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'Death sentence to Italian marines will be an act of war'

thais and indonesians routinely bang up foreigners that break their laws... what is so special about this one.
they are ex marines and were working in private capacity.
its not about greed, its about the fact that no country can be 100 percent responsible for behaviour of their citizen, they can give consular access and put pressure, it means they are spending their political capital on trivial things.
they can only go so far, and no further. if they were govt servants then case would be different.
nation states do not run like that.

As i said, we will see. Its important for us to bring as much damage to indias interests as possible. 20 years of diplomatic work done from india to get close to EU crumbles to dust right now. And thats a good thing. You call it silly that we use full scale on this thing, we call it our duty. We won´t let our men be in the hand of people that are worse than Iran or North Korea. India is in no way what we consider a civilzed 1st world nation.

Relations between Italy and India are ruined now anyways, no need to hold back any longer. Thats what our current tactics show. We tried 2 years to find a common solution behind closed doors. Since this talks were nonsense and did not work we use our political and diplomatic capital on full stage now.

You told me we should deal this case behind closed doors? Why? It leeds to nothing and i can´t see any progress. I think hurting india with sanctions is far more effective as well as bringing our alleis behind us.

You claim to be a Hindu? I don´t know much about your religion, but we christians place the human into the center of our worldview. Our two marines have families in italy and little children who could not see their fathers for almost a year now. India still got nothing done. We can´t accept to wait any longer. We as a nation have the responsibility to do evrything we can to bring them home and end this farce.

We still hope we can deal this issue in a way that india can save its face also, but we won´t accept this behavior any longer.

No talks behind closed doors anymore.

You seem to be one of the more intelligent ones here. If you think yourself into our positions, you will understand why we act like we do and why we let it escalate now.
As i said, we will see. Its important for us to bring as much damage to indias interests as possible. 20 years of diplomatic work done from india to get close to EU crumbles to dust right now. And thats a good thing. You call it silly that we use full scale on this thing, we call it our duty. We won´t let our men be in the hand of people that are worse than Iran or North Korea. India is in no way what we consider a civilzed 1st world nation.

Relations between Italy and India are ruined now anyways, no need to hold back any longer. Thats what our current tactics show. We tried 2 years to find a common solution behind closed doors. Since this talks were nonsense and did not work we use our political and diplomatic capital on full stage now.

You told me we should deal this case behind closed doors? Why? It leeds to nothing and i can´t see any progress. I think hurting india with sanctions is far more effective as well as bringing our alleis behind us.

You claim to be a Hindu? I don´t know much about your religion, but we christians place the human into the center of our worldview. Our two marines have families in italy and little children who could not see their fathers for almost a year now. India still got nothing done. We can´t accept to wait any longer. We as a nation have the responsibility to do evrything we can to bring them home and end this farce.

We still hope we can deal this issue in a way that india can save its face also, but we won´t accept this behavior any longer.

No talks behind closed doors anymore.

You seem to be one of the more intelligent ones here. If you think yourself into our positions, you will understand why we act like we do and why we let it escalate now.
mate . am sorry, but you sound like a teenager... I cant possibly argue with you... thanks for calling me more intelligent than others... :)
Dude, I am happy that you like the jeans. It is helping to propel BD economy at 6% a year so good for you and good for BD who are progressing.

You know not too long along Italy was also a 3rd world country.Your grandparents would have lived through those times so do not feel superior just because you are wealthier now.

I´m happy that Bangladesh has progress. I saw this terrible storm few years ago that cost so much life there. We collected money in our school to help the people there. I believe we share this planet and must stand for each other in hard times. And i have no doubt your people would also help us in hard times. This issue is between Italy and India. We have no problems with Bangladesh. I only want the best for your people and wish your people a good future. We learn not much about Bangladesh here unfortunately. I would love to know more.

mate . am sorry, but you sound like a teenager... I cant possibly argue with you... thanks for calling me more intelligent than others... :)
funny that you also call our PM and president sounding like Teenagers as well as the german ambassador in india.
thais and indonesians routinely bang up foreigners that break their laws... what is so special about this one.
they are ex marines and were working in private capacity.
its not about greed, its about the fact that no country can be 100 percent responsible for behaviour of their citizen, they can give consular access and put pressure, it means they are spending their political capital on trivial things.
they can only go so far, and no further. if they were govt servants then case would be different.
nation states do not run like that.

