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Days After Yogi Adityanath's "Revenge" Remark, Shops Sealed Over Violence

PakBrother mine,

In this conflict we become PakNation.. trust your older brother... I speculate not!

We are a wounded nation now... a one more wound... then PakNation rises from deep slumber of past 500 years...

And when we raise PakBanner every Pak from everywhere on this Earth comes... we liberate MaqboozaHindustan.

Also, it is given that Pakness stirs in OccupiedBD simalutaneously...and all closet brahmins... fly, fly, fly...

We must strengthen our emotional, physcial and sipritual defences against what is coming for us!


Sir ji, look at the timing.. Pakistan and India are on the brink of a deadly war.. CAA/ NRC has provided a perfect recipe to convert it into a Islam Vs India war.. Good times ahead if we eliminate racists and Muslim haters from our ranks... on both sides..

You see, we have hate filled self praising supremacists.. if majority thinks like that, then I predict a defeat.. but if we are able to counter these hate mongers, time of victory is very near..

I think as a Muslim first and then as a Pakistani.. Pakistan is our land, but we will not be entering paradise without love of Islam and fellow Muslims.. no matter how gullible we are, how fair colored we are, how strong we are.. and not just paradise, we will not get anything in this world too.. You have seen the condition of our country.. In 70 years of hate filled history, we are below Bangladesh.. fighting each other.. looting each other..

This can't continue like that..
What I foresee, based on the history of Muslims, all of us will get a blow.. what I mean by all of us is.. Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims.. and then all three will unite.. and then the help will come from all over the world, and of course from Allah..

It will be OneMuslimNation rather than OnePakNation.

Are you seriously saying that you are of the same nation as the much denigrated Gangoos?
But please tell me for how long can Pakistan remain a narrow strip of land that we are now?
I agree with you. We can't remain a narrow strip with very limited resources and 220 million population which is increasing every day. However for expansion purposes we need to set our eyes on the resource rich region on our west.
Afghanistan and beyond.....
Are you seriously saying that you are of the same nation as the much denigrated Gangoos?
In true Islam, there is no one inferior.. If there is a true Muslim in Africa who is black, he is nearer to my heart than a European Muslim who drinks, or a Pakistani Muslim who looks down on Muslims of other nations..
"Badla" or "Revenge" of one religion from the other within the same country. Imagine what is India going to turn into. We have grown up listening to Hindustani stories that "Hindu Muslim Sikh Esaai apas main hain Bhai Bhai...". What happened to that India? When did it die?

Form India's enemy's point of view, this is a perfect recipe of self-destruction. India is about to shine even more!
Muslims never felt hindus as brothers...they treated them as kafirs..killed them in lakhs...destroyed their temples...plundered their wealth...mocked national song...insulted martyred soldiers...supported the breaking of India...hindus like impotents tolerated all that...times have changed...they are no more willing to take all their violence and gaddaari....enough is enough.
That doesn't mean we are persecuting muslims...that is a lie..it's just that we have learnt not to put up with their violence..the recent protests are a good example of their nature.
NRC has not been announced...there are millions of hindus who don't have documents to prove they were here before 1971...govt has not come up with the criteria...but these goons took to streets and are indulging vandalism and violence.
Muslims never felt hindus as brothers...they treated them as kafirs..killed them in lakhs...destroyed their temples...plundered their wealth...mocked national song...insulted martyred soldiers...supported the breaking of India...hindus like impotents tolerated all that...times have changed...they are no more willing to take all their violence and gaddaari....enough is enough.
That doesn't mean we are persecuting muslims...that is a lie..it's just that we have learnt not to put up with their violence..the recent protests are a good example of their nature.
NRC has not been announced...there are millions of hindus who don't have documents to prove they were here before 1971...govt has not come up with the criteria...but these goons took to streets and are indulging vandalism and violence.

They are protesting to protect their rights in a India that is falling apart and descending into a Hindutva fiefdom

Indian Muslims worry that Jinnah was right
Muslims never felt hindus as brothers...they treated them as kafirs..killed them in lakhs...destroyed their temples...plundered their wealth...mocked national song...insulted martyred soldiers...supported the breaking of India...hindus like impotents tolerated all that...times have changed...they are no more willing to take all their violence and gaddaari....enough is enough.
That doesn't mean we are persecuting muslims...that is a lie..it's just that we have learnt not to put up with their violence..the recent protests are a good example of their nature.
NRC has not been announced...there are millions of hindus who don't have documents to prove they were here before 1971...govt has not come up with the criteria...but these goons took to streets and are indulging vandalism and violence.
So what's the plan to crush them if they continue protesting?
In true Islam, there is no one inferior.. If there is a true Muslim in Africa who is black, he is nearer to my heart than a European Muslim who drinks, or a Pakistani Muslim who looks down on Muslims of other nations..

How do you counter the Pakistanis who are staunch believer in Indus Nationalism, and think Pakistan nationalism should not be diluted by having sympathy for the aboriginal black Gangoo Muslims?
Muslims never felt hindus as brothers...they treated them as kafirs..killed them in lakhs...destroyed their temples...plundered their wealth...mocked national song...insulted martyred soldiers...supported the breaking of India...hindus like impotents tolerated all that...times have changed...they are no more willing to take all their violence and gaddaari....enough is enough.
That doesn't mean we are persecuting muslims...that is a lie..it's just that we have learnt not to put up with their violence..the recent protests are a good example of their nature.
NRC has not been announced...there are millions of hindus who don't have documents to prove they were here before 1971...govt has not come up with the criteria...but these goons took to streets and are indulging vandalism and violence.
Kill em all. Go Modi Go. Go Yogi go.
How do you counter the Pakistanis who are staunch believer in Indus Nationalism, and think Pakistan nationalism should not be diluted by having sympathy for the aboriginal black Gangoo Muslims?
I avoid them.. They will learn the lesson in a harsh way very soon.. if not, after death.. They are disrespecting prophet Muhammad PBUH by insulting other Muslims and creating divisions.. I see them in a pit of hell for thousands of years if they don't reform themselves before death.

India too has the same problem.. if you are a Muslim, or you know any Indian Muslim, you will see hate oozing against Pakistan.. Here, it's Indus nationalism, on your side, it's Indian nationalism..

Kill em all. Go Modi Go. Go Yogi go.
This is how they are countering them:

Kill em all. Go Modi Go. Go Yogi go.

You have gone mad...For political gains you want the blood of your fellow Muslims to flow...Tell me would you be okay that your parents leave the planet well before their time(may that never come to pass) just so that Pakistan gains another 50,000 sq kms in land?
So what's the plan to crush them if they continue protesting?

Gangus, Sanghis, Bhakts and Chaddi Dhaaris are, at the moment, merely testing the waters. I believe that ultimately, once they realize, that their schemes are going to result into defragmentation of India; they would backtrack. They simply don't have the courage and resources to execute, what they have in their hearts. Ultimately, India would realize that this extreme Hindutva ideology is not going to work. That is what I believe.
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