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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

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Why do you react so offensively ?

Do you know what is NUCLEAR DETERENCE ?

if my memory favors me then i recall a article on aftermath of the Kargil war where some Pak minister said at a certain stage they wont hesitate to use any means to avoid losing. IMHO this anything was NUCLEAR BOMB (i may be wrong but cant be denied) , the NUCLEAR DETERENCE wont hinder our opponents on using dirty tricks when they have nothing to lose when by any ill chance we face each other Becoz unlike us they dont follow the "No 1st use policy"
The Rafale won because it is a very well rounded aircraft that could do everything well. Including meeting the unique requirements of the IAF.

Rafale really is state of the art. The IAF's acquisition of the Rafale (in large numbers) coupled with the MKI (in large numbers) and the pak-fa (in large numbers) will make the IAF an impressive force not only in the region but in the world.
Yaa true....this billions could be used to fight poverty and uplift of poor people in india...
But this process cant be done just by throwing money...
Its a slow process...and India is doing well...every year 20-30million people are lifted from the poor to middle class...
with 1.2 billion population and having democracy its not easy as u think...
U should be responsible for the security of ur citizens...
I dont think spending this much money in defense should be directed to somewhere else..
So we shouldn't buy these rafales ?

It's not late, we can refuse

And these 11billion $ could reduce the poverty in india
These rafales Will not be used against any country, so why buy it?

In a perfect world your words make sense, but this is a dog eat dog world and as the saying goes Good fences make good neighbours' and we are just building a good fence.
The Rafale won because it is a very well rounded aircraft that could do everything well. Including meeting the unique requirements of the IAF.

Rafale really is state of the art. The IAF's acquisition of the Rafale (in large numbers) coupled with the MKI (in large numbers) and the pak-fa (in large numbers) will make the IAF an impressive force not only in the region but in the world.

i wonder how rafale lost its previous competitions...........back then,rafale becomes a victim of political partial decisions.
But India sense the real value of Rafale.
^^^^ Again the poverty bullshit, if you are so keen, why not just go to a slum and work for poverty eradication.... jokers....

well said friend,Powerty is a keen bitter truth of India but it can't be compared with Nation's Security.
although...powerty is not a ignorant factor...it's eridication does't have any relation with defence.
Really I have been thinking about the Rafael N as this wasn't possible due to the lack of funds and now Dassault has some cash in near future from this $20 Billion 200+ Planes deal and now they are surely going to put this in Rafael N project and its good for INAF's IAC-2 and IAC-3, which is still under construction. I am sure if IAF has selected it then INAF will also look into this deal too.what do you say?
Really I have been thinking about the Rafael N as this wasn't possible due to the lack of funds and now Dassault has some cash in near future from this $20 Billion 200+ Planes deal and now they are surely going to put this in Rafael N project and its good for INAF's IAC-2 and IAC-3, which is still under construction. I am sure if IAF has selected it then INAF will also look into this deal too.what do you say?

You mean Rafale-M? It is already there. It is taking off from Charles de Gaulle.

the EFT is a much better air to air fighter than the Rafale but the absence of a credible air interdiction capability is what sealed its fight all the EFT can do is just drop laser guided bombs whereas Rafale can deploy multiple weapons at ease like the scalp, AASM,Exocet etc not to mention it has a better radar if the EFT had a better air to ground capability then it would have won the competition hands down not to mention the Rafale's air to air capabilities will increase when the meteor is equipped on it
Sorry :cheesy:
Really I have been thinking about the Rafael N the dual seat version of Rafeal M as this wasn't possible due to the lack of funds and now Dassault has some cash in near future from this $20 Billion 200+ Planes deal and now they are surely going to put this in Rafael N project and its good for INAF's IAC-2 and IAC-3, which is still under construction. I am sure if IAF has selected it then INAF will also look into this deal too.what do you say?
Another and important factor is to block Pakistan Airforce and Navy Purchases. Now Pakistan is not capable to buy EF at-least right now because of the price and also already ignoring American made weapons like F16 and Gripen (Collaboration components US/SW). Now Pakistan have only 1 option left and that is China and about Russian weapons Pakistan Military is not much familiar with Russian made weapons except Helicopters.
Another and important factor is to block Pakistan Airforce and Navy Purchases. Now Pakistan is not capable to buy EF at-least right now because of the price and also already ignoring American made weapons like F16 and Gripen (Collaboration components US/SW). Now Pakistan have only 1 option left and that is China and about Russian weapons Pakistan Military is not much familiar with Russian made weapons except Helicopters.

France would have not sold the Rafale to Pakistan anyway because they would have screwed their relations with India, not to mention i think that the cost of the Rafale is to expensive for the PAF to afford.
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