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Declassified footage shows Iran rain down missiles on US airbase

that's it for killing world so called most dreaded general. :lol:
If you think the Americans can take on Pakistan, they would've disarmed Pakistani nuclear arsenal by now.

Americans would wipe the floor with Pakistan. Is this a joke? A team of special forces rode into your country and killed Osama Bin Laden right next to your military academy and you guys didn’t detect it. LOL

You have zero energy resources. US could easily sanction and choke off Pakistan. No oil = no war machine. Ask WW2 Imperial Japan what happened to its war machine when US sanctioned oil to Japan.

And if you even think of using one nuclear weapon your entire county would be made into glass. Not that you can, your furtherest missile can barely leave the Middle East let alone reach anywhere close to the US mainland. So you would effectively be nuking a US base on another country like Saudi Arabia or UAE. Yeah right 0% chance of that happening. That’s why Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are zero worry for the US. You can’t use them.

Your number one export is textiles. China can’t help you much since they aren’t energy independent either and rely on Iran and other middle eastern countries for oil and gas. So the last thing they will do is feed you oil and gas.

You have this weird illusion that Pakistan is some superpower. You cannot even take Kashmir and by your own admission it took 50 years to take a mountainous terrain by some sandal wearing Taliban affiliates.

First go ahead and take Kashmir then come talk about the mighty Pakistan army. For some reason you have some Napoleon inferiority complex against Iran because you routinely come into this board to bash Iran out of nowhere and have been banned for it many times.

What a pathetic life you must live in real life.
Americans would wipe the floor with Pakistan. Is this a joke? A team of special forces rode into your country and killed Osama Bin Laden right next to your military academy and you guys didn’t detect it. LOL ...


1. Was that even Osama Bin Laden that was killed in the OBL or did he die a long time before this?

2. President Obama said the raid was done with cooperation from Pakistan. Why? What do you think the US was paying Pakistan $2.2 billion a year for since 2002?

Rest of your post is just stupid gibberish nonsensece.

Ask the Soviet Union what happened to their Empire when they militarily confronted Pakistan in Afghanistan? At that time, Pakistan only had nuclear bombs and no missiles against world's second largest economy, a military super power with thousands of nuclear weapons. Yet, the superpower was defeated militarily.

Do you think the US can just go around dropping nukes on any country in the world they like? What guarantee is there, there are no Pakistani agents armed with miniature nuclear weapons (or any other nuclear power for that matter) are not deployed already in the US and elsewhere?

Just because the religious fanatics ruling the meek Iranian population today are total cowards that they even have to negotiate Iran's nuclear program with tiny European countries for some economic biscuits, does not mean the rest of world is coward like the former Persian Empire.

Pakistan has no qualms against the Taliban which are in Afghanistan fighting foreign occupation.

Pakistan will continue to kill Al-Qaeda and it's affiliates that took refuge in Pakistani autonomous tribal region who attempted to carve out separate country from this region.

Islamic Emirates of Waziristan

As this territory was not under Pakistani control for five decades, Pakistani military struggled to impose it's writ over it despite military action by the US and Pakistani forces for more than a decade-and-half but Pakistan eventually managed to annex it in 2018.

As you have been brainwashed by a internationally recognised pariah regime, you better get your facts right before yapping geo-poltical issues in relation to Pakistan.
As if the mullah of your country are any different from al qaeda?!

1. Was that even Osama Bin Laden that was killed in the OBL or did he die a long time before this?

2. President Obama said the raid was done with cooperation from Pakistan. Why? What do you think the US was paying Pakistan $2.2 billion a year for since 2002?

Rest of your post is just stupid gibberish nonsensece.

Ask the Soviet Union what happened to their Empire when they militarily confronted Pakistan in Afghanistan? At that time, Pakistan only had nuclear bombs and no missiles against world's second largest economy, a military super power with thousands of nuclear weapons. Yet, the superpower was defeated militarily.

Do you think the US can just go around dropping nukes on any country in the world they like? What guarantee is there, there are no Pakistani agents armed with miniature nuclear weapons (or any other nuclear power for that matter) are not deployed already in the US and elsewhere?

Just because the religious fanatics ruling the meek Iranian population today are total cowards that they even have to negotiate Iran's nuclear program with tiny European countries for some economic biscuits, does not mean the rest of world is coward like the former Persian Empire.
The soviets didn’t lose militarily in Afghanistan they list politically also that’s have nothing to do with you it’s all thanks the the afghans you and saudis always bark that you are the ones who defeated the soviets in Afghanistan despite the fact if Russia wanted to crush both of you they would have done in days
As if the mullah of your country are any different from al qaeda?!
Which mullah? And, when exactly have the mullah ruled Pakistan or have been allowed to rule?

We're not stupid and meek like Iranian people.

The soviets didn’t lose militarily in Afghanistan ... the fact if Russia wanted to crush both of you they would have done in days

You're just too daft, result of being brainwashed by religious fanatics.