I meant greedy French as a joke since that is a stereotype that others like to give them.

India should give the marines what they deserve and let the Italians moan and bitch as much as they like.

Rest of EU is not so stupid to ruin relations with India over what is a very trivial affair. Our resident Italian/German clown does not understand that both the EU and India need each other.
I meant greedy French as a joke since that is a stereotype that others like to give them.

India should give the marines what they deserve and let the Italians moan and bitch as much as they like.

Rest of EU is not so stupid to ruin relations with India over what is a very trivial affair. Our resident Italian/German clown does not understand that both the EU and India need each other.
we are giving them special place to live (much more comfy than Indian jail), which is okey as they are undertrial and not proven guilty.
if they were found guilty, my best guess would be around 10 yrs jail (typical for murder) which gets reduced to 7 or 8 years.
There is a possibility of him serving in italian jail, if we manage to sign an agreement. but italians are behaving like kids in a park, throwing tantrums. Compare that to brits who waited patiently and got their man released without making a fuss.
In other words, they need to wait for verdict, work with govt of India and get presidential pardon. We both are corrupt nations and possibilities are endless. :lol:
we are giving them special place to live (much more comfy than Indian jail), which is okey as they are undertrial and not proven guilty.
if they were found guilty, my best guess would be around 10 yrs jail (typical for murder) which gets reduced to 7 or 8 years.
There is a possibility of him serving in italian jail, if we manage to sign an agreement. but italians are behaving like kids in a park, throwing tantrums. Compare that to brits who waited patiently and got their man released without making a fuss.
In other words, they need to wait for verdict, work with govt of India and get presidential pardon. We both are corrupt nations and possibilities are endless. :lol:

This episode highlights the decay that has affected Italy.

Politicians seem to be using the incident to garner populist votes.

I may understand if India was a rogue nation that was hell-bent on executing the Italians to make some kind political statement, but all signs indicate that the Italians would have got a fair trial.
we are giving them special place to live (much more comfy than Indian jail), which is okey as they are undertrial and not proven guilty.
if they were found guilty, my best guess would be around 10 yrs jail (typical for murder) which gets reduced to 7 or 8 years.
There is a possibility of him serving in italian jail, if we manage to sign an agreement. but italians are behaving like kids in a park, throwing tantrums. Compare that to brits who waited patiently and got their man released without making a fuss.
In other words, they need to wait for verdict, work with govt of India and get presidential pardon. We both are corrupt nations and possibilities are endless. :lol:

We wait since two years now. We can´t wait any longer. The public pressure on our government is too big.

And no, you don´t give them special place to live. We do. They work in our embassy and also live on its ground. They are free and attend party and night clubs there. And thats ok and i think its good that india and italy at least found this minimal compromise yet.
As i said, we will see. Its important for us to bring as much damage to indias interests as possible. 20 years of diplomatic work done from india to get close to EU crumbles to dust right now. And thats a good thing. You call it silly that we use full scale on this thing, we call it our duty. We won´t let our men be in the hand of people that are worse than Iran or North Korea. India is in no way what we consider a civilzed 1st world nation.

Relations between Italy and India are ruined now anyways, no need to hold back any longer. Thats what our current tactics show. We tried 2 years to find a common solution behind closed doors. Since this talks were nonsense and did not work we use our political and diplomatic capital on full stage now.

You told me we should deal this case behind closed doors? Why? It leeds to nothing and i can´t see any progress. I think hurting india with sanctions is far more effective as well as bringing our alleis behind us.

