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Debunking Anti-Iran Propaganda: The Myth of the "New Holocaust


Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
In a pattern of propaganda now well-established in the mainstream media, fear-mongering against Iran is reaching an all-time peak. A case in point includes ongoing accusations that Iran is in violation of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, despite statements to the contrary from U.S. Defence Secretary Leon Panetta as well as a number of American intelligence officials.

In addition, claims that Iran is involved in terrorist activities were released by the Obama administration, fabricating an Iranian conspiracy with the goal to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to the U.S.

Most recently, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Iran of having planned terrorist attacks in India, Georgia and Thailand.

As it stands, the intensification of propaganda is fuelling an anti-Iranian proxy conflict in Syria and creating the serious danger of aggression against Iran in the coming months by Israel's extremist government and/or the Obama administration. These media fabrications also do not question why the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran would increase worldwide tensions so much more than the hyper-developed nuclear weapons programs of countries like Israel and the United States. (Notwithstanding the fact that there is no existing proof that suggests that Iran is doing anything other than developing a peaceful civilian atomic program.)

Opponents of possible armed aggression against Iran are regularly accused of repeating the mistakes from the period prior to World War II, namely of not taking seriously the purportedly dangerous eliminatory "anti-Semitism" of the Iranian regime. This charge is echoed by the Anti-Defamation League, one of the biggest pro-Zionist U.S. groups, who is lobbying for taking any "necessary" measures in order to overthrow the Iranian government and its president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:

"Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's anti-Semitic and anti-Israel views place him and the Iranian regime among the foremost threats to Jews and the state of Israel."

Moreover, Israeli President Shimon Peres called Iran a "danger to the entire world" while addressing the German Bundestag in a speech marking Holocaust Remembrance Day in 2010.

The symbolism of such actions is clear: whoever refuses to participate in the campaign against Iran is neglecting the threat of a new Holocaust, the insinuation being that if Iran were to get nuclear weapons, it would use them against the state of Israel.

First of all, suggesting that the current situation in Iran is even remotely comparable to the crimes committed by the Nazis inexcusably downplays the suffering of Jews, Roma, Communists, Slavic nations and other victims of Fascism.

In addition, while the strategic motivation behind arguments made by Israeli decision-makers is clear, the facts are not. In fact, the alleged statements made by Ahmadinejad calling for Israel to be "wiped of the map" were proven to be fake thanks to a false translation from Farsi into English. This has been well known already for some time, although it does not seem to faze the war propagandists.

The other question that should be asked by anyone investigating accusations against the Iranian government of being the "foremost threat against Jews" is how do Jews actually live in Iran? If the Iranian president is supposed to be some kind of reborn Hitler, would that not be reflected in imposed anti-Jewish legislature in his country, calls for pogroms, etc.?

The evidence on Jewish life in Iran, from various sources, including Jewish and American mainstream is revealing. For example, a website belonging to the Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture (FASSAC) acknowledges that:

"While Jewish communities in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Morocco and Algeria have all but vanished, Iran is home to 25,000 – some here say 35,000 – Jews."

This makes Iran’s Jewish community the largest in the Middle East, outside of Israel. Furthermore, many Iranian Jews show pride in their mixed Jewish-Iranian heritage and would not consider emigration:

"Jewish leaders say their community has far stronger roots in Iran than other Middle East Jewish communities, which were virtually eradicated by massive immigration to Israel in the 1940s and 1950s. Esther, the biblical Jewish queen who saved her people from persecution in the fifth century B.C., is reputed to be buried in Hamadan, in western Iran. The grave of the Old Testament prophet Daniel lies in southwestern Iran."

As we see, Jewish roots in Iran date back to biblical times: "The Jews trace their heritage in Iran to the Babylonian Exile of the 6th century BC...". Indeed, several Persian kings enjoy a positive reputation in the Old Testament because of their friendly attitude towards the Hebrew people.

Today, Jewish religion and culture is still present in everyday life in Iran:

"Tehran has 11 functioning synagogues, many of them with Hebrew schools. It has two kosher restaurants, and a Jewish hospital, an old-age home and a cemetery. There is a Jewish representative in the Iranian parliament. There is a Jewish library with 20,000 titles..."

It can't be denied that there must have been considerable concern among Iranian Jews in the time following the Islamic Revolution in 1979, as it was hard to predict how things would develop under the new radically anti-Zionist leadership, and many chose to emigrate on this account. Nonetheless:

"Khomeini [the spiritual leader of the Islamic Revolution] met with the Jewish community upon his return from exile in Paris and issued a ''fatwa'' decreeing that the Jews were to be protected. Similar edicts also protect Iran's tiny Christian minority."

