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Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

Action speaks louder than words
- For Indians
- From Indian:cheesy:
Chinese citizens are Chinese citizens - their ethnicity is of little consequence to us. There is no confusion.

Get in line and wait your turn. I shall pray the Chinese don't shoot you when you are trying to escape as was the case with these Chinese women and kids -

Lol. And what proof has China given of any killing?

The Indian media giving proof of dead Indians is acceptable. But not of dead Chinese?
do they have to give proofs when indian them self accept the casualties?
lol yeah and western media is your source while your military who was there failed to gave a single proof of 43 killing .:lol::lol:
why its always india who endsup with no proofs of their claim .
either its fake 2016 surgical strike (no proofs)
fake claim of downing an F-16 . (no proofs)
fake claim of killing 43 Chinese soldiers . (still no proofs)
why its always india ?
Well for Pakistan;

1. We are winning war with India - 1971- Oops we lost Bangladesh..
2. We are occupying Siachin - Oops we lost to India
3. Our soldiers are not involved in Kargil and we deny military honors to fallen (brave) soldiers - Oops we accept that soldiers were from NLI after a decade.
4. 2008 Mumbai attack is insider job - Oops Pakistani Central government minister accepts the Pakistani involvement and recognizes Kasab.
5. Surgical strikes - Ooops after few years
6. Balakote strikes - Oops after few years
7. F16 downing - Oops after few years.

Why Pakistan ends up with embarrassment after few years??

Dear @LeGenD , I apologies for trolling, however can't bear the $ht by members here.
do they have to give proofs when indian them self accept the casualties?
Not accept. Indian media is the one who stated the numbers in the first place. China has only accepted that Chinese soldiers died. It is free to put out numbers if it likes.
I am waiting in line to become Chinese refugee of India. The greatest country of freedom and loveliness in the entire Earth. Jai Hind! :yahoo: I cannot wait until I can pull my pants down and shit on India's great streets. The smell will be the smell of freedom from CCP. Cannot wait to participate in Indians greatest sport, gang rape.:cheers:
I am waiting in line to become Chinese refugee of India. The greatest country of freedom and loveliness in the entire Earth. Jai Hind! :yahoo: I cannot wait until I can pull my pants down and shit on India's great streets. The smell will be the smell of freedom from CCP. Cannot wait to participate in Indians greatest sport, gang rape.:cheers:
Oh dear... it came down to this after your exchanges with Indian members?

Prioritize your inner peace and well-being, friend. :-)

Perhaps I should issue a CAUTION tag for those who are debating with Indian members. Some thing on these lines: "You are responsible for what becomes of your mental situation in this incredibly turbulent ride. User Caution advised." :lol:
Well for Pakistan;

1. We are winning war with India - 1971- Oops we lost Bangladesh..
2. We are occupying Siachin - Oops we lost to India
3. Our soldiers are not involved in Kargil and we deny military honors to fallen (brave) soldiers - Oops we accept that soldiers were from NLI after a decade.
4. 2008 Mumbai attack is insider job - Oops Pakistani Central government minister accepts the Pakistani involvement and recognizes Kasab.
5. Surgical strikes - Ooops after few years
6. Balakote strikes - Oops after few years
7. F16 downing - Oops after few years.

Why Pakistan ends up with embarrassment after few years??

Dear @LeGenD , I apologies for trolling, however can't bear the $ht by members here.
Even as an Indian i want more proof of 2016 "surgical strikes". That's the only red herring. Even they acknowledge India did Balakot. India has given more proof of F16 than Pak has given of taking down Sukhoi. But Pak is happy to believe the latter, while refuting the former.
Not accept. Indian media is the one who stated the numbers in the first place. China has only accepted that Chinese soldiers died. It is free to put out numbers if it likes.
still you came up with the figure of 43 you show the proofs . .
its a face saving figure indeed . just like shooting down an F-16 with no proofs to support ur claim .
still you came up with the figure of 43 you show the proofs . .
its a face saving figure indeed . just like shooting down an F-16 with no proofs to support ur claim .
Once you show the proof of shooting down the Sukhoi, don't forget to tag me.
Well for Pakistan;

1. We are winning war with India - 1971- Oops we lost Bangladesh..
2. We are occupying Siachin - Oops we lost to India
3. Our soldiers are not involved in Kargil and we deny military honors to fallen (brave) soldiers - Oops we accept that soldiers were from NLI after a decade.
4. 2008 Mumbai attack is insider job - Oops Pakistani Central government minister accepts the Pakistani involvement and recognizes Kasab.
5. Surgical strikes - Ooops after few years
6. Balakote strikes - Oops after few years
7. F16 downing - Oops after few years.

Why Pakistan ends up with embarrassment after few years??

Dear @LeGenD , I apologies for trolling, however can't bear the $ht by members here.
sahi bata that fake F-16 downing claim triggered you naa ? :lol::sarcastic::sarcastic::lol:.
43 hahahaha.
phir wahi baat yaad agai .
dandoo se mara .
mukkey sey mara.
latoo sey mara .
rod se mara .
lita lita k mara .
bhaga bhaga k mara .
kuttey ki trah mara .
phir pahari sey nichey phenk diya:laughcry:.
hanuman senik pahari per pittey huey .:omghaha:
If you guys are going to spam & troll the thread, then be the man & stop reporting each other posts.
Some of you troll each other & then report each other posts increasing load for mods.

If only one side decides to troll & other side reports, then be the man & accept the consequences for trolling when mods take action against you.
Once you show the proof of shooting down the Sukhoi, don't forget to tag me.
i dont believe in that . thats is why most Pakistanis wont discuss its a lot because we dont have proofs of that .
on the other hand the only face saving thing indians got on that humiliating day of 27 FEB is only the fake claim of downing an F-16 . (obviously no proofs again )
Even as an Indian i want more proof of 2016 "surgical strikes". That's the only red herring. Even they acknowledge India did Balakot. India has given more proof of F16 than Pak has given of taking down Sukhoi. But Pak is happy to believe the latter, while refuting the former.

Hold on, you did see the proof by PAF they released the video of striking Indian occupied territory in the day time . Where is the Indian proof? This is an open act of war against India after which the PAF proceeded to shoot two Indian aircraft. The Indians shot down a third aircraft of their own.

we came in the daytime and conducted air strikes on your territory why did IAF not retaliate? Why were the Indian armed forces so incapable of taking on a country with
1/2 the size of the military
1/7 the size of defence budget and finally a country 1/5th India’s size?

India does not have S-300s. It is China who has S-300 copies including HQ-9.

Also S-400 too cannot work against Rafale
If S-400 are using against India, It will not work. But if S-400 used by India, then it will create a no fly zone on Enemy land for enemy air forces .. I don't understand Indian logic. :blink::blink::blink::blink::blink:

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