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Days After Yogi Adityanath's "Revenge" Remark, Shops Sealed Over Violence

I avoid them.. They will learn the lesson in a harsh way very soon.. if not, after death.. They are disrespecting prophet Muhammad PBUH by insulting other Muslims and creating divisions.. I see them in a pit of hell for thousands of years if they don't reform themselves before death.

India too has the same problem.. if you are a Muslim, or you know any Indian Muslim, you will see hate oozing against Pakistan.. Here, it's Indus nationalism, on your side, it's Indian nationalism..

This is how they are countering them:

@Mangus Ortus Novem @Indus Pakistan What's your stance on Pan-Islamism vs Indus Nationalism? The challenges of staying intact as nation increases by an order of magnitude anyways once you hit 1 million sq kms................The Big Five European Nation States (UK,Spain,France,Italy,Germany) seem to have the perfect geography, size, coherence (though each one of them could accomodate 30 percent more population)
You have gone mad...For political gains you want the blood of your fellow Muslims to flow...Tell me would you be okay that your parents leave the planet well before their time(may that never come to pass) just so that Pakistan gains another 50,000 sq kms in land?
It's not about Pakistan anymore..

You guys can't keep quiet if Hindus start raping your sisters..

You guys need to unite first, select ONE capable leader. Then you should start sending delegations across the world..

Indian Muslims who live in gulf and beyond have endless supply of money.. I see wealthy businessmen who are Indian Muslims.. they should use their influence to put pressure on modi government.. and if everything fails, there's no better thing than shahadat!
I avoid them.. They will learn the lesson in a harsh way very soon.. if not, after death.. They are disrespecting prophet Muhammad PBUH by insulting other Muslims and creating divisions.. I see them in a pit of hell for thousands of years if they don't reform themselves before death.

India too has the same problem.. if you are a Muslim, or you know any Indian Muslim, you will see hate oozing against Pakistan.. Here, it's Indus nationalism, on your side, it's Indian nationalism..

This is how they are countering them:

Muslims might have felt it was still the rule of muslim appeasing Akhilesh or Mayawati who is ruling them...they might have felt they would get away by burning buses and beating innocents on the road.
Gangus, Sanghis, Bhakts and Chaddi Dhaaris are, at the moment, merely testing the waters. I believe that ultimately, once they realize, that their schemes are going to result into defragmentation of India; they would backtrack. They simply don't have the courage and resources to execute, what they have in their hearts. Ultimately, India would realize that this extreme Hindutva ideology is not going to work. That is what I believe.
I think it will not stop this time.. the way hindu supremacists are playing tricks, the nation will be more divided..

The plan of Modi is excellent, Indian terrorist security forces are destroying the property of Hindus too, so that the blame can be put on Muslims.. In the coming months, the society will get further divided.

Muslims might have felt it was still the rule of muslim appeasing Akhilesh or Mayawati who is ruling them...they might have felt they would get away by burning buses and beating innocents on the road.
How did police know that the vehicles they were destroying belonged to stone pelters?
My take: Whoever is Pakistani citizen, born in Pakistan to Pak citizen or lived in Pakistan for a generation as a Pakistani citizen is native of Indus or son of soil if you may call.

Problem is our overpopulation. We cannot afford more of our own people let alone some foreigners in the name of Ummah.

@PakSword , @Juggernaut_is_here
I think it will not stop this time.. the way hindu supremacists are playing tricks, the nation will be more divided..

The plan of Modi is excellent, Indian terrorist security forces are destroying the property of Hindus too, so that the blame can be put on Muslims.. In the coming months, the society will get further divided.

How did police know that the vehicles they were destroying belonged to stone pelters?
I dont know what their intention behind breaking those car glasses was...but I am sure they were in no mood to leave any stone pelter.
My take: Whoever is Pakistani citizen, born in Pakistan to Pak citizen or lived in Pakistan for a generation as a Pakistani citizen is native of Indus or son of soil if you may call.

Problem is our overpopulation. We cannot afford more of our own people let alone some foreigners in the name of Ummah.

@PakSword , @Juggernaut_is_here

I will launch a detailed map heavy thread today regarding Total Fertility Rate in South Asia..Would launch much better conversations than the mud slinging chauvinism that passes for threads
I think it will not stop this time.. the way hindu supremacists are playing tricks, the nation will be more divided..

The plan of Modi is excellent, Indian terrorist security forces are destroying the property of Hindus too, so that the blame can be put on Muslims.. In the coming months, the society will get further divided.

I agree with your whole post, except for the first line. This phenomenon may go to certain extremes; but ultimately, it would backtrack. And the reason is simple that the ideology of Hindutva is not executable; since the biggest goal, which every elite Hindu has in his mind, is to maintain the unity of India, at all costs. My analysis is in an historical perspective. When INC adopted "secularism", as a cornerstone of independent India; it was not out of any moral consideration, but out of the political expediency that it was, even if sham and pseudo, necessary for preventing defragmentation of India. This BJP experiment, which was long overdue, is bound to fail and reversion again to a quasi-secular India is what I foresee.
Why they did,only they should know..maybe they might have felt they belong to the people who hurled stones and petrol bombs at them.

Might have????

Your police destroys public property on the off chance it might belong to someone that's protesting????

What if it just belonged to a innocent person or poor person?
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