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Deeply concerned about rise of fanaticism in Arab world: India

I have noticed this thing about Pakistanis. Maybe its what they are taught - but they seem to think that Dalits are fifth columnists of India who will be ready to act against India because of caste oppression.
Here i am to burst their bubble.. I belong from dalit and we don't have such plan what pakistani think we have...lol...this thing has made me laugh for number of time but never got a chance to explain that to them(pakistanis)....so here i go
Yes we were oppressed by hindus back then but things have changed today...society is vibrant and they have adopated to the change it required at the time..we r greatful to the Indian community that they trust a leader of us to write constitution of India which is remarkable and very proof of the thing that we r no longer oppressed/untouchable....WE ARE PART OF INDIAN SOCIETY, INDIA IS OUR COUNTRY.....we have our difference but that is not big issue....I give an example to you(pakistanis) if you consider only muslim religion(shia and sunni),they can't live in peace in Pakistan then consider India which have much more different cultures, faiths and religions that pakistan couldn't even dream about it and still able to live much more peacefully than pakistan.

Note: Upgrade your knowledge my Pakistani fellows. I mean no offense but giving you guyz eye opening view about what u think it is.
So it was a mutual decision to part ways then. If Pakistan didn't want Bangladesh back, many Bangladeshis here need to be reminded about it.:lol:

Pakistanis and Bengalis have moved on a LONG LONG time ago. Now you have Pakistani businessmen with factories in BD - employing tens of thousands of Bangladeshis. But we digress further. BD has nothing even to do with Modi nor does it have to do with fanaticism. Not even remotely. I dont see why you bharti bozos feel compelled to keep yapping about it :laugh:


For India to regain its economic luster, it must reassure skittish investors that it isn't doomed to be governed only by fiscally reckless populists. As for the BJP, after ruling India for only six of 67 years since independence, the party needs to evolve as a credible alternative to the left-of-center Congress Party—one that can represent all Indians, not just Hindu nationalists. This requires reassuring voters that the party can rein in a hateful fringe that stands for book banning, minority-bashing and conspiracy theories.

So far the prognosis is mixed.


But Mr. Modi has yet to quiet fears that his ascent suggests a party becoming less tolerant. For his detractors, Mr. Modi is indelibly associated with the 2002 anti-Muslim riots that erupted after a Muslim mob torched a train carriage filled with Hindu pilgrims in Gujarat. More than 1,000 people died in the violence, three-fourths of them Muslim. In December, a court upheld a Supreme Court-ordered investigation that cleared Mr. Modi of legal culpability for the riots. But for much of India's 150 million-strong Muslim population, Mr. Modi's name remains mud.


BJP leader Dr. Subramanian Swamy addressing a press conference at Delhi Pradesh BJP office on November 5, 2013 in New Delhi, India. Getty Images/Hindustan Times


The BJP remains an outfit where minority baiting is more likely to earn commendation than reprimand. Party MP Varun Gandhi, caught on tape using unprintable epithets to describe Muslims in 2009, has since been promoted to general secretary. Last year the party admitted Subramanian Swamy, a former minister who wants to disenfranchise Muslims who deny Hindu ancestry, and who demands that Muslims publicly apologize for the alleged crimes of their forebears.

Every party in the world has its share of cranks, but respectable parties don't generally make them leaders or allow them to spout off regularly on national television. If you ask party moderates about these egregious choices, they either justify them based on short-term tactical calculations or point to other parties that pander to Muslim extremists. Outsiders tend to ascribe the problem to the Hindu nationalist volunteer group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, which provides the BJP with much of its leadership and many of its most committed cadres. (Mr. Modi began his career as an RSS volunteer.)

Whatever the reason, this comfort with Hindu society's lunatic fringe has hurt the BJP disproportionately. It nudges talented Indians with no particular socialist bent—but also no particular hatred of Islam or Christianity—toward the Congress Party or the brand new Aam Aadmi (Common Man) Party. The result: a continued leftist tilt among India's educated elites.


As Mr. Modi ramps up his campaign, it may be unrealistic to expect him to address this problem directly just yet. But sooner or later he will have to confront the extremists within his fold. By embracing modern economic ideas and tempering his own rhetoric toward Muslims, he has begun the slow process of transforming the BJP into a modern conservative party. But as long as it remains tolerant of intolerance in its midst, it will never become a mainstream alternative to Congress.

