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Defence day to be observed with ‘Kashmir Banay Ga Pakistan’ theme: DG-ISPR

my dear fellow.
exactly what i am trying to say . those tribal forces were acctually gilgit scouts. means locals fighting for thier own liberation hence they got what,they wanted.
if locals in kashmir had wanted same they would have joined during gibraltar opp . instead they opt for the exact opposite .
so what you say will they do now and please back your claim with a historical fact not just boiling emotional claims.
Wht was the result of tht tribal Mujahideen operation in 48?
we took AJK ?
What if we had, a regular force, with efficient weaponry?
We might have taken dam whole kashmir?
And its ordered by father of the nation, which he created with out any fighting?
And wheh he ordered HIS COWARD COAS, gen gracy denied tht order, but commitment and passion, and vision of the father of our great warriors nation was so huge that, he said get any one who can use a riffle and go get the dam thing?
And with his vision, and command we got AJK?
And after tht only genral Musharaf went into kargil, but his coward primeminster ran away?
And the supply line get closed
Kargil, if we hve made 20 more days fighting I can gurntee u, we would hve went to srinagar, and tht whole plan was good, if india can use that back stabing so why not we hve done it in a area which is still disputed?????

Dont read it if u not like Tht bt thts my style, take it leave it??? Lolzzz
Your posts are useless until & unless you answer following of your accusations in your posts.. and the last time asking you to explain..

You call them hard facts then you really need to support with facts and not your words... You have accused me but still, before taking any action to put some sense in you; giving you yet another chance to prove which currently seems to be rhetoric and nothing else. Furthermore, I have no dog in political fight and you can settle your score with PTI, PPPP or PMLn or anyone else to say but as you made a lot by yourself while in attempt of being the judge and so misled; it really needs explanation.

Keep awaiting, I gss I gave all, bt ur eyes not working anymore, u r scared, Tht if u cant stop me, letting the truth opened up, u ill lose ur MODship! Lolzz
All the facts can't be proven everytime u want, bt it's the time which decides all, watch it and be briefed?
I hve a simple, answer to all of ur queries, that this govt and its sold military leadership to America can't do nothing by its own and its fooling peoples of Pakistan making these dumb dramas?
And the open, fact is u can see thy can't put a aerospace ban on Indian commercial flights nor its transit trade to Afghan, cause tht I'll upset modi, and he ill tell the daddy trump, which will beat our sick and weak leadership like boneles chickens, thier job is to give big statements and, fool pakistan ppls, let them think our govt is doing wht it can and Thts it?
But all of tht, can't help, poor and innocent kashmiri ppls from Indian soilders hands?

This is not some social media chatroom so you really need to adopt formal style like anyone else including me for the ease of readers while following ethical drafting.
I gss, I'm far far, older then to this forum thn you, so the thing is if u don't like my post, my style thn Jst leave it?
There are substantial risks to Kashmiri civilians in war as well. Even conventional weapons of today can lead to large scale deaths in Kashmir. Furthermore if nuclear weapons are used even in a limited sense, they carry their own highly specialized risks.

For example:

1. Heavy radio-active particles will not be able to escape Kashmiri and northern Paksitani mountain ranges. That means most of Kashmir crops, homes, landscape, trees, water reservoirs will be heavily contaminated for decades. Even as Pakistan frees Kashmir, they will have to deal with that with possible international help or shift major Kashmiri populations clusters to other areas of Pakistan.

2. A large number of Kashmiris will die, may be over a million or ever more. We would rather have alive Kashmiris than burry our brothers and sisters in millions after the war.

3. To protect Pakistan, Pakistan might have to threatened india with ultimate series of strikes that to attack with multiple nuclear weapons the vast glaciers in northern india that supply a vast quantities of clean water for drinking and crops to hundreds of millions of indians. That would lead to mass starvation, severe diseases and deaths in India. India would avoid that at every cost. As I wrote previously Pakistan relies on more heterogenous and largely separable and not to mention world’s largest irrigation system that can be protected for a while allowing radiated water to pass through Pakistan into the Indian occasion without contaminating the local water reservoirs. I saw PowerPoint slides in Pakistan in a high ranking relative’s home on this topic. It was intended for internal security briefing I think.