In total, at least 333 helicopters and 118 Soviet jets were reported lost during the war.
Wikipedia: Soviet loses in Afghanistan

Before posting again, try and use at least one functioning brain cell.
Which mullah? And, when exactly have the mullah ruled Pakistan or have been allowed to rule?

We're not stupid and meek like Iranian people.

You're just too daft, result of being brainwashed by religious fanatics.

In total, at least 333 helicopters and 118 Soviet jets were reported lost during the war.
Wikipedia: Soviet loses in Afghanistan

Before posting again, try and use at least one functioning brain cell.
Where did say your pathetic regime defeated the soviets also your country is full of al qaeda and Isis like terrorists
Which mullah? And, when exactly have the mullah ruled Pakistan or have been allowed to rule?

We're not stupid and meek like Iranian people.

You're just too daft, result of being brainwashed by religious fanatics.

In total, at least 333 helicopters and 118 Soviet jets were reported lost during the war.
Wikipedia: Soviet loses in Afghanistan

Before posting again, try and use at least one functioning brain cell.
It was the U.S and their $3 billion worth of arms including the Stinger missiles that they had channeled through your country that led to the defeat of the USSR in Afghanistan. As a reward for your service your country was put under arms embargo by your uncle Sam once they were done with you until they needed your services once again. You delusional Pakistanis and your notion of grandeur is freaking hilarious!
It was the U.S and their $3 billion worth of arms including the Stinger missiles that they had channeled through your country that led to the defeat of the USSR in Afghanistan. As a reward for your service your country was put under arms embargo by your uncle Sam once they were done with you until they needed your services once again. You delusional Pakistanis and your notion of grandeur is freaking hilarious!
They can’t defeat insurgents and terrorists in their own country yet they claim they defeated the soviets with the saudis who can’t defeat the houthis.

there is study staying Stinger missives didn’t have much effectit wasrather the inexperienced soviet soldiers because it the last years of the war Russia started to send better soldiers but it was the politicians in Moscow region didn’t like to continue the war just like the Americans in Vietnamese also you have to note both Soviet and US didn’t lose militarily rather politically because of the anti war movements and politicians in bothUS and Soviet Union
They can’t defeat insurgents and terrorists in their own country yet they claim they defeated the soviets with the saudis who can’t defeat the houthis.

there is study staying Stinger missives didn’t have much effectit wasrather the inexperienced soviet soldiers because it the last years of the war Russia started to send better soldiers but it was the politicians in Moscow region didn’t like to continue the war just like the Americans in Vietnamese also you have to note both Soviet and US didn’t lose militarily rather politically because of the anti war movements and politicians in bothUS and Soviet Union

The USSR only lost about 15 000 troops over a span of 10 years in Afghanistan compared to the 58 209 US troops lost over a span of 9 years in Vietnam.
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Stop yapping your gibberish rubbish. There have been a total of 430 drone strikes on Pakistani territory.

View attachment 723034

Source of each recorded drone strike:

The killed were mostly foreigners residing in Pakistan's then tribal autonomous region, not under Pakistani federal control and which the Pakistani military had not entered for nearly 50-years until around February / April 2002.

If you think the Americans can take on Pakistan, they would've disarmed Pakistani nuclear arsenal by now. But no, Pakistan has not surrendered it's nuclear weapons program like a coward Iran has done.

If Pakistan was under half the sanction Iran is under, in under half the time span the country would have fallen apart.
Which means for the west allowing Pakistan to have nukes was mainly a tool to keep India a vast country which at the time had 700m PPL & a high birth rate in check. And it wasn't just the west, from France to UK to USSR and most of all the Chinese all of them wanted both a target for and a counter to Indian nukes.

So there is no comparison here because the so called pressures against the development of Pakistani nukes was nothing more than a political show mainly put on for Indians.

Lets be clear, the U.S. was selling F-16's to Pakistan both during the time Pakistan was developing nukes and after they had tested their 1st nukes! So the idea that Pakistan had the guts to go for it and Iran didn't is nothing more than delusions of grandeur you've created in that tiny little brain of yours!


Yes you have endured much! 28 F16's where embargoed! It was truly amazing how you managed to endure and overcome such injustice and hardship! LOL!
It must of taken guts of steel to face danger in the face go for the nuke and endure the hardship of having 28 F-16's get embargoed. LOL!


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Pakistan as a country will choke in a month if its put under half sanctions that Iran is enduring for years. If US wanted it would have neutralized Pakistani nuclear program at any time, they did not because of strategic reasons and that is containment of Soviet allys in the region.

