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Debunking Indian claims of F-16 firing AIM-120C AMRAAM

Advise to Indians, you lost the air war and are losing the PR war too and will become a global laughing stock if you post photos of old Taiwanese missiles which your Zionist masters gave you, shameful.
Compiling this post based on various inputs from our members, media and experts to put an end to the ridiculous propaganda from India and exposing their efforts to portray their shot down Mig-21 as a Pakistani F-16.

Point 1: Lets start with some common sense? Do Indian media and their public really think we are so stupid that we will show the wreckage of our own F-16 and claim it to be IAF Mig-21, especially when Indian authorities and media have already acknowledged that an IAF Mig-21 was shot down and it did fell on Pakistan’s side of LoC, meaning that they do have the wreckage of that plane anyway. Why would the authorities use the pictures of an F-16 when we do have the IAF plane falling on our side, as confirmed by Indians themselves.

Well, i wont waste any more time with common sense or logic as usually it is not very helpful while debating or discussing with our Indian friends.

The Indian media have claimed the below image to be wreckage of the shot down PAF F-16. This you guys can confirm from multiple Indian defense sites and news links.
View attachment 543215
Picture 1
Let us analyze it.

Point 2: We start with the serial number on the engine bay. It reads 80269, some Indian fanboys twisted it and Indian media have claimed that the F-16 shot down serial 78-0629 and in some cases 80-0629 well check F-16.net (click on the serial numbers mentioned earlier), its not PAF F-16!
Still, read again, the number on engine bay is 80269 NOT 78-0629 anyway.
View attachment 543216
Picture 2
(Image in green square above enhanced - Try zooming the picture on media yourself)

Point 3:
Also in the above picture, you can see a plane number mentioned on a panel marked in red squared for identification. It reads CU2328.
View attachment 543217
Picture 3
(Image rotated 180 degree and enhanced - Pic any picture from the Indian media sources, change contrast and color balance yourself)

Now lets have a loot at the same wreckage shown in picture 1 but from the other side.
View attachment 543250
Picture 4

Compare feature A, B and C to confirm that both pictures are of same wreck and once satisfied, check the flag on tail. Not our "taranga" mate!!
We painted it? How about the duct under tail marked in yellow box?
View attachment 543251
Picture 5
Point 4: Remember the number CU2328 mentioned in inside of plane as shown in picture 1 and picture 3, well....
View attachment 543226
Picture 6
Seems "our F-16" and their shot down Mig-21 share the aircraft number (same CU2328 on Mig 21 tail)

Point 5: Some Indian fanboys and media channels were jumping with joy, claiming the below picture to be of engine bay of F-16, comparing it with General Electric GE F110 engine. What they forgot to note in their excitement was the fact that PAF uses pratt and whitney F-100PW200 and F-100PW229 engines. See any different?
View attachment 543252
Picture 7
Well, if you cant, listen to this Indian defence analyst as he explained it very well while conducting a Surgical strike on the stupid Indian media anchor!!

NOTE: The images are taken from Indian media sources and have been helped by debate and discussion of online community, specially members of www.defence.pk

(will add more information in follow up posts)
I would appreciate if someone could find out what this box part is called and exactly what jet it's found in. This is all it takes to figure shiit out -- no need to go after verifying the serial numbers and complex details. I'm certain it's impossible for two different jets from two different manufactures to have this box thing of the same exact shape and color and have the serial number markered on it like noobs.

thobray pe 12 bajay huay sab ke f16 giranay ki khushi se :rofl:

He would be protected and handed over by the people of Kashmir.
And nobody from the crowd would take a picture, make a video or slip a word about it in this day and age haha. Like Pak Army has the powers to unsee and unhear things that people saw and heard. By the way before handing him over, people would serve him water, take him home on their shoulders chanting slogans and make an event out of the whole thing and nobody would be able to instruct them to keep it a secret.

Both of them are of one aircraft View attachment 543278
Thank you so much. This was so helpful.
Taiwan denied your claims hahah
What do you think they will accept it..?!

For now we know this ...

Its an aim120

Which means one of the two things nothing beyond that
1. Either its Pakistani fired at india somewhere between 2011 and 2019
2. Or its not a Pakistani missle evident by updated lot no. On usa delivery official website (the claim mentioning its Pakistani is in archive, the latest version states otherwise)


I wish Tribune and Dawn would wake up, stop being anti-state and debunk these myths for international readers.
Both are dubai based papers
What do you think they will accept it..?!

For now we know this ...

