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'Death Squads' in Swat?

If in a firefight Army kills 20 TTP in a fight and buries them, it can be dug up after 2 years and called a crime?
We forget it was a war and terrorists were killed and could have been buried in mass graves because Army had hundreds of tasks to do besides digging individual graves for the murderers of innocents.

Valid point - in fact IIRC, during the early days of Op. Rah-e-Rast, the Army mentioned coming across shallow mass graves itself (in Peocher where Special Forces were heli-dropped), ostensibly those of Taliban fighters killed in bombing runs and buried quickly and with little care due to advancing ground forces.

There were also other statements issued by the Army commanders in Swat where they themselves said that when large numbers of Taliban were killed, the Army would bury them in mass graves.

Could these mass graves have been due to the circumstances above?

Of course, the likeliest reason at the moment seems to be revenge by enraged Swatis, as All green expounded.
Valid point - in fact IIRC, during the early days of Op. Rah-e-Rast, the Army mentioned coming across shallow mass graves itself (in Peocher where Special Forces were heli-dropped), ostensibly those of Taliban fighters killed in bombing runs and buried quickly and with little care due to advancing ground forces.


I can swear upon it that it is true. The person from SSG who was leading the team in Peocher when met have told us many things and one was about these mass graves which were result of mass burial of militants by the Taliban themselves.

We have pictures of those when army got hint that the Taliban have burried their fellows in mass graves just to avoid the leakage of information about their losses, the army after getting hint about taliban handiwork searched for these mass graves.

I can tell you my brother (he is a noted media person with a noted news channel and BTW he is NOT nationalistic like me ) went to Swat yesterday and searched the areas which were claimed by HRCP that these areas have mass garves but trust me my brother has searched each and every spot they mentioned in their fake report but, he could not find any mass grave there.

You say you live nearby some of the NATO supply transfer terminals. Is your statement above formed with personal knowledge? Is it really true that attacks on NATO supply terminals are carried out by Pakistani security agencies? Many, many Pakistani guards and bystanders have been killed, haven't they? Would GoP organizations really kill fellow, innocent Pakistani truck drivers, mechanics and guards just to give NATO a wake-up call? Please tell me you exaggerate .....

Ok Sir, just tell me why there are no attacks on the terminals now ?? Have you heard any ?? For past few months the attacks all of a sudden stopped. And these terminals have been there since 2001, but all the attacks just happened in 2 or 3 months of time last year and starting of this year, then a halt comes. Why there were no attacks in 2002,2003,2004 and so on till end of 2008 & 09. PC hotel has been there for years and was a soft target way back, but when news of making PC hotel into an american consulate comes surfaces, BANG happens. :)

And as for the casualties they mostly are not intended to happen but in mayhem chances are always there. The casualties happened in just a few of the many attacks, not in everyone of them. So if they had wanted to kill people then we would have seen tens of them in each attack killed rather the total figure is even less then ten. And GOP isn't involved in them.
Yeh i remember last year some nerd mulla in Peshawar termed use of cell for women haram other than using these for attending and making a call. And here we go i was so angry that i just said hey mr mulla what do you think for what else we use the cell phone other than making and recieving a call ???:angry:

The mulla must have caught her wife with a Samsung:rofl: You shouldn't say that don't you know our Mulla's have a pretty wide imagination as well as three-dimensional thinking.:lol::lol::lol::lol: I think you got my point :rofl: If I say more they will ban me
The mulla must have caught her wife with a Samsung:rofl: You shouldn't say that don't you know our Mulla's have a pretty wide imagination as well as three-dimensional thinking.:lol::lol: I think you got my point :rofl: If I say more they will ban me

:rofl::rofl: yeh despite the explaination that ya hazrat we have only two ears to listen to a call and only one mouth to speak, swear we dont have a third one :P still he was using his three-dimensional ability.:argh:
The mulla must have caught her wife with a Samsung:rofl: You shouldn't say that don't you know our Mulla's have a pretty wide imagination as well as three-dimensional thinking.:lol::lol::lol::lol: I think you got my point :rofl: If I say more they will ban me

I will go ahead and complete your thought: vibrate mode
I don't know if the photo is real, but the tactic of blaming the army for actions of the enemy, I think we are all pretty familiar with.

To my thinking, it's most likely the Talib that is murdering it's former cadre who have given up on insurrection and cooperated with the army.
I don't know if the photo is real, but the tactic of blaming the army for actions of the enemy, I think we are all pretty familiar with.

To my thinking, it's most likely the Talib that is murdering it's former cadre who have given up on insurrection and cooperated with the army.

:) yes sir. because as far as i had talked to the person leading there from SSG , they did not hanged anybody's body from these lamp-posts. Besides its not their way to past a poster besides the body claiming the action.

What is the proof that it was hanged by army and NOT by militants themselves??
Yes, precisely. Armed forces and LEA would want access to these individuals for information and to convey information, and it is precisely these that the Talib enemy will wish deprive authorities from accessing.

Of course, there are so many players, each hoping to make or take some political or personal advantage by offering their own spin. Other than the Talib, it seems to me that both extreme right and left politicians and "political forces" are hoping to gain political advantage
Let's not forget qaumi laskhar and the issue of badal could also play a part here. At the same time, undercover units are also operating in the area and most of them have an SSG background. Unlike the regular army, they have more leeway to flout SOPs. They haven't forgotten about what happened to the four SSG soldiers in taliban custody.
undercover units? Army undercover units? There's no such thing. There are police undercover units, but these are restricted to police type activity - now Qaumi Lashkar and act of viglantism may be a possiblity - however; it's curious how determined some are to avoid the most obvious culprit, the Talib, one can only wonder if that's by design?
undercover units? Army undercover units? There's no such thing. There are police undercover units, but these are restricted to police type activity - now Qaumi Lashkar and act of viglantism may be a possiblity - however; it's curious how determined some are to avoid the most obvious culprit, the Talib, one can only wonder if that's by design?
Do you know how ISI operates? Hint: they don't wear uniforms. There are some units that we don't even know the name of. If you remember Lal masjid, there were pictures of men in shalwar kameez and M4 assault rifles. I'll let you guess what unit they belonged to.

And I'm no talib sympathizer, far from it, but just stating some possibilities. Fear can be a motivator for the non hardcore taliban as well.
Do you know how ISI operates? Hint: they don't wear uniforms. There are some units that we don't even know the name of. If you remember Lal masjid, there were pictures of men in shalwar kameez and M4 assault rifles. I'll let you guess what unit they belonged to.

And I'm no talib sympathizer, far from it, but just stating some possibilities. Fear can be a motivator for the non hardcore taliban as well.

whoever is doing it, i think it is unethical and uncivilized as well.

i think Pak forces are not involved in any such thing because they will loose the faith and support of the people (natives), which is quite important in terms of the war against taliban. on the other hand there are many who can be benefitted from the instability of the region and one of them is taliban. they will never want Pak forces to gain support of the natives and also the success which PA has achieved so far.

i mean, by doing these things i guess Pak forces will not get any advantage and disadvantages for them are really obvious, so there is no point in doing these things.

no one is thinking of you as a talib sympethiser my friend, you have an opinion and you are sharing it with us and so is me and everyone else. i think this is what makes this forum last for so long and will in future as well, Inshallah(freedom to express and open discussions).



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