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Declassified footage shows Iran rain down missiles on US airbase

I don't mind Pakistan (Iranian name btw) joining the true motherland (Iranzamin). It would be like a Federal form of governance but still part of a Iranic alliance headed by Iran (Tajikistan can join too). You guys just need to kick out the dark Pajeets to India and decrease the population a little bit to make it more Iranic (higher quality).

Ofcourse what i just said above ^^is a joke. :D
Hahaha you fool. You fail to understand... Our reach is global... This world is ALL GREATER PAKISTAN. YOU JUST DONT KNOW IT YET
no one is upset sir its just logical questions . no US solider was kileld

Yes, according to US state propaganda, which of course you're free to take at face value. But others who got sensitized after the Naiyrah (daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the US) testimony hoax in 1990 or the Powell fake "anthrax" vial show at the UN in 2003 at the very latest, will be more skeptical of American regime claims... Especially since the pummeling of Ayn al-Assad was followed by a string of suspicious "accidental" deaths of US troops.

Not to mention the CIA plane downed over Afghanistan, considering that the Taleban did not previously have access to SAM weapons necessary to score such a kill (I'll let you guess the rest). Not to mention senior US officers succumbing to supposed "accidents" while "lacing their boots" in Qatar (official US regime explanation)!

many airlines stop overflying iran and iran loss more money .

Like which ones? International airlines are still overflying Iran much like before.

Iran became total joke when shot down a jetliner which took off from their own airport . it was not a victory but a shameful day in iranian history .

Well tell that to the US regime, which to this day claims its downing of an Iranian civilian airliner over the Persian Gulf in 1988 (Iran Air flight 655) was an "accident". So I guess the US has become a total joke since 1988, right?

Also, by that logic Pakistan is a twin joke since 1987/1988, when it shot down two Afghan civilian aircraft.

1985: Bakhtar Afghan Airlines Antonov An-26, Afghanistan
Main article: 1985 Bakhtar Afghan Airlines Antonov An-26 shootdown

On 4 September 1985 (during the Soviet–Afghan War), a Bakhtar Afghan Airlines Antonov An-26 (registered YA-BAM) was shot down by a ground-air missile near Kandahar, Afghanistan. The aircraft was carrying 47 passengers and 5 crew members and had been on a scheduled flight from Kandahar to Farah. There were no survivors.[32]

1988: Ariana Afghan Airlines Shootdown
On 19 November 1988 an Antonov An-26 operated by Ariana Afghan Airlines was flying from Kabul, Afghanistan to Jalalabad, Afghanistan when the pilot lost his way.[38] The aircraft entered Pakistani airspace when the pilot asked for help from a nearby airport in Pakistan. It was subsequently shot down by ground fire from the Pakistan Air Force near Parachinar, Pakistan resulting in 30 deaths.[38] Ministry of Defence of Pakistan claimed that the aircraft was shot down by ground fire when it entered Pakistani territory and failed to identify itself.[38]

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Pakistan doesn't bluff.. Others even know this fully, regionally and international.. If shit hits the we go.. But the restrain patience used in Iran is not in Pakistan dictionary and viewed as absurd.. Different countries and different cultures..

We wanted to start Nuclear war with India over our red lines.. It was key to keep the Alpha status over India at all costs even if it came to an all out nuclear war

Pakistan is not in a serious existential conflict against the US regime. India is nothing much compared to zionist-controlled America, the sole so-called superpower.

