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'Death sentence to Italian marines will be an act of war'

And all these would happen on hanging two Italians who entered our waters and killed our men??o_O
I was just replying your fellows ranting about fragile NATO, U.S.A . And to start a war, it even don't need solid reason.
I thanked your post.

It takes real scientific dedication to go around checking over a million pairs of balls.

Doesn't* there, fixed that for you. Not like you would know any better anyway. lol I'm not confusing india with anything. Your army is shit. I still lol at that video where the chinese troops were just running into your turf and you didn't do shit.

Pakistan is not my army. I was born here in america. I plan on joining the marines too. I'm pretty sure being in the american school system and doing better than most of my classmates gives me at the least brains on par with americans. Unlike your shitty indian school systems.

lol says the guy with a white guy as his profile picture.
And this guy is obsessed with $hit. Too many times you used that word sweetheart.
I was just replying your fellows ranting about fragile NATO, U.S.A . And to start a war, it even don't need solid reason.

Keep wetting your panties over fantasies of NATO attacking India over death of 2 people while they are actually busy ripping apart Pakistan's internal social fabric.

Anyway , Marines were not terrorists like Kasab whose sole intention was to kill , so they won't get life sentence.
They will bomb India with Pizzas , and Indians will die with Obesity

This is a USAF jet o_O
OT: the statement is an ignorable empty rant
Death penalty for them????????? NO way....... Death penalty is given for rarest of the rare...... and in this case marines can pray as mistaken identity....... Its all a ego battle nothing else.....
Seeing Indian city and slum...

Staying for decades in India prison is truly a nightmare.

Death penalty is the a far better option than a life sentence in Indian prison.
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May be for European but it will be a heaven for Chinese.

I think Chinese prison look better and cleaner than Indian prison.

I don't mean to mock Indian prison, I speak the true. You should see the photos of it.
I think Chinese prison look better and cleaner than Indian prison.

I don't mean to mock Indian prison, I speak the true. You should see the photos of it.

Dude prisons should be as bad as hell. . . u think ppl who end up behind bars deserve that hygienic environment??
hell no :azn:
ROME: Giving death sentence to two Italian marines charged with the killing of Indian fishermen will be an act of war, a top Italian lawmaker has warned.

"(If the punishment is approved, it will be) an attack on Italy," chairman of the lower house foreign affairs committee Fabrizio Cicchitto was quoted as saying by ANSA news agency on Thursday.

He recently met the marines — Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, currently lodged at the Italian Embassy in New Delhi.

The two marines were deployed on the Italian-flagged oil tanker MT Enrica Lexie when they shot dead two Indian fishermen off Kerala coast in February, 2012, sparking diplomatic tensions between India and Italy.

They had said they mistook the fishermen for pirates. India's National Investigation Agency (NIA) has sought sanction to prosecute the two marines under the 'Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against Safety of Maritime Navigation and Fixed Platforms on Continental Shelf' Act (SUA), a provision which has only death penalty as punishment.

India has, however, given an assurance to Italy that the two would not be awarded death penalty.

The NIA on Thursday told a special court in New Delhi it was "ready" with a chargesheet against the marines and would file it after the Supreme Court decides on the issue raised by the Italian government.

According to the agency, the apex court is scheduled to hear the plea of Italian government challenging invocation of anti-terrorism law against the marines on February 3.

Rome wants the marines to be tried in Italy, claiming the incident took place in international waters. However, India said it has the right to try the Italian personnel as the victims were Indians on board an Indian fishing boat.
'Death sentence to Italian marines will be an act of war' - The Times of India
Go india hang those criminals .They deserve it and you have a right to do whatever you want because after all they committed on a crime on your soil .If those italians don,t respect the laws and integrity of other countries than that will be an act of war.
Go india hang those criminals .They deserve it and you have a right to do whatever you want because after all they committed on a crime on your soil .If those italians don,t respect the laws and integrity of other countries than that will be an act of war.
India gives death in very rare cases. The number of murder runs into thousands in India but very few end up in death sentence at supreme court. (even if lower courts give it).
Supreme court gives death in rarest of rarest cases this one will not even life sentence if miners can prove it was a mistake. (they did it in good faith)
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