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DCS JF-17 kicks mirage 2000

Bro, I can understand your situation in this covid isolation era. Dont waste your brain neuron in this incident that India is bigger then Pakistan whole world know this but Pakistan shows to the world how we punch to India in case of loc violation. USA recoreded 2 aircraft was down one was mig21 and another was unkonwn, So they conduct inventory of PAF F-16 and they found non of aircraft was missing. So its mean ur SU-30 was shoot down or ur mi-27 helicopter.

In balakot not a single videos came out about casualty - not even single journalist from the world - who can confirm that this airstirks kill 300 militant, except indian media.:coffee::coffee:

How much u guys are capable we know that u shoot down your own helicopter by yourself. Now days you copy our SSG uniform and style and show in ur recent parade:rofl::rofl:.
Copycat Indian Army.

but Pakistan being the elder brother needs to tell their younger sister India the right things

Few Small points

1. Balakot strike isn't one off the event. IAF has made it clear surgical strike is policy now

2. Right side R-73 is missing from the crash site.
It doesn't matter what Pakistan put for display one month after the incident and say they have all unfired missiles.

3. See the difference between 26th and 27th events.

Shouldnt fully intact R-77 be also visible? or was it also bought from ebay?
btw here is a stupid rtd IAF pilot asking for entire serial number because 11 digits are not enough to determine if it belongs to IAF inventory or not.
well here are the 13 serial numbers 23048821222015
now go and pug them up his 2ss and ask him if they belong to IAF inventory or not.


On 26th when India did Balakot, none of PAF fighters on CAP responded to violation of their airspace.
Six IAF jets crossed over LoC and fired Spice 2000 at Balakot, in KPK and came back without meeting any resistance.

Pakistan on 26th tried to fire SoW at Indian targets,
to do that they first had to break ROE to fire BVR missiles at Indian Su30 CAPs flying inside India.
Indian mig21s chased them to LoC despite knowing they outnumbered.

4. Before you make propaganda of put of this 20 mins skirmish, remember had this gone on any further, the heavy cost Pakistan had to pay for it for clashing with an enemy multiple times bigger than it.

stfu troll
Spice-2000 uses MK-84 which has 900 lbs of HE.
here is one in action in vietnam

now if you drop 5 (which india claims) 2,000lbs then it destroys pretty much half the town.


Even if the target was underground the destruction from even 1 2,000 lbs would be visible even though their is NO EVIDENCE that their were underground bunker on hill top.

also the reason why IAF used Spice-2000 was so that it could launch payload from far away without having to enter Pak airspace. Spice-2000 has max range of 80-100KM.

Now here is a video of one of PAF raid on indian territory.
Shouldnt fully intact R-77 be also visible? or was it also bought from ebay?
Fully intact R-77 is also visible in this video lying near its pylon-1.

R-77: Go to 0.08

Also see the R-73 pylon at 0.05, its completely out of the wing and not a whiff of R-73 missile

btw here is a stupid rtd IAF pilot asking for entire serial number because 11 digits are not enough to determine if it belongs to IAF inventory or not.
well here are the 13 serial numbers 23048821222015
now go and pug them up his 2ss and ask him if they belong to IAF inventory or not.
Pakistan has access to enough R-73 missiles through either of it's own from Afghan conflict or through friends.

IAF has seen these numbers and that's why it gave a Veer Chakra to Abhinandan. :yahoo:

Spice-2000 uses MK-84 which has 900 lbs of HE.
here is one in action in vietnam
IAF used Spice2000 guidance kit kit and small amount of explosive which explain why the building wasn't completely destroyed.

Also you see when Spice2000 are used for penetration of hardened roofs, damage looks something like this from above.


Now here is a video of one of PAF raid on indian territory.
Ok, this video is of people living very close to LoC in Jammu. At these places, if a jet flies in Pakistani airspace, even then they can spot it easily. Its also true Pakistan dropped bombs close to LoC and many of them went unexploded.

Fully intact R-77 is also visible in this video lying near its pylon-1.

R-77: Go to 0.08

What you see is only control section of R-77 but you can not see rest of the parts such as laser proximity fuse, warhead, and tail motor sections which are somewhere under the wreckage.
Also see the R-73 pylon at 0.05, its completely out of the wing and not a whiff of R-73 missile
Dumb@ss its a crash site not a airshow static display! Not all missiles are going to be visible.
Pakistan has access to enough R-73 missiles through either of it's own from Afghan conflict or through friends.
Afghanistan? Do you have your brain in your @ss? PLAAF uses slightly different variant of R-73 and Pakistan obtaining such a weapon from any country will be a violation of contract between Russia and R-73 supplier.
and when are you going to shove 13 digits serial in sameer joshi's rear end so he can do his snake charm to find out if it belongs to IAF inventory.
IAF has seen these numbers and that's why it gave a Veer Chakra to Abhinandan. :yahoo:
You can give as many veer chakahs as you want but it does not change the reality which is abhiNoneDone did not fire a single missile. Also Why would India allow IAF female officer to interview with media and hide abhi? thats because he is keeping his words that he will not lie when he returns back to india. thats a good boy.
IAF used Spice2000 guidance kit kit and small amount of explosive which explain why the building wasn't completely destroyed.
Dumb@ss the kit goes along with MK-84 and their is NO MK-84 in the world which has less TNT then what it is built with.
Also you see when Spice2000 are used for penetration of hardened roofs, damage looks something like this from above.

dumb@ss that penetration is due to training round without TNT.