4. And the list goes on:

Ultimately Pakistan might have to organize a better and wider covert warfare using Kashmiris themselves who are more willing than ever to fight india.

Towards that end:

1. Use of advance technology such as non-conventional encrypted communications (e.g. specialized apps on mobile phones in a manner which I won’t discuss on this forum but involves not just communications but other things),

2. Creating compartmentalized independent covert cells deep within india made up of Kashmiri youth and willing indian Muslims and as well Sikh who carry out attacks in periodic waves on military anywhere and everywhere (not just Kashmir, covert war had to be widen now). Attackers in Kashmir must not stay in Kashmir for long and sneak back to mainland india.

3. Use of cheap yet home made-able technologies such as swarm like drones and others which again I won’t discuss on a forum.

4. And the list goes on

Which once again I won’t discuss here. I would rather discuss them with my relatives, family friends etc in Pakistan military and other national security agencies.

Kashmir war is complex and india will never get away with anything. India is welcome to dream. We will see what happens in the future.

Real war is not necessarilyy fought in the battlefield.

There are other equally powerful ways to drag our enemies into the battlefield and help them understand the consequences of and the evil within their terrorist ideologies along with painful suffering and extreme fear they are inflicting on our innocent brothers and sisters.

Pakistan is determine nation. Pakistan never abandoned anyone, not even Afghanistan. As I always say regardless of temporarily delays or passivity, Kashmir is supported by a very determine and loyal Pakistan.

Pakistan is only nation that is so closely ethnically, religiously and culturally related to Kashmir. Pakistan never abandons one of their own.
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respected fellow.
we have discussed some hard facts too mind sheding some light on those. and please for once put your self in the shoes of those ssg men who were bieng ratted by thier beloved kashmiri brothers.
Nothing maters more then the area we won, without sufficient military Power in 48, and as u can see those great warriors brought AJK, where our ppls living with peace of u compare it with IOK so Tht wasn't much price we paid, bt tht was the decesion of our father of the nation are u accusing him of bieng a fool?
u missed my point dear i am not accusing qaid e azam.
i am just stating a plain fact that any fight cant b won without the local support, the native support, rem BD .
so we have to make sure before going all in that the result will not be same as of 65 and 71.
on these occasions, the only major and common effect that changed the outcome was NATIVE SUPPORT.
Keep awaiting, I gss I gave all, bt ur eyes not working anymore, u r scared, Tht if u cant stop me, letting the truth opened up, u ill lose ur MODship! Lolzz
All the facts can't be proven everytime u want, bt it's the time which decides all, watch it and be briefed?
I hve a simple, answer to all of ur queries, that this govt and its sold military leadership to America can't do nothing by its own and its fooling peoples of Pakistan making these dumb dramas?
And the open, fact is u can see thy can't put a aerospace ban on Indian commercial flights nor its transit trade to Afghan, cause tht I'll upset modi, and he ill tell the daddy trump, which will beat our sick and weak leadership like boneles chickens, thier job is to give big statements and, fool pakistan ppls, let them think our govt is doing wht it can and Thts it?
But all of tht, can't help, poor and innocent kashmiri ppls from Indian soilders hands?

This thread alone is evident that despite being given with repeated chances to explain your side of those claims & accusations; instead of correcting yourself or realizing the right way to express your differences; you continuously resorted to disrespect, insult, blame & make accusations without any reason or substance so far. Before insulting Pakistan Armed Forces; you didn't grasp the opportunity to remember our martyrs in the line of duty. Had it been the case of so-called serving your imaginary king or for that matter like Israel; we wouldn't have lost those thousands of precious lives as well as the economy & our comfort.

How & when to cut Indian Trade routes via land or close airspace for them, is the decision need to be made by Political leadership which too deserves to follow proper legal course on the basis of diplomatic requirements. Pakistan need to make our case stronger having no lacuna before next step of offense. It all starts with diplomatic contacts, making the case worldwide, building maximum diplomatic pressure, creating awareness at home and outside, informing the rest of the world about the horrific aftermath in-case of war or nuclear exchange so that they will realize the gravity of situation and will reach both sides to settle the matter as per correct course to serve Kashmiri people with their rights.

