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Declassified footage shows Iran rain down missiles on US airbase

Get lost, go and build your own Iranian defence forum where you can all get together and chant death to America as a daily ritual which appears to be modern Iran's only survival skill.

Iran, a pathetic nation with a 2,700 years old Persian Imperial history has to surrender it's nuclear program to tiny European countries while it's neighbour with only a seven-decades old nation-state history has managed to become a nuclear power despite all odds, yeah that's grand.

Keep writing your non sense so everyone can see how stupid you really are!
US carried out THOUSANDS of aerial strikes on Pakistani soil, resulting in the death of thousands of Pakistanis. That is 1000 x more shameful than having your official assassinated in a foreign country.

Thats with Pakistan's approval and have targeted those who are targeting Pakistan as well. You think Pakistan gave approval to target civilians for the fun of it besides basing U.S. drones?
The USSR only lost about 15 000 troops over a span of 10 years in Afghanistan compared to the 58 209 US troops lost over a span of 9 years in Vietnam.
Sorry but thats a different war. The U.S. was dealing with North Vietnamese Army besides the Vietcong with surface to air missiles and an Air Force, you don't see the Russians having to deal with that in Afghanistan, just Mujahedeen. Look at the currently conflict the U.S. has been in since 2001, 20 years. How many American combat deaths since? Barely over 2000.
You are braindead as your brainwashed countrymen.

The US asked Pakistan to halt the development of nuclear weapons program in the early 1980s in return for Saudi Arab paid F-16s and additional payments and armaments for the Mujahideen.

Pakistani military promised to halt the development of nuclear weapons program and the Americans believed it. However, Pakistan shifted it's nuclear weapons program underground - to the Chaghai Mountain to be precise and sealed it from inside for years so no one could spy on it. At the same time, Pakistan lead the Western countries to chase shadows i.e. SUPARCO's acquisition of dual-use nuclear technology from Western countries for a decade.

Obviously, meek Iranians can't be expected to be this intelligent when they're gullible enough to be brainwashed by religious fanatics for 41-years. So, don't compare your coward nation with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Just listen to what your say! Instead of sanctioning you like they did to N.Korea & Iran they handed you free F-16's so that maybe every other power involved with your nuclear program from east to west would somehow think twice about helping you develop nuclear technology! Yes you sure fooled them! LOL! And then again they where so fooled by it that not only during but also within 7 years after you test a bunch of nukes they start handing you F-16's again. LOL! Yes that makes so much sense and it sure as hell correlates with their pattern of behavior.

You've been a bad bad boy Pakistan and to set you straight I'm gonna hand you some free F-16's... And I know you say you want nuclear tech for peaceful clean energy and I fully believe you so I'm gonna hand you some F-16's to help you bring electricity to your ppl. As for verification, don't worry, so long as you pinky swear that you won't build nukes we believe you!

To be clear I have the upmost respect for Pakistan and regardless of what the intentions of other global powers where, at the end of the day they did do what was necessary for their own country but you should also face the reality that not only was there no real effort to prevent Pakistani Nukes, quite the opposite, there was a consensus between eastern & western powers in not only allowing it but also helping to make it happen. Countries like France, UK, USSR & China didn't rush to develop nuclear technology in Pakistan out of financial need nor did Pakistan develop it's nuclear technology fully indigenously and to be clear neither did Iran.
Anyone that thinks the West failed to detect Iran’s nuclear program till 2003 is living under a rock.

You can find articles since the 90’s that talk about Iran’s nuclear program.

The truth is just like Pakistan v India, Iraq v Iran was also a thing during the 80‘s and 90’s. And thus the world turned a blind eye to the Iranian nuclear program as a “hedge” against an Iraqi bomb which was estimated by 1998 Iraq would detonate a nuclear bomb.

Is it mere coincidence that in 2003 (same year Iraq invasion occurred) that the world “discovers” the Iranian nuclear program? Not a chance.

Once Saddam was removed from the chess board there was no justification for Iran to have a nuclear weapons program as the existential threat (saddam) was removed.

If Iran waits long enough maybe Turkey or Saudi Arabia will go for a nuclear weapons program and thus give Iran a new justification to rise to the bomb.
You literally fly American planes and take billions in American handouts to be a banana country. You already are owned by the US.

Plus why would US invade a country with zero geopolticial revelance, no natural resources, and a 3rd world economy whose number one export is textiles?

Seriously some of these Pakistani members on here live in a fantasy world where Pakistan is some prized country that world powers are fighting over. Unbelievable.

Funny how you cant even defeat a couple of afghan farmers with AK-47s. You had 20 years to defeat them still got absolutely humiliated 😂 Your country has lost every single war it has fought in the 21st century LMAO....

Pakistan takes your money and kills your troops in Afghanistan, yet you continue to rely on Pakistani supply routes. Its funny how a country like Israel that is the same size as New Jersey owns your country. Let that sink in. A country that is 150x smaller yet they control you. 20 US veterans die from suicide every day. Guess money cant buy bravery? lol..

Funny how you cant even defeat a couple of afghan farmers with AK-47s. You had 20 years to defeat them still got absolutely humiliated 😂 Your country has lost every single war it has fought in the 21st century LMAO....

Pakistan takes your money and kills your troops in Afghanistan, yet you continue to rely on Pakistani supply routes. Its funny how a country like Israel that is the same size as New Jersey owns your country. Let that sink in. A country that is 150x smaller yet they control you. 20 US veterans die from suicide every day. Guess money cant buy bravery? lol..

Im Persian you moron. Did they teach you anything in school in Pakistan?
I have wondered for a while why your flags are both American.
From what I understand, they represent where one is born and where one is living, as least that is my understanding of it and I can only speak for myself.
There are second generation diaspora in this forum born outside yet still have experience some "pull" towards the ancestral lands. I suppose it depends on how much of the culture the next generation assimilates and that varies greatly from family to family and from individuals within the same family. Hence that's how there are some members with their profile flags as they are. Again, I can only speak for myself as to the flag matter.
From what I understand, they represent where one is born and where one is living, as least that is my understanding of it and I can only speak for myself.
There are second generation diaspora in this forum born outside yet still have experience some "pull" towards the ancestral lands. I suppose it depends on how much of the culture the next generation assimilates and that varies greatly from family to family and from individuals within the same family. Hence that's how there are some members with their profile flags as they are. Again, I can only speak for myself as to the flag matter.

You got that right.
From what I understand, they represent where one is born and where one is living, as least that is my understanding of it and I can only speak for myself.
There are second generation diaspora in this forum born outside yet still have experience some "pull" towards the ancestral lands. I suppose it depends on how much of the culture the next generation assimilates and that varies greatly from family to family and from individuals within the same family. Hence that's how there are some members with their profile flags as they are. Again, I can only speak for myself as to the flag matter.

I was born in Tehran, Vanak neighborhood specifically. Not a second generation disaspora.

Believe it or not holding multiple citizenships is possible.

BTW these “flags” must appear on PC and not mobile (which is what I use) because I don’t see them.
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