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Declassified footage shows Iran rain down missiles on US airbase

Iranians coping lol
Well dear Beny, it is hard for you to understand because you are a emotional settler. You expect a neanderthalistic approach like the Israelis, immediately retaliating and ''avenging'' and becoming hysterical and emotional like the 70 year old baby state of yours. Iranians have a long memory. Israelis and Americans will continue to be killed by the state of Iran. Do not worry. It is just not going the way you want it.
... That is x1000 times worse than having a official assassinated in a foreign country. ...

He was Iran's Army Chief.

Even President Saddam Hussain wasn't assassinated like some terrorist in a drone strike.

As for rest of your gibberish post about US killing Pakistani "civilians" in drone strikes (from Pakistani Shamsi Airbase), who do you think has arranged killing thousands of US soldiers for nearly two decades?
He was Iran's Army Chief.

Even President Saddam Hussain wasn't assassinated like some terrorist in a drone strike.

Don't talk nonsense, commander in chief of Iranian forces is Ali Khamenei. Soleimani was head of Qods forces,specialized in operations outside of Iranian borders.

As for rest of your gibberish post about US killing Pakistani "civilians" in drone strikes (from Pakistani Shamsi Airbase), who do you think has arranged killing thousands of US soldiers for nearly two decades?
US carried out THOUSANDS of aerial strikes on Pakistani soil, resulting in the death of thousands of Pakistanis. That is 1000 x more shameful than having your official assassinated in a foreign country.
Pakistan is still killing those "civilians".

Not shocking you attempt to hide the crimes of the US, after all you take their money handouts with an open hand.

The New America Foundation, which collects data from different media sources, estimates a civilian casualty rate of approximately 17% between 2004 and 2011 and of 6% since 2010. The Long War Journal, which likewise culls data from media reports, estimates a non-militant casualty rate of slightly less than 10%. Like the New America Foundation, the Long War Journal finds that the civilian casualty rate has declined in recent years, to something like 8.5%. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, which seems to base its data on media sources and other existing databases, estimates a considerably higher civilian casualty rate of 13-34%. Various other sources, including official Pakistani data, the New York Times, the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC), and Reuters, have estimated a range of civilian casualty rates, most of which fall within the spread set out by the three main databases discussed above.

Ben Emmerson, the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Counterterrorism, reported in March 2013 that he had been informed that USG drone strikes in Pakistan routinely inflicted civilian casualties. Specifically, Emmerson's report stated that he had been "informed that according to statistics compiled by [Pakistan's] Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there have been at least 330 drone strikes on the territory of Pakistan since 2004" and that "the total number of deaths caused by drone strikes was at least 2,200 that in addition at least 600 people had suffered serious injuries."

On 14 July 2009, Daniel L. Byman of the Brookings Institution stated that although accurate data on the results of drone strikes is difficult to obtain, it seemed that ten civilians had died in the drone attacks for every militant killed. Byman argues that civilian killings constitute a humanitarian tragedy and create dangerous political problems, including damage to the legitimacy of the Pakistani government and alienation of the Pakistani populace from America. He suggested that the real answer to halting al-Qaeda's activity in Pakistan will be long-term support of Pakistan's counterinsurgencyefforts.[41]

More examples:

Sorry this video does not make any sense in any way. Seems to be more propaganda than reality.
who do you think has arranged killing thousands of US soldiers for nearly two decades?

LOL on one hand you say that Pakistan has been battling miltants with ties to Al-Qaeda on the other hand you say that Pakistan had “arranged” those same militants to kill US soldiers. yeah sure.

You make as much sense as your username.

You should probably be focused on taking back Kashmir sometime in the next century if possible.
it looks like a video game but a poor quality old one for a slow cpu because it is in black and white.
People become like characters in the game. After Pong games really became about taking or killing. Prep those future "warriors".
US carried out THOUSANDS of aerial strikes on Pakistani soil, resulting in the death of thousands of Pakistanis. That is 1000 x more shameful than having your official assassinated in a foreign country.

Stop yapping your gibberish rubbish. There have been a total of 430 drone strikes on Pakistani territory.


Source of each recorded drone strike:

The killed were mostly foreigners residing in Pakistan's then tribal autonomous region, not under Pakistani federal control and which the Pakistani military had not entered for nearly 50-years until around February / April 2002.

If you think the Americans can take on Pakistan, they would've disarmed Pakistani nuclear arsenal by now. But no, Pakistan has not surrendered it's nuclear weapons program like a coward Iran has done.
Thread has gone to shit, predictable....

@LeGenD (I made a complaint against user Pakistan Space Agency's comment earlier which was 'unfortunately dismissed', foreseeing that his original flame-baiting comment was going to cause this sort of degradation. Please close/moderate the thread.)
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LOL on one hand you say that Pakistan has been battling miltants with ties to Al-Qaeda on the other hand you say that Pakistan had “arranged” those same militants to kill US soldiers. yeah sure. ...


Pakistan has no qualms against the Taliban which are in Afghanistan fighting foreign occupation.

Pakistan will continue to kill Al-Qaeda and it's affiliates that took refuge in Pakistani autonomous tribal region who attempted to carve out separate country from this region.

Islamic Emirates of Waziristan

As this territory was not under Pakistani control for five decades, Pakistani military struggled to impose it's writ over it despite military action by the US and Pakistani forces for more than a decade-and-half but Pakistan eventually managed to annex it in 2018.

As you have been brainwashed by a internationally recognised pariah regime, you better get your facts right before yapping geo-poltical issues in relation to Pakistan.
so many lies, so much misinformation. Instead of Pak defence it should have some other more appropriate name to reflect its satirical non-serious nature
US carried out THOUSANDS of aerial strikes on Pakistani soil, resulting in the death of thousands of Pakistanis. That is 1000 x more shameful than having your official assassinated in a foreign country.
Thread has gone to shit, predictable....

@LeGenD (I made a complaint against user Pakistan Space Agency's comment earlier which was 'unfortunately dismissed', foreseeing that his original flame-baiting comment was going to cause this sort of degradation. Please close/moderate the thread.)
I will check. Give me some time.
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