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David Headley says he worked for ISI and LeT for Mumbai Attacks

Zarb e azab will not going to end. secondly your unkind words does not affect external happenings.

And US would not leave Pakistan any time soon.

He did mentioned Sajjid MIR, Major Iqbal and Army units. Pls read full details pls.
Zarb e azab will end once we root out the rented cowards by the neighbours, already eradicated loads of them and cleared sanctuaries held earlier by them, there is always an end for every begining.

Yes army units and blah blha blah...
Headley nails role of Pak Army officials, ISI agents in 26/11
Published February 8, 2016


An explosive testimony by US-born Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist David Coleman Headley has exposed the role played by some Pakistani military and intelligence officials in the 2008 Mumbai attacks, which had left 166 people dead in the country’s business capital.

The 56-year-old US national, who deposed before an NIA judge through video-conferencing on Monday, said that though his sole contact in the LeT was one Sajid Mir, he was also in touch with an agent of the Pakistani intelligence agency, Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), whom he identified only as Major Ali.

Headley, who turned approver and is now lodged at a US jail, told judge GA Sanap that he came in contact with the ISI officer after he was arrested at Landi Kotal in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Area.

Headley said he had been to the border area along with a retired Pakistani military officer, Major Abdul Rehman Pasha, to meet a drug dealer Zaib Shah, with the aim of smuggling weapons and explosives to India. He was arrested for being a foreign national in the area where no outsider is allowed to venture. Headley said he was later released following the intervention of Major Ali, after he showed Pakistani identity cards.

Headley said Major Ali later introduced him to one Major Iqbal as the former thought that the US national could be used to gather intelligence in India. Headley, according to his deposition before the court, changed his name from Syed Daood Salim Gilani to David Coleman Headley in Philadelphia in order to conceal his identity and also obtained a new passport in the new name, as instructed by Siraj Mir.

He conceded that he gave false information while applying for visa at the Consulate General of India at Chicago and later took help of his friend Dr Tahawwur Husain Rana and his partner Raymond Sanders for obtaining a 5-year business visa with multiple entries, so that he would not be required to apply for visa again and again.

Headley had met Dr Rana, a doctor in the Pakistani Army, at a military school in Punjab province. Dr Rana was his schoolmate for 5 years.

Replying to a question by special public prosecutor Ujjwal Nikam, Headley said he reported the change of his name and obtaining of a US passport in the new name to both Siraj Mir and Major Iqbal, and both of them approved of it.

He also informed them about the story that he had cooked, that he was visiting India under the guise of an immigration consultant working on behalf of the firm of Dr Rana and Sanders – Immigration Law Center, established in Chicago in 2006.

Responding to another question from Nikam, Headley said he was not aware where Major Ali was serving at the time, but was aware that his headquarter was Khyber Rifle Regiment, a unit of the Pakistani army.

Khyber Rifles isn't even an army regiment ..:lol: it's belong to Frontier Corps - Paramilitary..! And ISI officers don't served with FC.. :lol:
dont read it wrongly, its just another arrogant despicable way of saying I dont care. India should campaign long and hard to get pakistan onto list of countries like north korea or libya.
Well said.

What if we provide to UN the evidence of involvement OF RAW in Balochistan and hundreds of bombings.....?
You tried playing that game with the "dossiar" disclosure to the US only to be called out with the US denying any such evidence had been presented.

Remember this drama:

and then:
Dossiers on India have no ‘material evidence’ - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

@Levina @PARIKRAMA @Parul @Nilgiri @MilSpec @mkb95 @Koovie @Spectre @illusion8 @Vauban
You may think as you want. but this is crucial for UN's economic ban. Already twice China saved you with Veto for the same case. Now it cannot as the evidence is too strong. If China again veto's UN action, then China will be isolated regarding terror cooperation around the world. SO, wait and see how it effects and ruin.

Lets see which country used VETO alot ..shell we .. ???
ITS USA ... isn't it ? to make sure nothing is said against illegal state of israel ...

UNO is just another puppet thing ... who cares about it ..
And what does mentioning do? Did they ask him to carry out this attack? I don't see that being mentioned. Even if he does mention, where is the evidence?

Everything happened in pakistan. So, evidence collection is Pakistan's responsibility as an credible nation. Still India, US gathered enough evidence being outside pakistan. But it has to be done by pakistan as responsible nation.

On top of everything , whatever evidence world provides you - you're going to be in denial mode.
then what kind of evidence you're looking for / asking for ??? when you become honest you'll not ask for evidence. You'll try to take serieous actions and get the evidence at your end.
Not Story Sir But Its A official Statement that to Was Made By Headley through Video Conferencing in Appearance In a Mumbai Judicial Court in Presence of Special Judge in Hearing of 26/11 Trials .The Statement is on Record in Special Court

Headley is in FBI Custody and Serving 35 years Prison in US So you cannot Say its Made-up or Story Planned by Indian agencies.
Breakthrough in 26/11 Trial: David Headley Turns Approver - TheQuint
26/11 trial: Headley testifies in court; here’s what he may reveal | india | Hindustan Times
David Coleman Headley Sentenced to 35 Years in Prison for Role in India and Denmark Terror Plots | OPA | Department of Justice

Well, he had to comment, so he commented with two words. Another one fighter (his fav word is chutiya) is laughing with each sentence and the other two are very angry with their comments. That shows that they are nervous. Now what will happen afterwords, only time will tell.
Everything happened in pakistan. So, evidence collection is Pakistan's responsibility as an credible nation. Still India, US gathered enough evidence being outside pakistan. But it has to be done by pakistan as responsible nation.

