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David Cameron: Britain Will Never Surrender The Falkland Islands

I find India and China members in this forum sometime hold similiar point of view in certain world affairs, this time the belonging of Falkland Island.

Can you call a invader PAPA when he could provide better living standard to you compared to your own father? What a weird logic you have.

People of falkland does not even speak Spanish... How can they be related to Argentina?? Argentina does not claim the Falkland islands by peoples language or ethnicity, they claim the islands as their own because of continental claims...
Brits are not our masters anymore

and what he is saying is true

Britain is weak now but its NATO member

if US backs Britain on this issue Falklands wont be under Argentinian rule. be sure
Why USA back up brits in this issue?
People of Falkland Islands wants to stay under UK's flag why people from miles away discussing their fate while they themselves already wants to stay with UK?

Who would want to be under Argentinas flag while you can have UK?

Then why the hell are all of us living in independant countries today? India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, the list goes on and on. By your reckoning, all of us should have stuck with the almighty Queen since civilization began in the UK. :rofl: We threw out those good for nothing Brits in 1963 - from 1819 to 1963, they ruled us and that did nothing to benefit the local Asian immigrant population - all we were left with was a tiny port, a dusty, little town and a few scattered villages. Today we have a GDP per capita almost twice their size and living standards on par with if not better than them. Whats so good about the UK? :triniti:
People of falkland does not even speak Spanish... How can they be related to Argentina?? Argentina does not claim the Falkland islands by peoples language or ethnicity, they claim the islands as their own because of continental claims...
I don't think Agentina will surrender Falklands to Brits, although Brits occupy it for hundred of years. Its a dispute about gas and oil. No one will discard money and soverign integration.

Then why the hell are all of us living in independant countries today? India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, the list goes on and on. By your reckoning, all of us should have stuck with the almighty Queen since civilization began in the UK. :rofl: We threw out those good for nothing Brits in 1963 - from 1819 to 1963, they ruled us and that did nothing to benefit the local Asian immigrant population - all we were left with was a tiny port, a dusty, little town and a few scattered villages. Today we have a GDP per capita almost twice their size and living standards on par with if not better than them. Whats so good about the UK? :triniti:
Brits did lots of ugly stuffs in Asia during their colonization. It developed by making Asian pathetic life.
Then why the hell are all of us living in independant countries today? India, Pakistan, Malaysia, Singapore, the list goes on and on. By your reckoning, all of us should have stuck with the almighty Queen since civilization began in the UK. :rofl: We threw out those good for nothing Brits in 1963 - from 1819 to 1963, they ruled us and that did nothing to benefit the local Asian immigrant population - all we were left with was a tiny port, a dusty, little town and a few scattered villages. Today we have a GDP per capita almost twice their size and living standards on par with if not better than them. Whats so good about the UK? :triniti:

UK is one of the most developed countries on this world and they have one of the most free constutution on this earth, etc, etc....
U smoke way too much pot...slack off the ganja dude and u'd realize the UK is nothing more than a pansy stooge for the US :coffee:
What I said was crude. But the point remains, both of our militaries have declined in size but the UK has modernized the same cannot be said for Argentina.
A stooge yes, but a stooge with nuclear weapons?
UK is one of the most developed countries on this world and they have one of the most free constutution on this earth, etc, etc....

LOL yeah...big deal...same applies to Singapore, Japan, South Korea, China's almost there too..in terms of development.

Free constitution.....pffff...agreed we don't have it in these parts as much as the UK, but we are not complaining. The system has to be adapted to suit the needs of the people, not the needs of the people being compromised to suit the system. Yeah we don't have that much of a free constitution, but so? We are still doing better than them. Better to be a well-off professional in Singapore anyday than to be begging for a change for a drink in the UK.
What I said was crude. But the point remains, both of our militaries have declined in size but the UK has modernized the same cannot be said for Argentina.
A stooge yes, but a stooge with nuclear weapons?

A stooge is a stooge, nuclear armed or not. Or are u trying to tell me your government is actually going to fry Buenos Aires over a bunch of rocks that technically do not belong to u. :flame:

Get over it Brit, your days are long gone and your contributions to the world shall be well remembered in history *cough cough*.