You claim to be a Hindu? I don´t know much about your religion, but we christians place the human into the center of our worldview. Our two marines have families in italy and little children who could not see their fathers for almost a year now. India still got nothing done. We can´t accept to wait any longer. We as a nation have the responsibility to do evrything we can to bring them home and end this farce.

We still hope we can deal this issue in a way that india can save its face also, but we won´t accept this behavior any longer.

No talks behind closed doors anymore.

You seem to be one of the more intelligent ones here. If you think yourself into our positions, you will understand why we act like we do and why we let it escalate now.

Through your misplaced aggression and rants you have proven that neither do Italy/Italians value Human life nor do they care about the rule of law. Many criminals have families and kids, should all of them be spared? Is that your logic? Had these marines shot dead Italians would the government of Italy forgive and forget?
You are one billion people, but our GDP is bigger than yours...we are just 70 million people. Your GDP is 1.8 trillion $ ours is 2 trillion. That means our GDP is more than 10 times higher. In basic words, each italian generates as much as almost 12 indians. The profit generated from each italian 1200 % that of an indian. If you take your current growth rate of 4.9 % per year...you need in the most positive outcome 245 years to catch up and reach our productivity level and level of living standard.

Well, I just mentioned that as a country we will overtake Italy soon. I never mentioned this on a per capita basis. Yes, it will take a long time for India to reach those levels on a per capita basis.

I won't like to make it a useless pissing contest. Italy is a long established developed country and India is a developing country that has just recently become a middle income country.

Though many Northern Europeans do have issues with the "lazy" Southern European PIIGs it would seem whom they accuse of "leaching" on them.

That said, it is an illussion to believe this is a justice system decission, its a purely diplomatic one.

I don't think the issue needs to become one of animosity at the country level. It should be treated just as a case of common crime and these criminals as common criminals just like your Italian mafia.

We bring evrything against india, including the catholic church. Even our holy father adressed indias wrong doing in the case. The EU calls it their top priority. The EU already stopped talks about a free trade agreement with india.

Italy can't do much in this issue. It is legitimate for them to ask for no death penalty. Beyond that, to try and escape punishment for murderers is foolish.
Through your misplaced aggression and rants you have proven that neither do Italy/Italians value Human life nor do they care about the rule of law. Many criminals have families and kids, should all of them be spared? Is that your logic? Had these marines shot dead Italians would the government of Italy forgive and forget?

Your law had two years and still presented nothing. How long do you expect us to wait?

You say we must stay calm and debate behind closed doors...what has that achieved till now? I see no results. We want a solution that makes both side happy as fast as possible now. Understandable, isn´t it?

Your law had two years and still presented nothing. How long do you expect us to wait?

You say we must stay calm and debate behind closed doors...what has that achieved till now? I see no results. We want a solution that makes both side happy as fast as possible now. Understandable, isn´t it?
ok saturday troll mode on. :sniper:

sorry to burst your bubble, your impatience is understandable, but you cant possibly threaten India.
It looks hilarious to your own friendly countries. You are a laughing stock for brits and french now.
You are no doubt much richer country but third rate military power and economic power.
So yeah, bring it on... will be epic to see pope on popemobile with a gun in his hands.. :p:
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Your law had two years and still presented nothing. How long do you expect us to wait?

You say we must stay calm and debate behind closed doors...what has that achieved till now? I see no results. We want a solution that makes both side happy as fast as possible now. Understandable, isn´t it?


Italian government has not been cooperating in the investigation. That is the major reason behind the delay in trial. The Italian legal team in Indian has been raising one issue after another to push the date further and further. Once the trial starts it will finish in no time and you will know the verdict soon.
I´m very sure they will be back in italy soon and it will end good.
We give them passport and diplomatic immunity and fly them home. You should read the news. Our ultimatum made it clear. The case is closed.

Are you really so stupid or you just act like one?
I´m very sure they will be back in italy soon and it will end good.
do you care about justice or saving fellow italians? which is more important for you?
I ignored your 'hindu' comment earlier, but please ask yourself this question..
what will jesus do?
and if your answer is he will do magic so that marines can break free and run on water to italy, dont bother replying.
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