On top of everything , whatever evidence world provides you - you're going to be in denial mode.
then what kind of evidence you're looking for / asking for ??? when you become honest you'll not ask for evidence. You'll try to take serieous actions and get the evidence at your end.

How do we know it happened that too in Pakistan? Ever been to a court and listened to arguments? With this statement termed as testimony, your case won't fly dear. In any court of the world. Meeting a Military man, even if proved is not a crime in any nation's law.
How about if Pakistan keeps refusing to acknowledge it has a deep terrorism support problem in its military and ISI....the US puts you on the terrorist state sponsor list? Whoever wins the US presidential election would be under strong pressure to do so if Pakistan keeps playing the denial and non-cooperation game. In fact I bet its pretty much a bipartisan issue given the stage the world is in confronting terrorism. Those sanctions will really hurt Pakistan and eventually make it a complete client state of China like North Korea.

Every form of discrimination and negative portrayal of Pakistanis and Pakistan will increase by several magnitudes...just because you dont want to lose face over admitting the role of Pakistan in all this and give sanctuary to that JuD leader.

Just sit back and watch. This headley deposition will really give fuel to India to get the US and West on board with Pakistan....if Pakistan just returns to business as usual and goes back to la-la land with hands over ears.

Time for Pakistan to act is now. Or don't act and face the consequences.
You underestimate Pakistan, and overestimate India's influence.

There is little to no chance of US sanctions against Pakistan, because even at the worst of times between the two, they're both at least reluctant allies.

Your comment is more rhetoric than factual.

It changes my opinion of you and what your countrymen deserve. It changes how I view the terrorism volcano that erupted in Pakistan after 2008.

And you extending your perennial denial to how this will not add to how the world views you is plain funny. It bolsters our efforts to expose and isolate you.
Again, more rhetoric. I don't care what you think of Pakistan.

The world already portray's Pakistan negatively, trust me, nothing will change. Pakistan is far too important to simply dismiss or sanction.
1. His testimony was taken to help the 26/11 trial, not to go to war or to do what Pakistan does..

2. He was sentenced to 35 years in prison in the US based on the "story" and based on he investigation which checked out from his travels to Pakistan and India.

3. Someone must be senile to lie about a terrorist run..what does he gain from it? A lifetime in jail?, including his partners.

4. It changes how Pakistani nationals are processed for visa's. It helps in improving the coast surveillance and helps in intelligence gathering.
THIS is the response I was looking for. An intelligent one, not one will needless rhetoric.

He has a lot to gain. If he can get away with terrorism in India, that might affect his status in the US. His sentence may be reduced, if he cooperates with India. We already know the US is looking to get closer to India, so India may request such a thing.

Pakistani nationals are already viewed negatively, when it comes to visa processing, so nothing may change on that front.

These are sworn testimonies, by a convicted terrorist who is already serving 35 years in US prison for Mumbai terrorist attacks. And this is not the first time, he said so. He gave the exact same sworn confession in Chicago court.
This confession caries as much weight as any other criminal's confession does.
"A sworn testimony, by a convicted terrorist" I'll let you think about that one.
You underestimate Pakistan, and overestimate India's influence.

There is little to no chance of US sanctions against Pakistan, because even at the worst of times between the two, they're both at least reluctant allies.

Your comment is more rhetoric than factual.

Again, more rhetoric. I don't care what you think of Pakistan.

The world already portray's Pakistan negatively, trust me, nothing will change. Pakistan is far too important to simply dismiss or sanction.
IMF can screw up loans to pakistan. Rating agencies can downgrade pakistans rating. Then pakistan will become another satellite of china.
US will never do any thing directly which will implicate it, they will just let things slip off and look other way around.
Headley nails role of Pak Army officials, ISI agents in 26/11
He's repeating the same claims he made years ago - he 'alleges' he met with 'ISI officers' who apparently introduced themselves by giving their names, rank and the organization they were working with, to a man who, per Headley's own testimony, was known to the ISI as a double agent in the employ of the US.

All that smell of curry must have really messed up Indian olfactory senses if they can't detect the smell of such BS from a mile away.
There is little to no chance of US sanctions against Pakistan, because even at the worst of times between the two, they're both at least reluctant allies.

Your comment is more rhetoric than factual.

It is an unsustainable position for Pakistan. Just watch the ramping up of pressure on Pakistan this year alone under lame duck Obama....and then bring out the popcorn next year with a new president.

If its Trump, you better be prepared for an extra large world of hurt.

All this can be solved if you take action against the perpetrators and hand over JuD leadership to us for prosecution.

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