Its an aim120

Which means one of the two things nothing beyond that
1. Either its Pakistani fired at india somewhere between 2011 and 2019
2. Or its not a Pakistani missle evident by updated lot no. On usa delivery official website (the claim mentioning its Pakistani is in archive, the latest version states otherwise)

Both are dubai based papers
Although Indian got PHD in spreading fake news
Even if we believe at indian lies for one second about AMRAAM .. Then it only prove that PAF had a hit on 2nd IAF fighter jet which fell in their territory
which dense forest bhai?? ur plane and pilot landed far off from loc, otherwise he would have ran across border.....so how amram landed on your side? this is what you and your IAF chief is telling us:
- pilot and debri of mig 21 lands in AJK
- F16 was shot and landed on pakistani side
- amraam fired on mig 21 landed in iok or f16 shot and an amraam fell on iok.....

so which one is it.....because am confused....help me make sense out of it

Ok let me tell that this way, who told you that the amraam that India is showing shot down mig 21 on Azad Kashmir side ?
2) dense forest n uneven terrain on Indian side where they found amraam reckage
There is a slight chance that the plane was shot from a missile from front and lead to middle and plane falling either side but I will not count that in.
And be sure that there are multiple missiles fired to get a perfect hit normally, no one only fires one so it's a different missile that was fired

First ur air marshial don't have any evidence or credible info.
Secondly if he was correct then such loss of F-16 cannot be kept hidden.

Oh hello your dg has all credible information, why am I even bothered to reply. If f16 was shot and can't be kept hidden than how come mig 21 on iok is still hidden after being shot as your so called credible source said ?
If they are credible why to retract sentence from 3 to 2 down to 1 pilot in custody. Just shut up okay, these are only sources through which things will be even known to us. Nor by an any idot like you how much were u paid ? A tomato ?

Advise to Indians, you lost the air war and are losing the PR war too and will become a global laughing stock if you post photos of old Taiwanese missiles which your Zionist masters gave you, shameful.

Okay thanks for that, an advice from my side if that amraam was real then you will face f16 sanctions from us and how much shame will that bring ? Because u lied on first day that f16 were not used in missions.
Second if us found out that an f 16 was shot by mig 21 bison, that would be first f16 shot ever by enemy in air that too by mig 21, you have I'll not even have a place to hide your buts.
Just an advice bro this could happen.
Ok let me tell that this way, who told you that the amraam that India is showing shot down mig 21 on Azad Kashmir side ?
2) dense forest n uneven terrain on Indian side where they found amraam reckage
There is a slight chance that the plane was shot from a missile from front and lead to middle and plane falling either side but I will not count that in.
And be sure that there are multiple missiles fired to get a perfect hit normally, no one only fires one so it's a different missile that was fired

Oh hello your dg has all credible information, why am I even bothered to reply. If f16 was shot and can't be kept hidden than how come mig 21 on iok is still hidden after being shot as your so called credible source said ?
If they are credible why to retract sentence from 3 to 2 down to 1 pilot in custody. Just shut up okay, these are only sources through which things will be even known to us. Nor by an any idot like you how much were u paid ? A tomato ?

Okay thanks for that, an advice from my side if that amraam was real then you will face f16 sanctions from us and how much shame will that bring ? Because u lied on first day that f16 were not used in missions.
Second if us found out that an f 16 was shot by mig 21 bison, that would be first f16 shot ever by enemy in air that too by mig 21, you have I'll not even have a place to hide your buts.
Just an advice bro this could happen.
Ur pilot had himself rejected the claim. Chapter close.
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Ok let me tell that this way, who told you that the amraam that India is showing shot down mig 21 on Azad Kashmir side ?
2) dense forest n uneven terrain on Indian side where they found amraam reckage
There is a slight chance that the plane was shot from a missile from front and lead to middle and plane falling either side but I will not count that in.
And be sure that there are multiple missiles fired to get a perfect hit normally, no one only fires one so it's a different missile that was fired

Oh hello your dg has all credible information, why am I even bothered to reply. If f16 was shot and can't be kept hidden than how come mig 21 on iok is still hidden after being shot as your so called credible source said ?
If they are credible why to retract sentence from 3 to 2 down to 1 pilot in custody. Just shut up okay, these are only sources through which things will be even known to us. Nor by an any idot like you how much were u paid ? A tomato ?

Okay thanks for that, an advice from my side if that amraam was real then you will face f16 sanctions from us and how much shame will that bring ? Because u lied on first day that f16 were not used in missions.
Second if us found out that an f 16 was shot by mig 21 bison, that would be first f16 shot ever by enemy in air that too by mig 21, you have I'll not even have a place to hide your buts.
Just an advice bro this could happen.
Hey chill and turn off your tv...According to indian NATIONAL hero Abhinandan "media bahr char ker bata ta hai and log media kay behkahway mein aja tay hain" :agree:

I suspect two possibilities.

1. PAF engaged InAF 3 times the day before and the AIM-120 is from that day. Didn't score kill but went deep in IOK. SD-10Bs in use on JF-17s are more advanced so next day JF-17s used for air superiority.
2. After JF-17s had shot down the Indian jets and turned back F-16 CAP engaged the Indian SAR helicopter trying pick up their downed pilot and shot a AIM-120 at a Mi-17 well within IOK. PAF keeping quiet about the kill as it is violation of ROE and escalate situation.

Either way it is likely PAF can release their HUD footage to confirm their 2nd kill but would hold out till things normalize to avoid fueling any escalation. Remember strike videos that were promised have not been shared yet as well. They are holding out for a reason.

On the other hand if India did shoot down a F-16 they have nothing to hold them back from sharing the HUD footage and prove it. They need to show proof to save them self from the 300 dead in airstrime debunk embarrassment.
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