Mr. Dhume is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a columnist for WSJ.com. He is on Twitter @dhume.




For India to regain its economic luster, it must reassure skittish investors that it isn't doomed to be governed only by fiscally reckless populists. As for the BJP, after ruling India for only six of 67 years since independence, the party needs to evolve as a credible alternative to the left-of-center Congress Party—one that can represent all Indians, not just Hindu nationalists. This requires reassuring voters that the party can rein in a hateful fringe that stands for book banning, minority-bashing and conspiracy theories.

So far the prognosis is mixed.


But Mr. Modi has yet to quiet fears that his ascent suggests a party becoming less tolerant. For his detractors, Mr. Modi is indelibly associated with the 2002 anti-Muslim riots that erupted after a Muslim mob torched a train carriage filled with Hindu pilgrims in Gujarat. More than 1,000 people died in the violence, three-fourths of them Muslim. In December, a court upheld a Supreme Court-ordered investigation that cleared Mr. Modi of legal culpability for the riots. But for much of India's 150 million-strong Muslim population, Mr. Modi's name remains mud.


BJP leader Dr. Subramanian Swamy addressing a press conference at Delhi Pradesh BJP office on November 5, 2013 in New Delhi, India. Getty Images/Hindustan Times


The BJP remains an outfit where minority baiting is more likely to earn commendation than reprimand. Party MP Varun Gandhi, caught on tape using unprintable epithets to describe Muslims in 2009, has since been promoted to general secretary. Last year the party admitted Subramanian Swamy, a former minister who wants to disenfranchise Muslims who deny Hindu ancestry, and who demands that Muslims publicly apologize for the alleged crimes of their forebears.

Every party in the world has its share of cranks, but respectable parties don't generally make them leaders or allow them to spout off regularly on national television. If you ask party moderates about these egregious choices, they either justify them based on short-term tactical calculations or point to other parties that pander to Muslim extremists. Outsiders tend to ascribe the problem to the Hindu nationalist volunteer group Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, which provides the BJP with much of its leadership and many of its most committed cadres. (Mr. Modi began his career as an RSS volunteer.)

Whatever the reason, this comfort with Hindu society's lunatic fringe has hurt the BJP disproportionately. It nudges talented Indians with no particular socialist bent—but also no particular hatred of Islam or Christianity—toward the Congress Party or the brand new Aam Aadmi (Common Man) Party. The result: a continued leftist tilt among India's educated elites.


As Mr. Modi ramps up his campaign, it may be unrealistic to expect him to address this problem directly just yet. But sooner or later he will have to confront the extremists within his fold. By embracing modern economic ideas and tempering his own rhetoric toward Muslims, he has begun the slow process of transforming the BJP into a modern conservative party. But as long as it remains tolerant of intolerance in its midst, it will never become a mainstream alternative to Congress.

Mr. Dhume is a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and a columnist for WSJ.com. He is on Twitter @dhume.

Useless wrora ... Your are preaching to stamorghaim kus ka bachiyas..:)
Oh i recently experienced the same.
See my first post (@Viny) and its rating and see the last post (@Jarha) and its ratings. Both had same content.
Looked more like group prejudice then a proper moderation or maintenance of forum.


You people did not expect this - did you? :omghaha: Most of you (Indians) have a Bollywood image of Indians and Pakistanis living together, singing songs, playing holi, celebrating Eid and tying Rakhis to each other.

I have grown watching Pakistani channels and listening to Pakistani radio - these comments don't surprise me at all. And seriously if you expect them to treat you equally on their turf - seriously you need to go to a doctor. Smell the coffee :tup:

I don't wish to offend anyone here. Indeed, they have chosen their direction in nation making and I wish them the best. I just don't want to emulate a similar situation here. So the only thing we should do is learn what not to do in our country from our counterparts there.
Pakistanis and Bengalis have moved on a LONG LONG time ago. Now you have Pakistani businessmen with factories in BD - employing tens of thousands of Bangladeshis. But we digress further. BD has nothing even to do with Modi nor does it have to do with fanaticism. Not even remotely. I dont see why you bharti bozos feel compelled to keep yapping about it :laugh:

pakistani businessmen moving to bangladesh because you don't have electricity

Pakistan Textile industry: Give us electricity or I will move to Bangladesh
Again the same nonsense by a self righteous Hindu nationalist ... Reply to my question before acting like dr phill.
What part of this is hard to understand?