Here is a video of Spice-2000 in action. notice that at 7:15 mark a harden structure is obliterated. Also the structure sitting on balakot has a tin roof.

Ok, this video is of people living very close to LoC in Jammu. At these places, if a jet flies in Pakistani airspace, even then they can spot it easily. Its also true Pakistan dropped bombs close to LoC and many of them went unexploded.
dumb@ss its this strike which was on LOC
Yeah, anything is possible in Indian imagination.

Do you understand how a bunker buster like spice acts?
Yes..but can bunker busted be invisible in 50cm resolution images ..
Oh God..wait we arent even talking about bunkers...but plan brick & steel...even an empty drop tank will destroy the roof ...
What happened to control blast scenrio..what about the alternative perfectly align blast sights?


Few Small points

1. Balakot strike isn't one off the event. IAF has made it clear surgical strike is policy now

2. Right side R-73 is missing from the crash site.
It doesn't matter what Pakistan put for display one month after the incident and say they have all unfired missiles.

3. See the difference between 26th and 27th events.

On 26th when India did Balakot, none of PAF fighters on CAP responded to violation of their airspace.
Six IAF jets crossed over LoC and fired Spice 2000 at Balakot, in KPK and came back without meeting any resistance.

Pakistan on 26th tried to fire SoW at Indian targets,
to do that they first had to break ROE to fire BVR missiles at Indian Su30 CAPs flying inside India.
Indian mig21s chased them to LoC despite knowing they outnumbered.

4. Before you make propaganda of put of this 20 mins skirmish, remember had this gone on any further, the heavy cost Pakistan had to pay for it for clashing with an enemy multiple times bigger than it.
I hope balakot isnt one off...we want some more abhis and more dramas...but i doubt it..the way india stayed quiet after being raped...wow

What you see is only control section of R-77 but you can not see rest of the parts such as laser proximity fuse, warhead, and tail motor sections which are somewhere under the wreckage.

Dumb@ss its a crash site not a airshow static display! Not all missiles are going to be visible.

Afghanistan? Do you have your brain in your @ss? PLAAF uses slightly different variant of R-73 and Pakistan obtaining such a weapon from any country will be a violation of contract between Russia and R-73 supplier.
and when are you going to shove 13 digits serial in sameer joshi's rear end so he can do his snake charm to find out if it belongs to IAF inventory.

You can give as many veer chakahs as you want but it does not change the reality which is abhiNoneDone did not fire a single missile. Also Why would India allow IAF female officer to interview with media and hide abhi? thats because he is keeping his words that he will not lie when he returns back to india. thats a good boy.

Dumb@ss the kit goes along with MK-84 and their is NO MK-84 in the world which has less TNT then what it is built with.

dumb@ss that penetration is due to training round without TNT.

Here is a video of Spice-2000 in action. notice that at 7:15 mark a harden structure is obliterated. Also the structure sitting on balakot has a tin roof.

dumb@ss its this strike which was on LOC

Yeah, anything is possible in Indian imagination.
One has to be specially dumb to believe this narrative..
I would rather believe this happened
Pakistan purchased mig 21 from some Arab nation, R-77 from Afghanistan. Abhinandone was a business man in Iran which Pakistan abducted from Iran and showed as a pilot for Propoganda. Video of bomb drop near India brigade HQ is just CGI. Indian are smart enough to foil Pakistan Propoganda. Indian will continue to do that.

Whatever Pakistan will do, India can foil Pakistani Propoganda even a single Movie. Don't underestimate power of Bollywood and Indian media.
How many days after the precision strike did the Pak admin open the camp to the reporters?24 days If i,m not mistaken.PS- Clearing everything, mending the damage under the roof.

Which sane foreigner want to visit an area that was under intense situation of possible war between two nuclear armed states right away? Btw Pak media did visit right away specially GEO news which is anti Pak military. Unlike India Pak media can question the government.
how many days after did the Indian government released images of destroyed targets?
Over a year and still no evidence.
How many days after did the Indian government released images of PAF strike on Indian territories?
Over a year and still no images.
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Anybody here what would be results of DCS between gripen ng & jf17 BLK 3?
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mIg-21 is toast

Just to comment, its a game, the missile dynamics and other systems are not modeled from irl systems, it uses ED's proprietary systems. Calm down, it means nothing in terms of real world performance
Pakistan purchased mig 21 from some Arab nation, R-77 from Afghanistan. Abhinandone was a business man in Iran which Pakistan abducted from Iran and showed as a pilot for Propoganda. Video of bomb drop near India brigade HQ is just CGI. Indian are smart enough to foil Pakistan Propoganda. Indian will continue to do that.

Whatever Pakistan will do, India can foil Pakistani Propoganda even a single Movie. Don't underestimate power of Bollywood and Indian media.
Not to forget pakistan used a 3D printer to print the house overnight and repaired it for the satelite images in the morning ..
Not to forget pakistan used a 3D printer to print the house overnight and repaired it for the satelite images in the morning ..
And because Pakistan is helping the world for the solution of Afgan issue, that is why whole world is not believing India
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