To learn that how the ground is being made and why all these exercises are necessary before any Military offense, read about how Iraq was invaded and what evidence was stressed upon to attack Afghanistan as well as the need to intervene Syria. Those invaders created a case file, they filled it with plethora of paper work, they made the case viral through every medium of communication, created an environment to stress upon the reason to attack and as the time comes; they did their thing without being challenged because they had a strong case with them to do so. Now comes the end results so what happened, just because invaders were from far away so it didn't hurt them much back at home but still, weak or fake case to say was good enough that they lost their credibility from the level of being blindly trusted to now questions raised for every move. The weak case or the fake claim like WMDs in Iraq, supporting one or another group in Syria and even created Taliban by themselves, happened the 9/11 and they were blamed and then invaded.

The truth is, Pakistan does not enjoy the luxury of those first world countries that can make our case stronger easily or will be accepted just like that hence, we will have to work more harder than them and must need more friends than enemies. We must not leave any point unchecked before next offensive that any mistake will cost us more than those who merely excused themselves while accepting that there were no WMDs or the peace talks in Afghanistan with the same Taliban.

You have no idea about the Military strategy & tactics as well as our development in current situation instead, you keep on with rhetoric & demoralizing attitude merely just because you may have some political differences with ruling party. Mind you, everyone is at liberty to have debate due to differences with other side but no one is allowed to be disrespectful or insult anyone individually or the nation or Military by way of generalizing while totally failing to support your claim but keep on insisting to call it hard facts.

I wouldn't go deep in history but what happened on 27th February, 2019 and why Pakistan did not discount the enemy at all is evident because we knew about Israeli assistance on Indian grounds. Unfortunately, just for the political differences & don't know what kind of disappointment is it, as you didn't care to explain despite being asked repeatedly, none should come disrespecting being short with memory or having no idea of realities.

Also, your take in regard to your own style or whatever you call it; is not a plausible explanation and you are informed hereby in advance that as & when you return to the Forum, do follow proper course of posting by adopting the formal/uniform writing style. This is a Pakistan Defence Forum and being widely visited by everyone from around the world with an interest to read, learn or share their observations, analysis or for academic debate with most of expectations to have professional exchange of views. People do have social media platforms or chat room to use slang or mix of languages as such. The reason to take stress with you & keep asking you to elaborate your side was that one doesn't need to be provocative, disrespectful or blame anyone else to make his/her case stronger in debate. One must understand the analogy of respectful discussion as well as to be stronger by way of not resorting or stooping down the level and or by not replying in kind.

Wht was the result of tht tribal Mujahideen operation in 48?
we took AJK ?
What if we had, a regular force, with efficient weaponry?
We might have taken dam whole kashmir?
And its ordered by father of the nation, which he created with out any fighting?
And wheh he ordered HIS COWARD COAS, gen gracy denied tht order, but commitment and passion, and vision of the father of our great warriors nation was so huge that, he said get any one who can use a riffle and go get the dam thing?
And with his vision, and command we got AJK?
And after tht only genral Musharaf went into kargil, but his coward primeminster ran away?
And the supply line get closed
Kargil, if we hve made 20 more days fighting I can gurntee u, we would hve went to srinagar, and tht whole plan was good, if india can use that back stabing so why not we hve done it in a area which is still disputed?????

Dont read it if u not like Tht bt thts my style, take it leave it??? Lolzzz
Its not style, its class which you havent reached yet. You may not realize but its painful for not just me but everyone else to read. This is an international forum, not a bench mark for grade 1 english lessons but who am I kidding. You dont seem like the kind of guy to take advice anyways.
I am seeing a lot of Jazbati and stupid Pakistani posters are getting banned . They are insulting Army , the same army who is fighting and dying for these Thankless creatures .
I am seeing a lot of Jazbati and stupid Pakistani posters are getting banned . They are insulting Army , the same army who is fighting and dying for these Thankless creatures .
its easier to start a war on keyboard. These jazbati people want to start a war with the whole world. They talk about jihad and ghizwa's but then don't pay taxes and accept corruption to be part of society.
People playing the Game think we don't know , but we "do" know
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