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Defeat in Afghanistan

Even if the whole muslim world betrays Ummah your duty is to follow orders of ALLAH and his RASOOL SAW your statement is like tomorrow when some one will sell his mo......... you will also do it but well pets of USA can do anything they nothing but mistakes of USA and I am not crying but soon seculars will cry a lot

If Taliban are holy warriors, then why do they kill little kids??

Why are they involved in drug trafficking and extortion??

You want a drug dealer to tell his customers that drugs are bad ? :D I mean seriously !

In the case of the Taliban, it is literal.
Rasool saw never made alliance with kafirs to attack Muslims your government and forces did that and even sold Muslims to USA and islamically Taliban did right by not handing him to kuffar instead they offered to present him for trial in neutral Muslim country but USA and it's slaves in Pakistan were to arrogant to listen I know how to face death

'Ali(r,a) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) as saying: There would arise at the end of the age a people who would be young in age and immature in thought, but they would talk (in such a manner) as if their words are the best among the creatures. They would recite the Qur'an, but it would not go beyond their throats, and they would pass through the Deen as an arrow goes through the prey. So when you meet them, kill them, for in their killing you would get a reward with Allah on the Day of Judgment.
[Sahih Muslim: Book 005, Number 2328]

So killing @Zarvan and his likes is ordered in Islam ........ :coffee:
I don't know why you are getting happy @Zarvan , after these animals are done with Afghanistan they will turn to Pakistan, and if they win, do you knw what that means right? No more opening useless thread on PDF for you. They will ban the internet and we can go back to the stone age.

You obviously hasn't watched the Flintstones.

You can type in rock computers.

i got a feeling that zarvan is that ttp spokes person no joke lol

Shouldn't he be in Jail?
'Ali(r,a) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) as saying: There would arise at the end of the age a people who would be young in age and immature in thought, but they would talk (in such a manner) as if their words are the best among the creatures. They would recite the Qur'an, but it would not go beyond their throats, and they would pass through the Deen as an arrow goes through the prey. So when you meet them, kill them, for in their killing you would get a reward with Allah on the Day of Judgment.
[Sahih Muslim: Book 005, Number 2328]

So killing @Zarvan and his likes is ordered in Islam ........ :coffee:

you quoted the ahadeeth but who will decide the time of the event. Second where it is quoted in hadeeth that kill those people with the help of non-Muslims.

The true ahadeeth is
he Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said: "There will rise a group of people in the East who will recite the Holy Quran, but alas, the Quran will not go beyond their throat. This group will keep rising till the Day of Judgment and they will eventually rise with Dajjal. Their main symbol will be to sit in groups (Halqa)."
(Addarus Sunniah, PP. 50)

So its not Saheeh Bukhari.

And if you believe in this ahadeeth then you believe the time of Dajjal is here and if you believe all then who will be the forces will fight against dajjal and non-muslims?

^^^^^^^^^^Sahih Bukhari has this hadeeth but not same words as you described but yes same meaning but it also says that these muslims will kill muslims and spare non-muslims so then these Taliban sparing US in Afghanistan, REALLY?
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you quoted the ahadeeth but who will decide the time of the event. Second where it is quoted in hadeeth that kill those people with the help of non-Muslims.

The true ahadeeth is
he Holy Prophet (Sallal Laahu Alaihi Wasallam) is reported to have said: "There will rise a group of people in the East who will recite the Holy Quran, but alas, the Quran will not go beyond their throat. This group will keep rising till the Day of Judgment and they will eventually rise with Dajjal. Their main symbol will be to sit in groups (Halqa)."
(Addarus Sunniah, PP. 50)

So its not Saheeh Bukhari.

And if you believe in this ahadeeth then you believe the time of Dajjal is here and if you believe all then who will be the forces will fight against dajjal and non-muslims?

