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Dear China, a humble thank you.

During the rescue operations, Pakistani Air Force used all available transporters, even the ones shelved for contingency purpose, to deliver rescue materials to China. Pakistani Army delivered far more than 20,000 tents, almost used up the whole Army reserve.
Yes,患难见真情. Misfortune tests the sincerity of friends

Chinese people should know about the most often and proudly used phrase in Pakistan is "I am a friend of friends," We always pay back come what may...we will pay back to Saudia and China
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@waz I envy you guys man. For the kind of friendship you have with China.

They are there to help you, to protect you, to arm you, to build for you, to hold for you, and in most everything they have your back.

My country on the other hand has no such friends. We had the USSR in the old days, but off late they have become highly transactional.

The Americans, the less said about them the better.

Israel is too small and too far away.

As I said, I envy you guys such a friendship. Even realizing that it comes at our cost.
We also have other friends who have proved their friendship in times of crisis.
I thought it would have been more fitting for yourself to address why so many Indian posters have come on here trolling, as opposed to me handing out positive ratings. But please write something favourable in here and I'll oblige happily. Thank you so much for your post.


Thank you China for helping out Pakistan.
i am a chinese girl and 23 years old we are thanks pakistanis too just becasue pakistanis are respect ,friendly and very kindly to chinese ,, also always support china we love pakistanis ,hope pakistan will be better and better ...
Oh this extreme positive relationship between two countries, not just on the government level but between the people, I have to say is rare on this earth. Pakistan's actions, while speaks louder than words, are the ideal Chinese concept of honor.

The Chinese civilization, since ancient times, have formed its own concept of an ideal person. While admittedly, we all are only human, but that shouldn't stop one from being envious of the ideal being. Profit is neither the goal of being human nor should be the goal of a country, but these days it seems that some countries are acting more like corporations seeking profit than being what a country should be, call me ancient fashioned, 君子爱财,取之有道 (Junzi(gentlemen) loves fortune, but acquires while adhere to principles. Plus "生不带来,死不带走 (you won't be bring it when you were born, and you won't be bring it when you die)".

With respect, we Chinese sincerely thank Pakistan for its support and help, may the friendship lasts in thick and thin.
Oh this extreme positive relationship between two countries, not just on the government level but between the people, I have to say is rare on this earth. Pakistan's actions, while speaks louder than words, are the ideal Chinese concept of honor.

The Chinese civilization, since ancient times, have formed its own concept of an ideal person. While admittedly, we all are only human, but that shouldn't stop one from being envious of the ideal being. Profit is neither the goal of being human nor should be the goal of a country, but these days it seems that some countries are acting more like corporations seeking profit than being what a country should be, call me ancient fashioned, 君子爱财,取之有道 (Junzi(gentlemen) loves fortune, but acquires while adhere to principles. Plus "生不带来,死不带走 (you won't be bring it when you were born, and you won't be bring it when you die)".

With respect, we Chinese sincerely thank Pakistan for its support and help, may the friendship lasts in thick and thin.
[13-23] 子曰。君子和而不同。小人同而不和。
[13:23] The Master said: “The noble man is in harmony but does not follow the crowd. The inferior man follows the crowd, but is not in harmony.”
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