You asked whether people were convicted. I am saying that Yes, people have been convicted and sentenced. Do you understand the meaning of these words convicted and sentenced?
Oscar mentioned this in another thread the other day ...

I guess unintentionally he let the truth slip out about other "Titles" as well.

Anyway ontopic .. India shouldn't get involved in the ME mess, let them solve it out themselves.

But why have Pakistanis taken offence to this news item? I don't see a single Arab comment about it but Pakistanis are there everywhere!

Cheerleading for the Arabs by the wannabe Arabs?
I have seen you consistently implying that if it were not for India, no war of secession would take place in Bangladesh. You also suggest many a time that your thoughts aren't a fringe belief and 90% of Bangladeshis share similar views.

Now, if Bangladesh's secession was an Indian design, why hasn't Bangladesh done anything so far to accede back to Pakistan? Not under Hassena, not under Khaleeda, and not under Army rule either. Care to explain why 90% of Bangladeshi wishes are being denied by 100% of Bangladesh's political players?

There is no reason or need for us to recreate united Pakistan, but 90% Bangladeshi's today have no issues with Pakistan, are well wishers of Pakistan and want good relations with a fellow Muslim majority country. It is only Indian agents in Awami League who always create sh!t storm using 1971 issue to make lame excuse in public eye to kill their political opponents.

Even if there is no united Pakistan in the future, Bangladeshi Muslims want to see more cooperation among Muslim nations, such as Developing-8 group, where Pakistan is also a participant:
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Pakistanis and Bengalis have moved on a LONG LONG time ago. Now you have Pakistani businessmen with factories in BD - employing tens of thousands of Bangladeshis. But we digress further. BD has nothing even to do with Modi nor does it have to do with fanaticism. Not even remotely. I dont see why you bharti bozos feel compelled to keep yapping about it :laugh:

Feel free to return to the first page to see who digressed from a topic which was about India expressing it's concerns about the Middle East. You Pakistani bozos don't introspect much, do you? :lol:
Pakistanis and Bengalis have moved on a LONG LONG time ago. Now you have Pakistani businessmen with factories in BD - employing tens of thousands of Bangladeshis. But we digress further. BD has nothing even to do with Modi nor does it have to do with fanaticism. Not even remotely. I dont see why you bharti bozos feel compelled to keep yapping about it :laugh:

I really hope that you have been to Bangladesh in the last 5 years.:enjoy: Considering your confidence in this statement...
Just to correct you though:
There is Bangladesh.
There are Bengalis.
and there are Bangladeshi Bengalis...I guess you wanted to cite the latter....which shows how far the "movement" has been actually.

However after yapping all of this...I'm still a Bharti Bozo:pdf:
Oh and sorry for the digression :laugh:
Many of the major financial institutions where these Pakistanis go begging for money are run either by some Jews or Indian Baniyas. Both of whom these people hate to the core but even then they beg them/fall on their feets to be able to pay for the food. Arab & China just tell them to go to the next door showing no concern for their platitude at all!!

clearly you've never heard of the names Masood Ahmed, Dr. Ehtisham Ahmed, Dr. Mahmood Ayub, or Mahbub ul Haq --- all of whom have held the most senior positions either in WB or IMF than any indian ever has in existence

and again - you keep harping on about beggary when it is your people who not only invented but perfected this art.....scores of literature are available online, attesting to the fact that india is home to the largest concentration of beggars - more so than any African nation

Lastly - we have good cooperation with friendly nations and that includes some Arab nations as well as PRC. You'll be hard pressed to find Pakistanis who go to sleep hungry at night whereas in india you have tens of thousands who line the streets in broad daylight -- eating hardly what you could call 2 meals a day and not even having chappals on their feet. So if you want to talk down on someone - talk down on yourselves. Half you population doesnt even have toilets for Gods sakes!

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