This is the US embassy compound in Islamabad, kind of a city within a city and one of the larger ones across the planet:


This is the one in Tehran, turned into a museum since its forceful closure in 1979:



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Southern Balochis are the darkest of the lot in the whole country, and they're the most iranic out of all the people

And what can we do god gave us fertile lands, with multiple seasons of harvest, we become fat and lazy, so people bred
Just kidding mate. I wish the best for all people in the region. Believe me, the people of the ME region have been the most oppressed in modern times. We deserve much better.
How much compensation did Pakistan offer relatives of passengers from Bakhtar Afghan Airlines (1987) and Ariana Afghan Airlines (1988)?
why should paksitan pay ? we did not shot down bajhtar airline . and we have every right to shot down ariana flight as it was entered in pakistan as violation of our airspace on a hostile border which was in war . we did not shot down a jet took off from our airport in todays electronic era . iranian air traffic controller ok ukranian flight to take off and other iranian missile controller after 2 minutes fired missile on that plane . this story is enough to having some shame .
The aircraft was carrying 176 people, including nine crew members and fifteen children
Flight 752 took off from Runway 29R an hour behind schedule, at 06:12:08 local time .
Between 06:14:17 and 06:14:45 the airplane turned from the take-off heading of 289° to heading 313°, following its regular route.
The flight was climbing at just under 3000 ft/min when the flight data recorder abruptly ended
aircraft was hit almost immediately by the first of two short-range missiles (which knocked out its transponder) launched thirty seconds apart by the IRGC, and with the aircraft having maintained its track, by the second missile some 23 seconds later, after which it veers right and can be seen aflame before disappearing from view.
why should paksitan pay ? we did not shot down bajhtar airline . and we have every right to shot down ariana flight as it was entered in pakistan as violation of our airspace on a hostile border which was in war .

It isn't admissible by international law to shoot down a civilian aircraft even under those circumstances. If Pakistani air defence had correctly identified it as a civilian plane, it would probably not have fired on it. Which points to Pakistani AD failure.

A neighboring country was in a state of war? On the night when the Ukrainian airliner was hit, Iran itself was practically in a state of war (at least AD crews all over the country had to assume as much).
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It isn't admissible by international law to shoot down a civilian aircraft even under those circumstances. If Pakistani air defence had correctly identified it as a civilian plane, it would probably not have fired on it. Which points to Pakistani AD failure.

A neighboring country was in a state of war? On the night when the Ukrainian airliner was hit, Iran itself was practically in a state of war (at least AD crews all over the country had to assume as much).
afghan airforce used same aircrafts and they have done many para operations those days . FYI we have captured them

here are they in PAF meusium karachi


Pay? With what money?

brathaar irani, it is called imf loan we borrow we keep 99 percent we give 1 percent to victims but also break that down 0.9 percent for elite and rest victim 0.1 compo. it's all halal.

i dont know why all ppl here measuring dick all nation full of s h it except usa but usa is hijacked. usa atleast can develop real tech but rest haven't moved since the 60s. i mean all these idiot nation have to do is search the web for forbidden tech and go do it under cover. but still they on steam engine level tech. pakistan tech level is on tying donkey to generator propeller and whip it to turn some amps to power light bulb.
brathaar irani, it is called imf loan we borrow we keep 99 percent we give 1 percent to victims but also break that down 0.9 percent for elite and rest victim 0.1 compo. it's all halal.

i dont know why all ppl here measuring dick all nation full of s h it except usa but usa is hijacked. usa atleast can develop real tech but rest haven't moved since the 60s. i mean all these idiot nation have to do is search the web for forbidden tech and go do it under cover. but still they on steam engine level tech. pakistan tech level is on tying donkey to generator propeller and whip it to turn some amps to power light bulb.
this Indian meme came to mind on this brutal post lol
i just dont get it i have read tons of secret or forbidden tech some easy to produce if one runs a country but they all bull sh it countries cannot make real tech. it boggles my mind they have budget for stupid disney world park but no money for life changing tech for example stanley myer the water engine guy he got killed and no one has built one.
Surely this news is going to upset some of our Pakistani "friends" here!
well after what USA force did in region , I seriously doubt that to many car about them . if it was 10-15 years ago then probably yes but right now :disagree:.
23 U.S. soldiers were physically injured had to evacuated straight after Iran IRGC ballistic missiles strike on Iraq Ain Al-Asad U.S base and was told to downplay the casualties. American Army Corporal Jason Quitugua took his own life since
lol, and they were the so called not injured one! I'm thinking about the shape of the really injured ones, and are not in this world to complain about the purple heart!
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