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David Cameron: Britain Will Never Surrender The Falkland Islands

How long can Britain hold on to the Falkland Islands? Argentina is getting stronger and soon will become too strong for britain
to hold on to such a far away territory. UK should peacefully handover the Islands just like they did with hongKong.
How long can Britain hold on to the Falkland Islands? Argentina is getting stronger and soon will become too strong for britain
to hold on to such a far away territory. UK should peacefully handover the Islands just like they did with hongKong.

don't mix up weakass Argentina with China please.
don't mix up weakass Argentina with China please.

I am not comparing China with the Argentines. What I am saying is that the british don't have the power projection to hold on to
the Falklands. They have to give it up and so its better to give it up peacefully without getting humiliated.
you support u.k. grabs malvinas??? if that is the case, what is so different for u.k.'s grabbing of hongkong???

nope,Agentine is a pathetic loser.

Well, you are perfectly entitled for hongkong as well. Oh, I forget to add: india, pakistan, bangladash, australia, canada, north america.... ?

Aren't you entitled to all of them above???

BTW, you will also say your u.k. is perfectly entitled to all of those stolen treasures from China, India, Myanmar, Egypt, MidEast, Africa and etc in your british museum???

Did you read what I said? I said we would not use them.
You blabber on about China for some reason, rendering pretty much all of your post worthless.
The point is we could still give the Argies a run for their money.
We are perfectly entitled to the Falklands, perhaps you should look at Argentina before accusing us of venturing outside Europe.

Isn't your weird logic can apply to HongKong and many your former colonies as well???

Thank you for your respone 888jamie888- I think we're clear with each other now. :)

@ephone: Argentina being the second largest country in South America means nothing; I ask this, what are the socia-economic and political benefits for Argentina and the Falklands Islands should the UK relinquish control?
No logical answers spring to my mind. Yes the islands are 8000 miles away from the UK, but they also are 300 miles from Argentina: that isn't exactly a short boat trip!

The Falkland Islanders have lived in prosperity since the invasion (not immediately after the last Argentine soldier left, but in time afterwards). Why would the current inhabitants of the islands risk Argentine state interference by voting themselves in their control.

Finally, what does Argentina gain from being given the Falklands? What difference to the proverbial man on the streets Buenos Aires?
Russia has held the Kuril Islands for less time than we have held the Falklands- does anyone on this forum that isn't Japanese dispute Russia's sovereignty?
you support u.k. grabs malvinas??? if that is the case, what is so different for u.k.'s grabbing of hongkong???

Well, you are perfectly entitled for hongkong as well. Oh, I forget to add: india, pakistan, bangladash, australia, canada, north america.... ?

Aren't you entitled to all of them above???

BTW, you will also say your u.k. is perfectly entitled to all of those stolen treasures from China, India, Myanmar, Egypt, MidEast, Africa and etc in your british museum???

Isn't your weird logic can apply to HongKong and many your former colonies as well???
The people of the Falklands want to be British. So yes we are entitled to them unlike the other places.
Well, I heard the people of HongKong wanted to be british as well then and were so afraid of China's reclaim. So are you still entitled to hongkong then and now???

The people of the Falklands want to be British. So yes we are entitled to them unlike the other places.
Well, you are perfectly entitled for hongkong as well. Oh, I forget to add: india, pakistan, bangladash, australia, canada, north america.... ?

Aren't you entitled to all of them above???

BTW, you will also say your u.k. is perfectly entitled to all of those stolen treasures from China, India, Myanmar, Egypt, MidEast, Africa and etc in your british museum???
stop this "who is more innocent" game.
It's pathetic.don't keep bitching and dreaming all day like a mad woman.
You want it?Either take it like a man,or wait for the kindness of the strong one.
bitching and dreaming won't bring anything.
Pathetic loser mindset.
I am ashamed that some chinese keep bitching all the day like a child.
For a retard like you, keep supporting a country who had two opium wars against China, occupied China's territories for one century, burned down China's treasured parks, stole China's priceless treasures, artifacts into its own museum, killed hundred of thousands of Chinese people...

What kind of fxxked-up are you?

For country like Argentina who has suffered similar fate under those colonists' hands, you despise them for having their own islands back??? I suppose you also despise Peru's effort, Egypt's effort, Negeria's efforts and etc to ask U.S., U.K., France, Italy, Spain and etc. to return those stolen treasures from their countries, don't you???

You do not deserve to be even related to Chinese, you fxxk-up and forgetting-ancestor SOB!!!

stop this "who is more innocent" game.
It's pathetic.don't keep bitching and dreaming all day like a mad woman.
You want it?Either take it like a man,or wait for the kindness of the strong one.
bitching and dreaming won't bring anything.
Pathetic loser mindset.
I am ashamed that some chinese keep bitching all the day like a child.
For a retard like you, keep supporting a country who has two opium wars against China, occupied China's territories for once centuries, burned down China's treasured parks, stole China's priceless treasures, artifacts into its own museum...

What kind of fxxked-up are you?

For country like Argentina who has suffered similar fate under those colonists' hands, you despise them for having their own islands back??? I suppose you also despise Peru's effort, Egypt's effort, Negeria's efforts and etc to ask U.S., U.K., France, Italy, Spain and etc. to return those stolen treasures from their countries, don't you???

You do not deserve to be even related to Chinese, you fxxk-up and forgetting-ancestor SOB!!!

more bitching,hell are you a female?
losers deserve to die.
you don't want to die?then don't lose.
bitching,complaining won't change anything ,your fury makes you like a pathetic loser.
For a retard like you, keep supporting a country who had two opium wars against China, occupied China's territories for one century, burned down China's treasured parks, stole China's priceless treasures, artifacts into its own museum, killed hundred of thousands of Chinese people...

What kind of fxxked-up are you?

For country like Argentina who has suffered similar fate under those colonists' hands, you despise them for having their own islands back??? I suppose you also despise Peru's effort, Egypt's effort, Negeria's efforts and etc to ask U.S., U.K., France, Italy, Spain and etc. to return those stolen treasures from their countries, don't you???

You do not deserve to be even related to Chinese, you fxxk-up and forgetting-ancestor SOB!!!
egypt and nigeria didn't get independence by bitching,and argentina won't get the islands by bitching,that's why they began a war with GB.And there is no way argentina could win a war with GB.
even female is better than you,at least some of them would try to do some voodoo thingies,and you?only bitching,complaigning like a nuts
What an idiot. It seems that the only word you are familiar is bitching.

Let's see how long u.k. can hold onto the Malvinas Islands.

Enjoy the sunset and cold water, the so-called g.b.

egypt and nigeria didn't get independence by bitching,and argentina won't get the islands by bitching,that's why they began a war with GB.And there is no way argentina could win a war with GB.
even female is better than you,at least some of them would try to do some voodoo thingies,and you?only bitching,complaigning like a nuts
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