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Defence clears new corps on China border

the pain is forgotten soon as the wound healed
@wanglaokan buddy, why are you getting so overexcited?? In this thread you have more posts than all the Indians combined. This is clearly a defensive move by India, India is not an aggressive country but it still have to prepare for the worst case scenario, war will be in no one's interest since India & China are the two Asian Giants & two fastest growing economies of the world. The only country which can benefit from any war b/w India & China is the world's sole superpower US. So we two country should be mature enough to not lose our cool. PEACE.
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If China and India relationship will further improve, more Chinese tourists will visit India for their vacation. Economy will keep blossoming and make a better life for civillians. Hate only blind your eyes and make you insane. Chinese should learn Indi and Indian should learn Chinese. As long as the english skill of Chinese improving nowadays, communication is now available for better mutual understanding. Although trolling always happens for fun, but we need serious talk as well.
If China and India relationship will further improve, more Chinese tourists will visit India for their vacation. Economy will keep blossoming and make a better life for civillians. Hate only blind your eyes and make you insane. Chinese should learn Indi and Indian should learn Chinese. As long as the english skill of Chinese improving nowadays, communication is now available for better mutual understanding. Although trolling always happens for fun, but we need serious talk as well.

Wanglaokan Sir,

The PLA also has a massive presence along the Indo-Chinese border in the form of the Highland divisions which roughly have the same capacity and capability as the increased force component that India is deploying. The Arunachal scouts are already up and running and suitable numbers are being added to the ORBAT on that front. The word counter-offensive means just that sir, its meant to project force into a possible opponent's territory IF the said opponent engages in hostilities- it is simply a reflection of what India learnt from Pakistan's Op. Badr and our own Op. Vijay and Safedsagar- that if limited and localized hostilities are indeed initiated then India should simply reverse the situation along the line rather than fighting a conflict marked by high attrition. In no way are these increments along the LAC meant to actually be used in a "war of aggression", that would be insane- the PLA can bring to bare close to 200,000 personnel within 25-30 days onto the front if such an aggression was initiated. India is simply deploying in accordance to its new doctrines and experience gained since Kargil. Strong neighbors lead to less conflicts. Back in the early and late 2005-6s the Indian media was indeed harping on about Chinese aggression and adventurism and again when the A-5 was tested but look at the two countries now- the deployment of 80,000-90,000 men with organic air and artillery capabilities might sound like a lot but it will indeed just even up our side when one considers the aforementioned Highland division.

This will not lead to any new tensions between the two giants. You're economy currently stands at 3.5 times larger than ours- we have much to aspire for and achieve yet. These actions are only meant to cement our ability to protect our territory, not to threaten another country's territorial integrity. Just as the increased military infrastructure development in Tibet by the PRC was viewed as alarming by India so might these actions on our part seem alarming but please bare in mind that we are simply attempting to even the odds IN CASE of any POSSIBLE hostilities much like what the PRC has done.
I think the resources could be used to greater effect elsewhere. It is fine to prepare for any contingency but raising such a huge force at mammoth expense with one foe in mind is counter-intuative and a bit of a waste of resources.

Also it is giving mixed messages to the world and China. I suppose intention is to go with the velvet glove over an iron fist approach with China. But it just seems that the GoI is listening to those hawkish elements that are playing up the likelihood of an Indian-Chinese conflict.

Better to prepare and prevent than to repair and repent!

The Indian security agencies and the Military would have taken this decision after considering everything.More than half the matters are not reported by the Army which doesn't mean everything is fine.

And if you ask me there is one one neighbor India has which can be aggressive against us and make us pay heavily..so what's wrong in being prepared even if it comes at the cost of not looking very peaceful in front of the world.
If China and India relationship will further improve, more Chinese tourists will visit India for their vacation. Economy will keep blossoming and make a better life for civillians. Hate only blind your eyes and make you insane. Chinese should learn Indi and Indian should learn Chinese. As long as the english skill of Chinese improving nowadays, communication is now available for better mutual understanding. Although trolling always happens for fun, but we need serious talk as well.
You seem to be a teacher or lecturer right here,many things we should do but only one thing we should not-learn Hindi I should say.
Back to 1960 both Mao and Nehru government was no matured enough to deal with each other. When PRC took Tibet all of a sudden and knocked Indians'door at the first time of the history, I knew Indian felt nervous cause you guys didn't know what the heck was CCP all about. What done is done. Although we get off on the wrong feet at the very beginning, but we still should not treat each other as hostile in the rest of our life. Grudge should be set aside and looking for commOn interest in the region and the world. I thinks most of Chinese and Indian prefer conciliatory relationship more than hostile one. We should seek a way of harmonious way as being neighbour. I can't image what will lead to when two giants swing fist at each other. Look what Europeans do, they live in peace nowadays.
You feel good to say China knocked the Indian door,but the fact is not,we still losing our beautiful backyard to India since then.
As for Europe,it has same culture let alone same people,not a one similar to Asia.
If China and India relationship will further improve, more Chinese tourists will visit India for their vacation. Economy will keep blossoming and make a better life for civillians. Hate only blind your eyes and make you insane. Chinese should learn Indi and Indian should learn Chinese. As long as the english skill of Chinese improving nowadays, communication is now available for better mutual understanding. Although trolling always happens for fun, but we need serious talk as well.

