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Debunking Anti-Iran Propaganda: The Myth of the "New Holocaust

Fact that in the article the guy believe HE is Ahmadinejad who is the leader ... show his total ignorance.

Ahmadinejad by the way is very different than the majority of the population: he is uneducated and brainwashed anti Jews personality. He follows the Hojatieh sect which believes that it is necessity to end with Jews.

Ahmadinejad was doing many events in Tehran to "show" Shoah was a big lie.

But i understand the people who write this article: they are upset of some US policy and they show how angry they are .
I cannot blame them.
Again good for us is that most politics are not thinking like Ahmadinejad , or worst Khamenei.


hoooh !

شنیده بودم خیلی توروووووووووووولی :bad:
Stop to read press tv and get some knowledge about our country.

Yes Khomeini is not Khamenei . LOL you're kiding? why you make the confusion Khomeini Khamenei???
Khomeini said this group was forbidden but Khamenei... choosed his leader as responsible of spiritual formation of the basiji.
i wonder if you respect the words of Khomeini you give such high position in the leader of the sect.


تو که تو ایران دیگه زندگی نمی کنی

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I think posters should start to disregard this troll. He lies, can't back anything comes out of that blowhole he calls mouth.

This guy is the epitome of Cognitive Dissonance.

The liar who talks too much, will eventually believe his own lies, It seems he gets an orgasm each time someone quotes him. Typical 'sell-outs'.
The liar who talks too much, will eventually believe his own lies, It seems he gets an orgasm each time someone quotes him. Typical 'sell-outs'.

اورگاسم رو خوب اومدی :lol:
" One of the particularly critical Jewish responses to this provocation came from Iran’s Jewish Member of Parliament, Moris Motamed. (It should be noted that Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians all have their own guaranteed seat in the Iranian Parliament (Majilis), which is one of the results of Khomeini's fatwa calling for the protection of these religious minorities). As Motamed outlined in an interview with Counterpunch "

This is The Moslem way of democracy.
No one can say this about Israel so called western democracy.
The law of cause and effect is a natural one and very powerful, when Zionists hate others so vehemently they have to deal with the effect part of the equation.
" One of the particularly critical Jewish responses to this provocation came from Iran’s Jewish Member of Parliament, Moris Motamed. (It should be noted that Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians all have their own guaranteed seat in the Iranian Parliament (Majilis), which is one of the results of Khomeini's fatwa calling for the protection of these religious minorities). As Motamed outlined in an interview with Counterpunch "

This is The Moslem way of democracy.
No one can say this about Israel so called western democracy.
The law of cause and effect is a natural one and very powerful, when Zionists hate others so vehemently they have to deal with the effect part of the equation.

:agree: :agree: :agree: :agree: :agree:
SC > so you think shoah is a lie?

By the way , Jews are very silent in Iran as they are scared of the reaction of the government. Khomeini protected them, but Khomeini is not there.

The real comment is not the lie you put here : this is here source is shown in wiki:
Iran's sole Jewish member of parliament Maurice Motamed said: "Holding this conference after having a competition of cartoons about the Holocaust has put a lot of pressure on Jews all over the world;"[7] and that "The conference has upset Iran's 25,000-strong Jewish community."[12]
Though reformist demonstrations had been rare since Ahmadinejad took office, a few dozen students burnt pictures of him and chanted "death to the dictator" as Ahmadinejad gave a speech at Amirkabir University of Technology in Tehran on 12 December 2006.[29] One student activist said the protest was against the "shameful" Holocaust conference, and added that Ahmadinejad had "brought to our country Nazis and racists from around the world."[29] Ahmadinejad responded by saying: "Everyone should know that Ahmadinejad is prepared to be burnt in the path of true freedom, independence and justice."[29]
SC > so you think shoah is a lie?

By the way , Jews are very silent in Iran as they are scared of the reaction of the government. Khomeini protected them, but Khomeini is not there.

The real comment is not the lie you put here : this is here source is shown in wiki:

Do you know what is the meaning of Bullshit ? :coffee:
Dr Ahmadinajad made his remarks on the zionist regime on Fri Sep 18, 2009 .

In May 2006
, the National Post published an article claiming that the Iranian parliament had passed a sumptuary law forcing religious minorities, Jews included, to follow a specific dress code:

"It also envisages separate dress codes for religious minorities, Christians, Jews and Zoroastrians, who will have to adopt distinct colour schemes to make them identifiable in public. The new codes would enable Muslims to easily recognize non-Muslims so that they can avoid shaking hands with them by mistake, and thus becoming najis (unclean)."

However, the story turned out to be a hoax and the National Post issued an apology by its editor-in-chief. But the intention of this falsification is obvious: it was meant to remind people of the yellow star that Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany, and thereby create fears of similar events happening in Iran that might lead to some kind of new Holocaust.

One of the particularly critical Jewish responses to this provocation came from Iran’s Jewish Member of Parliament, Moris Motamed. (It should be noted that Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians all have their own guaranteed seat in the Iranian Parliament (Majilis), which is one of the results of Khomeini's fatwa calling for the protection of these religious minorities). As Motamed outlined in an interview with Counterpunch:

"Unfortunately, this was fake news published in a Canadian newspaper. I considered this news a big insult to the religious minorities of Iran. I refuted the story vigorously, to the point that the source of the news and the Canadian government officially apologized to the Iranian government."
Some people choose to believe in Holocaust some don't.the former should not be punished or be asked about why they don't believe in Holocaust.I personally agree that Holocaust happened but i have 2 problems with it: 1.I don't believe that actually 6 millions Jews has been killed (Yeah come arrest me and put me in jail for saying that).about 20 millions of Russian got killed in WWII just because of their race.Why doesn't anyone mention it or condemn it?Is Jews blood more valuable than rest of the world?.2 It is the most abused incident in the world history.Zionists are doing anything they want in the name of Holocaust and at the end play the victim card.Ahmadinejad said one good thing: If Holocaust actually happened in this scale,it happened in Europe,why should Palestinians pay the price for it?Why doesn't Europe give its land to Jews to live in it?
The leader of the sect Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi is the responsible of the spiritual formation of basiji in Iran/ This position was given by Khamenei when Khomeini was dead ... of course Khomeini would have never accepted this.

Ayatollah Mesbah-Yazdi and Anti-Semitic Speeches | Middle East, Israel, Arab World, Southwest Asia, Maghreb
Ayatollah Mohammad-Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi is considered one of Iran’s most radical clerics, as well as President Ahmadinejad’s source of religious authority (marja-e taqlid) and spiritual mentor
Ahmadinejad !
he made an association between the leaders of the reformist camp and the “Jews and Zionists” supposedly involved in “schemes” and “incitement” against Iran.
that explains why you in this forum member of the government propaganda say all the time i am a Zionist.
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