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Deeply concerned about rise of fanaticism in Arab world: India

The record of the Supreme Court of India is there for all to see.
In fact the Supreme Court goes beyond its mandate when it comes to cases where it doubts the honesty or capability of the Executive. It is for this reason that SC formed its own investigation team(besides the Government's investigation team) over the Gujarat riots and even the SC found nothing that would convict Narendra Modi.

There is a reason that Supreme Court of India is respected globally.

Was anyone held responsible for gujrat riots n destruction of bahri ? The bombing of samjhuta express? The Orissa riots? The muzafarnagar riots? War crimes in Kashmir etc etc to make a few?
I have noticed this thing about Pakistanis. Maybe its what they are taught - but they seem to think that Dalits are fifth columnists of India who will be ready to act against India because of caste oppression.

You bhartis are your own worst enemies we don't even need to do anything other than spectate and laugh
Are you on your period or are you having a mental/emotional breakdown or something? What do a few indians with money have to do with the fact that your prime minister (a hindu fanatic) was blacklisted by several EU countries and the US? It took months of debate and an actual election result just for the state dept to reanalyze. And you accuse me of deflecting attention to other topics? You can hardly even debate or some up with a proper sentence. Do you have a stuttering problem in real life?

As for the rest of your post it was garbage so no need to address it

:lol: I think you are having a miscarriage not able to keep youself mentally stable. no worries. Nawaz and your army had a great history of brutalities and you don't have any locus standi on the issue.

Violence against minorities rose alarmingly in 2013: HRCP – The Express Tribune

go read something and become a arabi.
Was anyone held responsible for gujrat riots n destruction of bahri ? The bombing of samjhuta express? The Orissa riots? The muzafarnagar riots? War crimes in Kashmir etc etc to make a few?

It's pointless trying to reason with these pigeons who call others deniers or everything. Leave them to simmer and fester in their own shyte
see the glorious democracy of pak..
so think twice before talking nonsense about indian PM

Unlike almost all Islamic Nations, India has a functioning and independent Court System in which the entire country puts its faith in. The Supreme Court has exonerated Narendra Modi. That is enough.

I see nothing but frustration in your post.

Another tragedy he is admin in pdf....
noone takes it... now you know me .. you should be careful.. I also have a mini drone at my home :rofl:

I have one in my pants .. Armed with 2 nukes .. You interested .. No go drink dog milk .. N die on a footpath or a heat stroke or starvation.
P.S : who landed it in your home..
:lol: I think you are having a miscarriage not able to keep youself mentally stable. no worries. Nawaz and your army had a great history of brutalities and you don't have any locus standi on the issue.

Violence against minorities rose alarmingly in 2013: HRCP – The Express Tribune

go read something and become a arabi.

Nothing compared to what your army does in occupied Kashmir - which is why the people there despise you.

Go cleanse yourself of your sins in the gsnges after removing your tampon
Was anyone held responsible for gujrat riots n destruction of bahri ? The bombing of samjhuta express? The Orissa riots? The muzafarnagar riots? War crimes in Kashmir etc etc to make a few?
Convictions have already been done for Gujarat riots.
The culprit for samjhauta express is already behind bars.
Human right violations in Kashmir are dealt by the Army in form of Court Martial and a few have been dismissed from service.

Odisha riots I have not followed so I am not aware. Muzafarnagar riots happened a couple of months back. It will take time for investigation and conviction.

In any case, it is laughable that I have to explain these things to a Pakistani. You have no concept of conviction, of courts. Its a medieval society with concepts like blood money are accepted norms of society. Where no one is ever convicted for terrorism or murder, heck there have been zero convictions for rape in entire Pakistan in the last 5 years!

Compared to Pakistan, the Indian legal recourse system is light years ahead and advanced.
Have you courts eve convicted mass murderers or ppl accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity in the first place? .. One of your judges also defended japanese war criminals not too long ago..

He's a Pakhtun .. He'd slap your disrespectful little behind with your own arm.. Shows some respect low life..
Your idiocity is increasing day by day ..if he is a pajthun and slapped your behind doesnt mean everyone will be like you ..u r a person with nth degree of inferiority complex and dont come out from that cave you wont survive with that attitude ..thats a given ..idiot
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