The Iranian leadership seems to draw a clear line between Zionism as a political ideology (inspired by Western European colonialist ideas in the 19th century), and Judaism. This conclusion can be underlined by several statements President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has made throughout recent years. In a Christmas message to the people of Great Britain, broadcast by Channel Four, Ahmadinejad started his speech with the following lines:

"Upon the anniversary of the birth of Jesus, Son of Mary, the Word of God, the Messenger of mercy, I would like to congratulate the followers of Abrahamic faiths, especially the followers of Jesus Christ, and the people of Britain."

The religious pathos might not be to everybody's taste, but the more relevant question would be whether these could realistically be the lines of a fanatical preacher of hate, as he is portrayed by mainstream media in the West. In fact, by addressing the "followers of Abrahamic faith", president Ahmadinejad expresses his respect for the three religions of the book: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Critics might argue that a conciliatory message prepared for a Western audience might serve the purpose of leaving the people outside Iran in the dark about its real hidden agenda. Thanks to the Internet, it is not necessary to speak Farsi to get an impression of what Ahmadinejad is saying in front of an audience in his own country. In a speech delivered in May 2007 in the city of Esfahan (available on YouTube with English subtitles), he explains to the crowd what his response is to people who accuse him of being anti-Semitic on account of his heavy criticism of the Israeli regime:

"Some officials from that country (USA)… said all kinds of things. One of them was: "They [the Israeli leaders] are Jewish, why are you anti-Jewish?" I said: I am not anti-Jewish at all... But they are lying. They are not Jewish, but a bunch of corrupt criminals abusing the name of Judaism."

In May 2006, the National Post published an article claiming that the Iranian parliament had passed a sumptuary law forcing religious minorities, Jews included, to follow a specific dress code:

"It also envisages separate dress codes for religious minorities, Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians, who will have to adopt distinct colour schemes to make them identifiable in public. The new codes would enable Muslims to easily recognize non-Muslims so that they can avoid shaking hands with them by mistake, and thus becoming najis (unclean)."

However, the story turned out to be a hoax and the National Post issued an apology by its editor-in-chief. But the intention of this falsification is obvious: it was meant to remind people of the yellow star that Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany, and thereby create fears of similar events happening in Iran that might lead to some kind of new Holocaust.

One of the particularly critical Jewish responses to this provocation came from Iran’s Jewish Member of Parliament, Moris Motamed. (It should be noted that Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians all have their own guaranteed seat in the Iranian Parliament (Majilis), which is one of the results of Khomeini's fatwa calling for the protection of these religious minorities). As Motamed outlined in an interview with Counterpunch:

"Unfortunately, this was fake news published in a Canadian newspaper. I considered this news a big insult to the religious minorities of Iran. I refuted the story vigorously, to the point that the source of the news and the Canadian government officially apologized to the Iranian government."

The same Motamed, who officially represents the Iranian Jewish community, does not criticize Iran’s nuclear program, unlike many foreigners who claim to act in favour of Judaism by encouraging "strikes on Iranian nuclear facilities":

"As a Jewish Iranian, I consider enrichment of peaceful nuclear technology the obvious right of Iranian society. What is sad here — and I’m so sorry about it — is that before the Islamic Revolution, we witnessed… western Europe and America pressuring Iran to obtain nuclear technology and establish a nuclear power plant. Now the idea is brought up: "Why do you want nuclear technology? What is the point of nuclear technology for you when you have rich resources like fuel and gas and oil?" My question here is why at that earlier time, the problem of natural resources was not brought up?"

In further demonizing the Iranian state, Western media and pro-Zionist lobbyists accuse Ahmadinejad of making ambiguous statements about the Holocaust. Clearly, however, holocaust denial does not represent the official position of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Otherwise it couldn't be explained why in 2007 the Iranian state television broadcast a series emphasising the suffering of Europe’s Jews in the Second World War, in what can be likened to an Iranian version of "Schindler’s List":

"The central character is an Iranian diplomat, who provides false Iranian passports to enable Jews to flee the Nazi-occupied France, a sort of Iranian Schindler. He even has a love affair with a Jewish woman."

This Iranian diplomat saving Iranian Jews, named Abdol Hossein Sardari, actually existed in real life and has been honoured in past decades by Jewish organisations, including the Simon Wiesenthal Center.

