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Defence clears new corps on China border

China is delivering positive message to India. India take this one as a demonstration of compromisation to our east border preoccupation, then I am sorry to tell you are wrong. I can smell what Indian think in this forum, opportunities at its best. If anyone take chance this time to launch attack on the border, we will not hesitate to bust its *** in no time. If you guys accept the olive branch we deliver, we will be fine.

stop crying .. it clearly says, counter offensive.. (so if you guys have good intentions, then automatically it transforms to good will from our side )
China is delivering positive message to India. India take this one as a demonstration of compromisation to our east border preoccupation, then I am sorry to tell you are wrong. I can smell what Indian think in this forum, opportunities at its best. If anyone take chance this time to launch attack on the border, we will not hesitate to bust its *** in no time. If you guys accept the olive branch we deliver, we will be fine.

People who make policies know more than netizens on what kind of signal they get on the ground. So please stop this olive oil or olive branch thing discussion here.
When China deliver Olive branch to India, many Indian say its a conspiracy.
When China deploy huge pressure on the border, Indian say Chinese is hostile and aggressive. What the heck shall we do? At least India side should make some positive movement as well for responding. Any one in this forum don't wanna improvement on bilateral relationship please raise you hands! And tell me why?

If a Chinese standing on the street and roaring ' China should attack India' will be deemed as a maniac by public. Our concern is Japan and USA, not even Vietnam and Phillipine.

China Provide Nuclear Missile and Nuclear bomb to PAK, AKA similar , how will you react , If india provide Missile and Nuclear bomb to Vietnam.

Actions done on ground given more value then words.
People who make policies know more than netizens on what kind of signal they get on the ground. So please stop this olive oil or olive branch thing discussion here.

Your government need a enemy to elaborate of the mammoth military spending, what's more? If you don't like olive branch, then what you guys expect?
When China deliver Olive branch to India, many Indian say its a conspiracy.
When China deploy huge pressure on the border, Indian say Chinese is hostile and aggressive. What the heck shall we do? At least India side should make some positive movement as well for responding. Any one in this forum don't wanna improvement on bilateral relationship please raise you hands! And tell me why?

If a Chinese standing on the street and roaring ' China should attack India' will be deemed as a maniac by public. Our concern is Japan and USA, not even Vietnam and Phillipine.
China deliver Olive branch ,sounds like China already taken the advantage,see who holds whose lands first of all .
Sure,we are not interest in the Indian land but just our lands to attack for.Counter-offensive into Tibet?let Indian do it,we don't care those garbage lands to be invaded.
Your government need a enemy to elaborate of the mammoth military spending, what's more? If you don't like olive branch, then what you guys expect?

every government needs that mate. You guys take usa as the main threat.and that is why you exoand your forces . Pakistan has india as the main threat, so they take measures to counter our military development. similarly we have you guys.we can't mach you yet, so we take measures which are good enough to counter you guys.

a smaller country's obsession with a larger power always leads to a better development.

We also need large number of underground silos of Shourya missile all along the Indo-china border. The missile can be used to target strategic military bases, logistics depots/chains of CPC army in tibet. Agni 5 will take care of CPC mainland.
Your government need a enemy to elaborate of the mammoth military spending, what's more? If you don't like olive branch, then what you guys expect?

You are a good poster, I don't like to be crass with you.

Stop talking like a communist. All I can say.
Only 5% of China population are CCP member, me definitely not one of them .'i speak on behalf of my nation's interest; not CCP's.

I am not interest in the 50cents making my ends meet at all.

China is a giant panda, not so bad. We prefer Confucius not aggression of USA type.
Back to 1960 both Mao and Nehru government was no matured enough to deal with each other. When PRC took Tibet all of a sudden and knocked Indians'door at the first time of the history, I knew Indian felt nervous cause you guys didn't know what the heck was CCP all about. What done is done. Although we get off on the wrong feet at the very beginning, but we still should not treat each other as hostile in the rest of our life. Grudge should be set aside and looking for commOn interest in the region and the world. I thinks most of Chinese and Indian prefer conciliatory relationship more than hostile one. We should seek a way of harmonious way as being neighbour. I can't image what will lead to when two giants swing fist at each other. Look what Europeans do, they live in peace nowadays.
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