I have noticed a funny thing here, any thread about Iranian military success, development is posted here and you see one or two Pakistanis (not all just few) from across the border getting jealous with Iran and start posting BS in the thread. Their reason ... "Sectarianism"... which is funny because Pakistanis themselves got their religion and sects from Irano-Turk invaders who Invaded Western South Asia (Pakistan) for thousand years. A Pakistani is a sunni because his Irano-Turk converter was Sunni or he is a shia if his converter from Irano Turkic lands was a Shia. Then why get emotional towards something that was given to you by invaders from very same plateau that you are spewing BS against now ? Shia-Sunni did not happen to you naturally unlike Iran where sectarian identity came from within (Saffavid Kurds+Kazalbas Turks started the shia order). You did not get these sects from your own people. You were given this religion and sects. Why feel jealous with Irano-turks when you are not even part of middle eastern Shia sunni Jew arab irani turk game ? These people are just too funny which is why unlike Arab trolls I never feel bad when some pakistani try to talk BS against Iran. Thats literally like some mexican getting emotional towards politics in US or Canada. He ain't part of it but he thinks he is ... amusing indeed.
Americans would wipe the floor with Pakistan. Is this a joke? A team of special forces rode into your country and killed Osama Bin Laden right next to your military academy and you guys didn’t detect it. LOL

You have zero energy resources. US could easily sanction and choke off Pakistan. No oil = no war machine. Ask WW2 Imperial Japan what happened to its war machine when US sanctioned oil to Japan.

And if you even think of using one nuclear weapon your entire county would be made into glass. Not that you can, your furtherest missile can barely leave the Middle East let alone reach anywhere close to the US mainland. So you would effectively be nuking a US base on another country like Saudi Arabia or UAE. Yeah right 0% chance of that happening. That’s why Pakistan’s nuclear weapons are zero worry for the US. You can’t use them.

Your number one export is textiles. China can’t help you much since they aren’t energy independent either and rely on Iran and other middle eastern countries for oil and gas. So the last thing they will do is feed you oil and gas.

You have this weird illusion that Pakistan is some superpower. You cannot even take Kashmir and by your own admission it took 50 years to take a mountainous terrain by some sandal wearing Taliban affiliates.

First go ahead and take Kashmir then come talk about the mighty Pakistan army. For some reason you have some Napoleon inferiority complex against Iran because you routinely come into this board to bash Iran out of nowhere and have been banned for it many times.

What a pathetic life you must live in real life.

For all your BS.....you guys got your asses handed to you by a bunch of Afghans with Ak-47's, in plain clothes.....wearing sandals...

Against Pakistan, your army would be decimated. Attacking Pakistan would mean triggering WW3. If it was that easy, the US would have already invaded Pakistan.

Instead, the US invaded Afghanistan thinking it could take it.......but instead it got a *** whopping it hadn't gotten since Vietnam. :lol:
Against Pakistan, your army would be decimated. Attacking Pakistan would mean triggering WW3. If it was that easy, the US would have already invaded Pakistan.

You literally fly American planes and take billions in American handouts to be a banana country. You already are owned by the US.

Plus why would US invade a country with zero geopolticial revelance, no natural resources, and a 3rd world economy whose number one export is textiles?

Seriously some of these Pakistani members on here live in a fantasy world where Pakistan is some prized country that world powers are fighting over. Unbelievable.
... You delusional Pakistanis and your notion of grandeur is freaking hilarious!

Get lost, go and build your own Iranian defence forum where you can all get together and chant death to America as a daily ritual which appears to be modern Iran's only survival skill.

Iran, a pathetic nation with a 2,700 years old Persian Imperial history has to surrender it's nuclear program to tiny European countries while it's neighbour with only a seven-decades old nation-state history has managed to become a nuclear power despite all odds, yeah that's grand.
If Pakistan was under half the sanction Iran is under, in under half the time span the country would have fallen apart.
Which means for the west allowing Pakistan to have nukes was mainly a tool to keep India a vast country which at the time had 700m PPL & a high birth rate in check. And it wasn't just the west, from France to UK to USSR and most of all the Chinese all of them wanted both a target for and a counter to Indian nukes.

So there is no comparison here because the so called pressures against the development of Pakistani nukes was nothing more than a political show mainly put on for Indians.

Lets be clear, the U.S. was selling F-16's to Pakistan both during the time Pakistan was developing nukes and after they had tested their 1st nukes! So the idea that Pakistan had the guts to go for it and Iran didn't is nothing more than delusions of grandeur you've created in that tiny little brain of yours!

View attachment 724502

Yes you have endured much! 28 F16's where embargoed! It was truly amazing how you managed to endure and overcome such injustice and hardship! LOL!
It must of taken guts of steel to face danger in the face go for the nuke and endure the hardship of having 28 F-16's get embargoed. LOL!

You are braindead as your brainwashed countrymen.

The US asked Pakistan to halt the development of nuclear weapons program in the early 1980s in return for Saudi Arab paid F-16s and additional payments and armaments for the Mujahideen.

Pakistani military promised to halt the development of nuclear weapons program and the Americans believed it. However, Pakistan shifted it's nuclear weapons program underground - to the Chaghai Mountain to be precise and sealed it from inside for years so no one could spy on it. At the same time, Pakistan lead the Western countries to chase shadows i.e. SUPARCO's acquisition of dual-use nuclear technology from Western countries for a decade.

Obviously, meek Iranians can't be expected to be this intelligent when they're gullible enough to be brainwashed by religious fanatics for 41-years. So, don't compare your coward nation with the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
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