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Delhi and Lahore-Twin Cities

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That is Ok. But What is Lahore GDP as per your knowledge ? There must be some number.

As per data, Delhi GDP is more than whole Pakistan. :toast_sign:
Nah,Delhi's GDP is a bit less than Pakistan,but yeah combine Delhi's GDP with a small Indian state and boom! 2 states GDP will be more than Pakistan! ;)



Delhi's Economy
Economy of Delhi has shown tremendous growth over the past few years. Delhi has a strong and vibrant economy which is quite vivid from its Gross Domestic Product. According to economic survey of Delhi- 2000-2001, Delhi's GDP was 478 billion INR and per capita income of 38,860 INR. The annual economic growth rate of Delhi was 9.9%. Taking out some excerpts from the economic survey of Delhi, the tertiary sector contributed to 78.4% of Delhi's GDP with secondary and primary sectors contributing 20.2% and 1.4% respectively.

Well, the tertiary sector we are talking about basically comprises of service sectors like trade, real estate, hotels, restaurants, financing, banking, insurance, business services and other service centered industries. The contribution from this particular industry increased from 70.47% in 1993-94 to 78.39% for the year 2000-2001. Thanks to the flexible and investor friendly policies of the government.

If we look at the reason behind Delhi's growth, we find that it is attributed to a number of reasons. However, pointing a few out, we can say that Delhi has always been the market place of Northern India and has various industries like textile, handloom, arts and crafts. Delhi also happens to be an important trade route between Punjab and Gangetic plains, which makes it an important trade center and manufacturing hub.


Delhi Metro Rail

Airports in Delhi

Delhi Transportation

Hospitals in Delhi

Delhi Education

Growth in Delhi's economy can also be attributed to the fact that several new industries have evolved over the years and contributing to Delhi's industrial growth. These industries include jewellery, export, embroidery, silver vases, textile, fashion, corporate industries, BPO, IT, ITES and many others. The city's economy is primarily dependent on these industries and the service industry of the city adds to the overall GDP growth.
Yet half ur country starves to death u india takes aid frm countries like USA,UK an EU not to forget UN!

See who is talking. :rofl:

We give Aid and you take. We can manage 100-300 $ Billion easily as per huge Purchasing Capacity. Your Poverty is more than India. India Poverty is decreasing and yours increasing. Inflation very high and GDP Growth 2% and ours 8%-10% Consistently for last 10 years.

We are 4th Largest Economy in PPP and Pakistan is not even in Top 25. List of countries by GDP (PPP)

Check any other data also, Facts remain same.

Delhi has seen major infrastructural changes over the past few years amidst increased foreign investment and economic growth. Delhi’s infrastructure is attracting MNCs and corporate bodies from all over the world. Information technology, BPOs and other IT Services are among the growing industries in Delhi.
Delhi has the infrastructure to be called as the modern city. Recent developments and economical growth in Delhi have put the city on the global map competing with other top notch cities in the world. Delhi has a much improved infrastructure with new roads, flyovers, bridges, healthcare facilities, sanitation, etc. Education in Delhi has always been the specialty of Delhi with so many good schools and colleges to choose from. Other major initiatives of the government include telecom, housing, power facilities, and transportation.

In the coming few years, Delhi is expected to be a city with minimum red lights, which means that the traffic problem will be reduced to a great extent. Primary facilities of transportation and healthcare are no more a subject of concern for the people of Delhi because the government has plans to expand the existing Metro Rail Service to other parts of Delhi and NCR. Also, the health care facilities have improved with free services to poor and advanced treatments available at government hospitals.

Delhi government has outlined major proposals in Delhi Master Plan-2021 (MPD 2021) which include major infrastructural changes in the city. Some of the main proposals are extension of present commercial areas in Delhi, re-development in the form of new multi-storied buildings and encouraging population shift to NCR.

Delhi Metro Rail: Metro rail service in Delhi has come as a much awaited gift for the people of Delhi which has indeed changed the transport facility of the city. It has become the "life line" of Delhi as people are dependent on Delhi Metro for commuting to different places within the city. Delhi Metro Project has been recognized all over the world for its specialty in terms of a hi-tech rail and better equipped transport system. The project is under the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, DMRC and it deserves all the credit for transforming the transport service of the city. Know More»

Delhi Airports: International Airport of Delhi popularly known as Indira Gandhi International Airport is located 24 kilometers south of New Delhi. It is a two-terminal airport with major Airlines from across the world having flights to and from Indira Gandhi International Airport. Out of the two terminals, one is the Domestic Terminal some 3 kilometers away from the International Terminal. Know More»


Delhi Metro Rail

Airports in Delhi

Delhi Transportation

Hospitals in Delhi

Delhi Education

Delhi Hotels: Delhi has hotels and tourist accommodation all across the city with cheap and best service. Hotels in Delhi suit all pockets where a visitor has a number of options to choose from. If you are habitual of a luxurious lifestyle then Delhi has five star and three star hotels offering quality service. There are many low budget hotels in Pahar Ganj area of New Delhi which is flooded with hotels. Tourists from around the country find this place a suitable option because of its vicinity to New Delhi railway station and Central Delhi. Know More»

Transport System in Delhi: Delhi Transport Corporation or the DTC is the main transportation medium in Delhi. DTC plies all round Delhi with buses at frequent intervals to ease the commuting of passengers. DTC is the world's largest compressed natural gas bus service. The service has come a long way since its inception in the year 1984. Now all buses have been converted into CNG in order to control the pollution level of the city. Apart from the bus service of the DTC, there are private Blue Line services which are under the private hands. Know More»

Hospitals in Delhi: Medical facility is an integral part of a well established city and Delhi ranks among the best in medical facilities in India. In Delhi, there are a number of government and non-government organizations offering health care facilities to the citizens. Directorate of health Services (DHS) under the government of NCT of Delhi is the major agency committed to delivering better health care. It coordinates with other government and non-government organization to deliver the best medical facility in Delhi
Yet half ur country starves to death u india takes aid frm countries like USA,UK an EU not to forget UN!
Lol look who is talking about aid..do you know China also took aid till the last year?What do you say about that?
And India already mentioned that we don't need aid,but still extra money..never mind!
Half of India strives to death?
Come on! our poverty is decreasing and yours is touching new heights!:lol:
Pakistan's looking backwards it seems!
The amount of beggar's in Delhi beggars belief, they surround you - some with pretty horrific ailments.
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