It should not be the goal of this article to make a final judgement on Jewish life in Iran, because this would be an almost impossible enterprise without having the personal experience of how life looks when belonging to a religious minority in a very religious country. But it is important to put the collected information into perspective. It is apparent Iranian Jews have the right to freely practice their religion and to maintain their culture and traditions. Jewish institutions such as synagogues, Jewish libraries, hospitals and restaurants are well-established across the country.

By contrast, the impression we get from one of America's closest Middle Eastern allies, the totalitarian Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (a rival of Iran), looks very different. Neither Jewish nor Christian worship is allowed, and Saudi school textbooks spread hateful messages such as the following, according to Daily Mail:

"In one, for ninth-graders, students are taught the annihilation of the Jewish people is imperative. One text reads in part: 'The hour (of judgment) will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. There is a Jew behind me come and kill him.'"

This is not the first time that the U.S. government is fighting alongside extremists against states that they perceive as barriers to the proliferation of their economic, geopolitical and imperial agendas, while at the same time pretending to combat "terrorism", "ethnic cleansing" and other crimes against humanity.

All things considered, the hypocrisy is plainly clear. It is therefore not only necessary but also imperative to oppose the dangerous propaganda and warmongering spread by the most aggressive factions within the U.S. and Israeli establishments, and ensure that truth prevails over rampant militarization.

Debunking Anti-Iran Propaganda: The Myth of the "New Holocaust
Fact that in the article the guy believe HE is Ahmadinejad who is the leader ... show his total ignorance.

Ahmadinejad by the way is very different than the majority of the population: he is uneducated and brainwashed anti Jews personality. He follows the Hojatieh sect which believes that it is necessity to end with Jews.

Ahmadinejad was doing many events in Tehran to "show" Shoah was a big lie.

But i understand the people who write this article: they are upset of some US policy and they show how angry they are .
I cannot blame them.
Again good for us is that most politics are not thinking like Ahmadinejad , or worst Khamenei.

Here we go again, Hussein the liar.

حسین، آب رو بریز اونجایی که می سوزه :D
Fact that in the article the guy believe HE is Ahmadinejad who is the leader ... show his total ignorance.
He's the president of Iran, he's the head of the executive body and has suddenly become one of the most influential figures in Iran's political atmosphere out of the blue!

Ahmadinejad by the way is very different than the majority of the population: he is uneducated and brainwashed anti Jews personality. He follows the Hojatieh sect which believes that it is necessity to end with Jews.
How is he different? He holds a PhD. Does that mean he's uneducated? Do you call people holding a PhD uneducated Hussain?
What's the Hojjatie sect? I've never heard of it and I've never read that they believe they must finish off Jews. Prove what you said or be quiet.

Ahmadinejad was doing many events in Tehran to "show" Shoah was a big lie.
Many events? What do you call many? You call few international conferences (I remember only one conference held on 2006) on the holocaust as many events to deny it?
From the very beginning, the main point in his opinion was this: In the west, they deny the existence of God in societies , which is the holiest thing for every believer (I'm an atheist myself too), they draw offensive cartoons about prophets and ridicule the beliefs of others and when someone criticizes them, they say it's freedom of speech, but at the same time, those societies who believe in freedom of speech, put you in jail if you deny the holocaust. He said:
1- Is holocaust holier than God? How come it's OK to deny God and insult prophets of God, but it's a crime if you deny a historic event?
2- If the holocaust is only a historic event, why politicians and governments of European countries are sensitive about it more than historians?
3- As a human being, Ahmadinejad is free to have an opinion. No one can deny him this right.
4- He asked let's assume that the holocaust has happened to the scale they claim. Where did it happen? Palestine or east Europe? Why should the Palestinians pay the price of the atrocities of some other people that have nothing to do with them?
All of them are legitimate and reasonable questions.

But i understand the people who write this article: they are upset of some US policy and they show how angry they are .
The real power is in hands of Khamenei. He can decide who is candidate, he is leading the army and is the spiritual leader, he leads the justice by choosing its chief.
Yeah go on with your lies. I hope they pay you well.

Yeah Ahmadinejad organized anti shoah events in Iran. People didn't go to these events.
Even politics don't like this behavior. He is retarded.

About the sect, everyone knows in Iran so don't play the game you don't know ;)
I think posters should start to disregard this troll. He lies, can't back anything comes out of that blowhole he calls mouth.

This guy is the epitome of Cognitive Dissonance.
Both countries should go for patch up and iran should remove anti israel forces and same goes for vice versa.
Both countries are important.
I think posters should start to disregard this troll. He lies, can't back anything comes out of that blowhole he calls mouth.

This guy is the epitome of Cognitive Dissonance.
Ok let me proove what i claimed.

