for the lost of their job to foreigner. Only US company benefit and Indian population benefit from this transaction.
Hence proved that they should not be look up as masters but equals.
And that is not aimed at Indians in particular...immigration is fairly unpopular.
Why do not you check your nonsense before punting that or forum.

From your writing it is evident that what ever US does, she does it for herself not for charity of India. That is what exactly I want to say you.

Business isn't about charity, business is about how to best benefit from the transaction, US company take advantage the Indian willing to work as slave wage in the expended of the US population, Indian work in the US get much better pay compare to the lack of job and lack of wage by the Indian company or in India, you can't deny this fact, India population benefit more from this transaction.
If it was put too a vote...they would be banned tomorrow.

We know that. If Put to vote they will be banned as they are killing your jobs and getting richer than you guys. Still your government unable to Ban. That is the strength of India and Indians, if you can visualize.
Business isn't about charity, business is about how to best benefit from the transaction, US company take advantage the Indian willing to work as slave wage in the expended of the US population, Indian work in the US get much better pay compare to the lack of job and lack of wage by the Indian company or in India, you can't deny this fact, India population benefit more from this transaction.
ok fair enof they pay we work they are happy to get thejob done for much less while we are happy to get more than what we got here in owr nation ...why are you so worried about it brother we are not asking your nation to intervene and help us get better wages
We know that. If Put to vote they will be banned as they are killing your jobs and getting richer than you guys. Still your government unable to Ban. That is the strength of India and Indians, if you can visualize.
No power at all, you mean? Richer? Lol....yeah....poor Americans...we soooo wish we were India. Man...they really feed you baloney there, don't they?
ok fair enof they pay we work they are happy to get thejob done for much less while we are happy to get more than what we got here in owr nation ...why are you so worried about it brother we are not asking your nation to intervene and help us get better wages

No I didn't criticize Indian for take up the job offer in the US and I'm not worried but bother by the fact that some Indian in this forum stated US badly need India in other to stride as a nation.
Why should the barricade be there in the first place. Do they allow other countries to block public roads in their country. If not then why should they be given this right in other countries. If they are so much insecure, they should push off from that country.
you are right.they have great sense of exceptionalism.our govt extended certain privileges to them unilaterally.and thanks to this development they woke up.they are now treated equally as any other diplomat in the country.
What have those fools done?

Now the embassy staff will have to fend off waves and waves of rapists.
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