What you are saying is correct. Things between China and India must and will get better in the future. A simple indication of that is Trade and People-People relations. Bilateral Trade is steadily increasing as are the number of people travelling between the two countries. Just the count the number of Indian students in China now who are studying medicine.
I was in a program where we were training young Chinese professionals. A number of them have been trained by me. Now, do you think that my students and me will go to war with each other? I still remember them and they have not forgotten me. That is not the recipe for enmity or War!

Both the Indian and Chinese armed forces have a lot of antiquated equipment. Hence both countries are now engaged in replacement and renovation; they need to do so. But both countries also paid attention to improving their economies and industries first. That was and still is more important than Army building in both countries.
There is an old saying in China :一日为师,终生为父。 means a student will always respect it's teacher as his own father. Through your students, you should have known some real thought Chinese have toward Indian.
You seem to be a teacher or lecturer right here,many things we should do but only one thing we should not-learn Hindi I should say.

You feel good to say China knocked the Indian door,but the fact is not,we still losing our beautiful backyard to India since then.
As for Europe,it has same culture let alone same people,not a one similar to Asia.
Russian took 400 thousand SQ meters lands from China, will you able to get it back by force? What done is done. We should respect the status quo. If we keep asking AP, India will keep claim Aksai Chin. We should not compromise our lands to make peace with our neighbour, but definitely not including this case. The fear of China government is : if we stop claim AP, India might keep claim Aksia Chin. Both is playing bargain game to ensure there will not be any further claim on the dispute area. AP civillians should have a saying where it willing to belong, not Others. AP is too far away from inland China, why we need that land? The claim for AP is a bargain chip at China's hand. Am I right?
There is an old saying in China :一日为师,终生为父。 means a student will always respect it's teacher as his own father. Through your students, you should have known some real thought Chinese have toward Indian.

I do. One of them is that young Chinese people are determined to make their own Destiny; they will neither wait for nor allow somebody else to do it for them. They will not diverted by unncessary things in their efforts.
Let me tell you; I talked to them about the Indo-Chinese conflict of 1962. Many of them did not even know much about it. But nearly all of them were clear that it was in the past; while the future was still ahead of us. The past has some importance but it is far less important than the present and the future.

I liked and respected that kind of thoughts in my students; because people who just live in the past are doomed to become Dinosaurs. None of my student will be Dinosaurs.
Indian private media is a big hurdle in between better India-China relationship. They are out of control, and run a scaremongering campaign against China on a daily basis. They are being paid to do so, and no prize for guessing who could be behind it.
@wanglaokan Well you are quite right about the whole issue of AP and Aksai Chin. And also, using it as bargaining chip, keeping the status quo meanwhile increasing trade and cultural exchange.

Hope, people learn from China.

Indian private media is a big hurdle in between better India-China relationship. They are out of control, and run a scaremongering campaign against China on a daily basis. They are being paid to do so, and no prize for guessing who could be behind it.
Yup. Indian media is quite biased regarding few parties and few nations especially China. Too much paranoia they create regarding China. Unnecessary hooplah.

State controlled Chinese media is quite better regarding India.
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Yup. Indian media is quite biased regarding few parties and few nations especially China. Too much paranoia they create regarding China. Unnecessary hooplah.

State controlled Chinese media is quite better regarding India.

Elements of the Indian media is certainly like that, but there are saner people too.
About State control of Media; it has its pros and cons; just as a free media is a double edged sword.
What is needed is a "Responsible Media" NOT a "Controlled Media". Big difference between the two.

Yup. Indian media is quite biased regarding few parties and few nations especially China. Too much paranoia they create regarding China. Unnecessary hooplah.

State controlled Chinese media is quite better regarding India.

India state media, aka Doordarshan, is also pretty balanced, but the problem is hardly anyone watches Doordarshan. Private news channel is more popular and it is molding a very negative public image of China in India.

China needs to fight back, but the problem is China doesn't think of India as important enough to do that, not yet anyways. Something like a CCTV Hindi service in the near future will be a good step.
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