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China increasingly aggressive on the Falklands: “UK stubbornly clings to its colonial sin”

How is China voicing its support for Argentina territorial claim “aggressive”?
Small Britain, and getting smaller and smaller, fearful of China

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GCHQ boss warns China is planning 'global technological dominance'

Angmohs running scared and shitting down their pants 💩💩💩 scared crazy with fear of Xi Dada


What are you even going on about with this ridiculous strawman comparisons?

Taiwan's ethnic Chinese are the remnants of an opposing regime which lost a civil war. It would be akin to say the Confederates running away to Puerto Rico and using that as a stronghold. Of course they are going to be hostile to the PRC.

If the PRC somehow got control of Tasmania, pushed out the locals and placed their own citizens in that island, they will 100% be loyal to the PRC. The comparison with Taiwan is absurd.

BTW I do not support Russia's invasion of Ukraine, at the same time, I understand that the circumstances that have led to it was being forced by the US deep state for many strategic reasons that are not being revealed to the public but are self evident to anybody who does the slightest amount of research into the situation.
Then look at it this way -- the idea that China could numerically displaced the people on Tasmania is as absurd as my strawman comparison, which make you using it a strawman in trying to support a Chinese criticism on the Falkland island issue between the UK and Argentina. It is a stupid article written to make print deadline by a writer who ran out of ideas to write about.
Modern PRC citizens would be loyal to the PRC, I can guarantee that.

But anyways, I posed the hypothetical situation as an explanation of why the Falklands is loyal to Britain. Their population is tiny, first of all, and they are all White British settlers.

Loyalty is not assured. Spanish settlers in Latin America are not loyal to Spain. Americans were not loyal to British crown. Chinese Americans are not loyal to China
. .
oh please if you can take Falklands do it

you cant lose the war and claim moral high ground

and China cannot even fight Ukraine through Russia let alone support Argentina
How much confidence and courage does the British BIG toilet give you?

Then look at it this way -- the idea that China could numerically displaced the people on Tasmania is as absurd as my strawman comparison, which make you using it a strawman in trying to support a Chinese criticism on the Falkland island issue between the UK and Argentina. It is a stupid article written to make print deadline by a writer who ran out of ideas to write about.
You are desperately trying to extrapolate on my hypothetical example to create a pointless argument.
. .
You are desperately trying to extrapolate on my hypothetical example to create a pointless argument.
He needs to make a living by trolling.

says who ? there are a few bad apples especially among fresh off boat crowd
like them?

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Lol The people of Falklands are overwhelmingly in support of remaining part of Great Britain. Full stop. Only they alone can determine their future of the island.. case closed. If Argentina thinks otherwise and is hell bent on changing the status quo then they will have to use force, and they are welcome to try . We can even let them get JF17 thunders for that. 😂
On a serious note though, Argentina should forget about this issue. Its already part of Britain. Let's make peace and move on. Just like Russia will never give back the kurils island to Japan, we will never give back our island to Argentina. In this world MIGHT MAKES RIGHT as well, as we have seen again with Russian annexation of crimea and subsequent invasion of Ukraine and annexation of 4 states of Ukraine. Ukraine can only try to regain its territory by force with our support. Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun as your Mao said. Lol 😁
That's the unfortunate world in which we live. So deal with it or keep silent.
The "people" of Falklands. Really.
. .
Yes because the UK put a bunch of white British people on the island.

The PRC can put a bunch of their own citizens in Tasmania and I can guarantee that those people will fully support being a part of the PRC.

And sure, might makes right. So why bitch about Russia invading the Ukraine, right?
I can tell you, NO YOU CAN'T

That's constitutional impossible.

For a State of Australia to leave the Union, you will require all 6 other states to agree to. Just because Tasmania vote to leave, that wouldn't do shit.

Not to mention with the new allegiance law would kick in, if all the people vote to become part of PRC, they will literally have their citizenship revoked and be deported to China.

. .
it leaked it was fixed this is how carriers work

but what does Chinese casino carriers know only pier queens
But I think Chinese casinos are enough to massacre British toilets + Turkish floaters.


Can we expect the US F-35 to take off in the UK toilet?
. . .

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