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Deeply concerned about rise of fanaticism in Arab world: India

At least the fanatic Arabs didn't have their names black listed and denied visas on account of the same reasons. Enough said!!

Something about Somalia? Indians absolute poverty figures win it the distinction of being grouped in that bracket. So put your money - I mean your bindi- where your mouth is numb nuts
when few pak member stuck in own web ..
they go to indian poverty figure..
we are poor not contract kiilers of west
dont sell soverignity of country for few dollers
notes :no disrecpt to nation but these guys goin over and off topic
At least the fanatic Arabs didn't have their names black listed and denied visas on account of the same reasons. Enough said!!

Something about Somalia? Indians absolute poverty figures win it the distinction of being grouped in that bracket. So put your money - I mean your bindi- where your mouth is numb nuts

look wannabe arabi...

whose name is blacklisted now, maybe your face is blacklisted :rofl:

India has more rich households than most European nations
India has more rich households than most European nations - Economic Times

lol... now go and beat youself up
Unlike almost all Islamic Nations, India has a functioning and independent Court System in which the entire country puts its faith in. The Supreme Court has exonerated Narendra Modi. That is enough.

I see nothing but frustration in your post.

Have you courts eve convicted mass murderers or ppl accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity in the first place? .. One of your judges also defended japanese war criminals not too long ago..

look wannabe arabi...

whose name is blacklisted now, maybe your face is blacklisted :rofl:

India has more rich households than most European nations
India has more rich households than most European nations - Economic Times

lol... now go and beat youself up

He's a Pakhtun .. He'd slap your disrespectful little behind with your own arm.. Shows some respect low life..
and a figure 10-15 times that number would account for the number of dalits/shudras/untouchables like you who are either thrashed, humiliated or bludgeoned to death by extremist brahmin mobs so thanks for your lecture but no thanks.

and what do military operations have to do with fanaticism or violation of human rights? Still bringing up bangla desh seriously dude - you dotheads are like broken records i tell you :laugh: :laugh:

thousands of Muslims butchered in gujrat under the "watchful eye" of a terrorist who is now your prime minister...you hindus do believe in the "karma" concept dont you

growth which has waned considerably

peaceful if you cherry-pick and continue to ignore the ongoing seperatist/rebellion movements in about 1/3 of your landmass

This first line of nonsense could have only come from the first line of offense.
Have you courts eve convicted mass murderers or ppl accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity in the first place? .. One of your judges also defended japanese war criminals not too long ago..
The record of the Supreme Court of India is there for all to see.
In fact the Supreme Court goes beyond its mandate when it comes to cases where it doubts the honesty or capability of the Executive. It is for this reason that SC formed its own investigation team(besides the Government's investigation team) over the Gujarat riots and even the SC found nothing that would convict Narendra Modi.

There is a reason that Supreme Court of India is respected globally.
growth which has waned considerably

peaceful if you cherry-pick and continue to ignore the ongoing seperatist/rebellion movements in about 1/3 of your landmass

I have been traveling almost 25-28 states every year, and I am still alive, I have happy relation and friends everywhere and not seen any rebelion. I dont see drone attacks, i dont see military engagements, i dont see suicide attacks. Probably I need to go to Pakistan to see the seperatist/rebellion movements.
Oh the irony of it...

At least the fanatic Arabs didn't have their names black listed and denied visas on account of the same reasons. Enough said!!
And same country came with red carpet and visa and all the lolly pops even without asking for it.
Oh the irony of it.
Says a nation which Elected a fanatic mass murderer. Oh the irony of it!
a fanatic won an election in india and is now their prime minister and indian are issuing such statements? :laugh:

Oscar mentioned this in another thread the other day ...
Further reaffirming that the "Elite" title is essentially incorrect since it is based on number of posts and not quality of posts.
I guess unintentionally he let the truth slip out about other "Titles" as well.

Anyway ontopic .. India shouldn't get involved in the ME mess, let them solve it out themselves.
India should learn from Arabic history n leave them for their natural n obvious disaster .......
I have noticed this thing about Pakistanis. Maybe its what they are taught - but they seem to think that Dalits are fifth columnists of India who will be ready to act against India because of caste oppression.

I swear! Many here seem to believe that anti-Brahminism can be/is being harnessed into anti-Nationalism. :lol:
Have you courts eve convicted mass murderers or ppl accused of war crimes or crimes against humanity in the first place? .. One of your judges also defended japanese war criminals not too long ago..
Your judiciary system could not bring red corner noticed terrorist to justice.
Oh the irony of it...
Are you on your period or are you having a mental/emotional breakdown or something? What do a few indians with money have to do with the fact that your prime minister (a hindu fanatic) was blacklisted by several EU countries and the US? It took months of debate and an actual election result just for the state dept to reanalyze. And you accuse me of deflecting attention to other topics? You can hardly even debate or some up with a proper sentence. Do you have a stuttering problem in real life?

As for the rest of your post it was garbage so no need to address it
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