First about Khamenei leading the army, naming chief of justice and so... go google and get some education... it would change a little bit instead of insulting.

For Tehran conference here:
International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The conference was widely described as a "Holocaust denial conference" or a "meeting of Holocaust deniers",[3] and provoked worldwide criticism

So next time educate yourself
Thank you.

Plus it's sad how people in America when they hear the word Iran or Syria, they immediately get angry and ask for war, the media have planted the idea that these countries are bad.
The real power is in hands of Khamenei. He can decide who is candidate, he is leading the army and is the spiritual leader, he leads the justice by choosing its chief.
Yeah go on with your lies. I hope they pay you well.
lol. Because you say so? There is a constitution in Iran, I know it's over the top for your brain but Ahmadinejad has challenged Khamenei on several occasions. He shut down the government for 10 days because he liked to defy Khamenei on several matters and I remember guys like you were too obsessed with this at that time, It's interesting to see that you've forgotten it so soon.

Yeah Ahmadinejad organized anti shoah events in Iran. People didn't go to these events.
Even politics don't like this behavior. He is retarded.
You are trying to escape from answering because you have nothing to say I think. You can't even answer his legitimate and reasonable questions.
You said many. how many? One? Two? I remember only the 2006 conference which was an international one and many guys who had the same idea about the holocaust, including some Jewish members, participated.
He is obviously smarter than you and better educated than you:
In 1976, Ahmadinejad took Iran's national university entrance contests. According to his autobiography, he was ranked 132nd out of 400,000 participants that year,[25] and soon enrolled in the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST) as an undergraduate student of civil engineering. He earned his PhD (1997) in transportation engineering and planning from Iran University of Science and Technology, located at Tehran, when he was the Mayor of Ardabil Province, located at the north-west of the country.

About the sect, everyone knows in Iran so don't play the game you don't know ;)
I don't know about that sect and it seems that you've lied because you can't prove your claim either, so be quiet. It's your habit to say something and then when you come short of providing anything to support your ignorant claims you accuse the person of pretending that they don't know what you're talking about. I haven't heard of such a sect in Iran and I do not know and will not believe that they want to finish off the Jews unless there is an official statement or fitwa or anything coming from some important figure of that sect. If you have nothing to provide or you can't back up your claims, then I'd believe they are false.
Ok let me proove what i claimed.

First about Khamenei leading the army, naming chief of justice and so... go google and get some education... it would change a little bit instead of insulting.
The constitution of Iran is found on the official website of the ministry of foreign affairs. There's no need to google it. People that like to google everything are gullible people who are unable to get information from reputable sources. Go there, read the constitution and claim something out of there if you can.

This is the conference I was referring to. The official statement of the conference goes as the following:
The International Conference to Review the Global Vision of the Holocaust was a two-day conference that opened on December 11, 2006, in Tehran, Iran. Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said the conference sought "neither to deny nor prove the Holocaust... [but] to provide an appropriate scientific atmosphere for scholars to offer their opinions in freedom about a historical issue."

It's very nice of you to selectively choose a paragraph. You dropped the first paragraph on purpose because it didn't suit your ignorant claims.
The constitution of Iran is found on the official website of the ministry of foreign affairs. There's no need to google it. People that like to google everything are gullible people who are unable to get information from reputable sources. Go there, read the constitution and claim something out of there if you can.

This is the conference I was referring to. The official statement of the conference goes as the following:

It's very nice of you to selectively choose a paragraph. You dropped the first paragraph on purpose because it didn't suit your ignorant claims.
You blame for selecting the sentence
and strangely you just quote the "official statement"

All the wiki article is saying this was to deny the shoah: the people invited were some of the famous people who wrote the shoah was bullshit.
Go on with your lies ... interesting.
I don't know about that sect and it seems that you've lied because you can't prove your claim either, so be quiet. It's your habit to say something and then when you come short of providing anything to support your ignorant claims you accuse the person of pretending that they don't know what you're talking about. I haven't heard of such a sect in Iran and I do not know and will not believe that they want to finish off the Jews unless there is an official statement or fitwa or anything coming from some important figure of that sect. If you have nothing to provide or you can't back up your claims, then I'd believe they are false.
Stop to read press tv and get some knowledge about our country.

Yes Khomeini is not Khamenei . LOL you're kiding? why you make the confusion Khomeini Khamenei???
Khomeini said this group was forbidden but Khamenei... choosed his leader as responsible of spiritual formation of the basiji.
i wonder if you respect the words of Khomeini you give such high position in the leader of the sect.
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