U should have been born a century ago. Your blind optimism and patriotism would have been of some use then. Now all that u r trying to do is to awaken a dead snake.
A stooge is a stooge, nuclear armed or not. Or are u trying to tell me your government is actually going to fry Buenos Aires over a bunch of rocks that technically do not belong to u. :flame:

Get over it Brit, your days are long gone and your contributions to the world shall be well remembered in history *cough cough*.

U should have been born a century ago. Your blind optimism and patriotism would have been of some use then. Now all that u r trying to do is to awaken a dead snake.
I beg to differ, in my opinion the islands do belong to us. I agree with David Cameron.
I do not think there will be another war and we certainly would not nuke them.

Our best days may be behind us, but we still give a lot to the world and many of our traditions will live on for a long time. For example despite us being dead and buried you are still speaking English.
I am not being blind I have looked at the facts and I think we have a good claim to the Falklands.
I beg to differ, in my opinion the islands do belong to us. I agree with David Cameron.
I do not think there will be another war and we certainly would not nuke them.

Our best days may be behind us, but we still give a lot to the world and many of our traditions will live on for a long time. For example despite us being dead and buried you are still speaking English.
I am not being blind I have looked at the facts and I think we have a good claim to the Falklands.

English is probably the only language u speak, its simply ONE of the languages I speak. Over here in Singapore, our main focus is on improving our relationship with China and balancing the US as well. The UK is simply a nation that figures in our history textbooks and nothing more. English is being used worldwide today as a language of commerce not because of the UK but because of American influence in the world. There is a significant difference.

You can claim its yours still, but yet its not. Anyone proficient in English would know that its plainly a bastardization of numerous languages all over the world, inclusive of Indian languages, Chinese, Arabic, etc etc.

Today we are still using English, but over here in Singapore and many East Asian countries, Chinese is just as important and numerous classes are being offered to study the language, at least up to a conversational level. And thats cos the balance of power is shifting slowly from the US to China, and we want to be there, ready to tap into that power shift when it happens. Where's your merry England gonna be when that happens then?
English is probably the only language u speak, its simply ONE of the languages I speak. Over here in Singapore, our main focus is on improving our relationship with China and balancing the US as well. The UK is simply a nation that figures in our history textbooks and nothing more. English is being used worldwide today as a language of commerce not because of the UK but because of American influence in the world. There is a significant difference.

You can claim its yours still, but yet its not. Anyone proficient in English would know that its plainly a bastardization of numerous languages all over the world, inclusive of Indian languages, Chinese, Arabic, etc etc.

Today we are still using English, but over here in Singapore and many East Asian countries, Chinese is just as important and numerous classes are being offered to study the language, at least up to a conversational level. And thats cos the balance of power is shifting slowly from the US to China, and we want to be there, ready to tap into that power shift when it happens. Where's your merry England gonna be when that happens then?
Jeez, this isn't a thread on the British legacy which is quite sizable. Care to discuss the Falklands?
You're claiming the English language is not English? All languages have been influenced by others.
argentine is too weak,no way they can take over falkland islands from britain.
winner takes all,that's it.
Why USA back up brits in this issue?

I guess Brit has been "Loyal Subject" of Ameriki since WW2. Definitely they will be backed in every issue that UK face challenged. After all they have "master-slave" relationship :P
LOL yeah...big deal...same applies to Singapore, Japan, South Korea, China's almost there too..in terms of development.

Free constitution.....pffff...agreed we don't have it in these parts as much as the UK, but we are not complaining. The system has to be adapted to suit the needs of the people, not the needs of the people being compromised to suit the system. Yeah we don't have that much of a free constitution, but so? We are still doing better than them. Better to be a well-off professional in Singapore anyday than to be begging for a change for a drink in the UK.

They are not citizen friendly as UK or even near her...

Proverb, A golden cage is still a cage....
They are not citizen friendly as UK or even near her...

Proverb, A golden cage is still a cage....

Proverb, A golden cage is still a cage.... - A Bengal tiger in our Night Safari is well-fed, has its health checked regularly and is content as compared to the Bengal tiger out in the wild in the Sunderbans, where it faces the constant threat from poachers and a lack of prey. Your idiom here is of no use.

You are from Turkey - You have nowhere near the spending power of Singaporeans, nor do you have the dramatic economic development the Chinese have had due to their centralized and autocratic government. So you are not in a position to comment.

Compare Istanbul to Singapore? - Thats not even a comparison. So don't even start.

We are doing well, and we feel no desire to embrace wild Western fantasies of democracy and free speech. If it ain't broke, why fix it?

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