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Defeat in Afghanistan

you stupid yindu its jihad :hitwall: and jihad will never finish even till the day of justice . till end of the world even after that :D its their duty to find out the way of jihads even if humans finished they can have jihad against trees or walls or even rocks .:partay:
:ashamed: Umm
@Zarvan -

I've never seen you or your wahabi friends condemn the TTP who have killed thousands of innocent Muslims in Pakistan and countless Pakistani soldiers.

WTF do you have to say about that?!

Just because they share the same poisonous ideology as you do you still support them? Yes or no ?

You should make your intentions clear here once and for all !

So the question is clear: do you support terrorists like TTP in killing innocent Muslims, blowing Masjids, schools, etc ?
you should be more specific as to what you mean ....

I think you meant to say that you hate jamaati/wahabi sewage rats like @Zarvan
Mr before calling me Wahabi first read that book which I told you and point out one single thing against Quran and Sunnah you are abusing a person for quite few days without even knowing what he said you are proving yourself to be true loyal of Abu Juhal
Mr before calling me Wahabi first read that book which I told you and point out one single thing against Quran and Sunnah you are abusing a person for quite few days without even knowing what he said you are proving yourself to be true loyal of Abu Juhal

answer the question you wahabi/jamaati dajjal. don't try running away

1) Do you support the TTP for blowing up Masjids, schools, markets, etc ? Yes or no?

2) Do you support the TTP for killing hundreds of Pak soldiers & killing thousands innocent Muslims mean, women and children ? Yes or no?!

3) Do you support the Sipah-e-Sahaba for attempting to blow up an Eid-Milaad un Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم protest ? Yes or no?!

don't try running away again jamaati parrot!
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Defeat in Afghanistan? More like Afghanistan is a defeated state. Relying almost entirely on US aid. Afghanistan should be happy because past invaders to Afghanistan have not been this generous where the invader actually provides funding and aid money to help rebuild the country.

Though I would like to see Afghan government changed and more cooperation with neighbor states.
answer the question you wahabi/jamaati dajjal. don't try running away

Do you support the TTP for killing hundreds of Pak soldiers & killing thousands innocent Muslims mean, women and children ? Yes or no?!

and do you support the Sipah-e-Sahaba for attempting to blow up an Eid-Milaad un Nabi صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم protest ? Yes or no?!

don't try running away again jamaati parrot!
No I don't support TTP when they target civilians but TTP was formed because our President Musharraf betrayed Muslims and of Tribal areas and Afghans and I don't support any one who every that may be tried to blow up Milad congregation and last point is read that book first than come and talk
No I don't support TTP when they target civilians but TTP was formed because our President Musharraf betrayed Muslims and of Tribal areas and Afghans and I don't support any one who every that may be tried to blow up Milad congregation and last point is read that book first than come and talk

TTP and other terrorist organization all follow wahaabiism and Abdul Wahab Najdi ... why is it all those who are behind terrorism are wahabis like yourself?

I agree with you on Musharraf , he is traitor and hopefully he gets the death sentence

I've already given you an answer on Najdi's book .. asking me the same question over and over again and having me read his book won't make your poisonous ideology as sweet as honey
TTP and other terrorist organization all follow wahaabiism and Abdul Wahab Najdi ... why is it all those who are behind terrorism are wahabis like yourself?

I agree with you on Musharraf , he is traitor and hopefully he gets the death sentence

I've already given you an answer on Najdi's book .. asking me the same question over and over again and having me read his book won't make your poisonous ideology as sweet as honey
Than you are an ignorant and you don't have any right to comment on Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab without read his major books than their is no difference between Abu Juhal and all the enemies of Islam who used to come up with most stupid points without ever knowing what Islam is
Than you are an ignorant and you don't have any right to comment on Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab without read his major books than their is no difference between Abu Juhal and all the enemies of Islam who used to come up with most stupid points without ever knowing what Islam is

what "stupid" point are you referring to? at first you said I have no point and now I suddenly do ?

make up your mind parrot

Abdul Wahab Najdi was against his father, brother and his own teacher who were all Sunnis.

This deviant started his own sect called Wahabiism aided the British against the Islamic Ottoman Empire

Through his influence many sites related to The Prophet's صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم and Sahabah رضي الله عنه were destroyed and are being destroyed till this day. Yet, you are so blind to see this and the only argument you can come up with is to read his book. Actions speak louder than words! Reading his book won't change what he did as an agent of the British and as a enemy of Islam
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No I don't support TTP when they target civilians but TTP was formed because our President Musharraf betrayed Muslims and of Tribal areas and Afghans and I don't support any one who every that may be tried to blow up Milad congregation and last point is read that book first than come and talk
so you support when they target military ???????????? great :partay:
what "stupid" point are you referring to? at first you said I have no point and now I suddenly do ?

make up your mind parrot
I am referring to commenting on a person without even know what he is saying you are so scared to read one book because you in heart know you will fail to point out one single thing other than Quran and Sunnah in that book
I am referring to commenting on a person without even know what he is saying you are so scared to read one book because you in heart know you will fail to point out one single thing other than Quran and Sunnah in that book
read the rest of the post
I have mr and you are still commenting on a person without any knowledge of what he said
Abdul Wahab Najdi was against his father, brother and his own teacher who were all Hanbali Sunnis.

This deviant started his own sect called Wahabiism aided the British against the Islamic Ottoman Empire

Through his influence many sites related to The Prophet's صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم and Sahabah رضي الله عنه were destroyed and are being destroyed till this day. Yet, you are so blind to see this and the only argument you can come up with is to read his book. Actions speak louder than words! Reading his book won't change what he did as an agent of the British and as a enemy of Islam

So my questions is: despite all of this why do you still support this shaytaan and not become a true Sunni ?
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the best thing in islam is no one is muslim everyone say other kaffir is secret or open or in heart :D
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