No need to take it seriously man , was just being sarcastic !!:;)
regarding my belief in ahadith , I dont find any Hadith collection binding upon Muslims
Islamic History & Archaeology
Rasool saw never made alliance with kafirs to attack Muslims your government and forces did that and even sold Muslims to USA and islamically Taliban did right by not handing him to kuffar instead they offered to present him for trial in neutral Muslim country but USA and it's slaves in Pakistan were to arrogant to listen I know how to face death
Rasool Allah didn't form alliance with Kuffar,ofcourse but he adjusted with respect to political environement.
Zarvan,I understand that you desperately are looking for hero,but trust me..these TTP are not heroes of 'justice league' but Hashashins of present.We need Slahauddin not Sheikh bin jabaal bin Sanan as a leader.
A time comes when leaders who are leading nations need to make sacrifices/compromise.You find it right that Talibans preffered Osama over their Afghan subject.You find it right that they preffered one useless man (against whom there are some theories too that he was FBI aganet,lol) over million lives and this makes me doubt over your farsightedness.Nations are not lead emotionally but intelligently.Rasool Allah (SAW) lead us with intelligence and faith not with emotions and this makes him most successful leader.Prime example was when he had signed 'Sulah hudebia' in which Abu-jandal came to Rasool Allah(SAW) thus requesting for help against kuffar,and he was innocent and tortured because he had accepted Islam,but he was handed over to kaffir,and instructed to be patient, do I need to recall you of entire scenario?
And what do you expect us to do?Let me recall you that Mr.Musharraf contacted to other presidents of Muslim world too.He choose Americans because no one was supporting him,even Saudi leader adviced him to do so.How did you expect him to choose Afghanistan over 16 million Pakistanis?and that Afghanistan which didn't accepted Pakistan earlier and lateron,some more problems are caused because of them.We tried all our level best to support Afghanistan of as much as we can,but enough is enough now.We didn't supported Americans because we are kaffir,slave of west or we hated Afghanistan,lol.We supported Americans because your weak Muslim world left us alone.If India will attack upon us tommorrow then your Muslim world will not give a shit.Allah knows our position very well.We carry same germs as Americans or Indians do,but we understand the direction as well.Our armed forces consists of better strategist,trust me.lol
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Rasool Allah didn't form alliance with Kuffar,ofcourse but he adjusted with respect to political environement.
Zarvan,I understand that you desperately are looking for hero,but trust me..these TTP are not heroes of 'justice league' but Hashashins of present.We need Slahauddin not Sheikh bin jabaal bin Sanan as a leader.
A time comes when leaders who are leading nations need to make sacrifices/compromise.You find it right that Talibans preffered Osama over their Afghan subject.You find it right that they preffered one useless man (against whom there are some theories too that he was FBI aganet,lol) over million lives and this makes me doubt over your farsightedness.Nations are not lead emotionally but intelligently.Rasool Allah (SAW) lead us with intelligence and faith not with emotions and this makes him most successful leader.Prime example was when he had signed 'Sulah hudebia' in which Abu-jandal came to Rasool Allah(SAW) thus requesting for help against kuffar,and he was innocent and tortured because he had accepted Islam,but he was handed over to kaffir,and instructed to be patient, do I need to recall you of entire scenario?
And what do you expect us to do?Let me recall you that Mr.Musharraf contacted to other presidents of Muslim world too.He choose Americans because no one was supporting him,even Saudi leader adviced him to do so.How did you expect him to choose Afghanistan over 16 million Pakistanis?and that Afghanistan which didn't accepted Pakistan earlier and lateron,some more problems are caused because of them.We tried all our level best to support Afghanistan of as much as we can,but enough is enough now.We didn't supported Americans because we are kaffir,slave of west or we hated Afghanistan,lol.We supported Americans because your weak Muslim world left us alone.If India will attack upon us tommorrow then your Muslim world will not give a shit.Allah knows our position very well.We carry same germs as Americans or Indians do,but we understand the direction as well.Our armed forces consists of better strategist,trust me.lol
Sir you can't adjust with kafirs to attack Muslims it is not allowed at all you can't made alliance with kufr to betray Muslim Ummah and your Forces under Musharraf did that and we are all paying the price even if according to you Muslim world left you alone which it didn't you still don't have any right to betray Islam and Muslims and become mercenaries of kufr to slaughter Muslims and before quoting Abu Jundal read whole thing than come and talk treaty was signed and yes he was handed over but during his way back he escaped and started attacking kafirs from some where so other Muslims who used to escape from Makkah started joining and even though kafirs came and complained about his activities and that he is destroying the treaty no Muslim army was sent by RASOOL SAW to take him out or arrest him Mr so read full thing understand and than talk
@Zarvan an bhai nai taazi sunaay ? apka jihad shihaad to fit ja raaha hai na ? suna hai ap bor hoon gay USA ke jaany ke baad koi nya program banaya hai kya ?:enjoy:
@Zarvan an bhai nai taazi sunaay ? apka jihad shihaad to fit ja raaha hai na ? suna hai ap bor hoon gay USA ke jaany ke baad koi nya program banaya hai kya ?:enjoy:
Afghans have a new joke these days they say we took out British we defeated the Russians USA is almost running away humiliated so now some body is telling Afghans the next super power is China HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
I wonder what good happened to Afghanistan after all this fighting and infighting. When there are no British, Soviets or Americans to kill they will again be going back to killing each other :ashamed:
Don't they get tired of all this killing. And please don't give me the usual romantic fight for the ummah stuff.
I wonder what good happened to Afghanistan after all this fighting and infighting. When there are no British, Soviets or Americans to kill they will again be going back to killing each other :ashamed:
Don't they get tired of all this killing. And please don't give me the usual romantic fight for the ummah stuff.
you stupid yindu its jihad :hitwall: and jihad will never finish even till the day of justice . till end of the world even after that :D its their duty to find out the way of jihads even if humans finished they can have jihad against trees or walls or even rocks .:partay:
I'm not secular, just because i hate terrorist pieces of shits I'm a traitor? lol.
I'm a conservative muslim and i hate fundamentalist pigs.

you should be more specific as to what you mean ....

I think you meant to say that you hate jamaati/wahabi sewage rats like @Zarvan
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